Survive Until The End Comes Bug-Out Bag Edition
Cast iron cookware is WAY too heavy to take with you. Just bring a small cookset instead. This one is just over half a pound. Some people pack extra bowls, cups, plates, forks, etc. Just bring a spork and eat your food right out of the pot or package. It could take a long time to get through all that. Instead, take out enough pills to last a week and put them in mini ziplock bags. There is one possible exception, though. The pocket-size edition of the SAS Survival Guide is only 7 ounces and is crammed with great information. One possible exception is a deck of cards.
You can play several games with it and it only weighs a third of an ounce. Better yet, get a deck with survival tips printed on it. Of course, use your best judgment.
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Having some water purification tablets in addition to a water filter is okay. The only other exception is fire starters. Take a good look at all your backups and consider their weight and how likely you are to actually need them. Pants, especially jeans, can be pretty heavy.

I recommend just wearing the ones you have on. Just bring a skivvy roll.
Everyday, put on your bug out bag and go for a walk. Hopefully this information will help you significantly reduce the weight of your bug out bag. If you end up having to walk a huge distance after a disaster, it could mean the difference between life and death. The stuffs that you listed that are not really necessary to bring when bugging out are all on point. But I think flares can be a good item to bring whenever you plan to bug out with your friends or family. Flares can be really helpful especially when you are in need of held and you want someone to know your exact location.
You can check it here: With a full battery it lasts 3 weeks and with extra power source you can triple that. I used to have bug out bag but not anymore because we are living in the end times, the rapture and the 7 year Tribulation are right around the corner. Get rapture ready, people: We have to come to the cross as broken sinners. This is True Jesus Christ is coming what if we are to experience some of the end times but protected Psalm 91 and to bring souls to Christ in disaster.
You being not prepared you may suffer more than one in Christ whom is prepared.
No one knows the hour of his coming, God said be prepared, not sit on your butt. In most parts of the earth its invading armies that are the main problem.
People with guns tend to be lowest form of animal life on the earth, that have no mercy for babies or innocent adults. One person I used to know became a hero by helping kill , civilians fleeing an invasion of a city. The good thing is his house caught fire and he was heard by neighbours screaming while being roasted alive for his sins; he did not have to go to hell first.
I learned that originally about using blasting caps in C-4 -so 2 caps is one, and one could fail, so it is none. Many of us start out with bug out bags by putting way too much junk in them. We forget that the focus is on bare necessities for survival only. Comfort items can be taken out of the pack.
Back to the Basics: The Bug-Out-Bag
Too much focus in a lot of places on what to include and then the bag ends up weighing more than someone can carry for a hundred yards. If you are in a true bugout situation then moving fast and light is going to be important. At least one set of extra pants are essential for women, we leak sometimes and if you are worried about weight just buy some scrubs; they are tough, conferrable, and dry quickly after washing.
Scrubs are an excellent idea for back up pants, I had not considered them before. I am going to suggest that to my survival group friends. And its good for s of litres. Get an SAS style hammock with shelter for over top and at least be comfortable. An ultra light sleeping bag weights less that 12 ozs and is a whole lot more comfortable than an emergency blanket.
There are so many LED lights out there that you can pack a small crank or solar rechargeable light.
Back to the Basics: The Bug-Out-Bag - Backdoor Survival
Fire might bring the baddies. Better to be safe and unseen than seen an unsafe. I like your addition of a bug net. One thing I noticed is that the author correctly says to save space and weight to just pack a tarp. In thinking about your response, let me give you some food for thought. A Civil war, as a matter of fact. This is not going to be like Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, etc. If I am coming across as rude, I apologize; however, I really think that it needs to be said: For the love of God, people, Please; Wake up and smell the coffee!
It is not meant to last a month or a year or ten years. What I think people fail to understand is that what takes 72 hours in good times might take two weeks or more in tough times and that BOB needs to get you through. Some people assume that a pile of expensive survival gear is all you need to survive man-made and natural disasters.
The plain truth is your survival gear and first aid kits are only as good as your understanding of your survival gear and experience in using it. Develop your mind for survival in any situation, be it a nuclear explosion, a business failure, a car accident, a divorce, or the death of someone close to you. This survival book is a survival guide for the people It provides easy-to-understand and easy-to-use survival techniques for the working mom, the college student, the schoolteacher, the laid-off factory worker, the Wall Street executive, the tourist, and the war veteran.
Survival is not that difficult for most of us if we learn a few of the truths and secrets about surviving and put away some of the common myths, all explained in "Survive Until The End Comes. Your chances of surviving a real disaster will increase as you absorb the ideas and master the simple techniques covered in this book. Avoid becoming a statistic! This book can save your life!
Scroll up and get your copy today! He is a business owner, professional photographer, creative technical writer, and survivor. David has been writing for over 35 years. David helps small businesses develop operational management and marketing plans to help them survive this bad economy. He shares some of his valuable financial survival experience with you in the chapters on money, debt, bartering, and cutting back in his latest release "Survive Until The End Comes.
This new book is one of the most serious works David has ever authored. He has spent over 40 years field-testing and mastering the survival techniques he shares with you in "Survive Until The End Comes. Many traditional survival techniques simply do not work for the average person in real survival situations.
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They may work for highly trained military survivalists, but not for most of us.