Hasta un loro conoce que no es el oro lo que más reluce (Spanish Edition)
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Proverbs - Refranes In English and Spanish
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Diccionario de cartografía (Spanish Edition)
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Don't be stupid write ebook quikly like a pursuit 21 Dec Spanish Edition 8 May Read this and over 1 million books with Kindle Unlimited. Borrow for free from your Kindle device. Spanish Edition 22 Mar Polyphemus and Galatea differs from the First Solitude by including elements of ugliness and violence. Most readers, however, have not found the ending tragic, despite the death of Acis. The lovers are destroyed by a force of nature, but in compensation Acis becomes himself an embodiment of natural forces. The fable has a clear structure.
After a few introductory stanzas addressed to the Conde de Niebla at dawn, there is a description of the set[ ] ting, Sicily. Following this, the three characters, Polyphemus, Galatea, and Acis are introduced one after the other. The encounter of the lovers takes place at midday, the hottest time. The action then switches abruptly to Polyphemus at sunset. His song, adddressing Galatea, lasts for thirteen stanzas. Then the lovers are discovered, and the conclusion is very rapid.
Compared with the Solitudes, the poem is written in the much tighter form of the octava real, stanzas of eight lines, rhyming abababcc. There is no formula for transferring either of these to English, and inevitably much is lost. The similarity to the opening of the First Solitude is obvious. The address is to another nobleman who has retired from court to enjoy the country pursuits of hunting and falconry and who may in fact be out hunting at this moment.
Galatea es su nombre, y dulce en ella el terno Venus de sus Gracias suma. Son una y otra luminosa estrella lucientes ojos de su blanca pluma: Everyone hears Glaucus, green-haired, scaleless from the waist up, now hoarse from exhortation, as he begs the haughty beauty but in vain to ride with him over the silver plain. Galatea, for all with snow to shear or who reap gold or store the purple wine —whether it be religion or just simple love—is a goddess, though without a temple.
A sheep bleats; to its pathetic cry comes the nocturnal wolf, from shadows bred. He gorges himself; and where his victim lay blood soaks the grass on which other sheep must feed. Bring order back, Oh Love, or abandon here dog and master, both mute, both unaware. Now the obdurate one, the monster of rigor looks on the offering more complaisantly; she even regrets that still the leafy arbor withholds, invisible, the pious donor. Like the mighty eagle hanging in suspense above the fragile nest before its stoop, feathered lightning poised to strike the chick cowering in the shelter of a cliff, 34 so now the nymph, in courtesy competing with the sleeper, not only checks her own movement, but would have the gentle din of the dawdling stream cease for his sake.
Galatea lo diga, salteada. Thus Love now sets his sweetest poisons to work, dissolved in the virile beauty of this face; Galatea drinks, then takes another step to drain the cup of poison to the dregs. A forecast storm occasions less offence to the sailor, just as an end foreshadowed or catastrophe foreseen is less importunate: Entre las ondas y la fruta, imita Acis al siempre ayuno en penas graves: An overhanging rock among the trees offers a shady refuge from the heat, where ivy, as if furnishing a throne, winds about the trunks and clasps the stone.
Acis suffers the torments of one fasting where water is, and fruit in rich abundance: All the black violets and white lilies grown in Paphos and in Knidos now rain down upon the spot that Love has designed to be a nuptial couch for Acis and Galatea. And now the caverns and the sloping combes, forewarned already by the barbarous blast, are assaulted by the thunder of his voice.
I seek the words, O Muses, aid my choice! Come tread the sands, the sands where I delight in all the shells, silvered by your white foot, that by contagion with its beauty too give birth to pearls, without conceiving dew. I looked and all I saw was me. I saw that on my forehead one sun shone just as in the sky there was but one eye. The impartial sea was doubting which to believe in: Luciente paga de la mejor fruta que en hierbas se recline, en hilos penda, colmillo fue del animal que el Ganges sufrir muros le vio, romper falanges: Choicest fruit from my storehouse he received and with a handsome gift he paid me back: Now you, with one in hand, one on your shoulder, will emulate the son, surpass the mother: The nymph in tears implores the aid of the same sea deities whom Acis calls on: I0I from Ovid Illustrated , engraving.
I iv J pyramus and thisbe Introduction I have chosen to end with this burlesque piece because it is fun and I think speaks for itself. The innuendo is not mean and derisive but exhilarating, like good conversation. The true butt is surely not the lovers but literature and language and those who are involved with them closely and sometimes uncritically, including the poet himself. He also wrote two similar poems on Hero and Leander.
