Marriage and the Family: Biblical Essentials
Redeeming Singleness Foreword by John Piper: Proclaiming a Cross-centered Theology Contributors: For the Fame of God's Name: Essays in Honor of John Piper. The Old Faith for a New Day. Sermon on the Mount. Remarriage after Divorce in Today's Church. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Women's Ministry in the Local Church. A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament. Brothers, We Are Not Professionals. Living in God's Two Kingdoms. God in the Whirlwind. Now, That's a Good Question!
- Am I Ready to Die? Death 101.
- Marriage and the Family: Biblical Essentials by Andreas J. Köstenberger.
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- Marriage and the Family: Biblical Essentials.
Jesus Have I Loved, but Paul? First Corinthians- Everyman's Bible Commentary. The Women's Torah Commentary. Women and Jewish Law.
6 Essentials for Making a Marriage Work
Following Jesus, the Servant King. The Letters of John. Pastoral Ministry according to Paul. A Guide for Ministry. Maturing in Father's Love. The Power of Integrity. Parenting Teens with Love and Logic. Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary. The Power of the Prophetic Blessing.
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Paul's Idea of Community. Adopted for Life Foreword by C. Delighting in the Law of the Lord. Five Views on Sanctification. If we would do that last thing many marriages could be saved.
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Maybe you have some rough edges that need to be smoother. Maybe you need to toughen up or loosen up or get more discipline. Intimate relationships often show us where we need to grow. In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work , Gottman points out that the men who let their wives influence them were dramatically less likely to divorce. What about the women? Sharing power, making decisions together, and treating each other with respect were associated with the happiest, most stable marriages. Problems are an inevitable part of marriage.
Ideally, couples will strive for a win-win, or at least coming to the middle.
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What does damage is the way couples argue and fight. Gottman describes four things that are incredibly damaging: When you fight, ask yourself if winning the argument is more important than the relationship. Marriage is a delicate dance between being an individual and being a couple. Your partner cannot meet all your emotional and intellectual needs. In his book, Passionate Marriage , Dr. It keeps the relationship fresh and interesting if you develop a few of your own interests and friendships.
Boundaries in Marriage by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend is also a good resource. Take care of your relationship the way you would any prized possession. Dare to consider God's view on the role of men and women!
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Feb 26, Job Dalomba rated it really liked it. May 05, Meagan rated it really liked it Shelves: This book provides a clear voice of truth in a very succinct way. I look forward to recommending it to people in my church who want accessible, gospel-centered teaching on these topics. Marny Kostenberger rated it it was amazing Sep 26, Mike rated it it was amazing Nov 18, Sarah Booe rated it it was amazing May 23, Lucas O'Neill rated it really liked it Jun 16, Shawn Trautman rated it really liked it Oct 17, Hannah Preheim rated it it was amazing Oct 31, Tyler Daniels rated it it was amazing Dec 23, Gradon Schaub rated it really liked it Mar 13, Andrew rated it really liked it Jan 30, Lexi Zuo rated it it was amazing Jan 12, Josh rated it really liked it Mar 17, Allen rated it liked it May 24, Renee Gunsaulis rated it it was amazing Jan 19, Ashlyn Christine rated it really liked it Nov 01, Sam Petruc rated it liked it Jul 03, Michael Locklear rated it really liked it Sep 05, Matt Ediger rated it it was amazing Jul 01, Ray Simmons rated it liked it Nov 27, Matt Ediger rated it it was amazing Jun 05, Dec 17, Matthew Shedd rated it liked it.

Solid content, but not the best presentation. Chong Yun Liang rated it it was ok Mar 13, Erin Collier rated it really liked it May 08, Dec 02, Timothy marked it as to-read Shelves: