Shades Of Magic (After The Fall)
But I do know that you come asking after one another, when only a few strides and a handful of stars divide you. On top of everything else, his relationship with his brother, Rhy, is one of the most wholesome, pure, and precious things I have ever seen in my entire life. Rhy Maresh is, I think, one of the most lovable fictional characters who has ever been written. He broke my heart so many times during his struggles with the lengths Kell has gone to in order to save him, and the fact that he values his own presence in the world so little is crushing, yet nevertheless, Rhy is a constant source of drama, amusement, and sweet brotherly love in a world full of violence and fear.
The fact that both of these princes would so readily give up everything for one another is perhaps my single favorite aspect to this gorgeous series thus far. Alucard Emery, privateer, playboy, magical aficionado, and captain of the Night Spire crew. He is hilarious, delightful in every way, and an absolute deviant who never fails to keep you guessing. I love his entire presence in the story, and though I am left with a million and one questions about his past and how it relates to the lives of the Maresh family, it is easily one of the things that I am most excited about tying up in A Conjuring of Light.
Magic is wild, so you must be tame. Magic is chaos, so you must be calm. Are you calm, Kell? View all 14 comments. If you have not picked up this series yet, pick it up now. I feel I can't even put into words how I feel about this book - but I'm going to try anyway. I liked the characters and the world building was so unique and engaging. The story was good- but it left me wanting more to happen to the characters which was perfect, because I knew there was a sequel coming ou Wowowowow.
The story was good- but it left me wanting more to happen to the characters which was perfect, because I knew there was a sequel coming out. And I'm not gonna lie I wanted a spark between Kell and Lila. This book took the story to a new level. I mean- I was totally mind blown.
There are so many good points to hit on. Yes you read that right. Just to break it down a little bit though Heavens I love this girl. I can't explain it.. The characters are so beautifully woven together. The plot is absolutely fantastically and horribly unpredictable. Oh and the writing - oh it was superb.
A Gathering of Shadows
Beautiful in every way. Lila and Kell are apart for a very good chunk of this book. SO so so so so worth it. Plus, there are so many great moments in their separate paths before they reunite. But I promise you this- there are some very fulfilling moments before the ending.
Now go read it so we can talk about it more because I am not satisfied with only writing a blog post! View all 32 comments. Mar 11, C. Ohhhh good book is GOOD the second time round too. Who'd have though, right?!? Also can she please chill on hurting the precious magical children.
And it's raining on my face. I care about them so much and they really carry the entire story and make my heart so full. My only note is that: I listened to the audiobook and have to admit I didn't like it. This could be partially because I had a bad experience reading Well of Ascension which has the same male narrator?? I hated WoA and got aggressively abused for my dislike of it on twitter and so it was kind of flashbacks to that.
But the female narrator also annoyed me for making all the male voices so weird. Aaaanyway obviously it didn't dampen my enjoyment!! Like I actually expected to be more stressed out by it than I was? But I love them for it. Where do I even start with shrieking about this masterpiece?! Which I exactly loved. Characters are the best , and I love it when a book manages to weave an interesting but not overwhelming plot and focus on developing the characters.
But I still liked it. I'm a sucker for people punching each other magically I guess. And since it was charactery that's a word, shhhh let's have a brief look at all the darling dangerous scary babies: Do you know what always slays me? And he is in such pain in this book. He's having a mid-life-Antari-crisis. He gets tons of POV chapters and All the partying of Rhy and the quips and the flippant attitude? She made me HOWL with laughter. Is it possibly she's gotten more pointy?! She sort of got her pirate dreams and she's more mysteriously magical and OH.
I do love Lila an enormous amount but sometimes her utter coldness was a bit hard? Like Kell isn't gooey sunshine either, but he still manages to melt my heart. Lila just doesn't have a venerable side and I think that makes her harder to relate to? So this is a new character! I get nervous at new-but-important characters being introduced mid series He is very very mysterious and curious and it took me a while to know if I liked him but I most certainly do and I even ship view spoiler [him and Rhy even if he DID break Rhy's heart I want to know more about that, btw. Also did VE Schwab invent a language for this series?????
