Heart Resolute (Reality Series Book 2)
I definitely had some whiplash. Part of me felt like Diane was served a good helping of karma. At the same time, my heart broke for her. I was angry with Adam for his lack of sensitivity and his disregard for her feelings. After all, Check out more of my reviews at www. After all, this was the guy who professed to love his wife and was supposedly devastated by her decision to end their marriage.
While 'Marriage Games' had Adam initially fighting to win back his wife, 'Separation Games' has the tables turning on Diane. Now that she's finally discovered her submissive inclinations, she wants to save her marriage to Adam. Now that he's discovered his wife's submissive side, he's no longer interested.
I guess it is true that you always want what you can't have. In 'Separation Games' we get to explore a bit more of Adam's psyche. The reasons that he feels that he cannot love a submissive are finally fleshed out and his youth is explored, giving readers a more complete picture of this complex hero. I can't say that I liked him much for most of this series, but there was definitely something about him that called to me. He was one of the broodiest, most conflicted characters that I've read about in a while.
He was wounded, while not coming across as too "damaged" or pitiful. I enjoyed watching Adam struggle with Diane's newfound sexual appetites. Despite being unwilling to explore this new side of her any further, he certainly wasn't willing to consider her exploring her tastes elsewhere. His contradictory actions created a lot of push and pull, which kept the story engaging. This time around, I felt like the story became much more emotional. Both Adam and Diane are devastated in their own right and have a lot of work to do to come to terms with everything that transpired in book one.
Things will get worse before they get better. Overall, I thought that this was a fantastic story. I enjoyed the different spin that C. Reiss put on a BDSM romance. It was unlike any that I've read before and I appreciated the originality. I love angst and stories that are incredibly emotional. This story did not disappoint.
It tore my heart up and then slowly pieced it back together again. View all 31 comments. It's everything I needed it to be. I was totally addicted to the trajectory of the story from the moment it landed on my kindle to the very end, racing to the finish to discover the fate of a much-loved book couple. Would their love survive whilst maintaining their true selves? Told in the first-person narrative, from the perspective of Diana for the first part of the story then moving to Adams perspective, I delighted in both tellings. The first part really allowed me to comprehensively understand and feel for Diana.
She knows exactly what she wants. I enjoyed her clarity of thought, her transparency. I will admit she could be frustrating but my feelings of frustration evolved into understanding her as a woman and I always, ALWAYS believed her perspective, her reasoning and her thoughts. The truth in her narrative felt immense. She won my heart and I rooted for her happiness, for her and Adam to find it together.
What can I say. He is a man with fear in his heart. A man fighting his true self and the submissive he surely knows his wife to be, but why?

It all becomes so very clear in this book as his fears and human flaws are thoughtfully explored and developed with subtle reasoning and context. The unravelling of his poignant motivation and all the reasons why kept the story unique and perfect and made the telling utterly compelling from beginning to end.
Cd Reiss' usual style of tight penmanship with an abundance of erotic prose, authentic dialogue and compelling narrative is scattered all over the writing canvas of Separation Games. It's a stunning conclusion depicting the beauty of a world where a dominant takes centre stage and his wife experiences a beautiful heart-warming level of self-discovery. View all 52 comments. DNF, at chapter I can't read any further, this being the last straw: The shame of it was overwhelming. To talk to my husband by showing him the ways he could fuck me was a deep humiliation and the only option I had.
Doubling down, I put my hands on my cheeks and spread t DNF, at chapter Doubling down, I put my hands on my cheeks and spread them apart. Ever heard of a conjunctive, perhaps even a compound sentence? Because your introspections are bothersome I feel a headache coming.
