Interview 10 - Andy Lawrence (The Underground Traffic Secrets Collection)
I've been asking for him to communicate with me, but although my rituals have increased, I feel that he is away from me. Im was enlightend by what you discussed.. God really answers prayer. I've found myself going through things that are making me say why. The part that resonated the most was asking God what he wants from me and what is the message in all of this.
It helped me to re-focus my thoughts of feeling neglected and realize that I might be neglecting the things God wants me to do and it took the stuff I'm going through to truly get my attention and refocus on him. Thank you for this article. Its really nice and clear indication that god listens to our prayers. Sometimes we dn 't value wt we have and we have to face consequences later on A month or so I was praying the shemoneh esrei and I thought to myself "you have to trust God he's there for you.
I always assume I am going to get turned down and you are saying expect to have your prayer answered and be upset if it is not - not like a child having a temper tantrum - more in the vein of God wants to help you because he loves you - You still have to do your part - but just approaching God remembering how much he loves you - that is just wonderful. I will revisit this often!! This is one of the most impressive religious things I've ever read.
This article was clearly written by someone enlightened and has surprised me like nothing on the internet has ever done before. I am having problems with my faith. I ask God a question every day, yet to my dispear, I never recieve an answer. I am a christian, but I feel you are closer to God than any one of my faith. Harry , November 6, Being a Christian myself, i must admit, i found a better answer here than all the other spiritual sites i've visited.
Elisa , November 10, 5: Catholic myself, and I have to completely agree with you, Harry. A huge thank for this. Honestly,its educative and good for anybody who will wants an answered prayers I'm praying for my 24yr old son who is battering a her ion addiction He is in big trouble I'm praying for his freedom , his health and his strength to stay clean. Laura Mendola , November 8, 1: God is amazing and I have so much love for him. I will pray for your son to be healed from this horrible addiction. Please stay strong and keep your faith even stronger.
My 38 yr old son is in jail he is addicted to heroin he has never done drugs before. I pray for God to send someone to say he needs rehab because hes really a good person who got caught up in a bad addiction but it seems like hes just a drug addict in jail and no one cares. I have prayed for him for months and I feel like God is justbnot hearing me. I have some issues in my life of people I don't like and I keep praying about it but I cant seem to get passed it.
Please pray for my son and me. He has a 12 yr old son also this is so sad. Rominger , October 2, I can say with great certainty that Yes indeed God does hear and answer your prayers. As a PhD I had the same questions as everyone else. The difference is my scientific background wanted to prove it.
I believe I have. I wrote a book that documents what I found. I am recently widowed This is really an inspirational article. To me it's like God has forsaken me. I lose my husband eight months we got to us to car accident, and life has never the same for me and my son. I prayed all kinds of prayer to God, no way, but i still belief and have faith in him. Erika , September 21, 8: We have a 4 month old son. I could really use his help right now. I've done nothing but pray to go. I've never prayed like this before. I'm not even sure if I'm believing or having enough faith or not because I've need poured my heart out to God.
I could probably use some guidence. God has a reason for everything. I'm putting my trust in him because his my only hope at this point. I'm ready for a change. And I will regardless of the outcome. Talking to God has gave me comfort. I even asked for a angel to help us My son started laughing into the air right after.
Believing in Good, good will come. Never doubt him and good will come as well. I pray for all of the people in need. Pray for each other and everything will be okay. This is a very inspiring article. I have had a lot of prayers answered in the past but all of a sudden I can't seem to get an answer to any prayer that I have put before God in the last four years. As a result I feel very unhappy and can't help looking around me and comparing my situation to my friends, workmates etc.
I am serious and know what I want from God. So I need my prayers to reach him so that I may get an answer. I have prayed and fasted to no avail. I have looked inside myself and confessed my sins but still my God is silent. I don't know how to pray any more. I want God to speak to me and let me know what it is that I must do to get His attention. I also ask for your prayers Rabbi for God to hear and answer me. The problem with most folks me included! He will never abandon you or leave your side! All you have to do is call upon him in faith!
And yes, sometimes he does arrange small mishaps to get us back on track, that's for sure! But always remember its for our own benefit! In the end, he wants us to be healthy, happy, and to follow his word. May God richly reward you for the work you are doing. This article has been such a blessing to me. I've been praying for the same thing for a while, I feel as if it's impossible but I'm trying my hardest to anticipate that god will help me. I know without a doubt that I want this but he hasn't answered me yet, and I don't understand why.
But this was very helpful! Lorna , August 19, 9: Don't give up praying but simply remember that His timing is ever the best. He knows why He's not doing it immediately but trust Him more because your miracle is just under your nose. Also ask yourself if what you are asking is in line with His will. God is so great.

Unfathomable yet nobody knows it remarkable things are happening in the world there is no end to the works of God all the time there are changes new creations wonders miracles yet nobody knows it one cannot even speak of it each person has his own perceptions to go by a person can always fortify himself never to lose hope regardless of where they have fallen never despair of crying outti God in Hisgreatness Godhas the power tour everything to good.
Although I a Catholic, you gave me inspiration to look within my self when God throws me a red light. God gives us many green lights and when He does that's when we need to show more thanks! This article was an answer to my prayers. This has changed something inside me, and I will always be thankfull!
Thank you Rabbi Noah for a very insightful and thought provoking article. I agree with the catholic girl. We are all taking different paths to the same destination. Peace and blessings of God on you all. I stumbled upon this article, and I am so impressed by it. Even though I am of a different faith, I recognize how vital sincerity is when we pray to God. Your article was such a wonderful reminder.
It was exactly what I needed to read at this moment. Wow this article is really helpful for what I'm dealing with right now. I honestly did think that GOD was leaving my prayers unanswered. But now I realize that GOD really does try to help you and that he really does love all his children: Sacrificing for what i want to accomplish is a difficult thing to do. It pushes me out of my comfort zone of always being the receiver and giving or sacrificing nothing. Well i've got to grow sometime, might as well be now. Thank you for the call. Thank u so much fo opening my eyes.
Right now I'm struggling with financial debt. I am at my wits end. I try to hold on to my faith in God. Yet it is hard, I hope God sees this and explain to me why??? Thank you so much for opening my eyes. I had to forward this to my kids to help them see the light.
- How To Get Your Prayers Answered?
- Digital Photography How to Guide Book TWO: For the Artist in you!;
- Lettre ouverte aux gens heureux et qui ont bien raison de lêtre (Essais Documents) (French Edition).
- Discovering Rogue.
- Alphabetical List of Collections: S-Z.
- In the Garden.
Also, it was a great message for myself. I have been praying so hard to get out of a mountain of debt that keep growing over the years. The more I try getting out of debt seem like the more things break down or fall apart. Seem like man don't make things like they use to, too much plastic even in cars. Things I purchase 30 or more years ago is still around. It's the new things that cost more and is worthless. Even the food seem to pass through our bodies quickly and we need to buy more. I try to pay all of my debts because God help us all if there was no credit. Things are too expensive for cash.
Thank God if I am unable to get completely get out of debt, at least be able to keep up. I am a practising muslim and I have to say I found this article very apt and profoundly meaningful. Thanks so much and stay blessed. My fiance and I are getting married on October 12, We are struggling to pay the food bill. Asking for a prayer to be answered for us. I don't know how we will be able to do it.
Thank you so much and God bless you for such wisdom displayed in writting these encouraging words. I am not a follower of the Jewish faith but I have never found such clarity in an answer. I feel blessed to have stumbled across this page. Just want a prayer to help my daughter. She has lost so much of her hair, its falling out on clumps. All doctors have said she is healthy which I am so thankful for, but she is losing her hair and they dont know why. Please god make it stop and let her regain her gorgeous locks, so she does not fall further into a depression.