There's quite a torturous cliffhanger Although I did think it'd be worse than it was. Because they don't listen to the reader. And I am in love with this series. If you haven't started this series: Also shout out to Maraia who patiently sat through my spam-load of shrieking texts. But then, she deserved it because she told me to read this series. Or," continued the prince lazily, "perhaps I'm just giving your mirror something to look at besides your constant pout. This one just burns you alive and makes you enjoy every fiery second of it.
I'm far too impatient to get on with the next book, so here's a random assortment of my thoughts and feelings on this glorious work of new adult literature Waiting for the release of A Conjuring of Light wasn't the only thing that held me back from starting this ages ago— oh no, it was knowing that Kell and Lila wouldn't actually be seeing each other for the better part of the book that takes all the credit for that. And yet here I am, loving this sequel so much more quite possibly just because of that.
It's not that I didn't miss or crave our favorite duo's crazy adventures together again, just as much as they probably must have themselves. In fact, V Schwab better have a whole lotta that in store for us next! But as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder and the same is true for my fickle reader's heart.
Because when the time finally comes for them to reunite, it's not with a crackle, not with a sizzle, but with a BANG. If this were Instagram, this would be about an appropriate time to implement the use of the worthit hashtag. And here's reasons to love Lila There's no need to supply reasons to love Kell because that's simply a universal fact, of course. All I can say is V. Schwab's writing goes beyond measure for me this time round and I am sold by her compelling storytelling style.
Sign me up for anything this woman writes! View all 6 comments. Jul 02, Ashley Nuckles rated it it was amazing. Simultaneously laughing and crying. Can I give this book more than five stars? Because it deserves at least forty. Aug 16, Clara rated it it was amazing Shelves: This series has definitely made it to the top of my all-time favorite series with this second installment! Nothing much happened for the two thirds of the book, and we only got a glimpse of the heavy stuff finally happening only at the very end of the book. With this second book, Schwab decided to focus on her characters: No, I want to live, but getting close to death is the only way to feel alive.
It was just making do. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high. It was still just as amazing, well thought-out and mesmerizing. The magic system still has me awed with how detailed it is, how it has a darkness to it making it fascinating. The storyline in this one was more slow-paced but very subtle, smoothly and cleverly leading you to where the author wanted to get you the whole time.
No one, except for Rhy, trusts him anymore, everyone fears or hates him, blaming him for the Black Night. I loved his cockiness , how he always seems cheerful , always ready to party and flirt. He also had kind of a childish side to him that just made him a sweetheart and melt my heart. I loved their bromance which was much more developed in this second book. Lila and Kell were apart for most of the book, but once they finally came back together, I felt like it was totally worth the wait.
ALUCARD was a great addition to the story, he was a cocky and witty Captain , very skilled and badass with magic, but also wise and he had an air of superiority. And that thing with Rhy, totally unexpected but absolutely loved it! I hope everything will be okay for my babies!! View all 39 comments. Lila, you must save them all. Apr 14, Samantha rated it it was ok. There didn't need to be a full book to set up the little bit that happened at the end.
Not horrible I liked the new characters but it felt like a waste mostly. Video review to come. May 06, Sana rated it did not like it Shelves: Buddy read with The person who rated Lockwood and Co. Sep 12, Anne rated it really liked it Shelves: So the 1st book, A Darker Shade of Magic , didn't blow me away. I liked it, but I just didn't quite love it.
Interested, but not invested. Which means I didn't rush out to grab a copy of this one, because I just wasn't sure how excited I actually was to read it. However, my trepidation was unwarranted. A Gathering of Shadows was so much better than I expected it to be! There was this whole connection to the characters that I felt was missing from the 1st book, and this time around the author made So the 1st book, A Darker Shade of Magic , didn't blow me away.
There was this whole connection to the characters that I felt was missing from the 1st book, and this time around the author made me feel Plus, and I love it when a book does this I caught myself saying stuff out loud while I was reading. Oh, and there were a lot of new developments, cool reveals, and of course answers-to-questions-that-just-lead-to-more-questions. Sadly, I'm so late to this party, and there are so many fantastic reviews up already that I don't feel the need to waste your very valuable, I'm sure time re-hashing the plot.
I will say I think this one is worth your time, even if you weren't a huge fan of book 1. View all 30 comments. View all 3 comments. I found the second book to be better than the first honestly, it's pacing was a lot better and the tension built all way to the end so that I felt like bursting when I finished the book and it left off where it did.
