Get Tough With Stress
World news can cause stress. Kids who see disturbing images on TV or hear talk of natural disasters, war, and terrorism may worry about their own safety and that of the people they love. Talk to your kids about what they see and hear, and monitor what they watch on TV so that you can help them understand what's going on.
Also, be aware of complicating factors, such as an illness, death of a loved one, or a divorce. When these are added to the everyday pressures kids face, the stress is magnified. Even the most amicable divorce can be tough for kids because their basic security system — their family — is undergoing a big change.
Childhood Stress (for Parents)
Separated or divorced parents should never put kids in a position of having to choose sides or expose them to negative comments about the other spouse. Let your kids know that you understand they're stressed and don't dismiss their feelings as inappropriate. While it's not always easy to recognize when kids are stressed out, short-term behavioral changes — such as mood swings, acting out, changes in sleep patterns, or bedwetting — can be indications.

Some kids have physical effects, including stomachaches and headaches. Others have trouble concentrating or completing schoolwork.
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Still others become withdrawn or spend a lot of time alone. Younger children may pick up new habits like thumb sucking, hair twirling, or nose picking; older kids may begin to lie, bully , or defy authority. How can you help kids cope with stress? Proper rest and good nutrition can boost coping skills, as can good parenting.
Getting Through Tough Financial Times
Make time for your kids each day. Whether they need to talk or just be in the same room with you, make yourself available.
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Don't try to make them talk, even if you know what they're worried about. Sometimes kids just feel better when you spend time with them on fun activities. Even as kids get older, quality time is important. It's really hard for some people to come home after work, get down on the floor, and play with their kids or just talk to them about their day — especially if they've had a stressful day themselves. But expressing interest shows your kids that they're important to you.
Help your child cope with stress by talking about what may be causing it. Together, you can come up with a few solutions like cutting back on after-school activities, spending more time talking with parents or teachers, developing an exercise regimen, or keeping a journal.
You also can help by anticipating potentially stressful situations and preparing kids for them. Unexpected income changes are among the most stressful events a person can experience. Unemployment, a disaster, divorce or the death of someone you love can be personally devastating and can trigger the same reactions. In a personal crisis, you may feel tense and angry.
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You may have mood swings and find yourself lashing out at others. Feelings of frustration can lead to family arguments. Or you may feel depressed and discouraged. These feelings may be normal and common. Other family members usually share some or all of your emotions, either directly or indirectly.
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While sharing your feelings of loss and despair, they may also have to deal with your depression, frustration and anger. Allow yourself and other family members to express feelings. A personal crisis may force you to make rapid changes in your life. It can disrupt your habits and normal routines and give you too much or not enough free time. Maintain your daily routines as much as you possibly can. Try to fill your time in satisfying and rewarding ways.