I need this favour from God; I haven't gotten it yet and its really weighing me down. Reading this has helped though.. This page has been extraordinarily helpful in my relationship with God. Iv'e been praying for something to happen and never got an answer, little did i know, i had something i still needed to resolve.
Alphabetical List of Collections: S-Z | UCSB Library
I send a huge thank you to whoever typed this or contributed in any way to this page. Its been so eye opening for me. Now i know, it is not praying that lengthens the problem, but not prayin the right way! Words not enough 2 say thank you. This 5 steps have redirect my approach to my God. Pleas bring more on financial stress and Gods way of getting of it. Reading this really helped me understand God and praying more. I am in a very serious struggle right now, but this information about God has helped me feel so much better.
I thank you very much. As a Christian that is after God, I really have been struggling the past few weeks. I feel within the spirit and soul that God is calling me toward Him and have been on fire for him I look forward to reading more in the next few days! I try and have patience and do my part, but some days I feel like I am going to loose it. All I can do is have faith that he knows to stop before I fall of the cliff lol. Thanks so much for this I truly feel God is somehow mad at me.
I used to be into some not so pleasing in God's eyes, now im living the accepted way. Im really working to do the right things. Now what's crazy I was much happier and financially set when I was doing wrong For the past few years I've been studying the Jewish faith. In short I will formally convert later this summer.
I was inspired to take this journey three years ago because of a Jewish friend at work. She would talk about the various Jewish holidays and her close family. I had always wanted to learn more about Judaism and began my journey reading books and eventually taking and Intro to Judaism class in my community and attending regular services at a synagogue.
My friend however doesn't know how she inspired me to walk this road toward the Jewish faith. It has come time for me to express my gratitude to her and explain that I will be converting soon. It's been hard to find the courage to tell her just how much her life has inspired me to grow. Today I asked God to help find the courage to ask her when we could get together and talk.
Thirty seconds later she comes into the room I was working away from everyone else to sit down for a short rest. I was shocked at how quickly my short prayer was answered. I went up to her realising my moment had come and asked when we could get together and talk. I told her it was something good and not to worry. We set a time the following week. She smiled and gave me a hug and my mind was at ease. I know that when I tell her, I will find the right words to express my love for the Jewish faith and how she helped make this possible. Sometimes we just have to pay a little more attention to the way God answers our prayers.
Married to an atheist who makes his disregard of organized religion of any kind more than obvious. He will be 80 in may and I am I don't know if it's his lack of spirituality that has changed his feelings towards me but his attitude has become almost unbearable. At this time in my life being a person with many illnesses and lack of income I just wonder if divorce would not be justified so that I can concentrate on the health and wellness of not only my medical issues but my mental state as well. I am so unhappy and I don't know where to turn.
Oh yes he is a confirmed atheist as well as his son and they speak several times a week discussing religion or the lack thereof and think that God is a laughable word. I really hate to hear him speak like that. He used to be so different as he would tolerate for lack of a better description, and respect other people's beliefs.
Why am I writing this? I don't know actually, maybe it's a good outlet for me or just maybe I am praying in disguise. My prayers are often answered; not always when or in the way I expected. My brother has always called me a lucky person. He teases me, often saying I could fall into a pit of mud and come out clean as a whistle. Okay, he didn't use those exact words I cleaned it up a bit for "publication".
But looking back on my life I think my brother is right. I never felt right asking for "things" in my prayers. I never thought that G-d did more than put the opportunities in front of me and that I was the one who had to take advantage of the opportunity. I must say that G-d gave me a few "opportunities" that I would rather not have chosen, but I have learned from each one I accepted. I have always spent more time thanking G-d for what I have I often think about changes I would like to have in my life but I don't pray for them. It feels much too egotistical.
There are many, many others who need more than I. I simply say "Thank you, G-d" for all that I have in my life. I think that as a result of that, He has often given me opportunities to make the changes that I want and it has rarely been exactly what I would have prayed for. But it has always been the change that I needed. Thank you, G-d, for this Rabbi's comments, suggestions, and wisdom coming to me at exactly the right time in my life!
I am only 14 and I want to make my baseball team and I know I can but I don't think my coach sees it and I have been praying alot to god and now I know now I will make it because I am expecting the good from god. What if you have done all these things. Doing everything I can because I know that it is my job to do my part and not expect G-d to do it all.
It is as if He has abandoned me. Please help me to understand why. NO ONE has ever answered this question. I feel as though He doesn't know- or care that I'm alive. I really did not consider some of the things you said and overlooked how important they are, please continue to write and open people's hearts. This is authentic inspiration! I prayed after reading this and prayed a honest and sincere prayer. I talked about everything. My feelings toward everything.
How I wanted things to be and why they were the way they were. Said I was sorry, talked about my weakness and what my plans are. I asked for help with everything I'm facing. I'm trying to do better, but need help to get me there. After I read your post. I realized that god does answers prayers. All I had to do was realized that he answer it in his way and not my way. I dream last might I saw in my own backyard a huge room then another room and yet another room underground. Then I said all this in my own backyard. God was saying, no god was telling me in my own backyard I have provided for you so much and even more and that I already have it.
I just need to look and see it. Fix and repair what I already have then more will be added. I was looking for answers to why my prayers wasnt being heard. You open my eyes on what I am doing wrong. I am not listen to what God is telling me. Reminding me that God can move everything around when we believe. Especially to pray every time I hear sirens. I was being called to that as I only realised now, with your article. This article has gotten me out of a very sticky situation through it's message.
I consider this a life line given to me by God. I don't believe that you have to be sincere when praying. If god is "modern" then just talk to him normally. He probably gets sick of people acting like he's some king of everything. Thank u for this article. I once read it before and today it sounded different. I really liked the article on how God answers our prayer and especially why we need to pray. I have raised my children by making them work for what they want as I don't want them to be spoilt entitled adults.
What you have written had really helped me in relation to something I have been praying about. A grateful Irish Catholic. I love how positive the Rabbi was in writing this. I keep going back and reading this. May your memory be eternal. This has truly helped me. Rabbi I found your article very moving and it guided me to the path that I had veered from. I completely related to it thru my life experiences. I felt you were reciting my life story. I thank you Rabbi for the beautiful way you put everything in your story that many of us could relate to.
Your Goyyy friend Peter. God Bless you and your family. Thanks to this article I have a totally new understanding of how praying works, and how lucky am I that I found this at a very difficult time like this. For many years I have sort answers to how God really deals with our prayers, and today ,I have a total new understanding. Thank you zede, and thanks to the spirit of the Lord who guided me to this article. I was struggling asking God to hear me. I know now I do. Thank u for this article I had questins bt no unswersand this article just did what I wanted ididnt understand bt now I do thank u very much God bless.
Thank you God for the people you send to show me you truly love me and do exist. At times I am blind but you show me my eyes were closed! Thank you for this article, I found it just when I needed it most. I learned a lot and it gives me hope, now I need to change my thinking and the way I pray. Hey this id really true, we only want God to do something for us but we don't put effort in that. Change first the wait for God's answer.
I have understood that God loves me even though i am a real sinner. I have laden myself in a whole lot of problems but i believe God will soon make a way where there seem to be no way only if i keep my faith in him. I put my eyes on you God. If there is anything that anyone can offer me a favour, please pray and made it happen. I just want my beloved Hasan to return back to me lovingly and we shall settle as life partners. Enough if the depression all these while.
After being in relationship with emma for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to a spell caster who helped me with my own problem.
What I learn from this article is for us to put God first in everything we do then he will look out for us. As a single mother of two and unemployed I look forward to God for every thing and my only wish is that God should answer my prayers in due time. I just loved this article. So well explained and I can read it over and over again everytime I face a road block! Am so happy i came across this article it has thought me a lot about patience an faith in God and am really inspired. Thank you so much for this article!
I think it's a great article and a great lesson. There's only one thing that still bothers me. In Tool 3, how does one know why G'd is trying to get your attention? In other words, what are you doing "wrong" that you need to fix in order to get your prayer answered? In fact, I am davvening already for long times to meet the right person, I have taken all the steps you listed above, but I still haven't met the right one.
And everytime I think I met her, things turn out wrong. I just can't figure out what I have to change. How can someone find out why exactly G'd wants your attention? Anonymous , October 28, Each person has somethilng he or she can work on to perfect, and each of us has to decide for ourselves what this could be.
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What could I give up and sacrifice to Him? My hatred of this one or that one? Or perhaps the problem is lashon harah? Or some other mitzvah that I have been lax in? By the way, I would like to suggest that you consult wih someone who has experience in this field and try to figure out what it is that is wrong each time. May we hear good news from you soon!
Jennifer , November 11, 8: Joel, I know exactly how you feel. I just got out of a 10 year on and off abusive relationship with the same man. I keep praying that God will send me my husband. I think God is trying to tell me that I need to break away from my ex and focus on myself and then He will send me my husband. Ahava , December 29, I share your frustration. I've been with a Jewish man where I can't imagine either of us finding someone else who better suited for either of us, but he just won't get married. I will pray for the right girl to come to you soon.
Its been a long time since I have read this kind of article. It makes me uplifted, divine and more closer to God. He teaches us to be patient, because it will be rewarded. God knows our troubles and our happiness. He made each one of us special, and he wants to have a personal relationship with each of us.
When I think of God that way, I realize that he loves me and will never leave me. And best of all, I have God's promise that he called me to come to him so I can have eternal life. I feel confident now, for some reason I was feeling scared of God, I feel relived Really learnt alot from this article. I do have a question. How do I know Gods trying to get my attention. I have a vehicle that is with the mechanic which is my means to travel to work, without it I can't get to work.
My shower pan is broken and need someone to fix it without too much expense. I have financial debts that will take me a lifetime to payback. I don't think I have been doing anything wrong. I always try my best to pay back debts. Anyway thank you for this post.
Really enjoyed reading it. Iv just realized that things have gotten really emotionally difficult all because i hv lost track of my father in heaven. This article opened my eyes a lot. I never felt so confident in myself and with god. Last but not least reading this made my night.
We be careful for what. We must be careful. Go to it or it will. I understand these are great concepts to follow. But prayer comes from the heart and God listens to every prayer. No matter how u say it. I often lament how G-D had not listened to me - He doesn't care about the small guy, just the lucky have their prayers answered. I can see I have had my prayers answered some of them anyway , I just didn't realize that He knew what was best, not me.
Thank you for this timely article. I had been praying for a particular problem and the answer was the total opposite of what I prayed for; it was only after reading this article that I realized that G-d did give me what was best for me in this situation and not what I thought was good for me. This was so very helpful a very interesting I really learned a few things just by reading this. I never had my prayers answered and now i know why. My entire family is having alot of money issues like alot of families here in california and i always prayed to God for help but never got any.
But now i know what i did wrong. I didnt pray properly. I hope for the best and i know God will love and be here for us. He is truely an amazing person. I never really been a religous person but after reading this i have God in my heart all the time. Thank you for helping me and i hope God is listening to my prayer. I have been praying and wondering why my prayers are not answered. Now I know why. Thank you for this very insightful article. Anonymous , August 10, 1: Yes i also keep on praying and wondering why isn't my prayers answered yet,?
I have always believed that there is a God, but as I grew up I found myself praying less to him. I don't really know why. But I have hit bottom these last few years and I've been desperately trying to get back my life back on track. I tried praying again, but there was no response. And today, for no reason at all, I just googled "does God answer prayers? I do not know why but as I was reading the article my tears just kept flowing. I haven't prayed in a while and I believe I just found the answer I have been looking for. Marcia , August 5, 5: I understand what you are saying.
Of course everyone must find their own path. My path included many opportunities to learn many different types of prayers. Although I learned alot ; I always come back to my heritage ; and thank G-d the doors are always open. Also; learning the commandment of Mitzva and Charity are very important. I too grew older and prayed less and yesterday I almost wanted to give up but when I googled does god answer prayers I realized I got away from god. I'm still in the same shape I was yesterday but I know god is blessing me everyday. For years now since i was about 12 yrs old btw my 22yrs now God was always sending his children out to speak to me 3 different preachers told me that God was trying to use me and i wasnt letting him i never really payed any attention to this i would think use me why me why am i so specail that he wants to use me then oneday for a school project i decided to do if on different kinds of cancer i went on a chat room and thought what better then asking people there self that are going thru this i got an email back from a lil boy from a different country who told me he did not believe in God i thought to myself how could anyone say if he really loved me i wouldnt be going thru this well for months i would email him every day and talk to him about how much God loves him months later his father and mother emailed me this time thNking me for saving there son from evil they told me how that night he had past away but that he wanted them to thank me for saving.
After this i stop going to church i was in the wrong path with God until today ive been thru alot and i kno that its because i turned my back on him well now he has all my attention i kno everything im going thru is a wake up call to allow him to use me his daughter and this time it will be for ever im starting to realize that God wont give u more them what we can handle amen amen if anybody out there can help me get on his pathe Again please help me God i except u back in my life and this time for ever. For the last couple of years something a bit harsh in my life happened and I kept waiting for it to get fixed and it never did.
One day, a few months ago, I was at my lowest point crying and finally decided to turn to prayer and promised to try to become a better person. Since then, I've been getting several signs that someday my wish might be granted, but still mo evidence. Then today I read this article and realized that in order to get to where I need to be in life, I need to do something that'll help others.
Just now, I asked god to show me a sign for what I can do. I happen to not be in my own house so I'm surrounded by things I don't recognize. I looked beside me to a table and found on it a mouse pad that said "share the health" on it. Since I began praying and experiencing signs I've become a healthier person, and now I know I must share that very health! I have more strenghth and faith and I believe that with God all things r possible hes like the key to opening a door.
Josiah , July 5, 4: Am so greatfull to join you and also to understand and have the believe that God can answer prayers that way. We need this to remind us that prayer and God is important in everyday life. Whatever we do or whatever happens, God is always there and waiting for us. I'm not big on prayer but I find myself only praying for my needs and I now have a better understading of how prayer should work.
Thanxxxx fr such a nice advise I think we must remember that we may pray for something that we think will bring us happiness, but G-d knows its not the right thing for us so He will not grant it, jsut as a parent will not let a child who is to young to know better run into the street. G-d knows better than all of us.
I experienced this - I prayed and cried to G-d about something I wanted, but it was not right for me, and my life went in a different direction. Now, I am so much happier than I thought I would be. I was denied what I prayed for, but it was for my own good. I think our prayers should be for G-d to help us cope with our struggles and lead us to a happier peaceful existence.
Let G-d show us what that is, we don't necessarily know what it is we really need to make us happy. Trust G-d to lead you there. Pray tsI receive a miracle of sorts from the almighty that my life change for the better. Thanks for this educative presentation. God understand our weakness. There is no need to make insincere promises,especially when we need a bail out from Him. I knw of a truth dat he heals and answers prayers but 2tru ur post i've bin able 2 understand my weakpts. This helped me understand why some of my prayers are not answered. Maybe I am not that really connected to Him yet.
Thank you for sharing this. A true prayer of sincerity from the heart. Often it is in life that we wait until the worst possible moment to do this. For a lot of us, this is those few moments before death as life slips away. What you teach and spoke of touch me. It hit home in my heart.
It taught me to look at myself and to be thanful for what God has done for me. An to learn from the situation which happen in my life is for a reason. God want me to stop and learn what he want me to do in his way. This helped I'm 32 nothing works out for me. I made plenty of mistakes. I pray all the time but I'm at my lowest. I fail at everything. I'm living in my parents house never had my own place. I don't know what to do or say anymore. There are so many realities we as christians should embrace God bless you so much for the great teaching. Right now i am goin though something that i hope any pray that no-one will ever experience.
Anonymous , May 3, 6: God is surely bringing things you want at this moment. Ready to receive it! Anonymous , May 9, 1: Tina , May 9, 1: Not sure if it might help, but there is a program naca. May he allow you and your daughter to stay there for many years. I will pray for u. Hans , May 14, 2: I have been through this - It taught me a great lesson.
Prayer does not work. Not for earthly well being. For the rest He has given you a brain and a choice use these wisely and these thngs will be minimised. Every action has a consequence. My financial demise was havin placed my trust in another human being. A"Christian" who "Helped me" to run my business as i got older - now I am this happened when i was 71 - lost my home - the lot - have never recovered and live in 1 room fully dependanyt on others for food and other daily essential.
Sorry to disappoint you - but o get out of it your mostly on your own - God does not have a bank on earth. Of course it is nice to live in hope - that is what all these quazi religions are - hope givers without ever delivering the goods. Nobody wants to realise this and continue to live andd hope. Good luck brother - but self action is better than prayer. My family had gone thru a foreclosure however it was probably the one thing that has forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and really work hard to get ahead in life.
Without the experience of losing it all, i think i would be half the person I am today. I believe that whatever happens, things will work out for the better. Keep praying and never give up hope. This tells me there is a direct way in getting our prayers answered. You are pretty correct.
You analysed it very clearly, even the examples you set are good. I pray for God's grace to pray according to his will when praying. Thanks and God bless. I have a serious problem in my life, what you wrote made me cry.
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I'm feeling him with my heart, and I'm sure he is the only way, Always. Thank you so much. Thank you for the article. Absolute answer to my questions when I needed the most. I Reallllllly Loved This!!!! It is the same way I think always but I was not sure of it,After reading this article It revealed that I was write!! I could not have come across this at a better time in my life.
I really needed it, and it was so helpful. Thank you for this beautiful truth. The truth is that which does not change, and all through our history as man, God has always been there waiting for the opportunity as we turn to Him. This article reminds us He is always there. We should also remember that it only when we remember the Fatherhood of God, that we understand the Brotherhood of man. Thank you for this beautiful and inspiring article.
I read through and learnt so much. As a preacher, will use the article to minister to others. I will like to read several other of your articles. God will continue to inspire and increase you with the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I have been praying for a job all along, I have had interviews which I think I do well but I don get any positive response.
I am a widow with two children to looka after. Rivky , March 19, We cannot give up. As we see in this article, not every prayer gets an automatic yes, but every prayer is heard!! We must keep praying. I will definitely pray for you Lydiah. I've been praying for something for years and still hoping to have it. Maybe if I follow this advice I will finally achieve what I want before it's too late. LOL also the cliff story was really funny. I always knew God had a sense of humor. I was searching this evening for comfort in a really bad time in my life and many of the words here were spoken to me by my aunt thisevening and i started to feel hopeful that if i have a little faith she said the size of a mustard seed is all that is needed that things will work out better than if i choose to sit here and just feel sorry for myself.
I did somthing really bad for a long period of time but she and my husband are so convincing about prayer and believing in the grace of God. I was feeling like i was unworthy because i have not really prayed in such a long time so i was feeling like i was being a hypocrite for considering it now.
My aunt and husband told me the same thing this article was conveying. God does not need us we need him and i guess it does not matter if we need him in a crisis or just to say thanks for nothig in particular. My aunt said that the doubt i have been consumed with about turning to faith and praying during this hard time is just the devil trying to convince me to be miserable. I have goven her and my husband my word that i will have at least a "mustard seed" worth of faith this evening and stay focused and ask God for a positive outcome to this major life crisis which i am in right now.
My aunt said there has to be a "test" in order to achive and get to a "testimony". I am greatful to have found this article to go along with what my husband and aunt have told me tonight. I am hopeful that others will benefit from these words. Six years ago I had reached a point in my faith where I had absolutely no doubt that God would be there for me. My oldest brother whom had little faith was diagnosed with cancer. I completely believed that God would answer my prayers of recovery for him and instill the faith and love that I felt. I was in a total state of shock when my brother died in less than a month.
I had preached to everyone to believe that he would be fine because God let me know that everything would be. The total opposite happened. It left me feeling totally betrayed. I have tried to let myself get back there again but I can't completely. Since my brother passed away, I've lost my husband of 33yrs and exactly a month later- the stillborn birth of a grandchild.
I feel as if I take two steps forward and four steps back. I am broken and lost. Files relating to League of Women Voters — Santa Barbara concerns, including air pollution, energy, environment, growth and development, oil and gas, voting and elections. Ruth Saadi was an active member and Energy Director of the organization.
- The Cherry Pickers (A Melissa Craig Mystery);
- How To Get Your Prayers Answered?
- Her Fantasy: The Carpenter.
- Information For:.
- The Hurricane Lords Concubine#1&2 (Angry Women Series).
Papers, including Civil War diary , discharge, and typescript biographical sketch. Related interviews with John C. Ralph Taylor, Congressman James H. Works of art on paper by the Sacramento, California based Chicano artist, also known as Louie-the-foot. Five scrapbooks, mainly clippings ca. Royal Chicano Air Force Archives, Extensive collection of slides and silkscreen prints, along with administrative records, news clippings, correspondence, exhibition descriptions and flyers, photographs, creative writings, and miscellaneous publications of the Sacramento-based artists collective.
Orosco, Ricardo Favela, and Rudy Cuellar. Mail Line, Oregon Stage Company. One document, Way-bill for Sacramento-Marysville run, 14 Dec. Villa Esteban Papers, Charles [Charles de] Peru Correspondence, Bombay, India, 27 Oct. Louis or Baron de Kalb, the First U. One letter ALS from unknown author to Rev. Perry of Baltimore, MD, re placement of two boys in St.
One typescript ms re escape from the Confederate prison camp at Andersonville, n. Japanese Saipan Photograph Album, Includes a number of shots of the local Saipan population and scenery, but most of the photos are of Japanese adults and children, families, groups, leisure activities, sports including several shots of baseball teams , boy scouts, geishas, and the extensive sugar cane industry. Includes images of Ulithi Caroline Islands — fellow seamen, base, chapel, living quarters, 51st shop crew, local terrain and huts describes construction , building airstrip in 12 days; on board ship showing cramped quarters ; Saipan — Japanese women and children, prisoners men , Suicide Point where hundreds of Japanese civilians leapt to their deaths , Japanese fortifications, train, sugar mill, caves, African American Marines, shop crew and shop, building airstrip; and honorable discharge, Oct.
Saipan, Philippines, and Guam Photograph Album, Four letters ALS from I. Ike Thompson to William L. Typescript autobiography and articles, ca. Alurista [Alberto Urista] Papers, Scripts, correspondence, photographs, autographed books and ephemera of the Chicano artist and poet, one of the leading literary figures of the Chicano Movement era, who helped to establish The Centro Cultural de la Raza in San Diego.
Susohn Etching Plates, California Picture Postcard Album, ca. Also a few from New Mexico and Kingman, Arizona. Centro Cultural de La Raza Archives, Virginia to the Canal Zone and Cuba. Includes photographs, postcards, railroad timetables, hotel brochures, menus, and other ephemera. Navy Picture Postcard Collection.
Navy actions, mainly of the U. Maryland along the west coast of Mexico during the Mexican Revolution, ca. One letter ALS from Lillie [? San Diego, April 6, Ochoa Victor Collection, Prigoff James Slide Collection, Torres Salvador Roberto Papers, [bulk dates ]. In most cases there are only single or scattered issues, not long runs. Some longer runs of newspapers such as Green Revolution , are cataloged separately.
Administrative and financial records, correspondence, production files, scripts, audio and video recordings, photographs, slides, posters, and other materials relating to the San Francisco-based AATC, one of only three Asian American theaters in the United States, founded in by the Chinese American writer and playwright Frank Chin and others. Beecher [John] Collection, ca. Broadsides, prospectii, flyers, announcements, quartos, and other printed matter relating to radical poet, steel mill worker, teacher San Francisco State and elsewhere , rancher, descendant of the New England abolitionist Beecher family, and printer John Beecher and his poetry.
Belcher, Sir Edward Bill Graham Presents, Bishop [Edith] Collection, Correspondence and autographs from actors and actresses, to a San Francisco autograph collector. Bookplates from various sources, mainly 20th century American, including a number from Santa Barbara and other parts of California. California and the West Picture Postcard Collection, ca. Includes San Francisco earthquake and fire. California Infantry, 3rd Regiment Vols , Co.
Civil War document appealing for volunteers. San Francisco, 18 Sept. California Picture Postcard Collection. Chinese American Political Association Archives, Records of a San Francisco Bay Area organization focused on educating and empowering Chinese Americans in the political process. Files of the CAVEC, a non-profit, non- partisan citizen education organization in the San Francisco Bay Area, founded in to help the large population of Asian immigrants become active participants in the civic life of the area.
Dewing [James] Papers, Dougan [Robert Ormes] Collection, ca. Also personal experiences of Santa Barbara elite society ca. Central Coast Regional Projects. Includes propaganda magazines, pamphlets, and leaflets used both in the Pacific and Atlantic theaters of war; OWI outpost reports; U. Administrative records, programs, subject files, correspondence, clippings, slides, photographs, serigraphs, posters, silkscreen prints, ephemera and other creative materials documenting activities of the San Francisco Bay Area Chicano cultural arts center.
Gresham Family California Photograph Album, ca. Also a few images of Bagio, Philippines. Mainly handbills and broadsides advertising the cultural and political activities and perspectives of the hippie movement in and around Haight-Ashbury in the latter s. San Francisco, 2 May Much of the diary describes the transition of Santa Barbara from the Spanish to the American way of life.
Cancelled check from Sheriff Thomas P. Kearny Street Workshop Archives, [bulk dates ]. Color slides constitute the bulk of the collection. The images reflect what Kiewit saw on his travels throughout California and the West, as well as trips to other parts of the U. Most of the images were taken from the s to the s. Knowles Joseph Collection, ss. Related trade catalogs, also collected by Knowles, have been cataloged separately. Myrick David Collection, Several maps prepared for publications of David Myrick, on western railroad history, ghost towns, and San Francisco.
Nash [John Henry] Collection, ca. Edited copy of the catalog of books printed by Nash in San Francisco, printing specimens, prospectuses, offprints, correspondence, and related ephemera. Paul Elder and Company Collection, ca. Posters of the s, [bulk dates latter s]. Roxburghe Club Collection, ca. Printed announcements, invitations, keepsakes, membership lists, notices, and other printed items, ca.
Selver [Charlotte] Papers, Personal and professional correspondence, writings, and sound records of Charlotte Selver, student of Elsa Gindler in Europe, and the person who introduced sensory awareness to the U. Her work is continued by the Sensory Awareness Foundation.
One letter ALS to Dona [? The steamer Winfield Scott , in which Sully had embarked for home, was wrecked on an island [presumably one of the Channel Islands] not far from Santa Barbara. San Francisco, 13 Sept. Also, tape and partial transcript of recording by Nathan A. Artifacts, including three Colt revolvers, one framed oil painting and two wooden chests, apparently made at the Anna Blake School, in Santa Barbara.
Also numerous books, mostly 19th century, cataloged separately. San Simeon Bay [California], 20 May Type Specimens Collection, Advertisements, catalogs, flyers, leaflets, and lists, mainly by U. Includes some material from California firms such as the A. San Francisco , Border Printing Co. Los Angeles , California Electrotyping Co. Also includes typescript transcriptions of the letters.
Early letters talk about working in San Francisco and on farms, but later ones mainly concern his prospecting ups and downs, the hard work, problems with lack of water in the rivers, difficult financial dealings, and general uncertainty of life in the gold fields. Wilke [William Hancock] Collection, arly s. Examples of illuminations and book plates Wilke did for the press of John Henry Nash, as well as numerous drawings and water colors of San Francisco scenes, and two original posters for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, World Tour Photograph Album, San Francisco Songs, ca.
Sanchez Gil Collection, Includes production and financial files from years Bason owned Santa Barbara-based Capra Press, as well as some earlier material from the Noel Young years. French novelist and playwright. Sandstone Center Topanga, CA. Collection of the Writings of John Sanford One letter ALS from author Sanford to Harden Goldstein, responding to request for information about his earlier publications. Encino, California, 12 May Mainly correspondence from Sanford to Smith. Also includes typescript drafts of articles by Sanford, and other material about Sanford and his work.
Sanford, Junius [Ohio Infantry, th Regiment]. Mustering Out, 13 July Sweet re his article concerning birth control technique. New York, 1 Nov. Sanger [Margaret] Birth Control Collection, ca. Adams Perry — Murder from Within Papers, ca. Newcomb, alleging the JFK assassination was engineered by the U. Secret Service; and scattered issues of newspapers, mainly of Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, and California alternative press. Primarily correspondence, clippings, and photographs collected by Margaret [?
SC [Santa Barbara]. Benet [Linda] — Graham Mackintosh Collection. One black and white inscribed, mounted photograph of western artist Borein. Santa Barbara, California, 16 Sept. First edition was published in More than printed items, most American, English language, mainly poetry, many in limited editions, some signed. Brown, Pat [Governor of California]. Burns [Vincent Godfrey] Collection, ca.
Drafts of writings, as well as correspondence, clippings, and other ephemera of poet and journalist Burns, who wrote in a populist style on patriotic and homespun American subjects and who lived in Santa Barbara for a time. Also a few postcards from New Mexico mainly train stations and Kingman, Arizona city and countryside.
Interviews with others about Santa Barbara realtor, developer, and civic leader Chase, re his coming to Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch development, role in public affairs, including earthquake and depression relief, fundraising for Cottage Hospital, wildlife conservation, and family life. Santa Barbara, September Chroma Litho Collection, [ca. City Club of Santa Barbara. Constitution and By-Laws, incorporated Nov. Includes hourly data on wind, sky cover, waves, and visibility. Clyde [George] Scrapbooks, Six large scrapbooks with clippings of oil stories, many relating to the Santa Barbara Oil Spill, but also earlier and later articles, from to During his time on the Board, he is best remembered for leading the fight against offshore oil leasing.
California and Santa Barbara area ephemera. Included are papers relating to several hundred local organizations especially pertaining to architecture, gardens, housing, land use, and planning , as well events such as Fiesta, Chase family papers, and numerous photographs of local scenes. About separate images many copy negatives and copy prints compiled by Santa Barbara photographer Joel Conway, the bulk relating to the aviation activities of the Christofferson brothers and the Loughead Lockheed Aviation Company headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA for a time in the s , most depicting early California aviation history, many related to Santa Barbara.
The collection mainly contains black and white prints and negatives relating to the Flying A Studios aka American Film Manufacturing Company , a film company that operated in Santa Barbara , as well as supporting documentation. The collection materials were acquired by Joel Conway from various sources, including the abandoned studio.
Conway was a photographer who had come from Chicago and who collected a large number of photographs over the years, including many with a Santa Barbara focus. Conway [Joel] Oral History, Interviews with the Santa Barbara photographer and collector of historical photographs, re development of his collection, early motion picture and television history and stars, including Flying A Studio in Santa Barbara and s House on Un-American Activities. One letter ALS , in Spanish, written on her behalf by her daughter, to her brother, re death of family members including her husband, Jose Maria a prominent judge and legislator.
Davis [George Wesley] Photograph Album, ca. Album of George Wesley Davis, with images of the Santa Barbara Flower Show, other Santa Barbara locales, a newspaper clipping by Davis about a trip to Cuba around the time of the Spanish American War, and related commercial photographs of Cuba, some with captions. Diary, partly relating to Santa Barbara, Two handwritten ledgers with manuscript documents and maps pertaining to the E. Mainly materials relating to the activities of the Community Council to End the War in Vietnam and other peace efforts in the Santa Barbara area.
Included are correspondence, flyers, clippings, and scrapbooks. Production files, administrative files, and videotapes of the Ensemble Theatre Company, founded in Mainly unclassified speeches, papers, publications, research and technical memoranda and proposals of G. Tempo, a Santa Barbara-based think-tank working on long-range solutions to national defense and weapons systems issues. Gault [William Campbell] Collection, ca. Also, awards, correspondence, a few black and white photographs of Gault and fellow mystery writers, and mystery and sport stories mainly appearing in pulp magazines from the latter s to the early s.
Geiger [Father Maynard] Oral History, Photographs of the Genns family and Santa Barbara bookstore. Office files bylaws, minutes, fundraising, publications, newsletters , governmental action, legal, and subject files, mainly pertaining to efforts to contain and monitor oil industry off coast of Santa Barbara, especially in the aftermath of the Santa Barbara Oil Spill.
Gilbar [Steven] Collection, ca. Also, related monographs and serials, which have been cataloged separately. One document ADS , in Spanish, re a marriage. Santa Barbara, 28 April Griggs and Hanford Families. Photographs, deeds and other legal documents re Griggs and Hanford families some pertaining to Santa Barbara, CA and residence at E.
Hamilton [Donald] Papers, ca. Hansen was a district commander at one point, and also was active in the local unit. Bertrand Photograph Collection, ca. Harmer was an architect who designed many of the Spanish-style buildings in Santa Barbara. Early history of the Loughead later Lockheed family and aircraft company, located in Santa Barbara, ca. Assembled by Richard A. Hollister Family Photographs, ca. Humphries Marie Oil Scrapbook, ca. Also, several black and white snapshots of Humphries, Mesa drilling, and other unidentified oil fields.
Kelley, Berta Lee Winniford. Bound typescript of poems and diary extracts, entitled Moods - Ever Changing and To Each His Gift , along with related correspondence and photo. Oral History 53 also relates to Kelley. One letter ALS to Mrs. Schauer Printing Studio, League of Women Voters Collection, ca. Primarily research files of the organization, relating to issues such as the oil industry, LAFCO and Goleta annexation.
Autographs and messages from friends, relatives, teachers, many of whom were members of the Santa Barbara Jewish community of the latter nineteenth century. Correspondence, clipping and three typescript essays re deer in California, one entitled "Deer of Santa Barbara," ca. Mackey Expedition to Santa Cruz Island. Log, 1 July Moldaver [Lee] Collection, ca. Santa Barbara, CA, 25 July Packing Labels, early-mid s. Five printed color packing labels for lemons packed by companies in Santa Barbara County, California. An Autobiography Santa Barbara: Schauer Pringtin Studio, Ridland [John] Collection, ca.
Contains material relating to Santa Barbara area poets and presses, including ephemera and other items laid in printed works; Isla Vista items relating to the troubles of and including a piece by Ridland entitled "Eyes and Ears on Isla Vista: An Unpublished Review from "; and his papers , which include his files as faculty advisor of the UCSB student publication, Spectrum. Rojas also wrote several other works on the California vaqueros. Ruhge [Justin] Collection, ca.
Primarily research files relating to Santa Barbara and Goleta history. Mainly local government publications, newsletters, pamphlets and other files relating to Santa Barbara area water projects. Saadi Ruth Collection, ca. Scenes from Monterey and San Francisco are lacking from the album. Correspondence, notes, reports and aerial photographs re Elwood Oil Field. Sea Mosses of Santa Barbara Album, ca. Includes bids, contracts, leases, logs, reports, charts, and court records pertaining to oil drilling in the Santa Barbara Channel, mainly regarding lawsuits stemming from the Santa Barbara Oil Spill.
Items collected by Herbert C. Hitchcock of Santa Barbara, the first plane-to-ground commercial radio message, June 27, , together with a Santa Barbara News-Press article detailing the story, Feb. Thomas Driscoll, talking about stories he has written. Collection of letters, photographic negatives, and clippings, mainly pertaining to Andersonville [Civil War] survivors, ca. Two letters ALS from H. Storke [Charles Albert C. Papers of Charles A. Includes scrapbook, speeches, photo, miscellaneous articles by Storke and copies of awards presented to him, and numerous condolences to his wife re his death.
Materials of a longtime Santa Barbara Chicano resident, painter, sculptor, and ceramicist. Contains research and publication files for projects such as the Painted Cave fire study, Santa Barbara County vintners project, and Santa Barbara district attorney history project, as well as correspondence, conference and lecture files, and other documents. Collection brings together materials from multiple sources on the growth of the university from a small normal school at the turn of the 19th century to the large state university it is today. The collection is arranged generally chronologically and by subjects such as predecessor institutions, important figures in UCSB history, previous campuses, events, etc.
Mainly interviews with Santa Barbara area fire department, forest service, and government employees re fires and firefighting. Also some interviews re water issues and the Santa Barbara earthquake. Veblen [Paul] Papers, ca. Abstract of Title, Walton Family Photographs, Four glass plate negatives of the 50th anniversary of the Waltons, said to have run the first drygoods store in Santa Barbara.
Webb Margaret Ely Collection, ca. Weingand et al, v. County et al Channel Island Drilling Collection. Whigham [Peter] Collection, ca. Two engraved maps of Anacapa Island, by artist Whistler, White, Stewart Edward One mimeograph copy of an untitled page work by American author and one-time Santa Barbara resident, Stewart Edward White. Alphabetical and geographical files pertaining to land use and planning, from the County of Santa Barbara Director of Planning at the time of the Santa Barbara Oil Spill. Willson [Charles Devon] Collection, ca. Includes some correspondence relating to the earthquake.
The collection contains biographical information about Noel Young , including typescripts from early diaries in the s and through his college years, typescripts mainly of short stories, but also poetry and plays, by Young, memorabilia from trips, photographs, and some material relating to his Santa Barbara-based Capra Press. Interviews with the Santa Barbara publisher. Documents, photographs and interviews pertaining to Santa Barbara African American local history. Included are 19 tapes of interviews with prominent members of the Black Santa Barbara community.