Also I really liked seeing Lila soften up a little and get a less controlled version of Kell. I know there's been a lot of hype around the books so people end up not liking it as much because of their expectations but I think if you go into without expectations I think it makes it wa I found the second book to be better than the first honestly, it's pacing was a lot better and the tension built all way to the end so that I felt like bursting when I finished the book and it left off where it did.
I know there's been a lot of hype around the books so people end up not liking it as much because of their expectations but I think if you go into without expectations I think it makes it way easier to appreciate the books. The characters have depth and while the idea of magic or controlling the elements might not be unique it's well executed. For me fiction is at its best when it helps me forget myself and both the first book and this one really drew me in so personally I'm in the camp with everyone who loved them.
View all 12 comments. I got to read more of the bad arsed, Lila Bard and Kell and Rhy! I loved the beginning of this book with Lila. People for me, this was the best part of the book with what all Lila did to that crew! I am Delilah Bard, she though as the ropes cut into her skin. I am a thief and a pirate and a traveler. And a ship full of men cannot do what I can, I don't need any of you.
I am one of a damned kind. I feel it's just another set up for more things to come in the next book. Some people I didn't expect were in these games and against each other. It was pretty damn cool! I loved reading about Kell and Rhy together again. They are so funny and caring. They are so close in everything they do and it was so wonderful to see them fighting for each other.
To read the things that only love for someone you consider your brother can bring to your heart. Rhy wants Kell to compete in the games but Kell doesn't want to for certain reasons. My greatest fear in life isn't dying. It's being the source of someone else's suffering. I know you feel trapped. I know I'm your cage. And I can't" His voice broke, and Kell could feel his brother's pain, everything he tried to smother until dark and drown until morning.
For both of us. And Lila and Kell get to see each other again. And Rhy too, the whole gang. It was so great! Melissa Martin's Reading List Apr 01, Melanie rated it liked it Shelves: Four months have passed since the events that took place in A Darker Shade of Magic. The dust has settled in Red London, but the memories and re 1. The dust has settled in Red London, but the memories and repercussions are still haunting our princes.
And in this world there are four parallel Londons that coexist in this universe: Delilah Bard is from this London. There is an abundance of magic in this London, most coming from a red river which lights up the whole city. It was ruled by evil twins, but now has a new king. Everyone in this London tries to fight for magic and power within this corrupt city. It is essentially a lost city, since regular people cannot travel between worlds. I did enjoy this more than A Darker Shade of Magic , but I still wasn't as in love as most people are with this series.
I am completely head over heels captivated with this cast, but the Tri-Wizard Tournament reminiscent storyline left a lot to be desired. This is a very character driven story and, bless V. Schwab, the characters in this are nothing short of amazing: Like, two amazing ships are full sails ahead, but I always feel so underwhelmed by the romantic scenes. I would do sick and terrible things for a mutually romantic understanding with either of these OTPS, because the missed-connections are killing me.
But I do know that you come asking after one another, when only a few strides and a handful of stairs divide you. Like, I was such a hot mess when the scene in Rhy's room happened. If you've read this book then you know the scene. Like, I was gasping, screeching, rolling around in my bed. All I want in A Conjuring of Light is a play by play of their daily interactions with each other. It truly is all I need in this life. Delilah Bard is one of the best characters I've ever had the pleasure of reading about. Seriously, she is exactly the type of girl I would want my future daughter to read about.
Seeing her overcome her past is one of the greatest things in this book. The fact that she always puts herself, her adventures, her needs, and wants first is so admirable and so important to see. Yet, seeing her struggle with being able to love and being able to be vulnerable is something I haven't got words for. Delilah Bard is so important to me.
She is truly a 10 out of 10 character. One of the best I've ever read. I actually was unsure of what I was going to start in April, so I took like five books off my bookshelves and figured I'd read the first chapter of each and see what interested me the most. I started with this book, and I never picked up another, because this opening chapter was so freakin' outstanding!
Thank you, Delilah Bard! And now I feel bad because I didn't write anything about our main protagonist, Kell, but he's a little cinnamon roll, too! I live for his brooding moments, and the amazing banter between him and Rhy! And the angst between him and Alucard was everything I could have ever asked for in a protective big brother!
2 customer reviews
Seriously, I loved that backstory! I also love seeing Kell actually just enjoying life, even though those moments are few and far between. As much as I love this quartet of characters, I'll be honest, nothing really happened in most of this book. The pacing didn't feel slow, because, like I've said times, the characters grow and develop a lot, but the events in between leave a lot to be desired.
