
Prayer Dreams The World: Powerful Prayers to Find and Intend the Truth in Your Heart

The President of the United States took your request seriously and sent in the troops to help! That is our relationship with God — Father and child. Just as a parent fulfills a child's request, so too God answers prayers. The Infinite Genius Who created every molecule on this earth, can alter the course of existence in order to answer your prayer. To really talk to God, you need to know He is willing and able to do it all. Otherwise, you're only talking to your finite concept of God — and not to our true Father in Heaven. Many people who visit Jerusalem are tourists who come to get a sense of Jewish culture and history.

One day, a young tourist named Jeff was brought in to meet me at Aish HaTorah. Whoever was able to convince an atheist like you to speak to a rabbi like me deserves a medal. Jeff had been in Norway, visiting his Norwegian fiance. And he decided it was now or never: So he headed for Jerusalem and the Western Wall. He figured he would stop by the Wall to see some old stones.

Yet upon his arrival he was amazed. He felt something heavy. As far as I know, You don't exist. But I do feel something. It's just that I don't know that You exist. But God, just in case You're really there and I'm making a mistake, get me an introduction. Jeff finished his prayer, and one of the Aish HaTorah students who happened to be at the Wall, saw Jeff and thought, "Perhaps he'd be interested in learning some Torah. He tapped Jeff on the shoulder, startling him so much that he jumped three feet in the air. Jeff whirled around and shouted,.

That question hit Jeff like a two-by-four right between the eyes. He had just finished asking God for an introduction, and immediately someone was offering to introduce him to God. Jeff learned at Aish HaTorah for the next six weeks. He was a very serious student, and went back to the States with a commitment to continue learning. A year later, Jeff came back to Israel and told me the end of his story. During that previous summer he had been meandering through the cobblestone alleyways of the Old City when he saw a pretty, sweet, religious girl walk by.

He said to himself, "Look at the charm of this Jewish woman. May the Almighty help me meet someone like this. One Shabbos morning during the next year, Jeff entered a synagogue in Boston for prayer services. Standing there was the same young woman he had seen in the Old City. He made his way over to her and said:. If you know any atheists, you can teach it to them.

Because when you are sincere with God, your prayers are answered. Anticipate that God wants to help you. Anything that you could ask Him for is infinitesimally small compared to what He has already given to you. If you don't expect the good, God is not going to invade your space. He wants you to connect to your Father in Heaven.

Yet He wants you to work for that understanding. By not answering you, God is telling you that you've got a problem, that you need to change. That's doing us a big favor. Because if He wouldn't do that, we'd just remain stuck in our illusions, unclear on the idea that God can do it all. You're years-old and driving through Manhattan in rush hour in the middle of July.

What if your father was in charge of all traffic lights in New York City and was able to track your location at any given time? He would arrange for green lights all the way! The Almighty can arrange it for you. He created the universe. Traffic in Manhattan is not overly taxing for Him. So here you go. Green light, green light, green light, green light.

You say to yourself: This is too good to be true. I don't deserve this. If you don't anticipate God's help, then you have lost sight of God as your Father. So God breaks the flow in order to realign your focus. Focus on the fact that the Almighty wants everything good for you. When you do that, He'll move mountains to answer your prayer. Nothing God does is by accident. If things don't go smoothly for you, your first reaction should be: Why is God doing this?

Why is He trying to get my attention? An uncle wrote newsy letters to his nephew at college. After six months and numerous letters, the nephew hadn't written back once. In the next letter, the uncle wrote his standard letter. But this time, he added a P. The nephew received the letter and of course couldn't find the check. As expected, the uncle immediately got a letter in return: I like my dorm room By the way, you forgot to enclose the check. Love, your favorite nephew. The Almighty knows how to get our attention. When we forget that He loves us, He sends a red light to refocus us.

But there's one big difference between the uncle and God: God is not hurt when we ignore Him. God has no needs and doesn't need a relationship with us. It is we who need a relationship with Him. Our greatest pleasure is being in touch with God. That's why He arranges small mishaps to get our attention. All for our own benefit. If you are serious about a relationship with God, then you understand that God is always teaching you. When life is suddenly full of inconveniences thrown your way, stop and ask: When the problems are larger than minor inconveniences — i.

There is something deep within yourself that you need to rectify. A young man came into Aish HaTorah to meet with me. I don't need a yeshiva. You see, God and I are very close. God does miracles for me. Once I was riding my motorcycle up a winding mountain road. A truck came around a curve and swerved into my lane. My only choice was to either smash into the side of the mountain, or to go off the cliff. Next thing I know, I'm flying through the air with nothing but rocks beneath me. I screamed out, 'God! My bike landed between two rocks, which acted like shock absorbers and cushioned the impact.

I was gently tossed off my bike into a hedge of bushes. I didn't get a scratch! So you see, God does miracles for me. I looked at him and said, "Tell me, my friend. Who do you think pushed you off the cliff?! God is not Superman. He doesn't wait until you stumble off a cliff so He can fly in at the last moment to save you. He controls everything in your life: Don't wait for God to push you off a cliff and catch you. Pay attention now and ask: What is the message? And if You want to get my attention, please do so without too steep a cliff!

To get our prayers answered, we have to be clear that what we are requesting is really the right thing — and not just some momentary whim. My whole class decided they were going to play hooky one day and go to the World's Fair. But there was one condition: Everyone had to bring a dollar. If you didn't have a dollar, you couldn't come. I didn't have a dollar, and the only way I could get a dollar from my father was to learn a chapter of Mishna by heart.

But there was no way I could pull off a whole chapter on such short notice. So I figured I might as well go to school that day. I'd be the only one there — a hero! I started walking to school, when it suddenly occurred to me: Keep your eyes on the pavement, Noah, maybe you'll find a dollar! I started to pray, "Almighty, a dollar bill You have them around the street all the time.

Just this one time, let me find a dollar bill. Two more blocks, no dollar. I thought maybe God wants something from me. So I said, "Almighty, I'll take out the garbage. And I won't fight with my sister. Finally, I round the corner and the school is in sight. The moment of truth. And then I caught myself. If you find the dollar, you're gonna play hooky! Many times the Almighty sends us what we truly need, but we don't recognize it because we haven't done the work of clarifying our needs!

God's answer — whether yes or no — always tells you something important about yourself. Prayer is not an escape from personal effort or responsibility. It is a vehicle for us to refine our choices, and to realize that God is the source of all that we accomplish. Prayer focuses us on reality, and keeps us in touch with where our life is heading.

It's not just a pipe dream. You have to work for what you want. If you're half-hearted, you're not serious about it. The purpose of life is growth. Prayer is not a magic button to escape that process. By compelling us to make an effort, God gives us the means to truly grow.

Brown , December 10, Prayers for me lord to change my ways and thoughts and prayers for me and my girlfriend and prayers for me to change everything lord it's not holding m. Prayers for me to change my ways and thoughts against my girlfriend lord and prayers for me to change my ways and thoughts Lord.

We need to get out of debt and have our rightful inheritance restored. Since my parents and brother died things have not been as good as we believe H'Shem intended. I pray that money comes to me unexpectedly to pay all bills. We are this close. There have been several unanswered prayers which is turning me to an athiest I feel. If God is a good, kind father, why would he put a disease in me nor help when I need Him the most? Mike , December 9, 5: Our faith is what we live by. I am new to aish. I started my day just surfing the site.

Prayer Requests: For You, Your Loved Ones, or Others In Need

I came across Rabbi Weinberg's article on how to get prayers answered. What a way to start my day. I love this web site. So much to look at. Milgrim-Heath , July 24, 1: The first time I was saved from an expressway full car collision- Torrential rains, no casualties or banged up cars anywhere where an angel saved me being his mission.

A premonition of this accident made me most concerned- Saving an elderly woman profusely bleeding behind me that I learned. Adrenaline heaviness saved me from pain after this strong collision hit- Feeling no pain but hours later severe pain came in bit by bit. And a day later and after that I felt severe pain really much worse- Being spiritual with all my heavy accident trauma God I couldn't curse.

Due to my dental assistant surgical background seriously did prepare- Helping this frightened profusely bleeding elderly lady God did spare. The ER didn't come quick enough so I cleaned her up and did pray- Thank You God for saving four living souls still on earth today. Not everyone understands the reasons why bad things happen to be- A certain traveler's keychain from Israel God led me online to a site actually. Anonymous , December 9, 5: I was really asking my self about this question. I've been suffering with pain in my right hip area since ;but before that I was told I had a very rare bone disease in my collar bones since been operated on both disease is back.

Because I was in so much pain I hired a trainer to try and keep myself in shape and remember feeling a terrible pain on the right side hip area. Long story short no one knows why I have this pain, since I am a female with mild hemophilia, there are a lot of medications I can't take so I'm on oxycontin - I'm under the care of pain management doctor; but I'm always so tired.

I make sure to light Shabboes candles and keep a Kosher Home. I try to keep Shabboes but things have been so bad of late that if my husband and sometimes myself turn on the T. I'll watch it - it takes me mind away from the pain. My husband is not religious at all - the only time he comes to Shul is when Yom Kippur is over he heard the Shaffer to pick me up. Since it just the two of us now Shabboes is not how I would want it to be. I just read one of your articles about a man named Jeff who became religious, his prayers answered and I cried - first time in a very long time - so much pain and fatigue - don't know if I'm coming or going.

I pray that I will get well not only for my sake but for G-d's sake - how can I be a good Jewish Woman, a productive woman living this way. Feel like I'm losing. Want so much to be a good Jewish Woman, how can that be when you cannot function? They said G-d cured all the Jews at Mount Sinai so they could understand and follow the laws - I felt as though I was there - if so I wish he would help me now. But sometimes I'm so tired I can't pray and feel as though my prayers are not strong enough.

Hard to be a good Jew when you are sick! It has happened all of my life,starting from about 16 years old up to now and I am 58 years old. Everytime something good happens for me, or it seems as though my life is about to take a turn for the better, I is taken, I hit a dead end, it stops. I pray against generational curses and other curses because it seems as though there is one on my life.

I just don't understand. Why does this keep happening to me and I have never been able to live out my dreams, goals or anything. HELP, I need answers please. You said, "If a billionaire father handed over unlimited cash on a silver platter, his child would grow up spoiled and irresponsible. He's not trying to not spoil us, he's just not active in our lives at all.