View all 29 comments. Oct 12, Wendy'sThoughts rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: CD Reiss Fans, Romance. Time to see how this Game ends My frequent reads do not cover a lot of what C. Reiss' Marriage Games and Separation Games involve I mention this because for me Reiss in her element She challenges me to be brave This Duet was something very C. Reiss knows exactly what she is doing and has no qualms in alerting potential readers to buckle up for the ride They are Balls to the Wall in showing us what a marriage can be How hiding your inner most essence to the one you are supposed to trust the most destroys the bond Without touching on anything which would give this story away I will let you in on what you will find from the start This picks up exactly from the end of Marriage Games There was a contract for 30 days where Diana was to turn herself over to Adam.
After Diana had left him, he finally revealed all that he had been hiding from her. In order to remain the sole owner of her family's publishing company, Adam presented her with the contact of 30 days to be his You know the phrase Be careful what you wish for Well, Adam was living it And part of the complication for both Diana and Adam was Diana stripped her walls and had fully accepted her sub core Adam, on the other hand And this is where we are Oh, there is so much more And to understand your happiness comes from your partner's And this concept happens with all of us It is with the clear, intense and sometimes brutal writing of this couple's story Because if we are willing, the beauty and love Reiss in her purest form Revealing strength, showing all the ways a person can love and be loved I told you, C.
Hope I am up for all the Twists and Turns of this specific game And look how Commanding He Appears But oh, He has no idea Of what She plans to do For what's at stake is more than just a Game After going through the emotions, the questions and then realizations All presented in Marriage Games We will get our answers For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways.
Jan 02, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing Shelves: He belongs to me. Adam and Diana are both fighting. Diana is fighting to get Adam back, and he is struggling to push her away. Will they find peace in the sanctity of their marriage or will they be torn apart forever? Once I was midair I had to either fly or hit the ground in a mess of blood and bone. Adam has decided to let Dian "I belong to Adam. Adam has decided to let Diana go, and Diana has decided that she will stop at nothing to save their marriage. When Diana discovers the beauty in being a submissive she wants the love of her life to be her Dom and teach her everything she needs to know.
Adam is adamant that he doesn't want her in that world. In order to push her away, he turns cold, and although he tries to be the master of the game, Diana is playing to win.
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As the complexity of the situation continues to grow more intense, the layers continue to peel away and reveal even more darkness, more beauty, more rawness, more sexual tension, more pain, and maybe a glimmer of hope. As the end of the day contract is looming, will Adam and Diana find their way back to each other? My life was written there. The characters are complex; the plot is carefully crafted through each and every moment. The stakes are high for both Diana and Adam with their marriage on the line. The dialogue is rich with color, and the tempo is that of a charged symphony with rich crescendos and decrescendos throughout.
As both characters are broken down, it is evident that they are only complete when they are together. In addition to the action taking place between the main characters, the secondary characters play a pivotal role in the story arc. The undertones of friendship, family, and finding peace in the person you are meant to be are all pivotal subplots in this duet.
Reiss awakens all the senses through her lyrical writing and impeccable storytelling. Overall, I highly recommend The Games Duet to all contemporary romance readers. Even if you are not a BDSM reader, I believe you will appreciate the love, tenderness, and smoldering passion that live and breathe between the pages of this book! I was genuinely moved by the love story of Adam and Diana and the war they waged to save each other and their life together.
What an unforgettable journey that you will not want to miss! Thank you both for introducing me to this amazing author! I am so excited to explore more by Ms. View all 42 comments. Jan 09, Pearl Angeli rated it liked it Shelves: It's not that the book wasn't good. I actually fell in love again with the writing of C. I just thought it lacked some things while it overdid some unnecessary things at the same time. I extremely loved the first book of this duet Marriage Games so I really expected the final book to be that powerful and passionate like the first b 3 Stars "He'd asked me to love him when what awakened my love was the very thing that killed his love.
I extremely loved the first book of this duet Marriage Games so I really expected the final book to be that powerful and passionate like the first book. Separation Games picks up where Marriage Games left off. After Adam discontinued his day deal with Diana to save their marriage, Diana was devastated because it was then when she finally realized that she wanted to be a submissive for Adam.
But Adam has some issues with his life as a Dom and he realized that he could never love Diana as a submissive. Now, Diana is determined to get Adam back and pursue the dark world of submission. She is going to do everything in her power to win him back. First of all, Diana was such a total mess in this book. I didn't like the way she approached things. Not to mention the fact that she was so inconsistent. One day she was all over Adam and she was really desperate to win him back and then the next day when Adam finally wanted her, she said "NO.
There were just too many scenes here that served as fillers. I wanted some depth in the story. Some intensity like the first book. Despite the flaws, however, the conclusion was great and I was glad how everything turned out good in the end. I was shocked by that little twist with Serena there. View all 19 comments. Aug 16, Selene rated it liked it Shelves: I liked these characters but their story dragged on and became exhausting. An okay read, overall. The epilogue was very satisfying! View all 11 comments. Mar 02, CC rated it it was amazing Shelves: With the thirty days not fulfilled, Diana decides to fight in the only way she knows how.
As she tries to save her marriage, she is also trying to resolve her own unanswered questions that have been buried for so long. Whatever the results may be, she is determined to finish her exploration. As they continue to reveal layers of deep emotions and the history behind their feelings, the dance between their interests is like a tango involving passion, strength and an impenetrable connection.
Your problem is you love so much it scared you. Adam is a natural leader who takes control of any situation so when it comes to dominating his submissive, it is beyond hot. So when he demands Diana to give all of herself to him, she complies bringing immense pleasure sexually and emotionally. I want to fuck the breath out of you. I want to hurt you. Dissecting the reasons for their failures are difficult but putting the pieces back together requires much more strength and dedication. Told in dual POV, getting to know the pulse of Adam and Diana leads to deep character development due to their self-reflection.
To say this duet was moving would be an understatement.
Acquiring Hearts (The Heart Series Book #1)
View all 26 comments. Separation Games is no easy walk in the park. It's a gritty, emotional, gut wrenching, erotic, beautiful love story. The story picks up where Marriage Games ends. These books are the story of a marriage that wasn't fully invested in the truth. His true wants and desires and her awakening of her true wants and desires meet at a crossroad. Can they both intersect and come together or will they intersect and crash?
Emotions are front and center here. They are a couple needing to change but at what cost? Can they embrace their past and future and see that together they are exactly what the other needs? It's a gritty journey but also a beautifully awakening journey. The author leads the characters through a challenging obstacle course.
Sour Heart by Jenny Zhang | www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books
It's brutal and raw and at the same time it inflicts the perfect amount of pain for each character to look internally. Their love never really dies, it hits a bump in the road and together they have to figure out how to get back on course. The book is told in two parts. First part is Diana and the author really brings home Diana's embracement of her awakened sexual identity.
She is a woman on a mission and hell bent on finishing her 30 days and being triumphant in her marriage. At times I wanted to strangle her yet I rooted for her every step of the way. Her strength and determination became her champion but at times her foe. His demons that he holds within and his inability to merge two men into one are in fact his very own poison. His struggles are painfully constricting and he can't open his eyes to see the gift that is before him. He makes me want to slap and shake yet hold and hug him. Every facet of Adam Steinbeck is compelling and riveting. The entire story in both POVs is painfully beautiful.
It is filled with layers and layers of pivotal moments where you waited for their crossroads to intersect and become one yet there were many moments of near fatal crashes that caused pain, tears and sorrow. You wanted to look away but couldn't I must say that erotic nature of the story fuels the fire to this brilliant story. Their sexual connection is brought to soaring heights.
It's brutally raw and painfully passionate. The author makes you feel deep within your soul the wants and desires of both Adam and Diana. An erotic love story that grips you from the very first page to the very last. It's sexually awakening and deeply emotional. CD Reiss and her powerful, thought provoking, sensual words will take command of your being and hold you completely hostage. A mesmerizing and remarkable read!!! Dec 26, C. He is attracted to her immediately. Gia is a independent strong will lawyer, whom has been hurt in the past.
