Ir-rev-rend: Christianity Without the Pretense. Faith Without the Façade
Greg found God while huddled under a grand piano, hiding from overzealous friends and family trying to accost him during an altar call at a Pentecostal revival. So began a life of sharing stories of God's endlessly creative and often surprising work and seeing God's transforming power in unexpected ways. As Greg himself affirms, if God can use his missteps and blunders, God can use anybody's. Great Read- honest and sincere. He's not only creative in bringing you back, but he's also creative in finding you a place to serve. Sometimes it just takes a while for the GPS to kick in. They almost seem gullible at times because they choose to believe the best rather than defaulting to something sinister They will have a genuine love for everyone.
Go and BE a blessing, God needs you right where you are to be the light in the darkness of someone standing beside you!
IR-REV-Rend: Christianity Without the Pretense. Faith Without the Facade by Greg Surratt
Overview Music Video Charts. Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Click I Have iTunes to open it now. Ir-rev-rend Christianity Without the Pretense. View More by This Author. Perhaps what's most distinctive about Surratt is his level-headedness, his ability to own up to his emotions, and his knack for not prejudging others.
Fans of his Seacoast Church, known for its 14 locations across the larger Charleston region, will appreciate his straight-talking approach.
Ir-Rev- Rend: Christianity without the Pretense. Faith without the Façade
Greg Surratt is one of the good guys. He communicates by telling stories--natural, unpretentious, useful parables of real faith. Greg Surratt's ability to tell a story is uncanny. His life-changing wisdom and sidesplitting humor will keep you captivated. Hang on for the ride because there are bumps, but they are really great bumps. Read it and you will be impacted in profound ways.
He is sincere, humble and without pretense. I couldn't put it down. He brings that insight and wisdom to this terrific book. That's essentially what I've tried to do with this book. It's a collection of real life stories including mine that will hopefully make the readers laugh, cry and push them toward Jesus. The stories deal with faith, hope, doubt, love, sex, money, politics and a bunch of other real life issues that we all wrestle with. I've written it to believers, hoping that the writing will be engaging enough that, after reading it, they will want to give it to their friends who may be struggling with their faith.
I tried to keep it real. One of my kids saw a preview copy and thought it might be a little too real.
He's probably right, but I left them on the pages anyway. What do kids know? Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Ir-rev-rend ir REV rund noun 1.
- Ir-rev-rend.
- Learn to Preach Like Jesus!?
- Christianity Without the Pretense, Faith Without the Façade.
- Ir-rev-rend: Christianity Without the Pretense.
Do they make bad decisions? Commit sin and experience severed relationships? Pastor Greg Surratt is not perfect, and he unashamedly tells the stories that have strengthened his faith. He writes that the choice to follow Christ is never clean, is often scary, is usually clothed in mystery, and is always an adventure. For some people, God appears in dark, dirty, lonely, or just plain odd places. Greg found God while huddled under a grand piano, hiding from overzealous friends and family trying to accost him during an altar call at a Pentecostal revival. So began a life of sharing stories of God's endlessly creative and often surprising work and seeing God's transforming power in unexpected ways.
As Greg himself affirms, if God can use his missteps and blunders, God can use anybody's. Read more Read less. Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World. Review "Pastor of a successful megachurch in Mt. FaithWords September 28, Language: Start reading Ir-rev-rend on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Now Playing Watch a Trailer for the Book.
Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention greg surratt pastor greg seacoast church must read laugh out loud mount pleasant really enjoyed make you laugh easy to read must admit laugh make book in about 3 days reading this book finished this book great book read this book surratt book reading about greg like the book jesus. Showing of 39 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Pastor Greg peppers his stories with amusing side bar comments like he is sitting across the table talking with the reader.
His honesty is disarming. We don't expect so much candor from our Senior Pastors, but Pastor Greg is no ordinary pastor.
Learn to Preach Like Jesus!
Leader of SeaCoast Church with six locations in Mount Pleasant, SC, he pastors one of the largest and fastest-growing churches in the region. From Pentacostal roots to guiding one of today's important emerging churches, he keeps it honest and real but not without the flame of the Holy Spirit evident in his life. The more time we spend with the Lord, the more we become like him. Pastor Greg is transforming.

This book is a glimpse into that process. AW Tozer said that every man has exactly as much of God as he wants. Pastor Greg is obviously going further and higher, seeking God and His kingdom. One person found this helpful.
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Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Innovation is just desperation in a prettier package. The more you get to know Jesus the less likely you are to act like a jerk. There are no faceless models, only people of value who are loved by their creator. I bought it at 4pm and finished it by 6pm. During those two hours, I read a book that resonated with me in a lot of ways. For one thing, Greg's dad was an itinerant evangelist. My dad was a church planter. My upbringing included a free will doctrine that made me wary of losing my salvation, and I often wondered if the Rapture would come and leave me behind.
Greg Surratt also had those tenets as part of his upbringing. Beyond these parallels, another common ground is our desire to follow Jesus, despite our doubts, despite our failings, and despite our brokenness. God calls us all to live beyond ourselves, and Greg does a great job of showing how God has used the people around him and the events in his life to show him how to do that.