I had and unusually rough weekend due to family issues. I am a person who loves to spend time in prayer. The family issue was one of those 40 year ones But after reading the article, it doesn't matter so much that there was no answer, what matters is that I kept praying and perhaps what I think is the best answer, is not. The article made me smile again. I'm christian and all that you have shared about prayer thanks for it because it really helps. I am really thankful to have stumbled across this article as it has helped me understand many things about prayer.

I'm going through a lot and just needed God to be here. Your words help me be optimistic and leave my trust with God because I know he only wants the best for me. I'm having problems in life and sometimes i feel kinda left out, but the article really helped me see a more lighter side of life besides setbacks. Thanks a million and may GOD bless you all. Am goin through break up and i feel like god doesnt care about it cause i have prayed and prayed about it and stil he hasnt answered but i feel much better now that ive read your stories and everything.

I was online wondering how GOD can answer my prayers on my trouble life. Read your post and it all makes so much sense. He is our true father who only wants the best for us. Thank you for your article! This is the most precise article that I have read concerning the importance of prayer and why it's important to pray. I never commented on articles that I read.

This has helped me a great deal! I feel encouraged to take up the matters of God seriously. God bless you abundantly. I am really inspired by your advise about prayers. May the good Lord help me to understand on how I should live and pray. When I pray,I pray desperately from my heart,I am a woman who has been through a lot in life,I struggle financially and emotionally but I make my problems be known to God,so many went unanswered,but I never blamed God for it all,I just believed that what is mine will come to me.

I don't worry muclh about my fanancials cause I never go to bed hungry and a roof over my head. God knows my family is all I have and I believe he has the power to rebuild my home again. I was quite surprise and enjoy a Jewish sermon. I don't mean any offense when I say jewish.

I came from Baptist background unexpectedly I learn many things and it really touches my heart. I am looking for an answer to my prayer for the past give years and your message help me alot. Thanks for your help. Nice article, but it doesn't help me. I have tried everything he suggests. And I still feel like I am talking to a wall or myself. I get more response from my dog! I have disabilities for which I have been praying for over a decade to be healed. Instead, they are worse. I am trying to get a decent relationship with my adult son whom I was forced to give up custody in order to receive my get.

He answers me as often as Hashem does. I do not undertand why G-d just cannot hea me. Haven't I suffered enough? What more does He want after nearly 20 years of chronic pain. Whar answer did I get? He added problems with my eyes giving me facial and eye spasms. What did that do except make me tied down to doctor visits, relying on my husband to drive me, taking away my ability to go when I want and not when my husand wants.

He doesn't want me to call since it is always a bad time. Yes, it feels like I am being punished. What did I do to deserve this stress and anxiety? And thanks to my not being able to work, I do not have the money to go and visit my son in Israel. It is expensive to stay in hotels. And dad is giving my sister all she wants. He is supporting my narcissistic nephew.

But, he doesn't have a penny to help me? So, I pray for help. My husband who used to be able to save money before we married, now is having to give me money since social security disability won't pay for gasoline. So, what has praying to G-d everyday done for me? Yes, I am angry. I feel like I am wasting my time. Why pray when my answers are always NO! I do not deserve to be pain free? What does G-d want from me? I now pray not to wake up in morning. Alice Odumosu , April 20, 9: Lara , April 30, 6: How could you possibly expect your prayers to be answered when you have such a negative outlook on life.

I have never know anyone write an essay this long about everything that is wrong in their lives. You have completely missed the point of prayer. Don't get me wrong; I am not saying your problems are not real, but as long as you continue to focus on the problems rather than God's love, your situation will not change. I feel sorry for you, not because of your problems but because of your attitude. The choice is yours - either keep pronouncing your problems and let them you or let go and let God, and be amazed.

Do you let anyone correct you? You need to be corrected. Let me tell you about someone who does it correctly. My family helps take care of a man who has muscular dystrophy. He has hundreds of friends and everyone loves him. People go out of their way to visit him and after being with him they forget that he can only move one finger, let alone hug his wife, throw a ball to his adopted son or help a stranger change their flat tire. He can not even wipe the crumbs off his face, but does he complain? I have never heard him complain ONCE.

It is not a part of his makeup. He constantly loves others and helps them. You must choose to get your eyes off of yourself. You sound like a black hole that sucks the life out of everyone around you. I am not trying to be mean when I say that but the truth may hurt in this situation. What you want from others is for them to give. Well, at the root o giving is love. Start learning to love and you will not need to complain all the time. This article helped me a lot and understand more.

I always wondered why I was rejected from this school a few years ago. I was reluctant but this year I tired again bug for a more prestigious school and this time I did differently. Instead of only relying on myself to get in I prayed, I prayed when ever I could. This article helped me realize what I need to do and made me feel better about being rejected because I know now i hav to figure out why by asking God.

Thank you so much! So right so positve. Because of that i love Judaisam. It s good for everyone not only for Jews. Shalom Hashem bless You. Hi, I'm a Christian from Australia and I am going through a very hard time at the moment, a separation and some incredible financial stress. I have been praying to God like you would not believe but have not felt any answer to prayer. When I have read answers on many Christian websites to try to understand why I feel as though I am being met by God's silence they all say much the same thing that I have not been showing enough faith or God answers prayers in His own way or in His own time, you just have to wait.

