A Million Dirty Secrets: The Million Dollar Duet Part One
We had gone over all the pros and cons with a fine-toothed comb, and I really didn''t think we had missed anything. But the unknown was what worried me the most. In a heartbeat," I said as I followed her down the dark corridor that led to the underbelly of Foreplay, the club where she worked. It was the point of no return. My mother, Faye, was terminally ill. She had always had a weak heart, and it had progressively gotten worse over the years. She had nearly died while giving birth to me, but had managed to bounce back from that and countless other operations and procedures.
There was no bouncing back now. Her light was fading entirely too fast. She was so weak and frail at this stage that she was bedridden, but not before having been in and out of hospitals so much that my father, Mack, had lost his job.

He had refused to leave her alone in the name of helping some stupid factory meet its production numbers. I never blamed him for that. She was his wife, and he took his duty as her husband very seriously. She was his to care for, just like she would''ve cared for him if the roles had been reversed. But no job meant no health insurance. It also meant we were forced to live off the meager savings account my father had managed to tuck away for their golden years. Ergo, purchasing health insurance was a luxury my parents could not afford.
Things had gotten even worse. Faye''s illness had progressed to the point that a heart transplant was essential in order for her to continue living. That bit of news had taken a toll on all of us, but none more than Mack. I''d watched my father day in and day out. He had been losing weight, his primary concern for his wife overshadowing his own care.
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- A Million Dirty Secrets: Million Dollar Duet - C. L. Parker - Google Книги.
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And the dark rings under his red eyes made it obvious that he hadn''t been getting as much sleep as he should have, either. Be that as it may, he had always put on a brave face for my mother. She had accepted her imminent demise, but my father. The problem was that his hope was diminishing. It was killing his very soul to watch her die a little more each day. I think a piece of him went with every little piece of her. I had walked in on him one night after my mother had fallen fast asleep.
He was slumped over in his recliner, head in his hands, shoulders heaving from his disheartened sobs. He hadn''t meant for anyone to see him that way. Never had I seen him so despondent. There was this nagging feeling tugging at my heart constantly that told me when my mother died, my father wouldn''t be far behind. He would literally mourn himself to death. There was no doubt in my mind. I had to do something. I was desperate to make everything better. To make them better. Dez was my best friend. My very best friend. I had always shared everything with her, so she was wholly aware of the situation.
Desperate times called for desperate measures, and after seeing just how desperate I had become, she had finally told me about the more scandalous business that was conducted beneath Foreplay. She never took my drama too personally, because she gave just as good as she got. Boy, did she ever. And she had not an ounce of shame for it. No wining, no dining, no sixty-nining? But the unknown was what worried me the most.
It was the point of no return. My mother, Faye, was terminally ill. She had always had a weak heart, and it had progressively gotten worse over the years. She had nearly died while giving birth to me, but had managed to bounce back from that and countless other operations and procedures. There was no bouncing back now.
Her light was fading entirely too fast. She was so weak and frail at this stage that she was bedridden, but not before having been in and out of hospitals so much that my father, Mack, had lost his job. He had refused to leave her alone in the name of helping some stupid factory meet its production numbers. I never blamed him for that. She was his wife, and he took his duty as her husband very seriously. But no job meant no health insurance.
It also meant we were forced to live off the meager savings account my father had managed to tuck away for their golden years. Ergo, purchasing health insurance was a luxury my parents could not afford. Things had gotten even worse. That bit of news had taken a toll on all of us, but none more than Mack.
He had been losing weight, his primary concern for his wife overshadowing his own care. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. For fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You comes a wickedly erotic new novel of innocence, desire, and unbridled pleasure. Delaine Talbot has a secret. When a matter of life and death threatens to tear apart her family, Delaine makes the ultimate sacrifice. Now she belongs to Noah Crawford, a wealth For fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You comes a wickedly erotic new novel of innocence, desire, and unbridled pleasure.
Now she belongs to Noah Crawford, a wealthy mogul who introduces her to a seductive feast of the senses, awakening desires she only dreamed about. The inexperienced beauty will learn to satisfy his every sensual need, yet never touch his heart. Almost immediately their relationship generates heat—in more ways than one.
When they fight, they take no prisoners. When they love, they show no mercy. But soon, their intense, physical bond will take an unexpected turn—evolving into something neither has bargained for: Paperback , pages. Million Dollar Duet 1. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about A Million Dirty Secrets , please sign up. Starling This answer contains spoilers… view spoiler [ http: See 1 question about A Million Dirty Secrets…. Lists with This Book. A Million Dirty Secrets, book 1 of 2. She played her part well, make no mistake, but that little pussy of hers owned me.