Libertad dice llorada el corvo suave yugo de unas cejas cuyos arcos no serenaron diluvios. Luciente cristal lascivo la tez, digo, de su vulto vaso era de claveles, y de jazmines confusos. It heard, I say, these sounds, and had therefrom such solace it was willing in future years to crack up in their service. Elastic translucent crystal the face, I mean, the skin is carnations in a vase mingled with sweet jasmine. The etcetera was of marble and its hidden declivities might do serious injury to those nude divinities who paraded the day Paris to play the judge agreed, and Pallas was found too hairy, and Juno too knock-kneed.
This child, then, from the glorious outset of her days was held by Love to be the apple of his missing eyes. How often from public places she sent them all away, the gentlemen as slaves, the ladies in dismay! Her footsteps led her to where for quite a few centuries past Neptune had been spouting. Cynthia now draws her bonnet over her face, a veil of what she calls cloud to cover her distress.
Among such terrors, Thisbe seeking some asylum, lights upon the ruins of a decrepit mansion. Now the slowcoach arrived having been stopped by the watch, suspicious of what he was carrying: He reviews the lying clues adduced by the cunning wiles of cruel fate, against which neither lance nor shield avails. He pictures the pieces scattered all over that rough territory ivory, call them, divine?
Was life just a bad smell to you? Beauty in death reposed on lilies of Amatunta powdered with fresh ice, tinged with elegant pallor. As for the white mulberry, sweet garnets were to be both testimony and tribute to the purple it had absorbed. Y en letras de oro: And in letters of gold: Line numbers of the English text, where they differ, are given in square brackets. In addition to elucidating obscure passages or references, I hope these notes will indicate the general strategy behind the translations and explain why the English does not follow the original exactly.
The notes are indebted to the work of the various scholars whose editions I have used and those they have themselves consulted. In fact this debt is too general to acknowledge in individual cases; but I have tried to indicate interpretations that depend on my own instinct. It is actually a romancillo, or little ballad, having lines of six rather than eight syllables. The new ballad typically uses a refrain estribillo , derived from some popular song or saying, and is usually structured in four-line stanzas.
Like the old ballad it has assonance, not rhyme, on the second and fourth lines, generally with the same assonance continued on even-numbered lines throughout the poem. This is a lot easier to do in Spanish than in English. The topos of a girl speaking to her mother is very widespread in Spanish popular poetry. In this case I feel the girl is protesting rather than just lamenting, in the Spanish literary tradition of women who have to put up with what custom dictates but not in silence.
Some will see the poem as an expression of sexual frustration. The chief aim of my version has been to retain the brevity and unsentimentality of the original. I have also tried to indicate the verse form by some correspondence of sound between even-numbered lines. I recognize that I have prejudged an issue in my translation of the refrain: Just as the loved one was conventionally described in Renaissance poetry as cruel, it was conventional to equate love with loss of freedom.
My translation deliberately tries to preserve the ambiguity. I have chosen to see it as the rhetoric of a protest: The eyes represent the lover. Romance Another romancillo lines of six syllables. Here I have not made a serious attempt to reproduce the form beyond trying to keep the lines as short as possible, but I have tried to keep the conversational tone. Here though the simplicity is not quite transparent: In Andalusia amiga is a school for girls.
I imagine it would have a holy medal of some kind on it, but the speaker seems uncertain what to call this. These are presumably verses of a popular song. They were set to music as were many ballads. But the posture is traditional and universal, and the nonconformism is quite self-conscious. I have tried to capture the spirit, without reproducing the rhyme scheme. The interest of a child in seashells on the beach is also mentioned in the Second Solitude. The merchant here is clearly to be understood as a trader, perhaps the owner or captain of a ship.
The word soles is surely a pun: In a letrilla of he speaks of mixing red wine from Toro and white from Ciudad Real, rubies and gold, and calls wine the greatest antidote to melancholy. Letrilla The third stanza is not included in most manuscripts, but Jammes reproduces it and it seems a pity to omit it here.
Father Pineda Jammes, Letrillas, 59n. Lines 9—10 Encomiendas were originally the titles and perquisites granted by the military orders set up during the period of the Reconquest. Sambenitos were the capes that penitents wore after their trial by the Inquisition. Soneto This is the earliest of the sonnets I have translated, but it is certainly not an immature one. I have made a few changes in order to preserve the overall rhetorical structure. I do not think anyone would take this sonnet as an expression of passionate feeling.
Even as a well-turned compliment it may be somewhat undermined by the sense that the poet is so much in charge. But to discuss the poem in these terms would surely be to return to the prejudices of Romanticism. Romance The characters in this ballad are drawn from Carolingian romance, although Count Rudolph should really be Roland. In the old ballads it is probably just an accident of oral transmission, but it could be imitated deliberately and often was in artistic ballads.