None of these answers have seemed satisfactory to me but then I read the explanation offered by Rabbi Weinberg and it seems to make much more sense to me. I will say this is the best article I have ever read well explained I really like it as it has motivated me. Thank you very much. I thought my prayer was answered I was working 2 ft jobs, and now it seems i've failed at one. Money is a concern and keeping my family together. I have had a lot of blows in my life. How can I really be sure the He is helping me at times it feels like i'm being punished. I wanna say thank you so much im only 13 but i understand y i thought god was ignoring me.

He is our father and we need to trust in him. I believe in my father and i am a sinnner. I want to thank you for these words of wisdom above i hope to pass it on to someone in need. Thank you all so much. This was one of the best things I have read yet, such a well explained writing that makes a lot of sense. I loved this, thanks for posting! I ran acroos your artocle by chance. Even though i'm not jewish,my heart is jewish.

But God is God. Thank you very much for your words and your winsdom. This has been most insightful. Would like You to pray with Me as I believe God for a new job between now and tomorrow. May God bless You richly. I have been praying but it seems God is ignoring me. Have read this article and am willing to retrace my step. I pray this works out for me. I need your help. I have been unemployed for over five years, I receive no assistance, people avoide me like a disease. I spend my days applying for jobs. I have had several interviews, but no offers. I pray twice a day and talk to God all the time, but I receive no answer to my prayer.

When I had a job I donated to charity to help children's and pray for them. Can you pray for me to get sob? God wants us to work towards solving our problems. I have prayed and prayed for a job, I graduated from college a year ago, and I am constantly applying for jobs.

I have a very professional resume. I apply for everything even not in my field. I am either over or under qualified. I also have a resume that works with jobs not in my field. I dont it back and hope something will hppen, I work hard at it all. My car insurance is overdue, and I can't pay my bills. I tihe when I can and I help and pray for people. I am worried because I also have a car payment and I have to have a car.

I love God dearly but am about ready to give up. I am totally scared. I know others are in my boat, but where is God. Is He going to help with my bills? Sometimes, this horrible act still haunts me, I have feelings of guilt and regret. So I am asking for prayers, please pray for me. After this happen to me I got baptized and surrendered my whole life to Christ.

I pray everyday for reconcileition for my husband and I. Similar things happen to men too, it happened to me! The thing that concerns me is the woman I believe God has shown me has a similar issue, a grown child strongly influencing her and using her! God bless you and prayers for you! I thank God for your testimony irene…. In , god gave me the strength to end a miserable relationship that I was in. It lasted for almost a year. Mark that I started to grow lonely. Then after about 9 mos.

I met this guy on line…. I allowd him to use me up sooo bad that I ended up falling into serious debt. I almost lost everything…. This was my first experience with verbal abuse…Then once I was able to break away from that, this guy at my job had been watching me for several months and he finally approached me. We dated for about 4 months. He was so good to me then all of the sudden, he started acting strange.

I broke down crying at work in the bathroom. I began to ask the Lord to make me over!!! I asked him to use me for his glory. I want to be able to help other women who have been hurt like me. I want to be able to teach young women how to protect their precious jewels…. For Several years I have gone through financial hardships. I am always in bad dept from the bank and friends and work place. My wife is always sickly. I earn my salary and it is gone in repaying the dept have and even still carry forward more bad dept.

Recently I got a new job yet it is stressing that sometimes I feel I made a mistake. But one thing I have learn t is to to continue trusting in God for he is my fortress and my refuge. I know God is preparing me for greater things. My God give me the strength to move on and overcome. I know that God is at work in my life. I have been through so much pain, but I want to please Him in all I do. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you abundantly! Hey britt , just an update, from my opinion that signs came flashing down on me recent days and as ur a believer i shall share with my knowledge of thoughts i believe are my rights to help for the Glory of God.

I finaly came to a conclusion on what those signs realy meant. All am certain of for now is to stay strong and prepare for anything. God will send you these clues just listin and be patient. Then spread it out when its time. Year of the whirlwind. I have been let down by God, and my heart and faith is shattered. I really really hope someone can give some encouragement or even proof testimony of how Trusting God was even good.

Since when did he care? Jonathan, I understand how you must be feeling. God put me thru seasons that I had not planned on going thru because I had lived my life through my devotion to my marriage, church, children, profession and community. I thought because I lived this way and Jesus was in my heart that bad things would not affect my life.. Bad things are going to happen in life period!!! This incident happened over 15 years ago. I love The Lord and he is my salvation. My life has completely changed. I have gone thru divorce, domestic violence, homelessness, isolation, sin…but when The Lord really has your heart that of which you gave him..

Depend on HIM, not You! He wants to lead your life. I hear you Jonathon and my heart breaks for you. I think I was once a where you are now. Too scared to trust God with everything because he takes away more than he gives? With him we suffer more than we thrive? We lose in life more than we win? These used to be my beliefs of God. Funnily enough, total surrender has actually come through much heartbreak, similar to what April has said. If God had not allowed me to get to that breaking point in my life, I would still have been a little too independent of God for his power to be seen in me.

The immensity of how powerful he is and how extravagantly he loves us cannot be grasped by us or seen by others until we depend, surrender and trust — completely.

