Blood Redemption (Angels Edge Book 3)
Vicki Keire grew up in a 19th Century haunted house in the Deep South full of books, abandoned coal chutes, and plenty of places to get into trouble with her siblings. She has taught writing and literature at a large, football-obsessed university while slipping paranormal fiction in between the pages of her textbooks. She is the author of the bestselling Angel's Edge series, which includes Gifts of the Blood and its sequel, Darkness in the Blood. She is included in the Dark Tomorrows anthology with J.
Bryan and Amanda Hocking. She now writes full-time. When not reading and writing about all things paranormal, she enjoys other people's cooking and keeps vampire hours.
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She'd rather burn the laundry than fold it, and believes that when an author wins the Newberry, he or she gets a secret lifetime pass to Neverland. She is fond of lost causes and loud music. She still lives in the Deep South with her husband, children, and attendant menagerie, but is pretty sure her house isn't haunted.
A person can't be so lucky twice. This book is by far the best angel-demon book about the fight between good and evil in a while. But this lack of closure is beyond irritating. Aug 14, Eternal Gypsy rated it liked it Shelves: Again with poor editing?! Okay, since I already covered this in my previous review of book 2, I won't rehash my disappointment. Suffice it to say, I'm still of the mind that someone needs to look for a new job.
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Here's what I liked: The storyline was fresh in regards to all three books. I really liked the author's take on Light and Dark not always equalling Good and Bad. I also liked that she incorporated more than one mythology. I have only rarely seen Nephillim used this way and under this de Again with poor editing?! I have only rarely seen Nephillim used this way and under this definition and I much prefer it to them being vampires.
I'm in love with Ethan. Of course, I always have a soft spot for Fallen Angels. His story unfolded at a decent pace and his difficulties acclimating to his new existence made sense. It wasn't too overdone and he didn't lose what made him, him. Caspia also was a well conceived character. Some criticized the author because Caspia made continually stupid decisions. Personally, I thought it fit. If we consider that in book 1 it was late fall, early winter and book 3 takes place sometime that following summer, she really didn't have much time to adjust.
Blood Redemption
Coming into the story, her biggest ability which she's uncomfortable with and tries to deny was occasionally drawing the future. She's the sole breadwinner because her brother is dying of cancer and both her parents are dead. Seemingly overnight and through the next few months, more abilities emerge All this while she's still trying and failing miserably to balance school, friends, work, and daily life. She was horribly kept in the dark until the last possible moment by people that were supposed to be helping and protecting her. So I can totally believe that she'd be a bumbling idiot half the time.
I would be too.
Playing catch up while blind folded with only half the information doesn't do anybody any good. No matter how strong you are. Her admitting that she'd really rather just relax with her boyfriend and hide from the world instead of learning to be half of the most powerful weapon on earth makes sense to me. I never saw Caspia as a weak heroine. Just a really real one. Now for the things I didn't like: It just kind of It's like the book company said "you need to wrap this up in two chapters or less" and the author did.
Don't get me wrong, what happened worked and made total sense but it could've been, well, more. It was too rushed and almost surgical with its precision. I'd have at least liked an epilogue. Liked what happened to the characters that seemed important but just sort of faded from the storyline? Or how did the town and the characters fare after the battle? What does Caspia do with the rest of her life? I wish I could say all these questions linger because it was a cliffhanger or the author wants us to make up our minds but it really didn't feel that way.
It was just, "okay, I'm done, the end. Did I mention the editing sucked?! Totally jacked up my flow half the time. So yeah, this could've been an excellent series. It started out like gangbusters but completely fizzled out. I really don't think I'll be reading anymore from this author. Jan 31, Chelsea rated it liked it Shelves: I had hoped that books 1 and 2 in the Angel's Edge series were building to something amazing The seeds of something great were all here. This is a world that I want to spend more time in. I love that we have a variety of other magical creatures packed in, in a sort of off-hand way.
We get a big reveal about Belial, the 'big bad' on the Dark side, and that throws Caspia into even greater turmoil than before.

We get to know Jack better, and I adored him. I loved that Caspia's still solidly Team Ethan. Her love for Logan is also still evident, though he takes a backseat this book.
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He also deserves his own story. I love that his sanity is only so-so, and that he's aware of that. In fact, all of the characters are pretty consistent across the series, which I appreciated. The quirks that make them endearing or annoying are all still present. Unfortunately there were a few problems, for me, with this book: Caspia still drives me nuts.
She's up and down about whether she wants to make plans, leap into action, bury her head in the sand, or what. She repeatedly voiced the desire or need to make plans, but then when her allies were laying out the final plans for the big battle I wanted to shake her - here is your opportunity to know what the heck is going on!! P The big battle was a bit of a disappointment - it was over pretty quickly. I think the story could have benefited from having this take a bigger focus in the second half of the book - the actual action itself rather than the planning.
Repetition - there's some repeated motions in the plot, in terms of going somewhere, leaving, then going back, then leaving again. That back and forth was a bit frustrating, but there's a bigger issue: There aren't so much cliffhanger endings as there are recaps of the previous chapter embedded in each new chapter. Anyways, I really loved the world, and I think there are some really great things in here I want more Jack, please. It just didn't all come together the way that I hoped it would. Apr 05, Dorrie Baker rated it liked it Shelves: First, I really enjoyed the series overall but in a trilogy book three, at least in my opinion, should blow you away and Blood Redemption doesn't do that.
Belial tricks Caspia, she thinks he's going to release her and he forces her to take him to Asheroth's compound. In the process Belial's trick cost him; Ethan and Asheroth free Caspia and send Belial back to his realm. Asheroth's wards are ruined and the compound is unsafe now. Everyone is angry at Caspia for the decisions she's made. This is w First, I really enjoyed the series overall but in a trilogy book three, at least in my opinion, should blow you away and Blood Redemption doesn't do that.
This is where the disappointment starts for me. The secrets and lack of communications were worse in this book than the previous two. What happened to character growth and change through character arc? Caspia is still making the bulk of her decisions on too many emotions and too little thinking. I also understand that some of the secrets that Ethan, Asheroth and the town have kept were supposed to protect Caspia, but lack of information is one of the very things that kept her in trouble!
There are some inconsistencies that I found annoying. Who was who became disjointed.
By the end of Blood Redemption there were several places that it seemed Ms. Keire was using them interchangeably and I found it very confusing! I don't regret having read this trilogy, I enjoyed most of it, I just think Blood Redemption could have been much better. As a whole, I would give the entire trilogy 3. The entire series I give four stars I mean, who wants an epic battle scene between angels, demons, and random weird species to end within the first few minutes, where is the fun in that? I was kind of disappointed with that. It is sort offer open for another book, but I don't really believe the author will continue the story, which is fine And her once angel lover?
Dec 30, Michael rated it did not like it. However, it ended very abruptly. The ending was the worst out of every book that I have ever read. It was a shame and I was really disappointed.
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The book leads up to a climax and you absolutely start to love reading it all the way until the very hasty ending. If I was the author I would try and reedit the ending to make it more of an ending and less of a chapter cut off. Dec 28, Crissy VA rated it really liked it Shelves: