The Enemy Confronted (The Legend of Ponnivala [Series 2, Book 10] 23)
We're hoping to have these availble, certainly in e-book formats, in time for gift-giving for Pongal remember, these will be available worldwide for instant download, so there's no shipping charge or delivery time to worry about. Part One contains books of our series. This is the story of the first two generations, from Parvati's creation of the nine farmer-brothers of Ponnivala to the return of Queen Tamarai and King Kunnutaiya from their long quest to Lord Shiva's Council Chambers. Part Two contains Series 2 books of our series.
This is the story of the birth of the twin hero-kings Ponnar and Shankar, and their sister Tangal, all of their adventures and misadventures , and their battle against the giant boar Komban. These beautiful books are in glorious full-colour and expertly bound. We're so excited to bring you this compendium edition, and hope you'll be able to add it to your collection.
Kindle – Series 2 (English) – Ponnivala Market
Plus, they'll make a great Christmas gift for children and grandchildren. Also note that both volumes, as well as the first series of thirteen individual comics, are available on the Amazon. Just search "Ponnivala paperback" and see our entire print product line.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support. We're looking forward to sharing more exciting news with you as our freatures develop in bringing this fascinating piece of Tamil heritage to the world. Brenda Beck met with renowned author and literary magnate Mr. Appadurai Muttulingam at his home in Toronto. Muttulingam is a leader in the Tamil literary community internationally, having won several prestigious awards for his work. He is also a founding member of Toronto's Tamil Literary Garden.
Posted by Ponnivala Publishing at Wednesday, December 05, Come to the Market. Links to this post Email This BlogThis! Now, by popular request, we have a print edition of the entire Ponnivala legend in two volumes! Both volumes are now available for purchase through our web store: Wednesday, November 21, Ponnivala in Chicago. Tuesday, November 13, Happy Diwali!
Kindle – Series 2 (English)
We're pleased that we've been asked to partner with the Social Services Network, and are looking forward to working closely with them on initiatives in the future. Special thanks to Aruna Dorai for the invitation, and to the whole organization for a wonderful dinner and evening of entertainment.
- Brenda E. F. Beck: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle.
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- Brenda E F Beck: Books?
More information on the Social Services Network's programs, visit their website at www. Appearing by invitation from festival organizer Dinesh Sachdev, this was the first major festival premiere for a Ponnivala movie. With just over a hundred people in the audience, "Death and the Queen" was one of the best-attended and most highly-anticipated presentations of the festival. The audience reception was very positive, and we're looking forward to bringing "Death and the Queen" to more festivals and theatres around the world.
This Tuesday, August 14, Dr.
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The radio interview with Siva Sinniah aired on Tuesday. Tamil Vision Internationl can be seen on Rogers channel , and Bell channel Friday, August 10, Legend of Ponnivala: Download full colour PDF posters: Click here 12 MB Medium Click Here 34 MB Large Click Here 14 MB Top and bottom letterbox borders black area only may be cropped for publishing. She wants him to lift a family curse of barrenness. With the burden lifted, her sons—the folk heroes Ponnar and Shankar—are born.
In an effort to glorify their family and heir kingdom Ponnivalanadu , these twin kings face combat with ferocious beasts and fierce warriors, until fate reclaims them and returns their spirits to Lord Shiva at just sixteen years of age. Little known outside of its home region, the story was brought to the world when Brenda Beck; then a doctoral candidate in Anthropology at Oxford; left to study Tamil society in India in There, she was presented with a live performance of the popular local legend, which is still sung by bards in the ancient oral tradition.
An epic adventure about the earliest farming origins in Kongu Nadu, the story took an astonishing eighteen evenings to perform, and used some 44 hours of reel-to-reel audio tape to record. While highly localized and surprisingly unique, the epic has a deep connection with the greatest of all Indian epics, the Mahabharata including reincarnations of some of its key heroic characters. It provides fascinating insights into Indian Tamil culture as well as Hindu folk mythology in general.
In , preliminary work began on adapting this great epic to create an animated series titled The Legend of Ponnivala. The result of that adaptation is an unparalleled animated series now in post-production comprising twenty six half-hour episodes. The style of the animation, created under the artistic direction of Indian-Canadian artist Ravichandran Arumugam and technical direction of Eric Harris, has been painstakingly crafted to reflect a traditional Indian folk art style, while the 2D animation is modelled on South Asian shadow puppetry.
This production has also spawned a complete comic book series in English and Tamil, as well as several children's stories, short films, classroom teaching materials, and soon a downloadable computer version of Parcheesi , an Indian strategy game that features prominently in the story. Only one brother takes tribute to the Chola.
The Legend of Ponnivala (in Tamil) gets a thumbs up from venerable seniors' group
The second brother arrives. Tangal requests a pet parrot for company. Her brothers agree and prepare the nets needed for the hunt. The girl then changes her mind due to a vision.
- Ritual of Ascendance.
- The Legend of Ponnivala: .
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- Folktales of India (Folktales of the World) (1999-04-15);
- Brenda E. F. Beck;
There is a parrot hunt, complete with a tiger and cobra fight. The brothers capture one parrot but its male companion complains to the Forest Princess. An artisan tricks one brother but eventually is killed. His hunter friends try to take revenge. The two brothers win a pitched battle and reach home safely. A wild boar goes on a rampage and uproots rice paddies.
He challenges the two Ponnivala Kings. A war drum is raised and readied for battle. Tangal asks for signs as her brothers leave for the boar hunt. Her pet dog, left behind, curses the Ponnivala Kings. The Legend of Ponnivala [Series 2, Book 4]: Volume 17 10 Dec The Legend of Ponnivala [Series 2, Book 3]: Volume 16 10 Dec The Legend of Ponnivala [Series 2, Book 2]: Volume 15 10 Dec The Legend of Ponnivala [Series 2, Book 1]: Volume 14 10 Dec Previous Page 1 2 3 4 5 Next Page. Free UK Delivery by Amazon. Include Out of Stock. Unlimited One-Day Delivery and more. There's a problem loading this menu at the moment.