She is completely devoted to her career until she meets Bradley. Can their relationship make it through their life's challenges. His father had been gone for seven years now, but somehow he'd pop into his thoughts out of nowhere. Jun 24, Cheryl rated it liked it. It seems that all he does is work and he has no time for a relationship. Gia Coppi is a successful lawyer.
Their romance is a whirlwind and they quickly go from dating to married and pregnant. This book had so much potential but fell flat. The writing style was quite slow which made the book a little boring. There were so many chances in the story to add some angst and suspense but everything that happened was quickly written off without much detail. She was also quite whiny when Brad had to work; she should know about long hours being a lawyer. Brad spoiled her like crazy but that was about all the substance in their romance. This book was just ok. I might still read the next one in the series.
Jul 21, Renee W. Tyler, Battery Operated Book Blog rated it really liked it. Do you believe in love at first sight. Well, when Bradley Roberts runs into his assistant and her sister he is mesmerized by Gia Coppi. He is so taken back that he feels that he must find a way to see her again. There is just something that pulls at him, and as luck would have it, opportunity comes again. Gia is meeting her sister for lunch when they run into her sister's boss.
Gia is just as taken with Bradley as he is her. After the first run in she can not stop thinking about him. Well, as it Do you believe in love at first sight. Well, as it goes, Brad just happens to own the bar that Gia and her friends go out to. Well as you can guess, he manages to find a way to cross her path for a second time, but this time he manages to thoroughly get her attention. This was a fun and enjoyable read. It is not a complicated book, and for the most part is your basic love story. That in itself is not a bad thing, because if you are an avid reader like myself, then you are able to just sit back and take in the love story that is being laid out.
Don't get me wrong there is some conflict or drama, but just enough to keep the book interesting. The true story is what chemistry is between Gia and Brad. The way that their story is written is enough to have you finishing this book shortly after you open it, because you will find that it flows so smoothly that you will not put it down until you have reached THE END. Jun 26, Hooked On Books rated it liked it.
Yet, there are quite a few things that I didn't care for: When I read a book and the characters are feeling certain emotions, I want to feel the same emotions. That being said, I still enjoyed the storyline… It was decent enough to make me want to keep reading. I didn't have to force myself to read it because I was curious to see how it ended. Overall, this book was just okay for me. Dec 09, Jennifer rated it liked it. For me I really struggle to write a review for a book such as this. Is it a bad book? Is it a good book? Yes, but, and here is the huge but for me, the writing style, for me at least, was cheesy and awkward.
I usually love these, this book however I just did not connect with. The story charges alon For me I really struggle to write a review for a book such as this. The story charges along a swift pace, they meet, they go on a date, they get intimate, he leaves on a two month business trip, he comes back for a weekend, they move in together, they get engaged. This is close to the pace of the story with padding of course. The premise of the book is a good one but it was the execution for me that was stilted with the dialogue being quite cringe worthy.
Please note I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Jul 24, Kathy rated it really liked it. I was given this book for an Honest Review This was the story of Bradley Roberts who at a very young age inherited the family company became the CEO and gave up his dream of becoming a doctor to carry on his fathers legacy Young, handsome and very rich he meets Gia who is the sister of his assistant Rachael. When they first meet the sparks fly right away they both feel it in their first meeting.
Gia is a lawyer very independent not like the women Brad us used to meeting. Shes no interested in hi I was given this book for an Honest Review This was the story of Bradley Roberts who at a very young age inherited the family company became the CEO and gave up his dream of becoming a doctor to carry on his fathers legacy Young, handsome and very rich he meets Gia who is the sister of his assistant Rachael. Shes no interested in him for his money. They have to deal with Sheila, Brads crazy ex, Gia does that beautifully and there is the stalker Gia works with that has to be dealt with.