God is preparing you for great things

Easy to say, hard to do, I know. He knows what he can accomplish in us and for us and he so longs for us to experience his incredible supernatural power every day of our lives. And so God directs our steps in such a way that we finally get to a place of complete dependence on him, much like a drowning swimmer grabs on to their rescuer for dear life. Then you will find your rest. Then he can show you who he really is and the things he wants to do for you that you could never dream up yourself.

But even so, I pray God will use these words speak to you. Julie, your post was written for Jonathon, but meant for myself and others as well. I call myself a newbie or infant in my relationship with the Lord.

Intersection of Life and Faith

It is so very confusing at times as I try to understand how this whole relationship thing works. Throughout my life most of the relationships I have had with friends, men and even family has caused me great heartache and to have a distrust of all relationships. So much so, that for the past almost twenty years the wall I built around my heart was solid.

I just went through the motions each day going to work and living. Some times were harder than others with medical and financial issues. I made it through those times with the help of family, of course, but also God. Not because I prayed, but because I had the prayers of other people in my life. Last year I met a young man through work. Certainly the last person I would ever think that would lead me to the Lord as I am almost 20 years his senior.

But, that is exactly what he did. Talking about work led to more personal conversations and friendship and God. I now go to his bible study group and he is a dear friend. I have come to realize that God puts people in your life for a reason and if we can open ourselves up enough, we will see that. I now have a handful of people that God has blessed me with to help me along in my journey. The hardest part of this whole journey is opening myself up enough and just trusting. Completely trusting and depending on and surrendering to Him. Giving God the control instead of myself.

I am still working on that part. My life is already better than it was six months ago. This is the first time I have visited this website. Reading your wonderful response to Jonathon really struck me and I knew it was meant for me as well. Thank you so very much for your words of love and support.

I have never written a response to anything online before. Maybe what I have written will help someone else at some point. May God bless you and keep you safe, bring the wisdom of his Word to those mentoring and being mentored, and that the knowledge that Jesus loves you is a totally awesome feeling! So far, a year later I have had people speak on behalf of God for me. I do miss being happy and my old life, but whatever God wants so I can stand before him and make it.

But, if this is what he wants no complaints. Being single and traveling works for me. He made me reply for a reason which now has opened my eyes even more. Keep believing on the one and Only God. Dont keep your guards down. Raise your family on stronger path. If u really believe, you shall find out what ive found out and be ready for the events.

Believe in the abilities and capabilities plus talents he left in you. A Good choice makes you happy. A Bad one gives you a the horrible vibe. Trusting him is like handing over your rights and doing what the scriptures tell you too. To trust in him is to learn to trust yourself too,. Know the origin of the trial and be honest about it. Was the trial a result from your lack of knowledge, a pre-meditated sin, poor decision-making etc on your part? Or is it to serve as a learning experience for you to help someone else down the road?

Is your letdown and heartbreak of God based on not getting it ever or not getting it right now? I know how you feel and am going through myself right now. Its up to us to accept it. We just wait to see what EACH day will bring. I used to dislike a lot when people would tell me things like this, it was my pride and stubbornness. I feel I have been in the valley for too long. I recently lost my fiance…we would have been married in March or my hope was on hi upcoming birthday.

He proposed on mine so it was only fitting to take our vows on his. I finally found the man I have hoped for.. There were so many things going on that needed attending. All he wanted was a loving wife and companion. His death was sudden and I am nit handling things welll. One thing I have become aware of is that I seemed to become interested in reading of religioys material and listening to religious songs. I sit and hear these songs as if they are being sent to me as a message from him…… and….. I am dealing with a major surgery and recovery is really tough and I miss the love and support he gave and would give had he been here.

For that I thank the Lord……. I am thankful for the 15 months we shared. I am lost though…. Maybe a few prayers and words would help. Carol, I wish that I could meet you in person, hold your hand and pray with you. But I am thankful that God can send you just what you need. Wait upon the Lord. The 23rd Psalm says that he restores our soul. He will do this for you, because he is a faithful God who loves you perfectly. May he also send you friends and believers to come along side to bring encouragement and comfort.

The valley is not a pain free place, but God has a purpose. I know my times in the valley, I want to see and know what is going on and what God is doing, but, trust and obey is usually the way he leads me. May God bring you hope this day to fight the good fight. A friend in Christ………………Francine.

A Prayer of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 - Your Daily Prayer - March 14, 2017

I said a prayer for you immediately. Since a month has past I sure hope you have leaned more on our Lord and able to find some peace, but strength also. Francine gave some wonderful words of encouragement. I sure hope some family or friends have been able to also surround you with love and help in your recovery. Trust in the Lord always, for He is good. His love endures forever! Yes I truly do believe this whole heartily. I purchased a new business almost 1 year to the tee. I was just about ready to throw in the towel due to funds running very low, and I new deep down inside that God had a plan for me.

However I can tell you I did in fact start to loose faith. But the wonderful people that were around me and the people that I had to deal with who tried very hard to keep me grounded and tell me that good things will come my way and they did. You will open my eyes to things I would never have seen in this life time and lessons will be taught to me. So please try and never give up hope because God does hear our prayers and we need to instill patience, that was very hard for me. Carol my heart goes out to you dear one!

