Take A Number
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Take a number - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
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- Why You Should Switch Away From a Take-a-Number System.
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Take a Number
What is their purpose of visit? What questions these clients need to resolve? Do they have special requirements? Does your staff need to prepare documents? Collecting customer data is not a nice bonus to have. The purpose of data collection is to both better serve a customer and better understand them. This data remains mostly invisible to customers, but it can greatly help you further improve your service. For example, by finding out that one service point sees more customers than the rest, you can delegate more employees there, or open a new similar service desk.
The point is, you get accurate, hard number for you to base your decisions on. Since numbered tickets exist outside the digital realm, the few numbers they do provide are not reliable enough. This last point is a minor one, but it still rings true. One of the disadvantages of a take-a-number management system is that it relies on printing materials. And the worst thing about this kind of resources? You can run out of them at the most unfortunate moment. Have you ever had to wait a few minutes at a checkout point because they needed to replace a cash register roll?
The last moments of a buying experience are the most crucial ones. While not the end of the world in any way, this can and will affect your customers in a negative way. When trying to make customer journey as smooth as possible, every little detail counts. It employs actual technological advancements, thereby feeling modern, sleek, and innovative. Sounds like a bunch of sales talk? See it for yourself. Sign up for Qminder and get 14 days of free trial.
The first encounter with Nexus-Prince Haramad has him telling you that "If you are here to kill me, please take a number and wait for your turn. When you get to this room again in the demo, you can wait again until your number shows up again, if only to mess with the Narrator.
The Heterodyne Castle in Girl Genius has a pink psychological torture room that include a number system Othar doesn't take it well. Happens to Garfield in an episode of Garfield and Friends , while waiting to get yogurt at a frozen yogurt stand.
Take A Number
Despite the fact that he was the only customer there. Spoofed in an episode of ReBoot. Bob needs to get "slow food" from Al's Wait-And-Eat, and is told to take a number. Bob's number is "", but since it's in binary , Bob remarks, "? Must be the lunch rush Features both versions of the trope: Happens in Spongebob Squarepants. After many issues with trying to get a bus out of Rock Bottom, SpongeBob goes to ask for a schedule.
However, there's a huge line, and SpongeBob has to wait all the way in the back. The person ahead of him, uh, lays on egg on top of his head stating his number in line. As soon as the line moves up one person, the egg hatches, and three more people jump in front of him waiting in line. And when he actually reaches the end of the line, the clerk simply says that the next bus to Bikini Bottom leaves in five seconds, then "Sorry, we're closed" ensues.
Wakfu episode "Miss Ugly": In the flashback showing the backstory of the Ugly Princesses, there is such a long line of princes waiting to woo them that they use a "Take a Number" device. Then comes the god Osamodas, who picks number before laying a curse on the disrespectful princesses. In the Teen Titans Go! While played for laughs, it's clearly a more realistic take on the trope. The stealing variant is done rather morbidly in the Dan Vs.
Dan is stuck with a four-digit number at the place while renewing his driver's license, so he "trades" with a man sitting next to him who has a lower number, and has apparently died waiting his turn.
take a number
He struggles to take the number out of his fingers, so he rips his arm off instead. Of course, after filling out a ton of paperwork, the place closes before Dan can return it. In an episode of The Simpsons , Lisa tricks Homer and Bart into thinking they have leprosy and Ned sends them to a Hawaiian rehab center. While Homer is receiving a painful operation, Bart looks at his ticket, a 2.

In one episode of Archer , Lana finds out that Cyril has been repeatedly cheating on her. In revenge, she publically announces that any ISIS employee hoping to have sex with her is welcome to show up outside Cyril's office with a number.
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Almost every male employee immediately converges on the office, but only Pam is smart enough to actually take a number, at least at first. After Lana refuses to have sex with Pam, they devise a scheme to charge the rest of the potential customers for the right to claim that they had sex with Lana.
When the number announced was 12, Coop looked at his number to see that he has Played with in My Little Pony: When Rainbow Dash enters a flying contest, instead of taking a number, she and her competitors are issued numbers to determine the order of who goes out and does their routine for the judges. Dash is nervous and reluctant to perform and buys time by trading her low number with contestants with higher numbers.