The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Collins Classics)
Tenant of Wildfell Hall: Tenant of Wildfell Hall Author s: W F Howes Ltd Availability: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Vol. The tenant of Wildfell Hall Author s: Easyread Large Edition Author s: The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall CreateSpace Independent Publis Availability: The tenant of Wildfell Hall Volume 3 Author s: The tenant of Wildfell hall Volume 1 Author s: The tenant of Wildfell hall Volume 2 Author s: The tenant of Wildfell Hal Author s: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall With an Introduction by Mrs.

Quill Pen Classics Availability: The Tenaant of Wildfell Hall Author s: Easyread Comfort Edition Author s: Easyread Edition Author s: Easyread Large Bold Edition Author s: Easyread Super Large 18pt Edition Author s: Easyread Super Large 20pt Edition Author s: Easyread Super Large 24pt Edition Author s: Tutis Digital Pub Availability: New Library Press Availability: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Volume 1 of 2: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Volume 2 of 2: Read How You Want. Pre-intermediate Macmillan Readers Author s: The Tenent of Windfell Hall Author s: Quiet Vision Pub Availability: Wordsworth Editions Ltd Availability: The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall: HarperCollins Publishers Ltd Availability: Woodbridge Press Publishing Co ,U.
Fantom Films Limited Availability: Jane Eyre Talking Classics Author s: The Classic Collection Availability: Trout Lake Media Availability: It has definitely taken a back seat to her sisters more famous novels, the eldest Bronte, Charlotte's "Jane Eyre," and the middle sisters, Emily's "Wuthering Heights.
Apparently her surviving older sister, Charlotte had the idea that Anne had written an offensive, inappropriate, and possibly embarrassing book, so she suppressed it. Charlotte seems to have believed that Anne had no authority to write on the subject matter, which delves into some dark places, including just about every kind of human abuse - spousal, emotional, physical, child, drug, alcohol, financial, and even animal cruelty.
- The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall.
- Her Fantasy: The Carpenter.
- A Normalista (Ilustrado) (Literatura LĂngua Portuguesa) (Portuguese Edition).
- Parasitic Zoonoses.
- The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte - Penguin Books Australia.
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Apparently for these reasons, Charlotte blocked further publications of Anne's major novel, posthumously, for some time. Also, once it finally resurfaced, sadly, apparently it was largely rewritten by male writers, unauthorized, and what we have today is probably not exactly as Anne Bronte intended, but we can only hope that enough of her story and her personal touch remains.
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A woman leaving an abusive husband is not so shocking or unusual in terms of today's standards, but in Victorian times, it was not just frowned on and shocking, it was illegal for a woman to leave her husband for ANY reason, or to live off her own income or labor. At that time, unfortunately for all women, the law in Britain still followed the Napoleonic Code, which said that women were basically sub-human, in the same category as children, and mental incompetents.
Women had no legal rights to speak of, but that soon began to change for the better, as laws reformed. Nevertheless, our heroine reaches her limits, and at last rebels against her cruel, belittling, abusive husband, for the sake of her child, and they flee.
Collins Classics: The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall: Anne Bronte: Books
There is a lot of excitement in the story, and twists in the plot. It seems to me, true to life, as far as spousal abuse, and other dysfunctional forms of human relationships. Apparently Anne may have gotten some of her ideas of dysfunctional relationships from observing her brother, who seemed to have substance abuse problems, and her experiences observing the lives of the very wealthy through her time working in aristocratic homes, as a governess.
These experiences probably informed her creation of our aristocratic, proud, uncompromising, talented, highly intelligent, but rebellious heroine. However, Anne's personal experiences alone could not have produced this surprising, dark, and unusual story, which in many ways is ahead of its time.
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Apparently Anne had skill in story telling, and great imagination. This novel has tons of romance and love, darkness and intrigue, and surprising twists and turns. I love victorian fiction, but for some reason I had always looked over Tenant. I'm so glad I finally read it!
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (collins Classics) by Anne Bronte
It's quite a sophisticated novel, not just in story telling with it's different points of narration both from a man's view and a woman's, but also in it's sophisticated moral and social commentary. The story involves a stranger coming to live in Wildfell Hall. The story builds as the community begins to gossip and malign the woman without knowing anything about her, and our narrator defending and befriending her while, of course, falling in love with her.
He becomes victim of suspicion as well prompting her to unfold her story.
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At this point the narration unfolds from Helen's view point as she recounts the her life up to this point and how she came to become the tenant of Wildfell Hall. It's a story of the stupidity of youth you should always listen to your mama!
Quite a story, and very different from Anne's sisters offerings, and in some ways even more satisfying. You'll be glad you picked it up, and I believe this book deserves a great deal more attention than it has gotten in the shadows of Jane and Emily. It's a shame Anne dies so young and only left us with two novels and a smattering of short stories.
I appreciate the novelty this book must have been well more than a century ago when it was first published. To submit to the public that marriage can be a prison for some, and that divorce is a merciful option in such cases was probably shocking yet eye opening to many Victorian readers. So historically speaking, I found this an interesting and compassionate novel.