You are not alone and I will pray for you. So glad you found love like that…it will remain with you always!!! Everyone was so happy! The son was so sad and broken for quite awhile. But then a new love came into his life and now they are getting married. I certainly have no answers as to why life happens the way that it does…why bad things happen to good people…but God is still good and in time I believe you will find love again and you will find peace and happiness again. Hang in there…trust in the Lord…when He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

This past few weeks ive been given sign in which now i trully feel like i know why now, is to help people and to remind them that everything happends for a reason. I lost my mom when i was 7 years old , then my step mom when i was 17… It has made my life hard but grew strong from it. I am led by him. Prepare youself for upcomming events stay strong cause when it comes it will be swiftly.

We will unify or prevent it but will have to do something about it for the Glory. Subject as a matter to discuss on net but hopefully God will wisper it so that u can tell your fellow people too and so we can help each other to help us all. We come across so many in our ministry who give up on God through the troubles because if He really loved them and His Word is true, He would be the ever-present help in time of trouble Psalm It is no comfort to know that the One with the power to rescue you stands by and does nothing to relieve your pain.

We see way too many give up on Him. I try to read the Acts of the Apostles when this feeling comes over me; it helps put everything in perspective. I am learning neither to look back nor forward, but to just stay in the present day as if it were the only day I have. We cry, He cries, we laugh, He laughs. As a parent, its not always good to jump in and help a child. But kid will walk eventually. I pray every day to just know where to put one foot in front of the other and that soon my journey on this earth will come to an end.

I pray that the Lord will renew your strength and give you his joy. He has work for you to do here that only you can do. Volunteer if you are able, encourage people over the phone and online if you can. Focus on blessing other people and God will pour out his blessings on you! I am praying that the presence of the Lord is felt greatly by you and you are filled with the power and wonder of the Holy Spirit!

Wow, this is actually the subject of a book and workshop I am writing right now. I went through a very difficult season in and came out determined to believe that God has a plan for restoration, provision and destiny , even if I could not see it with my eyes. Here is my intro: Dear Susie…Thank you for your encouraging post. I am going through the results of a fall when I fractured my upper shoulder….

I have found whenever hard situations happen, God sometimes is trying to get my attention. And I just want him to have full control of my life. I do not have a sense of how God is using my circumstances to a greater calling, in fact, I feel like I have died and no longer live, just exist. Two other seasons of my life I also went through extreme circumstances and the Lord pulled me through them in unusual ways, but as I enter my seventh year of this particular season I have no dreams left and feel that I have used up the talents God gave me in the prior seasons.

My dream right now is to have me doctor tell me that I have an advanced stage of cancer or any other disease that cannot be cured and that I only have a month or so left. Things will get better in time! Can I say, that you might be right where God intends you to be, yes to die.. You see you are being used, not even knowing so right now, God has given you a great purpose in life to accomplish all he has for you.

I will pray for you!! Mary, I could have written this myself. Thanks for sharing your comments and thank you, Gary. I needed to hear that. I am glad to meet you, and wish you well with this lesson, too. The people that make it through this lesson have awesome testimony, which encourages me to hold on a little longer. Things may take time but keep your head up and just pray. Ashely and Mary Ch, Your comments affected me so deeply that they brought tears to my eyes. I have felt so much in despair lately.

I do know that God will see us through all our darkest days or years even… They may not seem temporary while we are in the middle of these times of despair, but they are. God is faithful and will never leave us even when we have almost given up on ourselves. He has brought me through too many awful times to not know deep within my soul that He will bring me through time and time again.

He never gives up and will give us strength and peace even when all we want to do is escape from our pain. Hold on tight and just Trust. Thank you for your analogy about God giving his strongest soldiers the toughest battles because He knows they can overcome them. I thank God for you guys and feel not so alone right now because of you both.

Thank you for all the prayers. I am not giving up but cannot get past the scared and sick feeling. Have waited 7 yrs for a job to no avail. What a great word of encouragement for me in this season as I walk through this valley! I know what I need to do. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We have been praying and working while we wait for Him to fulfill it. In that time I have seen Him work in us and refine us more than I could have ever imagined possible. I am thankful that God never wastes time!

God has been speaking to me about humbleness, and I believe it involves being secure with your relationship with God so much so that whatever is required of you, you are at peace. I am finally living out the position that I have been preparing for all of my life. In it, I have found every day that there is a choice: Be overwhelmed, or surrender each and every decision to Christ. I am thankful and am praying to be more.

I am surrendered and am taking steps to let go of more. Reading your prayers and others helps me feel that I am part of the greater Christian community that is doing the same. He loves me too much to leave me as I was. They have softened me and strengthened me all at the same time.

Thanks for your blog post today on Facebook. It really jumped out at me and spoke to my heart. Norman, Why would you feel useless to God, because of a breakup? A beautiful reminder that to whom much is given much is required. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Patience is a virtue. Thanks for the reminder. This is so timely in my season right now. And a conversation I just had with a dear friend tonight. Thank you for this God whisper.

I think I started crying before I got through the first paragraph. Sometimes when I read something that confirms everything God is trying to show me at that time, the tears are my confirmation. I just got my divorce, after three years of renewing my relationship with God that had been dormant throughout my marriage. Instead of doing that, I simply turned those desires off, and shut them down myself. I let them die in the valley of dry bones, instead of hoping in the resurrection of my dreams. I need to learn how to open my hands and let God have my dreams.