I am not sure whether this ending with the left-handed page is in imitation of the traditional ballad the page just happens to be left-handed , or whether something else is implied in zurdo which has connotations of unluckiness or clumsiness. They may be untranslatable, but they cannot be ignored. He is perhaps more addicted to punning than to the complex syntax or learned vocabulary for which he is famed, and he was certainly taken to task for it by his contemporary critics. The phoenix, which burns and is then reborn from its ashes. But the Spanish for Peers, pares, can also mean even numbers.
A four-cornered hat is a clerical hat and hence a synecdoche for priest. Came in without knocking: I have tried to suggest that he was inopportune or possibly the reverse. Soneto In the sonnet, English and Spanish share the same Italianate tradition, so in general the form transfers quite easily. In most of my versions, where it does not interfere too much with the meaning, I have attempted some kind of sound link in the rhyming positions.
Romance Lines 9— In the original there is a play on words: They featured an illustration of some virtue, vice, or popular saying and a short Latin verse. Dragut was a Turkish pirate, a Greek by origin. Literature tends to conceal the fact that there were many Christian converts to Islam and that some of them prospered at the expense of their compatriots or simply as functionaries of the sultan. In a temporal sense, they are. Don Quijote was published twenty years later, in , but was probably conceived in the s.
I have found it necessary to translate it differently in different contexts. The metaphor of love as a bondage. It was common to hang objects in churches in thanksgiving for dangers averted or illness supposedly cured through prayer. The word yerros here is a pun: Disenchantment is pulled in a carriage like a victorious general of ancient Rome being pulled by captive barbarians. Such ballads generally portray a chivalric relation between Moors and Christians during the period of the wars between them.
Modern historians paint a different picture of relations between the two groups. There is however the possibility that the literary idealization of the Moors is related to the views of some who were opposed to the harsh treatment of the moriscos in the sixteenth century see L. Harvey, Muslims in Spain, — [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ]. Actually the Zeneta, a particular Berber tribe, reputed as cavalrymen. The Turkish threat was a continuing worry, which did not go away with their defeat at the Battle of Lepanto in The Moors of Meliona considered themselves descendants of Arabs who had been expelled from Spain.
Soneto This sonnet seems to have more personal feeling than most, and I have tried to preserve this, even at the expense of the rhyme scheme. Romance Another morisco ballad. The substitute ending is based on the concept of simultaneously remaining and leaving, a conventional literary paradox that attempts to reconcile two opposites. One is reminded of the formula the colonists in the New World were said to have worked out for dealing with unwanted royal decrees: Romance This poem is supposed to have been addressed to some nuns!
That said, it is clear that the character here is an invented antihero, representing a cynical attitude toward many conventions. The reference is to poem no. Peregrino means pilgrim, but it is also an adjective meaning strange, rare, unusual. Water was considered and doubtless was unpalatable. Ballestillas are said to have been instruments like little crossbows used by veterinarians for bleeding horses. There is doubt whether this should be gallo rooster or galgo hound. I have chosen the one that seems to make better sense.
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Silva means a wood cf. Lye was used in the preparation of raisins and was produced from ashes; the ashes in this case result from burning dry farmyard straw manure. Presa y pinta is said to have been the name of a card game that was banned in I imagine these were terms used in play. I have improvised a translation. It also has a sexual meaning see Alzieu et al.
The English is out of step with the Spanish for two lines here. The danger from Turkish galleys was, nevertheless, one of the main preoccupations of the time. The Battle of Lepanto, at which Cervantes was wounded, took place in , but did not eliminate the threat. The islands are the islands of the Caribbean. However Infante is said to refer to Dom Pedro of Portugal, famous for his voyages of discovery, and in this respect siete partidas probably means seven regions of the world. We seem to be getting two literary allusions for the price of one.
Either way there would be mountains to cross. It is not clear why the reference is to the English, not the French, beyond the fact that England was the chief enemy at this time. Campilla is said to be a mistake for capilla, and gusto en capillas must, I think, refer to repressed sexual desire amongst the religious.
Appropriately the poem ends with a play on words: The Puente de Segovia, however, which is still there, is quite grand. The story of the purgative evidently refers to some contemporary event. Soneto The date of this sonnet is controversial. I have altered the meaning somewhat: Gentilhombre de la boca del Rey was an important post at court, but had nothing to do with being a mouthpiece or spokesman. I feel, however, that the play on words is in tune with the original. The Italian phrase illustri cavaglier refers to gentlemen who have given themselves a fancy Italian title.
Carriages drawn by many horses are ostentatious. Tiradas, as well as meaning those who are drawn in the carriages, was slang for prostitute. The attributes of militia and lawyers have been transposed: There was a rule at court that those with houses of more than one story had to provide lodging for court servants. Small, one-story houses built to avoid this requirement were known as casas a la malicia. Perejil, parsley, was slang for excrement. Romance This treats the same subject as no.
