She Has Done A Beautiful Thing for Me
Suddenly, the crowd seems to part and she catches a glimpse of him. Nervous and trembling, she weaves in and out until she finds herself standing before the Light of the World. He looks at her with a look no other man has ever given her. A look not only of respect and recognition, but of love.
she has done a beautiful thing to me. – She is Captivating
Overwhelmed, she begins to weep as she loosens her grip on all she holds dear and opens her precious jar of perfume. Immediately, an overpowering aroma fills the room. Everyone turns to see the sinful woman falling to her knees in worship. As she watches it run down his hair, she is overcome with emotion.
She has Done a Beautiful Thing for Me: Portraits of Christian Women in Asia
Years of frustration, failure, bondage, hopelessness, and fear, flood the room as she lays there, gently washing the feet of Jesus. The disciples are deeply embarrassed by the scene this woman is causing. How dare this woman barge into their dinner party uninvited!
- She has done a beautiful thing....
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How dare she expose her sin at the feet of their king! They argue amongst themselves about how to bring dignity back to this situation. This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor. The Pharisees will surely think me a wise man for being so disgusted by this woman and suggesting such an efficient alternative. All ears are on the great teacher. She knew who she was. She knew she had no business being in the presence of Jesus.
She knew the customs and laws of the Sanhedrin. She knew the punishment for a sinful woman who approached a holy man was death by stoning.
But she also knew she had to meet Jesus, the one with power to heal her. For a moment at his feet, she was willing to break the rules, to act outside of the proper decorum, and even to disgrace herself in the eyes of people she looked up to.

Or withhold a portion when it starts to hurt? An action or sacrifice done to someone runs deeper than something done for another. It can suggest a greater personal sacrifice, a desire to pay honor to another. The difference is subtle but powerful. I think she was well aware of its value and what she could sell it for. What about the disciples, those hand-picked followers of Jesus?
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- She has Done a Beautiful Thing for Me: Portraits of Christian Women in Asia by Anne C. Kwantes;
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In a manner of speaking, they flipped out over her actions. And inadvertently exposed the ugliness in their hearts. The woman displayed a deep reverence and respect for Jesus by anointing His head, symbolically preparing Him for His death and burial.
What the woman did to Jesus was, indeed, beautiful. Will it be a beautiful thing? I love the message, probably because I am a lover of perfume, and realize what a beautiful sacrifice that was. I also love the fact that her name is not mentioned, so the focus was on the gift, rather than the giver. The bottle of JOY perfume was a gift from Bruce several years ago.
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It was very costly, but he bought it because he loves the scent. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you'd like to receive notifications of the latest posts, please enter your email address below. Words that ignite the heart. Stories that stir the soul. Truth that transforms the mind.