Indien und China - Die neuen Supermächte (German Edition)
Chine, le nouvel empire
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Mehr Indien, weniger China Deutschland braucht eine neue Asienpolitik ; ein Standpunkt
Similar Items Related Subjects: India -- Foreign relations -- Germany. Linked Data More info about Linked Data. Home About Help Search. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions. Remember me on this computer. Cancel Forgot your password? Entwicklung und Frieden in der Weltgesellschaft. China aktuell, Oktober , Dorf und Dorfverwaltung, in: Peter Ferdinand and Martin Gainsborough, eds. Private Entrepreneurs in China and Vietnam.
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Social and Political Functioning of Strategic Groups. Richard Wilhelms sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive. Strategic Groups and State Capacity: The Case of the Private Entrepreneurs, in: Zhongguo siying qiyejia de shehui yu zhengzhi gongneng yanjiu Unternehmer als strategische Gruppen. Die soziale und politische Funktion von Privatunternehmern in China , Beijing Zhongyang bianyi chubanshe Raszelenberg , Der September und die Folgen in Asien.
Diskurswandel in China seit und seine Implikationen, in: Asien, Januar , Cadre System China, in: Encyclopedia of Modern Asia, ed. By David Levinson and Karen Christensen, vol. Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. Efficiency Basel , Dezember , Corruption — China, in: East Asian Studies in Poland, in: Falungong — Religion, Sekte oder Kult?
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China aktuell, April , Siying lingyu de congye zhuangkuang: Zhang Minjie, Zhongguo de di erci geming. Xifang xuezhe kan Zhongguo Chinas zweite Revolution.
Chine, le nouvel empire (TV Mini-Series – ) - IMDb
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Transformation des chinesischen Systems oder Sozialer Wandel? Droht dem chinesischen Reich der Zerfall? Weigelin , Xiandaihua — Versuch einer Modernisierung. Weigelin , China auf dem Weg ins Jahr Schneckmann , China im Wandel: Volkshochschulen und der Themenbereich Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika.
Deutscher Volkshochschulverband, Bonn Die Dialektik von Partei und Massen. You must be logged in to post a comment. View Online Version Thomas Heberer: Modern China accepted for publication Wie funktioniert der chinesische Entwicklungsstaat? A young comedian in Tokyo tries to make it big with his partner in their duo bit of Manzai a type of Japanese Abbot and Costello comedy along the way he meets an older comedian who drives His brother, Jack, and his son, Dixon, are deputized.
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- Publikationen - Seniorprofessur für Politik und Gesellschaft Chinas Thomas Heberer!
A global picture of one century in the history of China, from the Opium War until the forthcoming appointment of Xi Jinping as President of the People's Republic, from the point of view of Chinese citizens living and working in China. It premiered in France, was shot on locations in China and is a French production which was produced by producer Nicolas Wiart. It tells the story about a distinct place called Chung-Hua Jen-Min Kung-Ho Kuo also known as the People's Republic of China which was proclaimed in , once called the Ming Dynasty , the Qing Dynasty , the Republic of China and where a Chinese politician named Sun Yat-sen founded a nationalist party called Kuomintang and proclaimed the first Republic of China in the early s, a Chinese theorist named Mao Zedong founded a political party called the Chinese Communist Party in the early s, a Chinese statesman named Liu Shaoqi was head of state from and a Chinese politician named Deng Xiaoping was president from This knowledgeable, somewhat biographical and humanely reflective two hour and fifty-seven minutes introduction to a specific nation on planet earth which is set mostly in China in the 21st century, and where the world's largest population and trade union exists, where cinema came into existence in the late 19th century, where people's communes were established in the late s and where no rule of law exists, is impelled and reinforced by its cogent narrative structure, subtle continuity, interchangeable and contextual interviews and use of archival and newsreel footage, comment by a Chinese editor: Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video.
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