The start and the end of this book were action packed, tense, and completely amazing, but the middle of the story was very uneventful, even with a big tournament happening. I for sure wouldn't recommend this for people who don't like very character driven stories.
But if you do like character driven stories, this book is home to four amazing ones! I do plan on reading A Conjuring of Light very soon, because I have to know how this series wraps up! Hopefully it wraps up into two relationships, because my heart can't deal with any other outcome.
View all 4 comments. Aug 16, Nasom rated it really liked it Shelves: Mostly, this book is about the Essen Tasch which is like the Olympics for magicians. Various people from the different empires come together for competitions and celebrations and it is being held in Red London. Meanwhile, something sketchy is going on in White London. This book begins 4 months after the events of A darker shade of magic. Through the games, we get to see various magicians display their powers - Rhy and Kell: I just love their bond and how they would do anything for each other!! There was a reveal at some point in the beginning but I already guessed it so I was not really surprised.
She was arrogant and selfish. I only tolerate her because of Kell tbh. View all 16 comments. Here we are again with 3 stars. I keep wanting to reason with myself that this book deserves both a higher and a lower rating I guess I am going to have to settle with 3 stars. There is a great amount of potential in this series. Schwab's writing style is delicious to read, I mean she really knows how to paint a picture for her audience. Her writing style alone accounts for at least 1. I think my main problem is, even though I like some of the characters present here, I d Here we are again with 3 stars.
I think my main problem is, even though I like some of the characters present here, I don't really care which way this story ends up going.
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- V. E. Schwab.
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I'm not invested in any of my speculations. Overall I would say this series has been better than your average YA for sure. If anything you've got a writer who takes her craft very seriously. But the spark is missing. I would not recommend listening to this book in audio form. I did so only because I was trying to get through it quickly for my book club deadline, but the narrators for this installment left a lot to be desired. I didn't find out until recently that this series is actually intended to read like an Adult Fantasy. It reads very much like YA Fantasy.
Jan 03, Beth rated it it was ok Shelves: My initial thoughts going into this book I quite liked A Darker Shade of Magic , well this is now pages, this is going to be long, but it has a 4. Oh you fool Beth. Where do I even begin with this? Characters I liked I now cannot stand, but we will get to that later. What is the second book about?
What happened in those pages? Can I just also point out that this is supposed to be magical and have four Londons to me that is a selling point and unique, so why on earth did we only really see Red London? It really really annoys me that we get slight, and very small glimpses into the other Londons. Then we have Lila. I was just so infuriated by her throughout the entirety of the book. How long has she been part of the magic world? I love sarcastic characters, I really do.
However this time around, I honestly was so done with her and had, had enough of it all. You are not under any circumstances a precious snowflake. So… hmmmm what did I actually like? May add to this rant later View all 25 comments. Schwab - Restarting November 26th 93 Dec 06, Die Verzauberung der Schatten 5. Die Verzauberung der Schatten 4. Die Verzauberung der Schatten 3.
Die Verzauberung der Schatten 2. All he has to do is brand them with his particular kind of magic. And that, my friends, is terrifying. You will laugh at drunk men stumbling groggily on stairs HA! My other reviews for this series: View all 31 comments. I love it so much. I can't believe I actually get to move on to book 2 this time. There were one or two things you maybe didn't love quite as much as everything else. View all 7 comments. T who arrives in London. This is my sixth month on Goodreads and throughout that period, there are three series that always appeared on my feeds and probably everyone else.
Endless arrow pinned me to a wall. I actually liked this book for a while until the underwhelming climax happened. There is nothing remotely interesting about the plot. These days, there are a lot of stories and themes that have been overdone but somehow managed to deliver immersive and intriguing plot with great casts of characters and their developments. There are no developments at all for the main characters except Lila.
There, I talked about the main characters personality and their development progression throughout this whole book within one sentence. Seriously, out of everything I ever read, Kell is one of the most boring character of all time. The only thing intriguing about him is his coat and it's always a bad sign when the clothes is more captivating than the person.

Finally, the last problem I have with the book is the underwhelming magic and climax. If there's one thing that V. Even all the action scenes in the book are really standard and provides zero intensity. I read the climax sequences with a face and emotion so flat that drinking a hot Chamomile tea will give more reaction to my emotion. Because of these 3 factors that really shine from aDSoM. All 4 version of London have their unique characteristic.
And for the love of all that is holy and sacred not this abomination Despite everything, I still like the book enough to finish it and I still have hope for the future sequels. It won't be soon but I will continue with the series eventually with really low expectation. It lacked a touch of brilliance to make the book reach its maximum potential that the concept provides and I sincerely hope the sequels will receive the shade of magic it needs.
Jan 19, Hannah rated it really liked it Shelves: My spoiler free video review is now up!!: Schwab is truly a master when it comes to crafting multidimensional, well rounded, and flawed characters. Rhy is so pure and precious. Kell deserves love and happiness. Lila Bard is my new queen. This was truly one of the most realistic fantasy worlds I've ever read about. I mean that in the sense that the world seemed like My spoiler free video review is now up!!: I mean that in the sense that the world seemed like something that could actually exist. The world was complex and intricate, but just grounded enough that the concept of 4 parallel London's is something I can truly conceptualize.
In other words, it made me believe that the magic was real. As always, Schwab's writing was absolutely engaging. It's concise and simplistic, yet still full of warmth and depth.
- Shades of Magic (Literature) - TV Tropes.
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This book was a bit slower paced but I thought that it matched the world perfectly. It was fast-paced and action-packed where it needed to be and still took its time to develop the world and characters completely. Needless to say, I loved it. And I can't wait to continue on in the series! May 21, Miranda Reads rated it really liked it Shelves: Being an Antari, he travels between worlds. He knows of four worlds and all four of them have one, conveniently overlapping city: Grey London - Magicless, technology driven. Red London - Magic is considered a gift and is practiced with careful determination White London - Magic is cruel, often needs to be stolen and locked into bodies Black London - Magic is hungry and all-consuming, magic apocalypse happened here.
All magic, artifacts and people from Black London is banned from the other worlds. Kell frequently travels in and out of the Londons - passing along correspondence, adventuring and smuggling artifacts that last bit is hugely illegal. After a visit to the cruel king and queen of White London, Kell is given an innocuous black stone and told to bring it to Red London.
A bit buzzed and confused, he travels between worlds only to discover that the stone is actually a part of Black London. By smuggling the stone, Kell committed treason against the crown of Red London his adopted family but more importantly, the black stone contains remnants of that world's magic - seduction and hunger.
Delilah "Lila" Bard lives in Grey London not that she knows it. It's the only London without magic and she's spent her entire life looking for a way out. And then Kell lands on her doorstop. I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still. Kell immediately struggles with the power of the stone. And he soon realizes that although he may not want it, help will come to him in the form of one very, very stubborn Lila Bard.
I really enjoyed the start to this series! Schwab had such a unique idea - with the four Londons and their varying degrees of magic - and executed it extremely well. I loved all the details she included - it really made the story come alive. As for the characters Lila at times a bit over the top really balanced out the seriousness and coldness of Kell. The two of them working together had a really natural feel - as evidenced by their free-flowing banter.
I was not myself. Audiobook Comments Read by Steven Crossley - and he did a great job. This was a rather well-read audiobook. I do wish he would've had more emotion when it came to his characters but then again, Kell is supposed to be a little stand-offish. View all 20 comments. Apr 22, Sana rated it really liked it Shelves: I usually end up hating on the most hyped books loved by all my friends.
This book is dark and gripping book full of magic. I loved it and I wanted to give this 5 stars, I really wanted to, but the beginning took some time getting into and it was very dull and boring. The beginning of this book felt like I was reading a textbook. The writing was bland and there was lots of info dump towards the beginning.
V. E. Schwab - Wikipedia
Later on, I did grasp the idea of the different Londons and magic. This book has such a fantastic world building and once the info dump was over, I understood it all. Anyways, the book did get better, a lot better when Lila Bard made an appearance. This book is literally almost perfection from multiple Londons, complex sexy coats yes I have issues , badassery, badass female leads, RHY my new husband, guys , KELL, magic, and evil.
Another thing that made this book much much more enjoyable for me was turning innocent quotes into dirty quotes. I want to adopt Kell as my new son and go cut some bitches with Lila Bard. Oh, I would particulary like to cut that Holland bitch right in the face, that would be great! Jun 30, sreeja rated it it was amazing. But in short, this is just perfect. Every page is magic and every scene has a purpose. The characters bring life into this book. The magic system and the writing style is unique and a breath of fresh air. Reading this book feels like stumbling into something wholly new and familiar at the same time.
