Endothelial Cytoskeleton
The endothelial cytoskeleton as a target of electroporation-based therapies.
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Jacobson PloS one Novel regulators of endothelial barrier function. Hermanson , Thomas J. Eddinger PloS one Calcineurin regulates endothelial barrier function by interaction with and dephosphorylation of myosin phosphatase.
The DPB is reduced or absent when cell locomotion occurs to repair a wound. In addition, when cell locomotion is required, the centrosome, in the presence of intact microtubules, redistributes to the front of the cell to establish cell polarity and acts as a modulator of the directionality of migration.
Characterization of the Endothelial Cell Cytoskeleton following HLA Class I Ligation
This occurs prior to the loss of the DPB but does not occur in very small wounds that close without migration. Thus, the cytoskeleton is a dynamic intracellular system which regulates endothelial integrity and repair and is modulated by external stimuli that are present at the vessel wall-blood interface. How does Europe PMC derive its citations network? CitePeer Related Articles http: Exclusive web offer for individuals. Endothelial Cytoskeleton 1st Edition Juan A. Add to Wish List. Toggle navigation Additional Book Information.
Description Table of Contents. Summary This book presents a concise synthesis of the current knowledge and recent advances in the structure, organization and functional role of the cytoskeleton in endothelial cells. Request an e-inspection copy. Nanomedicine and the Cardiovascular System. Diagnostics, Imaging, and Therapeutics.