Boek van Overvloed: Geld Kracht Liefde (Dutch Edition)
No, but I have some — ojjicieren m en — matrozen m gezien. The Kaapstad y ligt aan — voet m van — Tafelbcrg. Aan — ingang m van of the river are blown down. At the entrance of — Tafelbaai v ligt Bobbeneiland. The son of the dokters m is naar Sehotland gegaan om in — medicij- doctor has to Scotland gone in order in the medi- nen te studeeren.
The Buddhisme o lieeft veel aanhangers m in — Ghineesche Buddhism has many adherents in the. The inhabitants of many of the South Sea eilanden zijn tot — Christendom o bekeerd. The heer m , dien u van morgen in — museum o gentleman whom you this morning in the museum ontmoet heeft, is leeraar in — mathesis v. Hoe laat is het? What time is it? Het is tien uur. It is ten o'clock. Het is kwart voor vijf, 3. It is a quarter to five.
Het is half zeven. It is half past six. Het is tien minaten over 5. It is ten minutes past eight. What time do you rise? Ik ben altijd op tegen uur. I am always up by six o'clock. Hoe laat ontbijt uf 8. What time do you take breakfast? Tegen twee uur zal ik bij u aankomen. De stoomboot vertrekt om twaalf uur vandaag. Gaan zij iederen dag naar school? Zij gaan dagelijks behalve 's Zaterdags. Aanstaande week zal ik vertrokken zijn. Mijn verjaardag valt in de eerstkomende rnaand.
Wij hebben reeds veertien dagen op u gewacht. Kom over drie dagen terug. Mijn vader is juist vijftig jaar oud. Be zon gaat in den winter laat op. Na zonsondergang komen de sterren te voorschijn. Wij begonnen onze reis vudr litt aanbreken van den dag. Toen ik een half uur weg was, kwam mijn broeder thuis. De veldslag werd den zeven en twintigsten Maart ge- leverd. Ik verjaar op den laatsten Februari. Londen, 2 Mei Na mijnen dood zal u allcs duidelijk worden.
Oncrmorgen hoop ik u tceer te zien. Ik vas juist bijtijds, maur de trein was te vroeg.
We never breakfast later than eight o'clock. The steamer sails at noon to-day. Do they go to school every day? They go every day but Saturday. Next week I shall be gone. My birthday is next month. We have been waiting for you a fortnight. Come back in three days. My father is just fifty years of age. The sun rises late in winter. The sun sets early in winter. After sunset the stars make their appearance. We started on our journey before daybreak. Half an hour after I had left, my brother came home. The battle was fought on the twenty- seventh of March. My birthday is on the last day of February.
London, May 2nd, After my death every thin: The day after to-xnottow I hope to see you again. I had a fall the day lief. Were yon too late for the train? I was just in time, but the train was too i-arly. The plural of all diminutives: The plural of words ending in el, em, en, er, aar, ier, and aard: The plural of foreign words used in Dutch, except when they end in a, o, or u: In en ends the plural of — 1. All Dutch monosyllables, with the exception of the following: Most of the words taken from foreign languages, but Eutchified through long use, which do not end in a vowel: Avonturen, adventures ; advolcaten, advocates ;presenten, presents ; figuren, figures ; rivieren, rivers.
All other Avords, except those which fall under the rules below.

Drie vogels vliegen boven ons huis, three birds are flying above our house ; I e vogelen des kernels hebben nesten, the fowls of the air have nests. Words ending in ie require special attention. Those which have the accent on the last syllable but one, form their plural in n or sometimes s: The following, however, which have the accent on the final ie, take en: The double plural ending ers or eren, is adopted by the following nouns of the neuter gender: As in German, so also in Dutch, the plural of neuter nouns was formerly formed by er.
To this plural ending it has become customary to add the endings used for the other genders, viz. In compound words the old ending er still expresses a real plural: Jioenderhok, fowl-bouse; eiermand, eg,; -basket. The old plural is used with a singular meaning in spaander, chip, and in the Cape Dutch forms een hoender, een eier. Some homonymous words bring out their different meanings in the plural. Such are — Singular. Jcnecht, Utter, man, middel, reden, spel, studie, tafel, vader, teeken, vwrtel, zoon, First Plural. A few words have an irregular plural form: Words ending in held old D.