Reading this was an adventure with magic and drama. Reading this felt like taking on this world, and other worlds , it was such a fun experience. View all 77 comments. Apr 04, Kai rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'm stunned and I'm in awe. Incredible world-building, beautiful language and an intruiging plot make this 5 out of 5 stars. And let's not forget about the "cross-dressing thieves", "sadistics kings and queens " and my favourite the "royal who is equal parts Prince Harry and Jack Harkness". This novel started as it ended: It is as beautiful from the outside, as it is from the inside.
It's the kind of book you want to keep reading and at the same time to never end. This is one of the best examples of world-building there is. A world or better: There is so much to see, so much to feel, so much to find out. A book like this keeps you pondering for quite a while and even longer.
Victoria Schwab turns out to be one of my new favorite authors. Find more of my books on Instagram View all 29 comments. So you may notice this book is kind of polarizing within the adult sff community; a little bit And for me personally it is Red London, a land of magic and peace.
White London, a land of turmoil and war and an overuse of magic. And Black London, the land where magic went wrong and burnt out. Only a few people can travel between worlds, and when one of the only two left, Kell, discovers a magic stone that could destroy his world, he and non-magical Lila go on a journey to put it back.
Let's get the problems out of the way - the plotting is a mixed bag. This book is a page wild ride. The characters don't even have a quest until around page , and it makes the entire book feel just a bit messy. Her smile only sharpened. It was nigh-impossible for me to not be engaged in this story. The writing style is SO GOOD, lyrical and gorgeous and with a really nice flow to it; one of my good blogger friends discussed her sentence structure, and it is so fantastic.
The worldbuilding is creative and intriguing and perhaps best of all, makes a surprising amount of sense for such a wild concept. Also, I would die for these characters. Oddly, they didn't totally grow on me until like While I could recognize from the beginning that the leads were well-developed and interesting, it took me a while to feel as if I had a concrete concept of who they are. And then we got to the ending and I was screaming in agony at the thought of these characters dying, and I was like "oh shit" and realized how much I love Kell and Lila and Rhy and how much I care about their relationships.
Schwab does a lot of showing, not telling, which makes the character development a bit more subtle; these characters are based off their motivations perhaps even more than their actual traits. Slow start, flawless payoff. I actually want to talk a little more specifically about these characters because when I think back on this series, they are always what come to mind.
Kell is a grumpy child who we love anyway. Lila is a fucking badass genderfluid thief with a soft side and I love her. Rhy is a bisexual prince [literally] who spends half his time dragging people. Even Holland, the sort-of-villain, is a super dynamic and intriguing character. Oh, and then the relationships: They are perhaps two of the most different people ever and they love each other so much it's beautiful.
Super highly recommended for fans of creative, engaging fantasy. Blog Goodreads Twitter Youtube Aug 03, jessica rated it really liked it. Jan 31, Nat rated it really liked it Shelves: Magic was a living thing—that, everyone knew—but to Kell it felt like more, like a friend, like family. He was, after all, Antari. I went into this book not knowing much abou Magic was a living thing—that, everyone knew—but to Kell it felt like more, like a friend, like family.
I went into this book not knowing much about the plot except that it involved magic and that everyone seemed to love it. A Darker Shade of Magic has amazingly complex characters among my favorites: Prince Rhy, Lila Bard, and of course Kell they made it impossible to put the book down. This book was so original and creative. I had to stop everything I was doing and just finish it. E Schwab's writing is outstanding. I love close families in YA books. It seemed to me that underneath all the evil and pain that had gotten into his body, there was still a flicker of humanity. Unfortunately, I was wrong.
I felt extremely relieved when Lila and Kell killed both of the twins. The instant before the metal struck him from behind, Holland had stopped fighting. It was only a second, a fraction of a breath, but it had been enough to give Kell the edge, the opening. I was anticipating the two main characters meeting right from the start- and it did not disappoint.
