Star Trek - New Frontier 08: Excalibur - Renaissance (German Edition)
In Sector G, the former Thallonian empire has recently collapsed in a popular uprising.

The crew — a mixture of characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Next Generation Starfleet Academy books , with some original characters thrown in — must learn to work as a team, creating friendships and relationships, as they confront a number of deadly foes. In , the Excalibur was involved in the Borg incursion, fighting in the Battle of Sector The ship took heavy damage in the battle, and its captain, Morgan Korsmo, an old Academy classmate of Capt.
Picard, was killed in the attack, his final actions securing the safety of the ship and crew. Authors including Hugh Casey, Keith R. DeCandido, and Kevin Killiany have participated in the story, with characters such as Michael Dukakis, Dan Quayle, and Ernest Hemingway appearing alongside satirical versions of Meyer's characters. David has stated that the satire is a not-for-profit venture, and while he has no plans to publish Potato Moon when completed, he has allowed for the possibility of a future charity release to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
He has also written and co-produced several films for Full Moon Entertainment and has made cameo appearances in some of the films as well. David wrote an unproduced script for the fifth season of Babylon 5 called "Gut Reactions", which he wrote with Bill Mumy.
The script was recorded in early , and the episode premiered November 13, David wrote the script for the Xbox video game Shadow Complex , which debuted in August After attending a presentation at the San Diego Comic-Con International of the Young Justice animated TV series, David announced that he would be writing several episodes of the series, which is based on the comic book series he wrote from to He also resigned from Spider-Man to protest the firing of editor Joey Cavalieri, and from Aquaman over other creative differences.
When David abruptly left his first stint on The Incredible Hulk due to editorial pressures, some of the plot points of the character that David established were retconned by later creative teams. In his "But I Digress" column, which has appeared in the Comics Buyer's Guide since July 27, , and in his blog, in operation since April , David has been outspoken in many of his views pertaining to the comic book industry, and numerous other subjects. He has criticized the low regard in which writers are held,David, Peter.
Star Trek - New Frontier 08: Excalibur: Renaissance
David has opined that failure on the part of consumers to purchase the monthly individual issues in favor of waiting for the trade collections hurts the sales of the monthly, and its chances of being collected at all. A father of four daughters, David has worked on a number of series that feature female leads, such as ''[[Supergirl]]'', ''[[Fallen Angel comics Fallen Angel]]'' and ''[[She-Hulk]]'', and has lamented that the American comic book market is not very supportive of such books.
He has criticized companies for not sufficiently compensating the creators of their long-standing and lucrative characters, such as Marvel Comics for its treatment of Blade creator Marv Wolfman and Archie Comics for its treatment of Josie and the Pussycats creator Dan DeCarlo. He has also criticized publishers for various other business practices, including MarvelDavid, Peter.
Star Trek: New Frontier - Excalibur
He has criticized [[Deletionism and inclusionism in Wikipedia deletionists]] on [[Wikipedia]] on more than one occasion. On occasion, he has also disagreed publicly with specific industry personalities such as Frank Miller and Jim Shooter. Particularly publicized were his disagreements with Spawn creator Todd McFarlane in and , in the wake of the formation of Image Comics, the company McFarlane co-founded.
McFarlane claimed that Image was not being treated fairly by the media, and by David in particular. David has since criticized McFarlane for other business practices,David, Peter. Reprinted with explanatory historical note regarding the parody's reference to Groth in the ''But I Digress'' collection. David, Peter "The Last Word", peterdavid. Politically, David identifies himself as liberal.
Star Trek: New Frontier - Excalibur | Memory Alpha | FANDOM powered by Wikia
He was critical of the George W. He has spoken out in favor of [[Israel]]'s right to defend itself from aggressors, and has opined that certain criticisms of Israel indicate bias and double standards. He opposes [[capital punishment]]. He is an advocate of [[freedom of speech]], having criticized various publicized instances of censorship in general,David, Peter.
They married in June , with his childhood friend Keith serving as best man.
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Together they had three daughters, Shana, Guinevere and Ariel. They separated in late , and were divorced by They married on May 26, On June 27, , David's wife, Kathleen, announced on his website that he had successfully undergone surgery on June 25 to relieve serious back pain. On June 30, David himself explained on his site that the pain, which he had been suffering in his hips and knees for three weeks, left him unable to function, and was eventually diagnosed as a herniated disc caused by bone fragments and fluid buildup.
The discectomy, which was to take an hour and a half, took three hours, due to the greater severity of the damage than had been known. He stated his intention to attend upcoming conventions, and that his doctor told him that his full strength would return in six months.
David had been a conservative Jew, but as of October , attends a reform synagogue. He has, however, expressed reservations about organized religion. David is an avid fan of bowling, and a bowler himself, as is his daughter Ariel.
Other Books in This Series
He is also a fan of the New York Mets, and the Beatles. Eye of the Storm , Marvel Comics, Woodward , IDW Publishing, Bright, and Leonard Kirk , Marvel Comics, Legions of Fire, Book Armies of Light and Dark , Del Rey, Out of the Darkness , Del Rey, In the Beginning , Del Rey, The Other with Reginald Hudlin, J. ISBN Spike vs. Deadly Gourmet Affair , Dark Horse, Affair , Dark Horse, Kirk with James W. Fry and Gordon Purcell , Titan Books, Fry and Arne Starr , New Frontier collection , Pocket Books, Requiem , Pocket Books, In the new comics licenser, IDW Publishing , approached David about a new New Frontier comics project, resulting in the publication of a five-part miniseries.
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Sign In Don't have an account? Contents [ show ]. Retrieved from " http: The Captain's Table 5 Once Burned. Excalibur 1 9 Requiem. Excalibur 2 10 Renaissance. Excalibur 3 11 Restoration.
Peter David Art by: Gateways 6 Cold Wars. Peter David, with Keith R.