Born again (True Testament Book 1)
This is not like adoption is anywhere on earth.
An adopted Roman child contains no biological similarity to his or her adopted parents. We are truly ONE with Him. Jeffrey, that is true. This article is very inspiring and gives great hope to the one in Christ whose heart is set upon following Jesus with uplifted cross and determination to go all the way to Jerusalem.
It literally warms my heart and gives great consulation that my salvation is secure in Him.
John ESV - You Must Be Born Again - Now there was - Bible Gateway
With no intention to argue the point or cause any kind of doubt for anyone reading this since I have not investigated your site enough to know if you warn or not, I sincerely want to know how do you reconcile this teaching of eternal security with the scriptures which even our Lord taught about the importance of continuance. I believe that my salvation is secure but should there not also be teaching on the portions of the word that warns as the scriptures are replete with them.
I really believe this is why many people struggle to believe that they are secure in Christ. It seems that we bible teachers are so determined to teach eternal security that we sometimes avoid the scriptures that appear to refute this teaching. To say to the young Christian that it merely speaks of a loss of reward is of little consequence to them.
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Just to get a foot in heaven is reward enough. I see so many young people who know nothing of the consequences of sin. They live together freely, have children together outside of marriage and continue as active members of the church. Where is the firey preaching that made the sinner cringe in fear of a holy God and brought them to the altar in true repentance? I know that I am eternally secure in Christ but feel that there has to be balance and people must know the consequence of rebellion. It is the responsibility of the ones God has called and anointed to teach not only the goodness of God but also the severity of God.
Blessings to you and thank you for a great teaching.
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The article has elaborated the permanence of our salvation in Jesus Christ. It is deep comparison to the manner in which the Roman Culture regarded the adoption of someone as something that could not be disowned regardless. What a privilege this is mine in Jesus.
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Born again
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