They seem so big sometimes. The things I want to do, the things I have clamoring inside of me! Like someone else posted, I want to do them NOW…. I know that God has plans for me, I know that my dreams are nothing compared with what He can do…. What could I possibly do for God? How on earth could he use me?

I love your posts, your blogs and your heart.

CONSTANTLY PRAY IN YOUR HEART!!! - Viewers Prayer With T.B. Joshua

Thank you for such encouragement. I thought I knew. There is just a lot of pain now, pain and confusion. But what I am thankful for is hope that survives the traumas of life. Perhaps God can use this time to make me stronger, so that I can better understand the pain of others and be more compassionate. Part of me wants to retreat, to find a safe place within myself and keep people at a safe distance. However, that is not the person I want to be. Thank you for posting this. Of this I know!

You see, in September I made the desperate move of surrendering all of me to Christ. I had just found out that my husband had cheated on me for the 3rd time. Previously, I had been so determined to keep my family in tact, that I ignored my hurt. My crusty heart began to open up toward not just my husband but with all of my relationships. I trusted the Master Gardener to prune away the rotting, withered branches of my past that were choking out my future. I am trusting the Lord to take me to places I dare not go on my own; to keep the weeds of fear, distrust, and inadequacy from creeping in and taking over.

With His hammer, i can build a godly character thats more prepared for His service. To God be the glory! He is sure working through you! Thank you Jesus Christ! Thank you Susie Larson! Love reading your words, you are so encouraging to me! I struggle with humility daily. Some days I feel so worthless, and others I feel a false sense of pride in myself. God is faithful to remind me that He is surely the source of whatever is making me feel proud, and He is faithful to lift me up when I am so deeply in need of encouragement. So grateful for His presence, His love, and His faithfulness.

I do believe God is leading me to hold a ministry for broken people. Especially women and children. He has placed such a concern in my heart for them. I know no matter what I have to trust Him. There is such peace although there is turmoil all about me. I am in the valley right now with the dry bones of a 39 year marriage. I just want to be very clear about whose voice I am following. Thank you Susie for your daily devotions.

I feel that you are writing only to me. I can barely wait to go to bed at night so I can savor your evening blessing. The last 6 weeks have been very difficult for me.

  • A Prayer of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 - Your Daily Prayer.
  • How To Get Your Prayers Answered.
  • God is preparing you for great things - Faith Radio Faith Radio!
  • 1. Analyze Your Prayer Request.

I know that God is teaching me and stretching for a greater purpose. I have had many many people praying for me and lifting me while I go through these trials right now. Thank you Susie for reminding me of this assurance that God is going to do great and mighty things through me. I saw a poster, of all places, at the credit union the other day that spoke very loudly to me. That was what I needed to see that day. Thank you Susie for your insight and wisdom you share. It is amazing to see how God has used you to speak to me on a daily basis.

This has been a season of between the rains as they say…. Your words are parallel to what my journey has been the last two years.

A dream was planted, everything seemed to be going in that direction and then all doors closed. As my heart broke God brought me to a place of intimate prayer, deeply studying his word and being still. I had no job still do not have a steady job and each day I surrendered more and more, some items were pried out of my hands …. I love reading what you are inspired to write, beautiful words, that iencourage and lift.

Thank you for being who you are! Because I find myself in a hard place I am pressing into the Lord as never before. I know that this latest setback is an attempt of the enemy to make me throw in the towel, give up on God, His call and plan for my life. I desperately want to be in the center of His will in every area of my life so that He can be glorified and His Kingdom increased through the works He has purposes for me to accomplish. I pray for grace and strength to put my hand to the plow and keep my focus on Him, not allowing anything or anyone to hinder what He is calling me to.

God bless you Susie. Thank you for all the work you do for the Lord. I too am in a season of waiting. Drawing closer to the Lord through His word by myself and with others. Just what He has planned for me is not clear at this time but I am being still and waiting on the Lord. Perfect reminder for me right now! Pride is offended when people question motives. I enjoyed this very much — It comes at a time in my life I am in a waiting time in my life where I believe The Lord is at work behind the scenes and I trust in him for the next steps on my journey.

My first priority is making sure I am vertically focused so that we can make a kingdom difference for those we serve. Pray for us please. Need miracles for sure! I am blessed with an amazing supportive husband who values my soul and presence with he and our three girls more than that paycheck I used to bring home. Your morning and evening blessings have been so comforting to me during this time.

These are the words that cause us to pause, ponder, and ultimately we will persevere because of them. I can see how I am definitely more stronger, bolder, and more confident as a result of really leaning into God during the last few very challenging years. And, what I love most is that God taught me how to pray prayers that are effective and that He loves.

I believe He is wanting me to teach others how to pray this way, and to be an encouragement wherever I go, letting His light shine into the darkness. I feel like I am a pile of bones needing a little life breathed into me.