A Million Dirty Secrets Book 2: Through a friend she hears of an underground auction where you can sell yourself as a sex slave. Under the pretense of attending College on a scholarship she sets out on her journey. Noah Crawford grew up privileged. He was the prodigal son and heir to a fortune.
He is disillusioned and lonely… and horny. A Million Dirty Secrets follows them as Noah sets out to educate Laine about sex while he raises walls around himself with rules and a bossy attitude. And soon his guilt creeps in. Laine is resentful of her situation and frustrated with herself for her attraction to Noah and her enjoyment of everything that is sex with Noah.
Needless to say they both have lots to come to terms with and much to overcome. Prepare yourself for a bumpy ride with lots of mind-blowing sex, witty bantering as these two very strong personalities go head-to-head fighting their attraction every step of the way! I mean, I had mirrors. I knew how big my cock was. In his POV we are treated to his wit and sarcasm that both endeared and entertained me. A larger-than life hero! Ten words to describe Noah: Captivating, jaded, sexy, witty, flawed, reflective, elusive, bossy, possessive and unforgettable.
Not that I was complaining or anything. But after a few chapters it worked. Or maybe it was just overshadowed by everything that is Noah. Five words to describe Laine: Loyal, unselfish, smart, feisty and adaptable. For me, that translated into another epic sexcapade. Ding, ding, ding, ding. I was glued to the pages, not wanting story to end. Book 1 left us with a huge cliffy and a state of disarray. I am only too happy that I have an ARC for book 2: A Million Guilty Pleasures. But above all an unforgettable, larger-than-life hero, Noah Crawford! Would I re-read this series: Would I read future books by this author: View all comments.
In order to save her mother's life, Delanie Talbot sells herself into sexual slavery. Enter her owner for the next 2 year, Noah Crawford. What follows is a journey of self-discovery for both Lanie and Noah, and the chance of unexpected love. All of what I just said? Reading this book was like watching a horrific train wreck happen. You're sitting there, jaw dropped in a horrible sort of fascination, and you know that you should look away, but you can't.
So The Basic Summary: So instead, you watch the train wreck happen because you can't not look. The first page of this book was filled with slut-shaming, which is when I knew that I should really put down this book and walk away. Some of you may not know this, but in addition to my shallow cover hoarding, I also lack self-control and a sense of self-preservation. I know something is bad, and I know that I should stop, but I can't help myself. One part of me is sitting there going "Hah, Ade you are such a wuss. You're going to put down this book aren't you? I am going to kick your ass!
What was the point of that? Let's start with Lanie. Lanie is an idiot. There's no getting around it. We're supposed to believe that she's a mature 24 year old, but she's not. The book immediately starts off with Lanie slut-shaming other women, and just gets worse from there. She uses phrases like "moo juice" "coco yumminess" "eager beaver" and "googly moogly" on a regular basis.
Personally, I know none. Lanie selling her body was supposed to make us feel sympathetic towards her, but it didn't really work out that way. I know we were supposed to like her, but between the slut-shaming, the weird thoughts she had regarding Noel and sex, and all of the phrases she used, she was just incredibly unlikeable. He thinks with his penis, and that's about it. Occasionally he'll remember that there's another head that he can think with, but any thoughts that came from the brain in his other head were quickly brushed aside by the head in his pants. If I'm being completely honest,Noah's character was..
His only defining characteristic was that he was jerk. Oh, and can I just say that it's annoying that he somehow had the time to gain the skill level of a concert pianist? From what Noah said in the book, he was too busy drinking and fucking up when he was young to do anything else.
There was no mention of him playing piano, or any other instrument, until Lanie discovered he had a music room and he proceeded to woo her with his piano skills. At least FSoG provided a bit of a back story regarding the piano. This book just threw it in there with no warning. The sex scenes were awful.
There's no nice way to say it. They were weird and awkward, and half of the "sexy" things they did weren't actually sexy. It got to the point where I just started skimming the sex scenes because they were so bad. I honestly thought this book was horrible, but maybe that's just me. The characters weren't likeable, the story sucked, and the sex scenes read like they were written by a horny 15 year old boy.
I personally think that the book was just bad all around, but y'all can read it and find out for yourselves. Find this review and more at: Confessions of a Cover Hoarder View all 24 comments. Lanie's mom is sick. Her heart is failing and she's knocking on death's door.
