Egypt and U.S. Health Assistance
For those travellers who have respiratory issues, the dense air pollution caused by traffic congestions and industrial sites can be very problematic.
Routine vaccinations are recommended, including ones for hepatitis A, typhoid, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, varicella, polio and influenza. Expats should dial in case of emergencies. Heavy traffic as well as congested medical facilities can mean it may be difficult for emergency services to arrive speedily.

International Healthcare Solutions For Private Individuals Healthcare plans designed specifically for expatriates and local nationals living in Egypt. Support Health and Wellness: Contact Us Got questions?
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We're available 24 hours, 7 days a week. Introduction The Egyptian healthcare system consists of two sectors: Private healthcare Private healthcare facilities in Egypt are of a high standard, with medical staff used to treating foreign nationals. Pharmacies and medication Pharmacies are widely available throughout Egypt.
Medical Assistance
Health hazards in Egypt Expats often need some time to adjust to searing temperatures in Egypt. Emergency services and important numbers Expats should dial in case of emergencies.
Are you based in Egypt? April 19, April 30, ; Total Estimated Cost: Family Planning through the Private Sector: This activity addresses the family planning and reproductive health needs of Egyptian youth through raising their awareness of family planning and increasing their access to family planning services through the private sector. The activity focuses on two groups of young people who are potential clients for the family planning services through the private sector, male and female factory workers and male and female youth with secondary or university education in urban areas.
U.S. Department of State
Population Council; Life of Project: October, September 30, ; Total Estimated Cost: With one million Egyptians born every six months, President Sisi has repeatedly stated that terrorism and population growth are two of the biggest threats facing Egypt in its history. This activity provides technical assistance and training for Ministry of Health and Population staff to improve the quality of family planning services and information in an effort to stem the rapid growth in total fertility rate in Egypt.
The program is implemented in nine governorates in Upper Egypt and slum areas of Cairo and Alexandria. John Snow, Inc; Life of Project: Health Outcomes for Target Populations Improved.
Global Health | Egypt | U.S. Agency for International Development
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Search Google Appliance Enter the terms you wish to search for. This mother in Assiut governorate attends a healthy nutrition class with her child. USAID helps community health workers provide low cost interventions such as health education through home visits and at primary health clinics.