Santa Barbara and Suburban Railway Photographs, Santa Barbara Area Newpapers, ca. Newspapers with substantial runs have been cataloged separately. Santa Barbara Authors Collection. Articles, bibliographies, biographies, and other material collected on an ongoing basis about Santa Barbara authors. Papers of individual authors are kept as separate collections and are listed by surname. Also, cataloged separately, are signed and first editions of hundreds of past and present authors with local connections. List and audio recordings of a series of hearings held from June 17, to September 1, Santa Barbara City and Coast Map, One document AD listing original pledges for the college, The college has no connection to the present University of California, Santa Barbara.
Santa Barbara Concert Posters, ca. Santa Barbara Contemporary Issues Collections. Papers of 20th century local officials, legislators, organizations, and individuals dealing with issues such as the airport, education, flood control, government, health, housing, land use and planning, natural resources, oil, political reform, taxes, transportation, water, and the wilderness. Collections are listed individually.
Peters Carson City, Nevada , re a financial matter, 3 April Carson City to Thomas P. Hawley Santa Barbara , 11 Dec. Santa Barbara County, California. Seven World War II era documents, including five War Emergency Bulletins and others about evacuation of Japanese children and air raid signals, Santa Barbara Earthquake Photographs, Santa Barbara Girls School, s. Santa Barbara Jazz Society Records. Records of Santa Barbara organization dedicated to the appreciation of jazz music. Santa Barbara Libertarian Party. Eleven issues of the Santa Barbara Libertarian newsletter, Santa Barbara Museum of Art.
Poster for the 25th anniversary of the Museum, Santa Barbara Oil Spill Poster, Santa Barbara Oil Spill Scrapbook, Santa Barbara Parapsychology Collection, ca. Newsletters, magazines, catalogs, flyers, articles, records of experiments, correspondence, subject files, and other material, mainly printed, collected by Santa Barbara resident Dr.
Phillips and primarily pertaining to parapsychology-related groups, studies, and issues in Santa Barbara, southern California, and elsewhere in the U. Santa Barbara Photograph, ca. One black and white panorama, showing harbor, city, mission, and electrical poles [Santa Barbara received electricity in ]. Santa Barbara Photographs, late s-early s. Single items and small groups of photographs, acquired from various sources. Santa Barbara Picture Postcards, ca. Invitation, 23 May Santa Barbara Vintners Collection, ca. Santa Barbara Water Resources Collection, ca. Files relating to Santa Barbara area water districts, groundwater, and hourly precipitation records.
Lyons [Jeannette] Oral History, Family and local history, mainly Santa Ynez Valley, including experiences as a teacher and, later, curator of the Santa Ynez Historical Museum. Satir [Virginia] Collection, Extensive collection of personal and professional manuscript materials, organizational records, and audiovisual materials from the noted family therapist.
Satir [Virginia] Oral History. Interviews with family therapist Satir. Bulk of collection is documents and photos re construction of Saudi Government Railway, ca. Gildea later lived in Santa Barbara. Trans-Arabian Pipeline Photograph Collection, ca. Includes images of marine terminal construction on the eastern Saudi Arabian coast, Bechtel and local boats, trucks with pipe and other heavy machinery, American, Saudi Arabian, and Indian workmen, Arab in traditional dress with falcon, Arab men, women and children, and camels.
Saudi Arabia Oil Photograph Collection, ca. Most images relate to construction of oil camps in eastern Saudi Arabia, mainly at Abu Hadriya Camp incl. Also local population and street scenes in village near Abu Hadriya, Al Khobar Saudi coast — first oil barge; marine terminal , Jubail Saudi coast — people and street scenes , local Bedouins and camels, Bahrain pier and local scenes. Savage Mining Company Virginia, Nevada. Daily report and vouchers, Sawders [James] Photograph Collection, ca. Most taken by Charles Phelps Cushing, 51 E. Sawders was an American photojournalist who travelled to China in the early s, according to one website.
A few photos with Sawders credit alone. A few others were taken by Jack Lewis and distributed by Sawders. German historian and humanist scholar. Holdings include early editions of his major work, Liber Cronicarum , which has come to be known as The Nuremberg Chronicle [Spec D S34 vault and Printers Z Individual leaves from the Chronicle are also in the collection [Printers Z S31 S vault and Printers Z S31 S vault]. Fine press edition of Sarmatia: S and Printers Z Paul, Minnesota, 12 Nov.
Schlien [John] Oral History. Interviews re Carl Rogers. Glass slides taken by Schmidt at archaeological sites, including Persepolis, ca. Includes images of people, settlements, villages, and towns, surrounding countryside, coast, icebergs, glaciers, Laplanders and reindeer, and Norwegian whale fishery. Schmitz Alfred and Carol Collection, ca. Mainly first editions, many signed, of Booker Prize winner and shortlist books, together with related correspondence mainly Booker authors , publicity, and other ephemera. Discharge by Disbandment, 27 Apr.
Schott [Valerian] China Photograph Album, Handwritten geometrical definitions, scientific and mathematical problems and equations, with drawings; also including notes on railroad curves and superstructures. Author unknown, possibly from Philadelphia area notebook includes table of time differences, using Philadelphia as the baseline , ca. Ash Marinell Collection, s and s. Correspondence and related printed ephemera, re Scottish history. Accompanies a book collection on the same topic.
Includes images of Scotland, around St. Andrews, where the soldiers were based. Toole, asking him to forward [an article? Genievieve, Missouri, 15 Mar. Scott, Hugh Stowell ? South Pacific Photograph Album, ca. John Swinburne re Medical Board to examine applications for brigade surgeons. Scottish novelist and poet. A1 ], Redgauntlet [Spec PR R4 ], Woodstock [Spec PR See also Scott on Himself: Scott, Winfield [Lieutenant General]. One portrait [printed engraving], by H. Scrapbook — Advertising Literature, ca.
Tillinghast of La Plume, PA. Screen Guild Players Recordings, Recordings of 32 Screen Guild Players radio programs used as a fundraising effort for the Motion Picture Relief Fund featuring many contemporary stars. Sea Fern Album, ca. Album containing seven mounted sea fern specimens, together with a black and white photograph of the [southern California? Seabury [Samuel] Naval Papers, ca. McCormick re the motion picture industry.
New York, 1 June Searle, Alan Secretary to Somerset Maugham. Villa Mauresque, , Sears, E[dmund] H[amilton] One letter ALS to his father, Henry [? New York, July 15, Flyer, directory, and journal, ca. Self-Help Graphics and Art Archives, ca. Extensive collection of silk screen prints and slides, as well as organizational records, photographs, and ephemera of the Los Angeles cultural arts center and studio.
Two photograph albums of scenes in China, including Shanghai, Peking, and Tientsin [Tianjin], apparently from the period preceding and during the Boxer Rebellion. Includes snapshots and picture postcards. Huerta [Alberto] Collection, , Huerto is in several of the color prints. Roman philosopher and playwright. A2 ], Tragoediae [Spec PA L76 Z3 S4], and On Friendship: Mendell [Edward] Travel Slide Collection, ss. Senegal Photograph Collection, ca. Cards and flyer re Civil War reunions, , along with calling cards of Henry G. Potter and Major A. Vita and articles, ca, History of Science Project.
