
Il tesoro degli abissi. La scuola dei pirati. Vol. 8 (Italian Edition)

His latest book is Age of Anger: A History of the Present , There are books we cannot forget, books that are dazzling encounters. But what does reading really mean? The result is a book which is theoretical and intimate at the same time, an intense, autobiographical inquiry of what reading means to our life, a passionate praise of the book in a time when many consider it dead. Recalcati delves into the meanders of this experience, showing us how reading is not scholarly study, mere accumulation of knowledge, but a way to offer life the chance of an encounter with the most secret part of itself, an opportunity of renovation, expansion and transformation.

Because the journey into a book is a journey into love. Ricerca sul campo e fotografia: Produzione, luoghi di lavoro e sapere umano al tempo della quarta rivoluzione industriale. Richard Mosse has spent the past few years documenting the ongoing refugee and migration crisis facing the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. At the crux of this work is an attempt to reveal and question how governments and societies perceive refugees, while simultaneously foregrounding the inhumane conditions they endure.

His last project is a meticulous documentation of refugee camps and staging sites located across migration routes from the Middle East and Central Asia into the European Union, focusing on the punishing environments in which refugees endure a byzantine state of limbo. Drawing attention to the provisional architecture and organization of refugee camps, Mosse highlights the ways refugees and migrants are excluded from participating or contributing to our modern societies. Richard Mosse was born in in Ireland and is based in New York.

In he won the Prix Pictet — the prestigious global award in photography and sustainability — for his project Heat Maps. Courtesy of the artist and MACK. For the exhibition Pendulum. Moving goods, Moving people , the MAST Foundation presents a series of movies on the themes of global mobility, transport, and migrations. Series organised in collaboration with Cineteca di Bologna. In a desolate corner of the Sicilian countryside lives a family of farmers who have worked the land for generations, inextricably bound to nature and to the mysterious spirits of the dead which have always accompanied the living in those areas.

Their never-changing everyday life is interrupted by news from the New World describing it as a land of astonishing abundance. Salvatore decides to sell everything—home, land, and animals—to bring his children and his elderly mother to a place where work and bread aren't as scarce. But to become citizens of the New World, they have to die and be born again. The four must abandon their archaic habits and superstitions, striving to toughen both body and mind, learning to obey and to pledge their loyalty to a new authority, and surrendering to modernity.

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They'll have to do it in the suspended time of the ocean crossing: Not all of them are destined to cross through the gates of Paradise. Ellis, starring Roberto De Niro and written by Erich Roth, is a work that shakes up our collective memory, bringing us back to the early years of Ellis Island, the gate of entry to the New World. The documentary is set in the abandoned sanatorium on the island facing New York, and through the touching art installation Unframed by the French photographer JR, it recalls the story of the immigrants who literally made America what it is.

The men, women, and children who fled from poverty, discrimination, and dictatorships in search of a new life in the early decades of the twentieth century foreshadow the destiny of those who, in a globalised world, now seek the same opportunities for safety and dignity in America and Europe. At dawn he should oversee the largest concrete pour of his career thus far. His boss has assigned the task to him because his record over the last nine years has been flawless: A fast-paced cinematographic experience in which the timing of the events coincides with the timing of the narration, this film literally captures us, catapulting us into a car seat next to the protagonist and setting before us the themes of fairness, of assuming one's responsibility, no matter how uncomfortable and punitive it may be, and of the extreme fragility of the moral constructs on which we build our existence and our certainties.

Simon is a swimming instructor in a city-run pool in Calais on the north coast of France. His marriage is on the rocks, and he does his job on autopilot until he meets Bilal, a young, undocumented Kurd who has has crossed Europe to reach England and the woman he loves. After a failed attempt to cross the border, the only way Bilal can realise his dream is by swimming across the Channel, and Simon is the only one who can help him train: Ninety percent of goods we consume in the West are manufactured in faraway lands and brought to us by ship.

The maritime shipping industry is a key player in the world economy, and it forms the basis of our model of modern civilisation; without it, it would be impossible to fulfil the ever-growing demands of our societies. Yet the functioning and rules of this industry remain unknown to most, while its hidden costs affect the lives of us all. Due to their size, freight ships can no longer berth at city harbours; they have moved far away from the eyes of public opinion, behind gates and barriers. But who pulls the strings in this billion-dollar business?

To what extent does this industry influence national politics? How does it impact the environment? Taking us on a journey through the oceans, the film offers a courageous investigation into international maritime shipping and sheds light on the consequences of an all but invisible industry. Branko, a native of Croatia, works as a lorry driver for an Italian transport company.

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He once was a teacher, but his new job earns him three times his old salary. He drives all over Europe, alone or with his co-driver Maki, a thirty-year-old with a young son waiting for him at home, a man increasingly uncertain about whether to continue in this line of work. Branko's phone calls with his wife or son are the only contact he has with his family.

The result of five years of field research, Tir shows life on the road for its protagonist, the professional actor Branko Zavrsan, who actually did earn the driving license required by the highway code. Between roads, motorways, junctions, and warehouses for loading goods, a route is plotted along non-places, all identical yet separated by a geographical distance that hides the weight of the hard work under which Branko seems to test his own resistance.

