Caribbean Desire (Harlequin Comics)
To view it, click here. The orphaned h lands in Trinidad as the book opens, she is there to do a biography of one of the world's wealthiest men who is in his seventies. She is met at the airport by a surly, but handsome bad tempered Alpha and we soon learn that this overwhelming vat of bullying misogyny is the business partner of the man the h is writing the biography o Re Caribbean Desire - continuing the Standard Day at the HP office theme, Cathy Williams' tropy of the tropiest second HP outing is an average classic.
She is met at the airport by a surly, but handsome bad tempered Alpha and we soon learn that this overwhelming vat of bullying misogyny is the business partner of the man the h is writing the biography on.

On the way to her new job, the bad tempered business partner pulls over and threatens the h with death incurring from grievous bodily harm if she tries to use her obvious flaming gold digger wiles on her biography subject. As per standard HP policy, this Alpha Bully is our H and he is bang on cue with the gold digger tart accusations against a woman he met approximately 30 minutes earlier in page time. But the h has seekrit - she is the adult version seekrit baby of the elderly businessman's estranged daughter - in short the biography job is a great way for the h to sneak around and meet her grandpa.
Verbal battles are frequent, OW-but-not-really cutting remarks and pot stirring is rampant and the h is just barely managing to keep the door closed on the little fire burning in her oven.
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Eventually in a suitably HP approved dramatic fashion, the truth of the h's grandkiddness is finally revealed. Cue up the Standard HP fake engagement ruse when the h's grandpa has a bout of illness and grampa's physician solemnly warns that he had no idear how much time grampy might have left. So naturally the H and h are faking the engaging as best they can and the H had to dump his OW who was really The Woman but got a bad knock and is kinda mad about it. So she trash talks the h into believing that the H only wants the h to get his hands on grampy's money.
Harlequin Manga Quick Takes – Married by Mistake!, Caribbean Desire, and Marriage Wanted
The h is now sad and mopey cause A she is lying to grampy and that is showing poor character and she feels guilty, B she slept with the H on his yacht cause his Patent Pending Lurve Mojo is too hard to keep resisting and C she thinks she is a tart cause she is really into going to bed with the H for the lurve thrill and she knows that fidelity and continuity are not the H's style. Given CW's extended and detailed love mojo moments, I am kinda tempted to think the h might have put the pop in the pop tart too.
She must have read a lot of Cosmo. So she confesses to grampy about her terrible fake engagement ploy and fights with the H about his supposedly mercenary plans to marry her for grampy's money.
Caribbean Desire
The H totally mocks the h for believing his ex-fiancee and completely disregards the fact that he had her hung up on the rack of gold -digging tarthood for the first five chapters. The h thinks she should leave Trinidad and fly back to the island after the H has left, but she can't get a plane for a few days and grampy claims the H will be going back to Europe to run the businesses soon anyways.
So the h ends up staying and having even more Standard HP mopey moments about how pathetic, disloyal and foolish she was to believe the ex Fiancee OW about the H motivations. Eventually after the h manages to mope all day in bed, the H shows up and claims he loves her and we get a real marriage promise and a huge lurve mojo session for the big HEA and we find out that grampy was never seriously ill after all - he only had indigestion and doing a little pot stirring of his own.
So mainly this isn't bad, it is a very typical tropy HPlandia outing. Which means it isn't really memorable either.
Overall tho, CW did a decent job on her second HP adventure and that means you don't have to run and grab a flamethrower if you run into it. View all 5 comments. An alpha male who isn't a jerk again! I think I'm starting to miss the jerks, though. He's a bit of a jerk just not like some I've read. It was a very quick read that had the elements of your typical HP secret baby, other woman, rich womanizer, etc.
What am I trying to say??? I just couldn't muster up enough emotion to really CARE what happened to these characters. It was well-written but I just could care less what happened in the end. I An alpha male who isn't a jerk again! It was, at best, mildly entertaining. However, with no other leads on the whereabouts of her niece, Nel has no choice but to rely on Luis.
So Nel reluctantly slips on the family ring that has been passed on for generations. Brice McAllister, the world's renowned artist, instantly falls for Sabina as soon as he meets the gorgeous supermodel's gaze. He has agreed to paint her portrait only to quiet the insistent billionaire who demanded Brice to paint his fiancee's portrait at any price. The meeting arouses his desire to draw Sabina. However, once he starts to work on the portrait, Sabina does not hide her fear and avoids his gaze. It is as if she believes allowing him to draw her is a sin He probably thinks he has only to stand there to seduce women.
Cally goes to a bar with a mysterious, handsome man she met at an auction, and they end up sharing a passionate kiss. Cally is a painting restorator, and she was desperate when she lost the paintings she longed to work on at the auction. But the man bandons her after their kiss, leaving her unsatisfied.
- Freedom Calling.
- Absolutely Unforgivable.
- {{#if added}} Subscribe to Series {{else}} How Subscriptions Work {{/if}}.
- No Regrets;
The next day, she receives an email. The prince of an island in the Mediterranean Sea wants her to restore his paintings.
Caribbean Desire: Preview
Lucy mentions the legend that if a woman spends the night of her birthday at the mansion of love, the first man she sees the next day will be her destined love. It is the day after her birthday, and Jack looks both befuddled and horrified. The art in this adaptation is really much better than the typical Harlequin manga title. The backgrounds might be sparse, but the character designs are distinct and attractive.
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In conclusion, men with cravats are bad, but men with eye patches or suits are good. Emma arrives on an island to interview the rich businessman Alastair for his biography. And what will she do with her growing attraction to Conrad?