Read More Your Daily Prayer

Hoping to feel the breath soon. Thanks for the encouragement. I believe He has great things for me to do. I know He has plans for me I pray I can hear when He wants me to be still or when He wants me to move. My family needs me but I wait on Him to do great promises. When I am week I am strong in Him. Wow, this was a cool breeze on warm day! Thank you for the encouragement! I believe with knowledge comes power. With knowledge will come the ability to know how to properly play the prayer game with the Lord.

I will leave you with one last thought. One of the benefits of having established a true personal relationship with God the Father is the ability to be able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests. Think of the consequences and the possibilities of this privilege that we now have with God the Father. God the Father has the full supernatural power to do or accomplish whatever He should so desire. God loves to answer prayers. Prayers to God can save lives, change circumstances, and prevent catastrophes.

However, many Christians do not fully realize the power and potential they have if they would simply learn how to properly pray to God to get Him to move on certain situations. Many people are so wrapped up in themselves and their own lives, they fail to see how their own prayers to God can help someone else out who may be in a dire situation. One of the prayer secrets I will be discussing shortly is the power of intercession — the ability to stand in the gap for someone else, approach God as his advocate, and pray to God to help them out of a dire situation.

Many people do not really know how to properly approach and pray to God the Father. As a result, people are either dying early before their time is really up, or they are forced to live under tragic circumstances due to no fault of their own. Bad things can happen. But prayers to God the Father can either prevent the bad things from happening before they happen, or they change the situation for the better once the bad thing has happened. This is the call of the Eagle. Nothing is impossible for a true Eagle of God because he knows nothing is impossible with the God he serves.

God will be raising up an army of Eagles in the coming years that will fly with the power and anointing of God such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again. The Bible says in the latter days just before Jesus comes back, that an army will raised up. The verse is Joel 2: A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; nor will there be any such after them, even for many successive generations.

A woman by the name of Mary Baxter received a direct Word from Jesus about this army and who He will be calling to be a part of it. This was a very powerful Word given to this woman, and I believe there is a strong possibility that this army will be coming out of this generation! Read below or add a comment The lord is with you all,keep praying and fasting, he will hear your cry from the heavens and he is the only true God strong in battle, he has manifested in my life and am here to give testimony, he answered my prayer and I forever trust him. Jesus, command us to keep praying and seeking.

God wants everyone to be saved and healed. If you know the story of Jonah while he run from God? God wants him to intercede for people in prayer because God wants them to be saved. A few pastors I spoke with concerning him have given me discouraging revelations about both him and his family. But the will to fight for him above all and still marry him is so strong because I find peace in my heart.

So please help me. I married a man out the will of God and for eleven years I have been living under control. My children have been suffering my oldest has two children out of wedlock and my husband has put her out of the house we both build.

2. The Holy Spirit

She wants to come home but he stands in the house as tyrant. I have no access to the front of the house My children and I are so unhappy he control the keys. He control the groceries he control the washer as we are allowed to wash only when he say Recently the Lord has been opening doors for me to speak at churches so I know he has a plan for me Reading your post I realized this is not how God intended for me to live I am claiming my deliverance now I need a battle prayer.

My personal feelings can be very strong and we are told not to rely on what we feel because our hearts are driven by fleshly desires. Satan can also cast shadows of doubts over your hopes so…? Are we all just making our own decisions here and saying the holy spirit lead us to it? Please pray for me and boyfriend to settle our problems.

Lord I ask you once again to give him to me,. One more time lord please give his love back to me as we are going to talk again this coming few days. Once again I am asking for a prayer to anyone who can read this and to you lord to give us another shot that it will lead to marriage and have a family on our own with your love and guidance. I know how deep love can go. And I feel for you and your situation. However, be careful to pray to the Lord that only His will in your life should happen.

Pray that the Lord will let the two of you stay together and marry if it is His will. And if it is not, that He gives you the strength or walk away. I recently had an almost similar situation. I had a boyfriend for over a year. I usually travel and it was on one of these trips that I found my strength to pray to the Lord about my relationship seriously. He was my best friend too. So I asked him, since it was still the first month of the year , to give me a new beginning without him if that was his will, and that He should give me the strength to accept and move on.

Comfort me and give me peace. Long story short, about 2 weeks later, we were over. And because of how the break up happened, I know the Lord was showing me something about how I needed a man who fought for me if I was going to be with him forever. And I know the Holy Spirit had a hand in separating us. Am alright and still praying to the Lord about a marriage partner.

Am thankful and grateful that He separated me from my ex. And I have seen so many reasons why he was not compatible with me. The Lord is my Savior, I am His sheep. Your first story, about the woman who ended up with the abuser, is difficult to accept. So the answer was a warning. I want God to bless me with a good job and a very good pay. I want God to bring back my relationship with the lady i intended to marry Queendalyn. That any form of obstacle and confusion from men coming her way should be destroyed. And God to uplift me, restore me back, grant me favours, blessings, breakthroughs, peace, total health, longlife, wisdom and progress.

I ask all these through Christ our Lord amen. Ive a question, so how do i know what gods will for my life is? Prayers are mostly silent, i want to be close to god and walk with him but this silentness and unanswered prayers are getting me frustrated and idk if im just going crazy beliving in this. Before me and my fiance met, we prayed that God would send the perfect helpmate.

God spoke to her and told her that i was the one and i am his best for her. Many times for 4 months straight, random people would speak to us saying that God put us together but she found out that i watched porn last night.