This film examines the current political crisis in North Africa, emphasising the responsibility of Western powers, in particular the United States and France, which apply foreign policies based on aggressive economic strategies to the detriment of basic ethical principles. These policies have generated tremendous instability, resulting in chaos and repeated episodes of violence, such as the attacks made by the Moroccan police on the Sahrawi, who were encamped in the desert in November of in a peaceful protest for human rights.

The focus of the narration is the Western Sahara, which according to the UN is the only African territory still subject to colonialism and worsening conditions and rights in recent years. One October day at dawn, in a major railway station in Pennsylvania, a careless worker has to move a very long, stopped train onto another track and engages the automatic controls.

The train starts to move and immediately picks up speed with no one on board. Since most of its load is toxic waste and chemical products, the consequences of it derailing could be devastating. If the toxins were to leak, they would be capable of decimating an entire city. Three hundred kilometres later, the veteran engineer Frank Barnes and the young, newly hired conductor Will Gordon have just begun their shifts. What they don't yet know is that a chaotic, frenetic day awaits them that is destined to turn them into heroes.

To whom do the Alps belong? What and how many products are shipped each day on lorries and trains through tunnels and Alpine passes, and how does this transport affect the everyday life of the citizens throughout Europe? How does it affect the natural environment? Through the emblematic stories of railway workers, lorry drivers, motorists, environmental tourists, and other travellers, this film seeks to highlight the importance of these questions and find answers while journeying through the mountains of Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Slovenia to discover the complexities of transporting people and goods, along with some of the key players in these movements that flow like rushing streams, constantly threatening to flood.

A high-tension thriller and at the same a detailed portrait of the myriad side effects of globalisation, this film recounts the hijacking of the US cargo ship Maersk Alabama by a band of Somali pirates. Inspired by a true story, the events primarily rotate around the figure of the Alabama's commander, Captain Richard Phillips, and his Somali counterpart, Muse, who takes him hostage.

The face-to-face conflict between the two begins when Muse and his crew aim for Phillips' unarmed ship, but in the course of the events the two men find themselves at the mercy of forces completely beyond their control. The film is much more than the tale of how a cargo ship was hijacked by pirates and the breathtaking odyssey of an accidental hero: Marcel Marx, a bohemian and former author, chooses to withdraw to the port city of Le Havre, where his honourable but unprofitable profession as a shoeshiner gives him the feeling of being closer to the people.

He keeps his literary ambition alive and leads a simple, quiet life arranged around the corner pub, his work, and his wife, Arletty, when suddenly destiny catapults a young immigrant boy from sub-Saharan Africa into his life. The heart of the film lies entirely in the relationship between the befuddled shoeshiner and the young migrant. The man, who in the meantime has discovered that his wife is ill, takes care of the boy and tries to help him get to England, creating a network among his neighbours and seeking to escape the notice of a disenchanted policeman.

Escuela de Piratas Book Series: www.newyorkethnicfood.com

Solo pochi territori sono rimasti indenni, ma i loro abitanti continuano incessantemente a combattere tra loro. In un regno neutrale e pacifico, la Valle del Vento, vive la principessa Nausicaa, dotata di un potere extrasensoriale che le permette di comunicare con gli animali e con i temibili insetti Ohm. Un gruppetto di ragazzini si annoia alla sola idea di mettere piede in un museo. Con voce suadente, la donna li conduce dentro la storia dei festeggiamenti messicani legati al giorno dei morti, in un viaggio attraverso tre regni sovrapposti.

Sasha si ribella a questo destino e decide di raggiungere Oloukine verso il Grande Nord. In un allevamento di polli tra centinaia di galline si trova Leafie, una creatura straordinaria che sogna una vita fuori dalla gabbia. Leafie riesce a sfuggire dalla prigionia usando la sua intelligenza e, mentre si avventura nel bosco alla ricerca di se stessa, viene braccata da una feroce donnola chiamata One Eye.

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Un giorno questa viene uccisa da One Eye. Leafie, entrando nel nido abbandonato, trova un uovo ancora caldo e si adagia teneramente su di esso, covandolo. Ne nasce un anatroccolo, che Leafie decide di proteggere con tutte le sue forze. In occasione del novantacinquesimo anniversario di G. D, una delle aziende storiche del Gruppo Coesia, la Fondazione MAST ospita una mostra che ne racconta la lunga e affascinante vicenda industriale attraverso una ricca documentazione fotografica e audiovisiva proveniente dai propri archivi aziendali e da un lungo lavoro di ricerca, inventariazione, digitalizzazione e conservazione.

In collaborazione con Librerie Coop e Garzanti. Solitari restare a riva a osservare le tempeste della vita o salire a bordo senza troppo curarci dei compagni di viaggio? Seguire le leggi del cosmo o le leggi dell'io? Scegliere la politica o l'antipolitica? Credere o capire di fronte a Dio e alla morte?

Seguire la lezione dei padri o la rivoluzione dei figli? In collaborazione con Librerie Coop ed Editori Laterza. Sabato 3 novembre Ore Le app, o applicazioni software, fanno ormai parte della vita di tutti noi. Ingresso gratuito con prenotazione obbligatoria. D Memoria e futuro. Una storia per immagini , che celebra il novantacinquesimo anniversario di G. D memoria e futuro. Una storia per immagini. Interverranno archivisti, curatori, ricercatori e professionisti. D Introduce e coordina: La sua raccolta di oltre Per informazioni sul programma completo della rassegna: Il duo che conta … e canta!

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