The story line was sweet has some intense moments but overall was a good story. I did have to make sure at times who was speaking the way a few lines were written but I did enjoy the story. Jul 29, Ronda Bearden rated it it was amazing. Donahue that I have had the privilege to read. After the first book I read and enjoyed I wanted to read more of her work. This is a great story and one that you will fall in total love with. Brad is the men of all men. When he loves he loves hard. Caring, devoted and willing to give everything when it comes down to it.
He meets Gia, knows there is something special there but not sure what that something is. Gia is a well-rounded attorney that is very independent. She has suffered some pretty hurtful things in the past that has forced her to push everything in to her career. This two take off and keep you entertained through the whole book.
The Hearts of Horses
Light fun and fast read. Apr 24, C.
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Leon rated it really liked it. Acquiring Hearts by S. Donahue was beyond refreshing in the wide world of romance. The ideal relationship wrapped up into a neat pages! I loved the story line, and even though they had a few issues arise, it was different from the romances you normally come across where the woman is in complete peril and desperately needs the man to sav Acquiring Hearts by S. I loved the story line, and even though they had a few issues arise, it was different from the romances you normally come across where the woman is in complete peril and desperately needs the man to save her.
Other than that this book was beyond sweet and I loved it. Jun 08, Amazeballs Book Addicts rated it it was amazing. Brad and Gia are simply amazing!!! Brad is an alpha CEO millionaire and Gia is a feisty no nonsense lawyer. Together they are unbelievably amazing!! I absolutely love the way this story was written in dual pov's and must admit that reading other reviews where people were saying it was confusing, I did not get that at all.
I thought the story was written perfectly!!! I sat down and started it and before I knew it I was at the end. Gia and Brad had a few obs Holy hotness Batman!!! Gia and Brad had a few obstacles to overcome and again I think the author wrote everything perfectly.
I am addicted to this author and can not wait to read Rachel's story next. Apr 14, Jamie Sadler rated it it was amazing Shelves: Brad was thrown into the role of CEO at an early age. His fathers death derailing his fun and wild young twenties. He has worked to build the company into a great success but he doesn't seem happy or satisfied. On a chance meeting he is captivated by his secretaries younger sister.
Gia is a successful attorney. She is instantly drawn to her sisters hot boss: Gia is very spunky. Brad is adorable and hot as hell. I love that Gia jumps right in and claims Brad when his ex rears her ugly head. Brad Brad was thrown into the role of CEO at an early age. Brad and Gia have to deal with trust issues and must over come interference from outside forces in order to be together. This story is a great start to a series. Great drama and story line closure.
Wonderful family interactions and forgiveness. Aug 20, Tina rated it liked it. This was a sweet read, quite a quick book but readable. Gia is hard working, in dependant and lonely. She spends her time working hard as a lawyer with no social life. Brad is a billionaire CEO, he has everything except happiness and feels like he needs some change in his life.
When they meet it's like they both flicker to life. They start a very serious relationship, which intensifies quickly. This book had a good story, and plot but felt too rushed and wooden.
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The characters had Free download. The characters had great potential but they didn't feel real. The language didn't really come across as realistic but regardless of this the story kept me reading. I love a HEA so it was a nice ending. Feb 15, K rated it really liked it. Gia is a hard working lawyer and was attracted to Brad from the start. Sour Heart captures the magnificent mess that is the internal lives of young women seeking place—in their families, their communities, their bodies, and, most important, themselves.
I emerged from Sour Heart bleary-eyed and in love. The specificity and intense focus of her writing lends itself. Zhang and her characters are all young women from immigrant families trying to navigate life in America and I heard my voice in every sentence, felt my burdens in every paragraph, and saw my experiences in every story. I related so hard. From unrequited love to the promise of dreams, Sour Heart captures the spirit of all five boroughs through eyes of the girls who grew up in them.
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