Scrapbook, with clippings, photographs, programs, and related materials, documenting UCSB in its early pre-university years. Includes series on Hazel Severy — teacher of science, home economics, and chemistry, and Chair of the Science and Mathematics Department at the Santa Barbara State Normal School — containing scrapbooks, school registers, account books, and clippings dating from the Sloyd School to the Santa Barbara State College era. Peabody of New Orleans. Department of State, Washington, [D. One ALS to J. Utica, [New York], 13 Feb.
English playwright and poet. Holdings include the fourth folio edition of [Spec PR A25 ], and The Complete King Lear, featuring parallel text from multiple early sources. A2 G6 b and Printers Z S ] and by the Grabhorn Press [Printers Z A2 M37 and Printers Z Purchase in by the University of California of a library of , books from the estate of Ogden, creator of Basic English.
The collection subsequently was distributed among the UC campuses. Shakespeare — Timon of Athens Leaf. Pages of early printing of The Life of Timon of Athens. Shanghai, China Photograph Collection, ca. Shanghai Photograph Album, ca. Shanghai Steam Navigation Co. Leatherbound photograph album with cartes-de-visite cdv and 6 cabinet size cards, including a signed and dated cdv of Rutherford B.
Mainly images of employees, their wives and children, and people associated with the Shanghai Steam Navigation Co. One copy of a typed essay signed by Norman Shapiro re his method of producing drawings. Brightwaters, New York, Nov. Personal collection of bookplates. Also, printed book arts, small and fine press items, donated in memory of his parents, Herman and Gertrude Nathan Shapiro. Shapiro [Stewart] Oral History, Life history of the UCSB professor of confluent education and clinical psychologist. Materials from a UCSB professor of confluent education, relating to the humanistic psychology movement.
Steinhauer [Harry] Papers, ca. One letter ALS to [Augustine? One note ANS , re advice on successfully establishing new magazines, to J. Vader, Leisure Magazine Australia , 26 Jan. South Africa Photograph Album, Album commemorating a visit of Mr. Shaw to the C. Lappan family, at Shenfield house, in South Africa. Shea, John Dawson Gilmary. Sheinbaum mainly during his tenure as University of California Regent [], at a time when UC was involved in divestment of South African investments, due to the political situation there.
Mainly letters from Sheldon, with the Corralitos Company in Chihuahua State, Mexico, to family, about personal affairs and local news such as an earthquake in Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Percy Bysshe Fine press editions of Adonais: Commander of the 52nd U. Infantry, Colored, from onwards, making him ranking regimental officer initially as Colonel, later as Brigadier General of all colored troops in the Union.
Includes an diary, Court of Inquiry Papers, and related correspondence, which document a seminal incident in which Shepard defended his troops against hostile treatment by white Union troops, was arrested, but subsequently had all charges dismissed by Gen. Grant and was restored to his command. Shepherd [Alfred James] Papers, ca. Includes material relating to Taiwan, Japan, and Guam. One engraving, carte de visite size, of Sheridan in uniform, with stamp of Joseph Ward, Boston, on reverse. San Francisco, 5 Oct.
One printed Civil War document: Clothing allowance, authorized by L. Louisville, KY, July 7, Report of persons mainly teamsters, also wagonmasters, clerks, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, and saddlers and articles hired for Nov. Army, Hiltonhead, South Carolina. One engraving, carte de visite size, of Sherman in uniform, with stamp of Joseph Ward, Boston, on reverse. Printed portraits and other scenes with Sherman in them.
New York, 16 July Shewczyk [Patricia] Collection, ca. Collection of engravings, mainly British and American ships, some Civil War era, many clipped from newspapers, ca. Shippee [William Henry] Whaling Correspondence, Lansdowne, [England], [4 December] Henry Shorthouse, John Inglesant London, Mainly correspondence, research files, and printed material collected by Shupe, re the Goddian Movement, founded by Lawrence A.
Japan, Siberia, and U. Siberia Photograph Album, ca. Three letters ALS to A. Siddell [Robert] Collection, ca. Also, letters, photographs, and ephemera, some relating to the American College for Girls in Constantinople during and just after World War I. Sidney, Sir Philip A7 ] and the Nonesuch Press [Printers Z Sierra Leone Photograph Album, The unnamed compiler likely was British, possibly a colonial administrator, businessman, or family member. Early images are of the outward bound voyage on the S.
Bower and women in groups at leisure and in hammocks. The latest dated photograph is Dec. Sierra Leone and Gambia Photograph Album, The unnamed compiler, probably British, seemingly was on a March 29 to April 18, cruise aboard the R. Early images are of passengers on board ship and views of Las Palmas. Freetown images beginning April 7 include street and shop scenes with local inhabitants, views on the railway to Waterloo, street scenes and buildings of Waterloo, Bathurst from April 9 inhabitants, street scenes, outdoor workshops, pier, boats, and local gardens at Cape St.
Sierra Leone Photographs, ca. Includes images of Sierra Leone artillery, groups of Europeans, local men and women, Sierra Leone railway, and panoramic view of the Engineer's bungalow. Sierras Camping Photograph Album, ca. Contains albumen prints of a camping trip by unidentified young men and women in the Sierras.
Also strips and other small photos of a number of individuals. Personal papers, including artwork and professional files, of the Latino artist. Simla, India Photograph Album, ca. Includes scenes of Simla the summer capital of British India and countryside, the Mall main street , buildings, Viceregal Palace, and family and group shots of what appears to be a British civil servant.
Simon [Sidney] Papers, Materials re the humanistic psychology movement. Annotated teleplays for s and s television program directed by Sinclair. One printed card by American Typewriter Shorthand, using a Sinclair letter as an example for conversion to shorthand, ca. Los Angeles, 4 February Sinclair [Upton] Collection, Johnson Basil Photograph Collection, ca. Many rural scenes, with local inhabitants, emphasis on water-related issues such as irrigation and wells. Includes many images of street scenes, waterfronts, palaces, temples, and other buildings, processions and festivals, American missions, and local inhabitants many of women and children.
Singapore and Malaya [Malaysia] Photograph Album, Also includes materials on Sisquoc Ranch and Zaca Lake. Sisquoc Ranch Photograph Album, ca. Greene and Vicente Castro families. Eckington, Derbyshire, 6 January n. New York, January 1, One Civil War document: Poll-book for October Election, English poet and satirist. Rudge Chapbook Archive, Correspondence, research files, drafts, artwork, proofs, and other material relating to the publication of Typophiles Chapbook Skofield Hobart Oral History, Recollections of Skofield, re his years as an apprentice with the Printing House of William Edwin Rudge, experiences with the Rancheros Vistadores, development of what is now the Skofield Printers Collection.
Skofield, his father Ray L. Also, related manuscript collections relating to Hobart O. Slafter, Edmund F[arwell] One letter ALS to a Mr. Found in Samuel de Champlain, Voyages , illus. Two cdvs of Fannie Virginia Casseopia Lawrence, described as a redeemed slave child, 5 years old, from Virginia. One letter ALS to S. Republic of Texas, Austin County. Jury summons for slave trial, with list of 36 names. Patrick County, Virginia, Slave Documents, Correspondence, financial, legal, and religious materials pertaining to a number of apparently unrelated individuals and organizations, primarily from Massachusetts and other parts of the eastern seaboard, from the midth to the earlyth centuries.
Some documents in the collection are from the Revolutionary War and Civil War periods. Included in the collection are two slave documents a bill of sale, , and a bill of hire, n. Slavery Collection of U. Printed and manuscript documents, including purchase and shipping of slaves, tax forms, slave hires, estate appraisal, slave burials.
Slave Documents Collection, ca. Bills of sale, manumissions, notes and receipts for slave hire, accounts for medical service, a property tax return, an estate list, correspondence, and essays. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Syracuse, New York, January 9,