Godhead, Godheid ; and the modern hood ; childhood, kindsheid. Words compounded with man commonly take the plural lieden, the colloquial form of which is lui: The plural mans or mannen, is, however, used as well. Bnurman, neighbour, takes Imren.
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The EDglish "spoonful" lias no equivalent in Dutch: The words asch, ashes, leven, life, and bod, bid, are always used in the singular: He has had two bids for his house, hij Tieeft tweemaal een bod voor zijn huis geliad. They have lost their lives in it, zij hebben er het leven bij verier en.
The following words have no plural form: Proper Nouns, except when they designate different individuals of the same family names: Names of Materials, except when they express particular kinds, or certain specified quantities or pieces: Abstract Nouns, except when they express a variety: The following, which, having no plural form of their own, borrow that of synonymous words: UdithoiJ, aanbieding, offer, aanbiedingen.
Meg, lelegering, siege, belegeringen. The following words have no singular: And the names of several mountain ranges and groups of islands: A " pair of scissors " is simply eene schaar, plural scharen. A "pair of spectacles'' is ecne bril, plural brillen. Naturally, " a pair of boots " is eenpaar sckoenen. Of some words the singular form is used with a plural meaning: A final consonant, occurring after a full vowel or a diphthong, is not doubled before a plural ending: Nouns ending in a consonant, preceded by a short vowel, which retains its imperfect sound in the plural, double their final consonant: This doubling of the consonant serves to close the first syllable and to open the second, thereby preserving the imperfect vowel-sound.
Ch final is never doubled, and sch only doubles its s: When the final consonant is preceded by an unaccented i or e, it is not doubled, so as not to change the accent: The ending m, however, does not fall under this rule: Except — philosofen, philosophers, photografen, photo- graphers, Icousen, stockings, Jcruisen, crosses, struisen, ostriches, pausen, popes, spiesen, spears. The s only changes into z when preceded by I, m, and r: Bonzen, bounces; ganzen, geese ; trenzen, snaffles; grenzevt boundaries ; grijnzen, grins ; cijnzen, tributes ; donzen, downs feathers ; likewise the verb glanzen, to shine.
Walser , walses; polsen, pulses; hoarsen, candles; leer sen, cherries; koersen, courses; persen, presses; schorsen, barks of trees ; floersen, veils figurative , are excep- tions. They formerly ended in ve and ze but dropped their final e: Write the plural forms of: Paal, pole ; draad, wire ; schroef, screw ; sjoijher, nail ; hamer, hammer; boor,- gimlet ; beitel, chisel; zaag, saw; timmerman, carpenter ; metselaar, mason ; troffel, trowel ; schietlood, plummet; JiaaJc, square; waterpas, water-level ; kruiwagen, wheelbarrow ; schojp, shovel ; graaf, spade ; hark, rake ; schoffel, hoe ; bloem, flower ; struilc, bush ; Jieester, shrub ; grond, soil ; perk, plot ; bed, bed ; pad, path; boom, tree; blad, leaf; knop, bud; ticijg, twig; tak, branch; wortel, root; huis, house; dale, roof; raam, Avindow ; learner, room ; waranda, verandah ; keuken, kitchen; stal, stable; bad, bath; gang, passage; portaal, lobby; trap, staircase; leuning, rail; trede, step; zolder, loft ; plafond, ceiling.
I have a pencil. You have a carriage and a horse. Wo have a house. The study has a door and a window. The horse has a stable. You have a cupboard in your house. He is in the room. You are in your study. Are they in the carriage? They have a table in their room. The lion has a cage in the garden. His stick is on his bock. Our horse is in the street.
The sun has heat in the summer. Lady, dame, f; this, deze m and v , dit o ; that, die wi and v , dat o ; or, of. Is this carriage mine? Have you her bonnet or her cap? We have his pencil and his book. Are you in her room? He is in his room. Is mother in her room? That lady is in her study. Child, you are dirty. He has the wheel of our carriage in the stable. The dog is in their garden: The lady and the child are in their room. The door of our stable is broken. A door of a cupboard is never large.
We have a child: Jo the summer the days are long. The chickens are in the garden. Two of our hens have chickens. In the school we have inkpots, books, and slates. On the table there are forks and knives. Have you [got] blotting-paper in your books? Years are longer than months, and months are longer than days. Are there leaves on the trees, and buds on the shrubs? These books have many pages. Wo have two windows in our kitchen. The lobbies in those houses are large, and tlio staircases high. The boy has many eggs in his basket. Have you [any] screws or nails for me? Yes, and also a hammer, and a gimlet.
You have two horses in your stables. Staircases have steps and railings. We have more flowers in our garden than you. Yes, but I have more shrubs in mine. How many hoeveel bedrooms are there in your house? One for my sister, two for my brothers, one for my parents, and one for me. Have ihe children [got] rakes and hoes? No, but the boys have spades. Car- penters use gebruiken chisels, saws, and hammers, and masons use trowels, squares, and a plummet.
The buds on the trees are large. I am on the roof of our house.
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Where are you, mother? I am in the kitchen, my boy. Is the soil in his gardon good? Yes, the soil in all theso gardens is very good. Eill up the blanks, Using nouns in the plural: Onz- hoe- en onz- schaap- loopen in de Our cows and our sheep run in the Waar zijn d- mensch-, die gisteren Jiier war en?
Eend- Where are the people, who yesterday here were? Ducks en gans- zijn zwemvogel—. Leeuw—, beer—, tijgei-, and get se are swimming birds. Olifant—, Jcameel—y os—, bok— en schaap— eten geen Elephants, camels, oxen, goats and sheep eat no vleesch, maar plant—. Op onz— reis— hebben wij stad-, flesh, but plants. On our journeys have we towns, dorp-, rimer—, beek—, sluts—, brug-, markt-, herk — , villages, rivers, brooks, sluices, bridges, markets, churches, tor en— , schip—, en zoo voorts enz. The principal deel- van liuis— zijn de fondament—, de muur—, de parts of houses are the foundations, the walls, the venster-, de deur—, de schoorsteen—, en de dak—.
Schip— windows, the doors, the chimneys, and the roofs. Ships hebben kiel—, roer—, mast—, anker—, zeil—, vlag—, ra—. Dez— visch— wonen in de noordelijke zee—. Op punt- These fishes live in the northern seas. On points' icaar de golf- van twee oceaan— elkander ontmoeten, where the waves of two oceans each other meet, zijn die golf— zeer hoog. Hebt gij muis— of rat— in are those waves very high. Have you mice or rats in de vol— gezien?
De bosch- zijn vol eekhorentje— en the traps seen? The woods are full of squirrels and aap—. De eekhoren— stelen de ei— uit de nest— monkeys. The squirrels steal the eggs out of the nests der vogel— in de hooge boom-. Meerkat— leven in gat— of the birds in the high trees.
Marmosets live in holes in het- veld. Wij ontdekten gisteren drie echo- in de in the field. We discovered yesterday three echoes in the berg-. De dal- zijn vol bloem-, en al de mountains. De dame— hebben de divided, and those again in wards. The ladies have tho photographie— in album— gezet. Dez- Jcind— zijn in photographs in albums put. These children are in hunne hoop- teleurgesteld. Ik Tcan uio- aanbod— niet their hopes disappointed. I can your offers not aannemen. Drie stoomboot- zijn vergaan, en honderden accept.
Three steamers are wrecked, and hundreds mensch- omgehomen. How many loaves have you [got]? I have five loaves. Have you [got] two spoonfuls of sugar for me? A handful, if you like ah gij wilt. Those Englishmen are taller than these Frenchmen. My neighbours are carpenters and masons. Our horses have oats, and our cows bran and water.
