The New Word: Gods Word for All People
Likewise, would not an error in a fact likewise be a failure in the Scripture? Of course it would! But Jesus says the Scriptures cannot be broken. It should go without saying that the New Testament is also Scripture. The early church recognized the New Testament documents as being authentic and inspired and included them in the canon of Scripture along with the Old Testament. In fact, Paul recognized the authority that his words had in the church.
Word Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary
Take for example what he said to the Colossians. Peter called Paul's writings Scripture. Likewise, Peter says in 2 Pet. Instead, prophecy occurs by those moved by the Holy Spirit. God spoke through the mouth of the prophets. We see in Acts 3: In fact, we find other references to the Old Testament referring to God speaking through the prophets. Because the prophets speak for God, write Scripture, and make prophecies, the Scriptures must be fulfilled.

It is the written Scriptures that are referenced here. It is not some vague and ambiguous reference to some areas of the Bible that "contain" the word of God. If the Bible contains the word of God but is not the word of God, then we must ask which parts of the Bible are the Word of God and which are not?
The problem in answering this question is that the one who seeks to do so inadvertently places himself as the judge of what is and what is not inspired and without error. But by what standard would such a person make such judgment? It is true that there are difficulties within the Word of God. But these are due to copying errors through the centuries.
As more and more historical, archaeological, and manuscript evidence is uncovered, the fewer Bible difficulties there are. Nevertheless, for an examination of answers to the alleged Bible contradictions, please see The Bible Difficulties section in the navigation menu on the left.
What’s in a word? – 20 Bible verses to think about
When claims that the Bible contains the word of God but is not the word of God are made, it is done so usually because the critic of inspiration wants to assert that the original documents in the Bible contained errors. The problem is that this undermines the very trustworthiness of God's Word. How are we to decide what is and is not inspired and therefore true if the very breath of God moving through a sinner results in documents with mistakes?
Does this inspire trust in God's Word? Does it promote security and rest in believing God's Word? The Bible isn't the Word of God. It contains the Word of God. If appealing to the Bible in a general sense isn't good enough.
Is the New Testament also Scripture?
Let's consider that Jesus said the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms all of the Old Testament were Scripture , and that the Scriptures cannot be broken--cannot fail John Dictionary of Bible Terms. How to Interpret the Bible. Is the Bible inspired? Bible Chronology of the Old Testament.
The Bible isn't the Word of God. It contains the Word of God.
Bible Chronology of the New Testament. We rejoice that God has adopted us as his children. We know that when we die we will be with Him in heaven forever. We look forward to worshipping Him with the multitudes from every tribe and nation. We believe that He has given us the task here on Earth to enable others to hear in their native language the Good News that their Creator longs for them with an immeasurable love, and that He has made a way for them to be reconciled to Himself. David and Marie Hazell lived in Russia for eight years working on Bible translation.
- Die Seelen der Nacht: Roman (Diana & Matthew Trilogie 1) (German Edition).
- Guia politicamente incorrecta de la ciencia. (Ensayo) (Spanish Edition).
- Soigner par lhypnose (French Edition)?
- Doni (Ingrandimenti) (Italian Edition).
In , shortly after communist walls began to fall, they moved their family to the depths of Siberia where they assisted with printing the first Scripture portion in the Evenki language. During their time on the field they saw completed translation projects that were unprinted due to a lack of funds. The family's move back to the United States in marked a new era in their support of international missions work.
They founded a homeschool curriculum company that uses the majority of its proceeds to support Bible translation around the world. God's Word for the Nations was started in to assist like-minded individuals, families, churches, and businesses in providing needed finances for Bible translation around the world.
Since that time God's Word for the Nations has been blessed to be able to provide over two million dollars in funding. God's Word for the Nations works in cooperation with other organizations to carry out its vision. God's Word for the Nations, Inc. Give to a Bible Translation Project! Help provide Bibles in their own heart language! With your help, Bible translation is able to continue!