
Come Thirsty Workbook: Receive What Your Soul Longs For

The climate of Palestine, especially away from the coastline and the hill country, can often be hot and dry.

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Occasional Sirocco winds bring intense heat from the desert. Maintaining an adequate water supply for human and animal consumption, as well as for agriculture, was in biblical times a perennial problem. Thirst was a frequent and occasionally life-threatening concern. So obviously, the concept of thirst is naturally used in Scripture of both physical and spiritual thirst and naturally speaks of two things: Statements like the one in Revelation 7: We also know, however, that some things quench our thirst better than others.

Yet water can never quench the thirst of some things such as salt regardless of how much you drink.

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So the concept of thirst becomes a powerful means of communicating spiritual truth in the Bible. As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for Thee, O God. The Psalmist expresses his longing and need.

Come Thirsty Workbook: Receive What Your Soul Longs for

First, in verse 1, there is the analogy to the deer that, perhaps because it has been chased up into the hills by hunters, longs for and has to search long and hard for the water brooks on the arid hills of Palestine. Like the deer, the Psalmist longs for fellowship with God and His people in the temple at Jerusalem because only this can quench the thirst of his soul. There was in his life and at the core of his being a vacuum that only God could fill. There were other longings and needs, but no matter how successful he was in filling those other longings, without the knowledge of God and daily intimacy with Him, life would be, like a gerbil on a treadmill, without real satisfaction.

Finding happiness without true and real fellowship with the living God a cry for reality would be like a dog chasing his tail cf. These words expressed his longing based on his experience of separation from Jerusalem. In other words, God had used the afflictions of life to sensitize or to awaken the Psalmist to his need.

Undoubtedly this statement expressed the despair of his soul brought about by his experience of the futility of anything else to satisfy the deep longings of his soul. And why have you become disturbed within me? His despair was not just over his sufferings brought about by his enemies, but over his separation from the great place of worship where he experienced the presence of God at the temple. With the impossibility of that in the moment, he determines to remember reflectively on those days in the temple. We may know and believe the theology of the Psalmist and express his sentiment and even declare it to others, but I ask you as I ask myself, how well have we faced the reality of this in our own lives?


How much have we experienced this thirsting like the deer panting for the water brooks? Or have we become desensitized, callused, and so unable to recognize the symptoms of seeking to quench our thirst at the wrong fountains? To what degree has this reality, the reality of the barrenness of the details of life and the inability of other things to quench our thirst and give real satisfaction to our souls, truly affected us so that it has begun to change our values, priorities, and pursuits that we might, like Hagar, have our eyes opened to see the well that God has provided and go there to fill our skin with the water of His life?

And she departed, and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba. Do not fear, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. This Psalm gives us a similar scenario to Psalm 42 only this time it is David who is separated not from the temple, but from the sanctuary of the temporary place of the Ark for the temple was not yet built. But the principle is the same as above. David was exiled in the desert, a dry and weary land which David saw as a picture of life without closeness and intimacy with God cf. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

So the Psalmist closes this section with a statement that becomes a principle and a promise that extends over into the spiritual life as well—God alone, as a universal rule of life, is the one who satisfies the thirsty soul. Not only does He care about and meet our needs physically and spiritually, but He alone can meet the core desires of our lives—the source of our satisfaction. I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Thy doings; I muse on the work of Thy hands.

Again, we have a psalm of David in which David is under affliction or suffering and separated from the place of worship and intimate fellowship with the Lord before the Ark. Here again we have the same analogy. Phil marked it as to-read Aug 29, Cathy marked it as to-read Jun 09, Meghan Thaggard marked it as to-read Jun 29, Matthew added it Apr 16, Thewalkinglexicon marked it as to-read Mar 07, Christine Gathers marked it as to-read Aug 10, Cornella Carter-Taylor is currently reading it May 01, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

With more than million products in print and several NYT bestsellers, Max Lucado is America's bestselling inspirational author. His next book is publishing August and is titled Unshakable Hope.

Are You Thirsty? by Brian Hedges – Christian Theology

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