Give me five pounds [of] tea, and two pounds [of] coffee. The boys have two dozen nibs- ' These walls are [a] hundred feet high. One child ha the small pox, and two children have the measles. Shirts, stockings, ties, gloves, and hats are for sale at Scott brothers bij de Gebroeders Scott in the I'lein Street. We have two uncles, two aunts, and five nephews. The women are in the shop, and their husbands are outside. The roots of the trees are long and strong. The tree has [a] thousand leaves, and my book has only [a] hundred leaves. The bones of his legs are broken.
All the rooms have new carpets, and the girls have new clothes. The songs of your children are new to me mij nieuio. The watch has many wheels. We have [a] hundred lambs, and many fowls also. The ships are on the sea, and the towns are on op the land. There are two kinds of meat two meats on [the] table. We have sods along the paths in our garden.
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These doors have locks and keys. Children have many faults. There are holes in those walls. The heels of my boots are high. Cats, rats, mice, rabbits, and moles have sharp teeth. Write out the plural forms of: Have you had breakfast? Nog niet ; wij oribijten ge- 2. Not yot, we usually break- woonlijk om 9 uur. Wil u nil een hop kojjie 3. Will you take a cup of gebruiken? Dank u; ik wacht lievcr 4. No, thanks; I prefer wait- tot het ontbijt. Wil u bij mij komen di- 5. Will you come and dine neeren? Dank u ; ik ben reds uit- 6.
Kom dan morgen ioch 7. Jcoffie drinlcen om 1 uur, of soupeeren om 9 uur. Geef mij een bord soep. Geef mij een stuhje gebra- 9. Is de biefstuh malsch? Kan ik u dienen met wat Mag ik u een stukje gebra- Ik wil graag iets van dien Wat groente mag ik u aan- Gesto'fde aardappelen en Zal u wijn of bier gebrui- 1G. Geef mij een glas stout. Er zijn poddingen, taarten Wat appeltaart en via. Voor dessert zijn er rozijnen Blieft u thee of kqffie na den Een klein kopje sterke koffic, Vcrkiest u het zonder melk Chocolade gebruik ik zonder Geef mij het brood cens Ik houd van ham met cieren Zou u mij de kaas willen Well, then come to luncheon to-morrow at 1 o'clock, or to supper at 9 o'clock.
Give me a plate of soup. Give me some roast beef and some radish. Is the beefsteak tender. Can I help you to some mutton stew? May I give you some roast beef? I should like some roast cluck and green peas, please. What vegetables can I offer you? Boiled potatoes and cauli- flower, please. Will you take wine or beer? Give me a glass of stout. There are puddings, tarts and pies; which shall I send you? Some apple-tart and custard. For dessert there are raisins and almonds, preserved ginger, apples, oranges, pineapples and figs. Will you take tea or coffee after dinner?
A small cup of strong coffee, please. Do you prefer it without milk and sugar? I take chocolate without sugar, but never tea or coil'ce. Pass me the bread, please. May 1 trouble you for thg cheese? Het Geslacht der Zelfstandige Naamwoorden. The gender of a noun is the way in which it is declined. There being three different ways of declining a noun, there are accordingly three genders, called the Masculine, the Feminine, and the Nenter gender het Mannelijk, Vrouwe- lijh en Onzijdig geslacht. It should he apparent from this definition, that the names of inanimate objects must be treated like the names of persons and animals, and are therefore not Neater on account of things having no sex, but are Masculine, Feminine, or Neuter, according as they are declined.
Kotk to the Stcdent. Even to born Dutchmen they are a great drawback to correct writing. In speaking only two genders are observed, Neuter nouns being by instinct felt to be neuter, while all other substantives, even those that are most obviously feminine, are used with the masculine gender. The rules below are indispensable for correct writing. However, after having acquired them, the student will find that he is by no means able to determine the gender of every Dutch word.
More rules might be added, but the difficulty would remain. A good reliable dictionary, besides, is indispensable for reference. Rules to ascertain the Gendep of Nouns. Names of male persons and male animals are Masculine, as: Names of female persons and female animals are Feminine, as: Het arme menst-h, the poor creature, is heard of women, tliouirh mensdt is Mate.