The chemistry between Lila and Kell felt so real. It took a lot of effort. Support creators you love. Buy a Coffee for nat bookspoils with http: View all 5 comments. I'm a fast learner. While there used to be traversing between the Londons, now the doors have been sealed to all except the Antari: One of the last two remaining Antari in the world, Kell, is the unofficial carrier of messages between the three living Londons, but his entire world comes crumbling down around him when he is tricked into taking a magical object that has enemies hunting him down from one city to the next.
When Lila, a young thief and aspiring pirate, is drawn into the middle of his adventure, Kell must learn that the boundaries between good and evil magic aren't as defined as he once thought they were, and he must straddles those boundaries to right what has been made wrong. This book was phenomenal! Kell is one of the most lovable male MCs I've seen in a really long time. He's so loving and protective, despite his ongoing self-identity crises regarding his family.
He loves his brother Rhy with a fierceness that I couldn't get enough of, and he's just so genuinely good in his heart that I couldn't help but root for him. He's one of those MCs that makes me afraid to continue the series because I can't handle anything terrible happening to him. I wouldn't have minded so much if she just stole food or whatever, but trinkets? I revisited this annoyance a few times later in the book, too. Overall, though, I really enjoyed her sassy attitude and the way she refused to let anyone tell her what to do or hold her down. I loved that she insisted on going on an adventure, even if it meant risking her life, and her interactions with Kell were just adorable.
He actually made me cry a few times because he just is so pure and innocent and golden. I know some shit went down, but I really hope we get to learn more about him later in the series. I loved the idea of these parallel cities that the Antari could travel between, and I thought the magic system was beautifully built up. Too many books ignore the foundation for their magic systems and you're kind of left just going, "oh, well, it's magic and that's that," but Schwab didn't do that at all in this book.
The idea of these Antari being sort of the chosen ones who could control blood was just badass as hell, and I really hope that Kell and Holland aren't actually the only ones left. My very first impression from the opening segment, Kell wore a very peculiar coat. It had neither one side, which would be conventional, nor two, which would be unexpected, but several, which was, of course, impossible.
As I got further into the book, I did find that Victoria's voice is very much her own, but I enjoyed it to no end. It was the perfect balance of straightforward and flowery prose, and it painted a splendid picture while never wasting too much time on the details. You can find this review and more on my blog here! View all 23 comments. Oct 14, Lia a paper pigeon rated it liked it Shelves: I finally finished this book.
I say finally because it took me a lot to get through - and into- it, and I'm not entirely satisfied with what I read. I'm a huge Victoria Schwab's fan, she's both an amazing author and a really kind person that I'd spend days worshiping. Vicious is one of my favorite books of all time and her writing is very original. I can't tell you if I loved it or not, if maybe I should try and reread it in another moment, because maybe I'm too dumb to get So I can't tell you if I loved it or not, if maybe I should try and reread it in another moment, because maybe I'm too dumb to get its awesomeness on the first try, or dump it because it's not my cup of tea.
I don't know a single thing, and in my mind it's a solid three. Not here, not there. It's not a bad book -quite the opposite, actually-, and I do get the hype to some extent, but maybe I wished that it suit my reader needs more than it actually does. The magic system is probably the thing I liked the most, it added that dark atmosphere I always expect in one of VS's books. I can't say the same for the characters, unfortunately, because, aside from Rhy - and sometimes Kell, too- I didn't like any character in particular. I'm looking at you, Lila.
You were a pain. The plot is good, I love London and the way its portrayed, but I had trouble following the writing at times. I found some parts a little dull or anticlimactic, and I had to put it down often because I kept getting distracted by other things. The twists and stabs were absolutely great, though. I can see a lot of her writing in dynamic scenes and I appreciate the author's talent. Overall, this is a good book, and I'm probably going to continue with the trilogy when I have some time. I just feel like something is missing.
View all 19 comments. I can't stop thinking about it and I love it so much. Sep 03, Robin Hobb rated it really liked it. I recently met V. Schwab and found her entertaining and charming. So I acquired one of her books! I don't think my review of this work is affected by knowing the author, but I like to be transparent. I always like to avoid spoilers, but in this case, I think the book jacket gives away a bit of the setting, so I'll share it here as well. Imagine four Londons, existing simultaneously but separately.
Each has a differing amount of magic, with black London a loss, and Red London a place where magic I recently met V. Each has a differing amount of magic, with black London a loss, and Red London a place where magic is like an extra sensory level. Kell is our protagonist, a young man with the very rare ability to travel among the London's. Indeed, that is one of his duties, for the royalty of each London are aware of one another and wish to stay in touch. Kell is a de facto member of the royal family of Red London, treated as a son and brother, but also as a value possession.