With her mom in desperate need of a heart transplant and her family drowning in medical bills, Lanie decides to make the ultimate sacrifice for her family Mega millionaire businessman looking for a no strings arrangement because he's been burned in the past. He just wants to fuck and have someone for show. Lanie and Noah quickly get down to business. I know this because our MC's pulled out a measuring tape to get a concrete number on record and orders Lanie to give him a blowjob. Now, our virginal heroine has never even seen a cock, so imagine her shock that she would be required to perform right away.
She has a little issue with sheathing her teeth and Noah puts a halt to the blowjob realizing that his purchase is even more inexperienced than he thought. In order to mask her unease, Lanie decides to throw some sass While the author's goal may have been for Lanie to be this spunky and sassy leading lady, what she came off as was annoyingly immature and just plain annoying.
It quickly became apparent that any time Lanie opened her mouth Lanie's nicknames and terminology was something straight out of a wannabe cool high school movie. It was awkward, uncomfortable, tried way too hard Allow me to share some examples: Please send me my eyes back for they have rolled out of my head.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg of a huge pile of But that's not all. Your free gift with purchase of idiotic terminology contains ridiculous inner dialogue and awkwardly unpleasant visuals. Here's a small sample of what you can expect to cringe at: I could almost see the star-crossed lovers as they ran across a field of daisies to finally be in each other's arms. Do I want to read the word "cooch" 37 times? Do I want to read about the heroine referring to said cooch in the third person? And in case you're wondering why our darling, virginal Lanie is so obsessed with her Cooch The fornication doors were wide open and really how could Super Cooch ever deny herself the magic that is the Wonder Peen?
To round-out the ridiculousness that I've already mentioned, there's very little plot, insta-love and insta-lust, unbelievable and over-the-top scenarios at one point in a jealous rage, Lanie shreds with a knife and sets on fire a box of lingerie , awkward and stilted dialogue, cartoon-ish secondary characters, scenes that were drawn from other books or popular movies i. Lanie sitting naked on a piano while Noah plays for her, Lanie trying to seduce Noah by wearing only his tie and high heels, and so many more and finally, one dimensional MC's.
And short story long, there you have it. View all 40 comments. Many of my fellow reviewers, friends, recommenders told me that my brain would break during the reading of this once previously noted Twilight fanfic, but I find my brain's broken after the fact because I have no clear cut idea how to reflect on "A Million Dirty Secrets. I'm judging this on the level of the writing and presentation I see here, not on the fact that it was once fanfic or what have you though I've debated that also in the past, particularly in explorations where I talked about "The Submissive" and "Beautiful Bastard".
It was over the top on almost every dimension it tried to put across. That's a series of critical and heavy statements to make if considered in themselves, but I'll take the time to expound. James's "Fifty Shades of Grey" - not just in the measure of the P2P fanfic notation, but also in the portrayal of erotic stories that have this template of taking two generic character types - throwing them into said situations with very little development or plot - and focusing on the intimate interactions between them without exploring the deeper connections and context they may have.
And it's worth asking - how can you explore physical intimacy if there's no other intimate backbone to speak of? I'm familiar with the erotic genre, I do believe there are ways of showing the intimacy between two people without necessarily defaulting to the sexy times. Ultimately - when I read in this or any other genre, I look for how the story can pull me into the struggles and explorations of the characters they're portraying, as well as the overarching narrative in itself.
I had a hard time, like many of the derivative P2P fiction I've picked up, remembering the characters for their names, rather than their stereotypes. And let's be real, this story is NOT new, as opposed to what the blurb says.
A Million Dirty Secrets
You can name either of these characters anything you want, whether they're Bella and Edward or Delaine or Noah, but the fact of the matter is that this story features the klutzy girl defined by her virginity submitting herself to the cocky billionaire under a tragic circumstance. It's insulting considering Delaine lies to her parents about attending UCLA, but instead signs a not so defined contract of 2 years to submit herself to this billionaire in any way he wants her to which implies sexually among other things , and she ends up liking it despite going through things she doesn't want to do.
The cost is 2 million dollars, which will go toward paying for her mother's transplant surgery when she's clearly on her deathbed and its not a guarantee whether the money will aid her or not. Noah is a jerk in every shape and form. It's not just the measure that he's overconfident, but the things he says and does are not alluring or attractive in any sense of the word.