When the male and the female animal have only one name, that name is Masculine for the larger animals, and Feminine for the smaller, as Masculine: Teat, cat ; mnis, mouse. Giraffe, giraffe, is Fern. When the male and the female animal have each a separate name, but there is a third name for the two together, this third name is Neuter, as: Names of trees are Masculine, as: Uncle, lime-tree, tamarisk, and tamarinde, tamarind- tree, are Fern.
The word slruik, shrub, is Masculine. The names of plants and fruits eliding in oen, ier, ing, er, and el are Masc. Names of the parts of trees and plants are Feminine, as: Names of mountains and large rivers are Masculine, as: Names of small rivers and brooks are Feminine, as: Names of seasons, months and days are Masculine, v. Names of ships are Masculine, when they end in er, as: Names of ships are Feminine, when they do not end in er, as: Pi opsr names of ships are Feminine.
Monosyllabic names of the parts of ships are Feminine, as: Roer, helm ; text, sail ; ruim, hold ; del;, deck, are Neut. Names of coins are Masculine: Names of precious stones are Masculine, when they indicate single pieces, as: De diamanl in dezen ring, the diamond in this ring ; but when they have a collective meaning, they are Neuter: Het diamant van Zuid-Afrika, the diamond of South Africa.
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Stems of verbs expressing an action are Masculine, as: Stems of verbs meaning an instrument or tool are Feminine, as: Stems of verbs ending in st, in which st cannot be removed, are Masculine, as: Stems of verbs to which st is added, and from which it can he separated, are Feminine, as: Exceptions ; dienst, service ; angst, anxiely; ernst, seriousness, are Masc. Stems of verbs with the unaccented verbal pre- fixes, he, ge, ver, and ont, are Neuter, as: Names of the letters of the alphabet, of the figures, and of musical notes, are Feminine, as: Monosyllabic names of the parts of the human body are Feminine, as: Oor, car; oog, eye; vzl.
Names of musical instruments are Feminine, as: All diminutives are Neuter, as: Names of materials, especially metals, are Neuter, as: Words expressing a collection of objects are Neuter, as: Bende, band ; vloot, fleet ; Indcle, flock ; schaar, crowd, are Fem. Words which begin with ge and end in te are Neuter, when they express a collection, as: Names of countries, towns and villages are Neuter, as: The names of the young of animals are Neuter, as ; luiken, chicken ; veulen, colt ; lam, lamb ; half, calf ; welp, whelp. Infinitive verbs, and further all parts of speech used as nouns, are Neuter, as: Names of instruments ending in el, er, and aar, are Masculine, as: Words of foreign origin having these, endings are Neut.
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Words in m, em, rm, Im, end, and ond, are Masculine, as: Baam, window ; scherm, screen, are Neut. Words in dom, when expressing a state, or condition, as ; icasdom, growth ; adeldom, nobility also as a collec- tive ; rijlcdom, riches ; ovderdom, old age, are Masculine. Christendom, Christianity ; mcnschdom, human race ; Jiertogdom, dukedom. Notice that Christendom, Christianity, moans the creed of Chris- tians, while Eng. Christendom the collective boJy of Chris- tians is Dutch Christenheid.
Heidendom, means both "heathenism" and "heathen" in a cullective sense. Words in scJiap, indicating a profession or an estate, as priesterscJiap, priesthood ; graafscJiap, earldom ; landschap, province — and the words: All the others are Feminine, as; blijdscJiap, joy; bood- schap, message; buurtschap, neighbourhood; rehenscliap, rendering of account; manscliap, crew.
Words in ing, not derived from verbs, are Masculine, as: Jcctting, chain ; rotting, cane ; ring, ring. Words in ing, derived from verbs, are Feminine, as: Words ending in d, cht, t, e, ij, ie, uw, nis, heid, teit, uur, ier, are Fern. In cht and t — echt, matrimony: Licht, light; icicht, babe; reeht, right ; ambi, profession ; amhacht, trade ; schrij't, writing, are Neut. In de — vrede, peace, is Masc. Gelcide, escort ; gctifcde , tide ; eind e , end ; and leebbe, web, are Neut.
