Up Against the Wall (Mills & Boon Intrigue) (The Precinct Book 5)
Bachelors in Blue, Book 1.
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Bachelors in Blue, Book 4. Task Force, Book 5. Task Force, Book 3. Brotherhood of the Badge, Book 2. Task Force, Book 6. Task Force, Book 1. Brotherhood of the Badge, Book 3.
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Brotherhood of the Badge, Book 1. Protecting Plain Jane The Precinct: Task Force, Book 4. Cold Case, Book 2.
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Cold Case, Book 3. Bachelors in Blue, Book 3. Bachelors in Blue Book 3. How to write a great review.
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Bullets and Brawn, Book 1. Under Siege, Book 1. Family Secrets, Book 4. Under Siege, Book 2. Family Secrets, Book 1. Tribal Thunder, Book 4.

Cattle Barge, Book 1. Family Secrets, Book 5. Tribal Thunder, Book 3. Sheltered by the Cowboy. Cattle Barge, Book 3.
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Under Siege, Book 4. A Conard County Homecoming. Cattle Barge, Book 2. Under Siege, Book 3. Harlequin Intrigue February - Box Set 2 of 2. Harlequin Intrigue October - Box Set 2 of 2. Harlequin Intrigue April - Box Set 1 of 2. Harlequin Intrigue December - Box Set 1 of 2. Cold Case, Book 1. Task Force, Book 2. Harlequin Intrigue Decemeber - Box Set 1 of 2. Brotherhood of the Badge, Book 4.
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Harlequin Intrigue December - Bundle 2 of 2. Cold Case, Book 2. Task Force, Book 5. A Romantic Suspense Collection.
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Brotherhood of the Badge, Book 2.