The forced intimacy and what he makes Delaine submit to even when he knows full and well she's inexperienced doesn't make any kind of sense or give any sort of equivalence or true chemistry. Add to that some of the odd dialogues including Delaine actually talking to her crotch and addressing it as "Double Agent Coochie" at the frequency of "oh mys" and "inner goddess" in Fifty Shades, and the ridiculous factor multiplies by a thousand fold.
I'm also weirded out by the amount of pop culture name drops throughout this work to try to evoke humor or familiarity with the situations.
That is usually not a good idea, especially when the supposed humor seems forced and relies so much on the reference to carry it. And for those who may not know the reference, it may fly over their head and make the narrative antiquated if used too much. Personally speaking, I would rather not have my memories of Inspector Gadget, Pretty Woman, or Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom tainted by this book, thank you very much.
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You can't evoke comparisons to Richard Gere, or drop name brands or childhood staples without any level of intimacy to them. Especially not in the same mention as "Double Agent Coochie", "Go go Gadget Cockblock", and "Steel Dick" which is pretty mild considering how many times Noah's particular appendage is referenced, for glorified size and length.
Spending more lines on being "coo coo" for Cocoa Puffs seems disingenuous compared to focusing on say - oh I don't know, how the heroine's being treated and how her mother's nearly on her deathbed. It made the narrative juvenile and even in the interest of humor, it seemed formulaic. The sexy time scenes lack fire and creativity, and are rather repetitive in the narrative rather than having any kind of significant payoff, especially considering the connection between the leads is threadbare to begin with.
The story has really irritating conflict drops for jealousy that don't really have any grounds to begin with, and the ending The side characters are as forgettable as the leads, some cultural stereotypes applied, and then you have the problematic measures such as slut shaming, female-female hating, etc. Suffice to say, I'm not going to continue with this series, and I would most definitely say there are better books in this respective genre and beyond to spend your time and expense on.
Because there really weren't any positive points I could say about this novel in the aftermath. View all 14 comments. Ya know what I love? I love when I go into a book without high expectations, reading reviews that are mixed, then come out giddy in love with it! It's like Christmas for me I try to remember different strokes for different folks. I received this book as an arc a super long time ago but decided to wait until I could read both books.
I'm very happy I did as this one ends in a bit of a cliffy. Delaine is a year old straight A student. She loves he 4. She loves her parents, stays to herself, and watches day by day her mother passing away. She has a life threatening heart condition and without insurance she won't get the heart transplant she needs.
Time is not on her side. Lanie needs to act fast She decides to sell herself to fund her mother's medical care. Selling her virgin body to the highest bidder as a sex slave. Noah is a man on a mission. He's got the money. Why not BUY a no string attached relationship? What he didn't bank on was the girl he set eyes on and purchased was one little hell fire.
Everytime she opens her mouth, he gets hard. Most guys would've given her back by now but he loves her feistiness. He's not what she imagined she'd get stuck with. Keeping feelings out of it? He's been hurt before. I makes no sense Here's what I loved about this book She was snarky and tough. How Noah didn't kick her out in her keister by day 2, I'm not sure. Any other dominant guy would've asked for a refund.
A Million Dirty Secrets: The Million Dollar Duet Part One - C. L. Parker - Google Книги
The book is in alternating POV but it's her that makes me smile. The weak heroine thing I'm so done with. This girl is not weak I hate comparing books in reviews but since this has some less than stellar ones it helps to explain the comedy. I'd put this book as a cross between Seduction and Snacks and a FSoG type book it's got some great sex scenes that are panty melting hot but also this humor all along the way.
I highlighted some of her snarky little terms. Here are a few Double Agent Coochie she wants to not like him but her girlie bits do , King of the Finger Fuck, Hoochie of a Coochie, love nubbin, band of his fuck-her-wear, Wonder Peen, strictly dickly, The Ridonkabutt she has an ass fetish with Noah , Death by aspussiation thighs locking his face during oral , obnoxygen spilling from his pores I could go on forever. Maybe if I wasn't in a happy place, it would bug me but her Coochie talk made me smile. Coming of a darker read, it was a welcomed breath of fresh air read, but rest assured, still sexy as hell.
Noah is also super lickable I mean like able. He's not just some ass that buys some young innocent girl and wam-bam-thank-you-mam's her cherry. But he's also got a huge heart It's definitely hot with oodles of sex scenes but no bondage or typical slave behavior. In fact, I think Lanie ends up being more in control than Noah Not his plan obviously. Arc received via NetGalley Random House in exchange for my honest review.