In ie — concilie, council; evangelic, gospel; and genie, genius, and land, country, are Neut. In nis — vonnis, sentence ; and vuilnis vidlis , dirt, are Neut. All words ending in sel and derived from Verbs are Neuter, as: Foreign words in aan, ant and' , aard and ont' are Masc, as: Foreign words ending in as, eet, ot, iek, ier, text, uut, and uur, are Fern.
Foreign words in aal, aat, eel, ent, et, oen, oor, are Neut. Icaneel, cinnamon, is Fcm. Names of persons and animals ending in ling: Names of persons ending in noot or genoot: Besides these names of persons, a few other words have a double gender. Words, metaphorically used to indicate persons ; ondeugd, Fern, with the meaning " vice " ; Masc.
Names of fruits which apply also to trees pro- ducing the fruit. In that case the word is Fern, when it indicates the fruit, and Masc. Names of materials which at the same time may indicate a separate piece. When the word is used for the material as such, it is either Neut. Diamant, diamond, may be either Neut. In like manner visch, fish, is Masc.
Ik huh eenen visch Masc. There arc a few words, however, whose gender changes in composition: Words which have changed their Gender. Mark the following list of words Bal, ball, globe, Masc. Kant, edge or side, Masc. Bal, dance, ball, Neut. Palm, palm of the hand, Fem.
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Punt, point and full-stop, Fem Slag, trap and kind, Neut. Vorst, frost and roof-ridge, Fem. Zucht, strong desire, or disease, Fem. The ending es makes Feminine names of persons of Masculine ones: The ending in docs the same: The ending ster makes Feminine names of the stems of verbs, where the male appellation is er: The same ending ster is added to male appellations ending in aar: The Feminine of dief, thief, is dievegge.
Notice further tbe following distinctions: Mannetjes olifant, male elephant ; wijfjes kameel, female camel. Synopsis of Kules on the Gender. Special names of males are Masculine. Special names of females are Feminine. Names common to either sex, each having a special name besides, are Neuter. Names ending in er are Masculine. Names not ending in er are Feminine.
Masculine when indicating an action. Feminine, when indicating an instrument. Masculine when indicating a state or condition. Neuter, all the others. Neuter when indicating profession, or estate. Feminine, all the others. Masculine when inseparable from stem. Feminine when separable from stem. Names of mountains and large rivers. Names of seasons, months, and days. Names of precious stones. Names of shrubs, plants, and flowers.
Names of small rivers, and brooks. Names of letters, and figures in arithmetic. Names of parts of trees. Names of parts of the human body. Names of the parts of ships. Names of musical instruments. Names of countries, and towns. Names of collections with prefix ge, and auffix te. Names of the young of animals.
Stems of verbs, with inseparable accented particles. Stems of verbs, with unaccented prefixes. Infinitive forms of verbs and other parts of speech used as nouns. El, er, aar, instruments ; six exceptions, and Neuter rule ; ing not derived from verbs ; oen, ier, ing, er, el fruits ; m, lm, rm, ond, end. Aan, ant, and , aard, ont foreign words.
D eleven exceptions , clit eleven exceptions , e five exceptions , ie three exceptions , nis two exceptions , ing derived from verbs. As, eet, ot, ielc, ier, teit, uut uur foreign words, ten exceptions. Je, tje, pje and other diminutive endings. Sel derived from verbs. Aal, aat, eel, ent, et, oen, oor foreign words, one exception. State the genders of the following words: Duif, pigeon; muis, mouse; xoalviscli, whale; tijger, tiger ; hulje, little hut ; noot, nut ; Jcaravaan, caravan ; ochtend, morning ; loop, course ; icedren, race ; Woensdag, Wednesday ; Maart, March ; zivaluw, swallow ; blijdseliap, gladness ; goedheid, goodness ; geweer, gun ; meisje, girl ; jongen, boy ; honingin, queen ; hoest, cough ; scliaaf, plane ; lade, drawer ; hamer, hammer ; dorp, village.