Letrilla Lines 13— I tried to include both meanings because I liked the idea of the rosary as an abacus. But the double-entendre relates to a trick for retaining virginity despite the fact that she has two lovers. I am not clear about what one ordinary and one express means but it is not hard to imagine possibilities.
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Don Gaiferos, rescuing his wife Melisandre on horseback after her long captivity, dismounted to relieve himself. Soneto This sonnet is closely related in language and subject matter to the First Solitude. It may or may not be autobiographical. He wrote another sonnet on this illness and a third addressed to the bishop in which he speaks of his courteous treatment and of his having fallen ill. A different order was needed in English because in the Spanish the opening phrase is the object of the verb at the end of line 6.
Soneto This sonnet was severely criticized by Father Pineda Sonetos, ed. It was a well-known story: The diamond is of course Angelica, because she is so hard-hearted. There was a belief that diamonds could be softened by blood. The count is Roland or Orlando, driven mad by her indifference. Soneto The court was moved from Madrid to Valladolid between and By royal decree all visitors had to register with Don Diego de Ayala and obtain a permit for the number of days they wanted to stay. This in turn suggests how his culto style arises from the desire to dignify the ordinary rather than to show off his erudition.
There is no adequate English for serranas, girls of the mountains. They occur very frequently in Spanish literature. Blue was symbolic of jealousy in Spanish Golden Age literature. The eyes of the sun are patches of sunlight between the shadows of the trees they are in a wood. Romance This poem is said to have been written to console the daughter of a friend, whose husband was neglecting her.
Unfortunately I have not been able to match the brevity of the original. Blue is again the symbolic color of jealousy. The conceit of the second stanza compares the girl to dawn because she weeps tears and dawn produces drops of dew. Tears, dewdrops, and pearls are generally interchangeable in poetic language of the period. The girl is also implicitly likened to the sun, because the poem asks her to dissolve mists, as the sun does in early morning. Letrilla There is some controversy over both the interpretation and the number of stanzas in this poem.
However, the third stanza strengthens an interpretation in which the little silver bells are the sound of water and the golden trumpets are bees.
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Nature is more than just birdsong, he seems to be saying: If we accept this as a basic meaning, it may follow that close attention to all sense impressions can put us in touch with a higher reality. More literally, all Spain is but a humble dais for her. The more natural order would be: As in the Solitudes, he is invoking the conventional association of age with wisdom and experience, wisdom, in this case, meaning preparedness for death.
Neither of the sonnets here is particularly eulogistic, considering they speak of the late queen. It is actually not a pyramid of fragrant branches, but the purpose of saying so is to introduce the notion of the phoenix.
Miquel J. Pavón Besalú
The greater Phoenix is Margaret. The monument is blazing with the light of lamps or candles, but it is a dark shell because Margaret, the pearl, is shut up inside it. The occasion was the visit of a French nobleman the Duc de Mayenne, at the time known in Spanish, rather strangely, as Duque de Humena to represent the king of France at the funeral of the Spanish queen.
The Toros de Guisando are some ancient statues found in Castile. But guisar means to cook, so guisando could mean cooking. This joke about the French never seems to die. There are several puns here: Quevedo also wrote a poem about this affair. The literal translation is actually funnier and even more colloquial: The convention of addressing a stranger when commemorating some famous person goes back to the ancient Greeks. Iris is the rainbow, Phoebus the sun, and Morpheus the bringer of dreams and therefore sleep and night and shadow. The mention of shade is interesting: The poem is notably straightforward in its opening.
Bulls, however, also provide him with imagery and symbolism in the Solitudes. It is a social or cultural event that has no equivalent in English. The Nativity is the Christmas manger, usually represented with a few attendant animals. The intention is clearly humorous. But poner un clavo a la rueda de la Fortuna means to stop the ever-turning wheel of Fortune. This bull is so tame you can even pull it by the tail, so there is no point in trying to stop it.
Bravo and Manso, names of real people a mayor and a recent president of the Council of Castile , mean brave and tame, respectively. Don Pedro Manso was made president of the Council of Castile in and died toward the end of Romance This was transformed from a nonreligious piece, written in , in which the object of the search is a strayed calf; this earlier version was a kind of compliment to a neighbor, whose daughter was represented by the lost calf.
I think this accounts for some of its strangeness as a religious poem. I have done what I can to imitate the consonants. Essentially it just describes someone doing his job. His income had declined so he moved to the court in Madrid in in search of a post or a pension. He took holy orders and obtained the post of royal chaplain.
He was later executed after the accession of Philip IV in The Count of Villamediana, subject of the second stanza, was a courtier and poet.