The one thing that is forbidden to Kell is to bring artifacts or souvenirs from one London to another. And of course, that is the pivot point of the story. And it should be enough to intrigue you into sampling it. The tale is told from multiple points of view.
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I liked how the characters were introduced as well as how the Londons were shown. No time is wasted in pulling the reader into the story, and once the action begins, it is relentless. I was pleased to see how advanced magic mimics technology in Red London, for I feel that this is an aspect that is often neglected in stories of worlds where magic exists and is exploited as commonplace. I also felt that the way Kell is exploited by his adoptive and loving family has deep roots in human nature.
Given the ruthless nature of Kell's antagonists, the story does not flinch from some very dark violence. All good points in my estimation. This book is part of a longer series. As I drew toward the close and realized that not all the conflicts could be resolved in the remaining number of pages, I wished that I had known that from the start.
At one point in the story, the characters have a sanctuary and an ally that I wished had been introduced sooner. But both of these quibbles are based on my personal preference and may not impact your reading enjoyment at all! And given the teaser chapter in the back of this book, it looks as if A Gathering of Shadows may focus more on one of the characters I especially enjoyed. All in all, a solidly constructed fantasy with fully realized characters and a unique setting! This had everything I ever need in a fantasy novel. Writing this, I cannot think of even 1 think I disliked.
Kell is an Antari someone with magic powers, able to travel between the 4 Londons. Red - his home, Grey - the dull London where magic is nearly all Damn! Red - his home, Grey - the dull London where magic is nearly all gone and White - where magic is controlled and used to assume power, and once there was a Black London, consumed and destroyed.
When Kell becomes tangled up in some dark magic, he takes it upon himself to make it right. Along with Lila Bard - a thief and cut-throat he just can't seem to shake. I don't know what else to say. This was my first Schwab book, but it absolutely will not be my last! Roll on book 2! View all 24 comments. Jan 27, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: It was good , just not for me great.
Or I just didn't totally connect with the characters? And I seriously mean that! There's something cool about this setting and these characters that 3. There's something cool about this setting and these characters that makes me want to see what's going to happen next. I kind of feel like maybe the first book was just a set-up, and now that the world building is done, this series trilogy? Because that happens, right? Book one is sorta dry and crunchy, and then book two rocks!
I'm feeling confident about that prediction for some reason. I loved Vicious , I loved the world that she created in this one My point is that I can see why so many of my friends loved this, and I don't want anyone to mistake a 3. I don't understand why anyone would think that to start with, but Londons , to be exact. There are 4 different alternate worlds out there, and the only thing they have in common is that London is a city in each of them.
It's filled with desperate people willing to do bad shit for power. It's sweet without being romantic And that's a real selling point for me. I get the appeal, but it just makes me scoff at this point in my life. When I read about a couple who seem to fly into each other's arms in a fit of passion, all while declaring their undying love for each other? Instead of oohing and cooing like a normal person This is what I see! Ok, besides a non-awkward romance, this has a few other cool things going for it, as well. Kell's part of a magical Royal Family.
Well, sorta , but not really. Is there more to her than meets the eye? I think Schwab did a good job describing the different Londons because all of them felt very real and well thought out. But I've always had a thing for alternate versions of our world stacked on top of each other, so this was right up my ally, to begin with! And how cool would it be to have the ability to slide in and out of each of those?! Ok, so even if it didn't really satisfy me as much as I had hoped, I'm all in for the next book!
View all 43 comments. Sep 22, Candace Robinson rated it it was amazing. So, the first time I tried to read this book, I quit. I just could not get into it. Maybe it was all the different London talk? I recently read This Savage Song and loved it, so I wanted to give this another shot. Normally, I don't change my mind about a book, but I did here! I loved the characters!!! Especially Lila, because she puts the A in awesome!!! Plus the freaking magic was a-a-mazing!
Full review on my blog https: View all 6 comments. Alright, so ignoring the fact that I completely just butchered their language with my google translate skills there and the lack of any actual pages to be turned with my virtual copy , can I just say what a THRILL it was reading this book?
Schwab's first installment of the trilogy opens doors -quite literally- to fascinating new worlds full of magic, mystery and mayhem.