Hoop, hope ; bal, ball ; rijst, rice ; visch, fish ; lente, spring ; aap, ape ; zes, six ; herfst, autumn ; schaclit, shaft; leven, life; ouderdom, old age; dienst, service; schoffel, hoe ; getuigenis, testimony ; vriendschap, friend- ship ; Tcolieh, colic ; gedans, dancing ; geivicht, weight ; ontvangst, reception. Vierkant, square ; hart, heart ; maal, meal ; tooneel, scene ; smeersel, unguent ; minuut, minute ; kurk, cork ; fregat, frigate ; morgen, morning ; rust, rest ; horizont, horizon ; zalm, salmon ; kaneel, cinnamon ; Oostenrijk, Austria ; droom, dream ; gebed, prayer ; vlek, stain ; watten, wadding; gids, guide; landschap, landscape; schavot, scaffold.
Express the Feminine form of the following Masculine words: Vijand, enemy ; ondericijzer, teacher ; vink, cock-finch ; kameel, male camel ; bruigom, bridegroom ; raadsman, counsellor ; meester, master ; dienaar, servant ; haan, cock ; boekhouder, book-keeper ; monnik, monk ; beschermer, pro- tector ; spreker, speaker ; ram, ram ; leugenaar, liar ; das, male badger ; slaaf, slave ; vriend, friend ; metgezel, com- panion ; 00m, uncle; hengst, stallion; woerd, drake; bok, he- goat ; aap, male monkey.
Voogd, guardian ; wandelaar, walker ; voetganger, pedes- trian ; beer, boar ; beer, he-bear ; broeder, brother ; bakker, baker; graaf, count; doffer, male pigeon; meerkat, malo 64 The commercial dutch grammar. Ik heb, I have. Ik ben, I am. Gij liebt, thou hast. Gij zijt, thou art. Wij hebben, we have.
Wij zijn, we are. Gij hebt, you have. Gij zijt, you are. Zij liebben, they have. Zij zijn, they are. Ik ben geweest, I have been. Gij hebt gehad, thou hast had. Gij zijt geweest, thou hast been. Wij hebben gehad, we have had. Wij zijn geiveest, we have been. Gij hebt gehad, you have had. Gij zijt geweest, you have been. Zij hebben gehad, they have had. Zij zijn geweest, they have been. Ik had, 1 had. Ik ivas, I was. Gij hadt, thou hadst. Gij waart, thou wast. Hij was, he was. Wij hadden, we had.
Wij waren, we were. Gij hadt, you had. Gij waart, you were. Zij hadden, they had. Zij waren, they were. Ik had gehad, I had had. Ik was geiveest, I had been. Gij hadt gehad, thou hadst had. Gij waart geweest, thou hadst llij had gehad, lie had had, been. Wij hadden gehad, we had had.
Ilij ivas geweest, he had been. Gij hadt gehad, you had had. Wij waren geweest, we had been. Zij hadden gehad, they had had. Gij waart geweest, you had been. Onvolmaakt Toekomende Ik zal hebben, I shall have. Oij zult hebben, thou wilt have. Hij zal hebben, he will have. Wij zullen hebben, we shall have. Oij zult hebben, you will have. Zij zullen hebben, they will have. Ik zal zijn, I shall he. Oij zult zijn, thou wilt he. Hij zed zijn, he will be.
Wij zullen zijn, we shall he. Oij zult zijn, you will be. Zij zullen zijn, they will be. Ikzalgehad hebben, I shall have had. Oij zultgehad hebben, thou wilt have had. Hij zal gehad hebben, he will have had. Wij zullen gehad hebben, we shall have had. Geld Kracht Liefde Dutch Edition. See All Buying Options. Add to Wish List. This page works best with JavaScript. Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. You can still see all customer reviews for the product. Top rated Most recent Top rated. All reviewers Verified purchase only All reviewers All stars 5 star only 4 star only 3 star only 2 star only 1 star only All positive All critical All stars All formats Format: There was a problem filtering reviews right now.
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