Parteienwettbewerb in den deutschen Bundesländern (German Edition)
Predictors of Portfolio Allocation in Parliamentary Democracies. Overcoming the limited clarity of responsibility". Political Participation and Representation in Belgium. Causes and consequences of late deciding". Die Auswirkungen der Energiewende auf das Vertrauen in politische Institutionen".

Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft. How Biased is Wikipedia? New studies in multimodality: Conceptual and methodological elaborations. Zum Einfluss des Geschlechts auf das individuelle Wahlverhalten bei den Bundestagswahlen zwischen und Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl New York, Oxford, New Delhi, a. Evidence from German election manifestos. Building bridges for multimodal research. International perspectives on theories and practices of multimodal analysis. Wahlberechtigte, Wahlbeteiligung und Wahlergebnisse.
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Eine Untersuchung anhand der Bundestagswahl Analysen zur Bundestagswahl Existenz und Effekte politischer Lager im bundesdeutschen Parteienwettbewerb". Die deutsche Koalitionsdemokratie vor der Bundestagswahl Programme und inhaltliche Schwerpunkte einer relativ neuen Partei.
Erkundungen in einer neuen politischen Arena. Die Parteien nach der Bundestagswahl Do regional party primaries affect the ideological congruence of political parties in multi-level systems? Do regional primaries affect the ideological congruence of political parties? Economic hardship and the policy emphases of political parties in the last weeks of an election campaign: Evidence from nine European countries.
Evidence from eight European countries. Parteienwettbewerb und Muster der Regierungsbildung im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl Party competition, election manifestos and roll call votes in the formation process of a parliamentary democracy: Evidence from Weimar Germany. When do Women Speak? Who is allowed to take the floor? The role of saliency and gender when explaining speech-making in the Swedish Riksdag.
Economic Voting under Coalition Governments: Individual and party-level determinants of the number of legislative speeches delivered by MPs. Koalitionsaussagen, Policy-Positionen der Landesparteien oder die Bundespolitik: German military reform between partisan interests and economic constraints. Gibt es politische Lager?
Download PDF by Stephan Rammler: Schubumkehr - Die Zukunft der Mobilität (German Edition)
The unemployment rate reached The "German Unity Transport Projects" Verkehrsprojekte Deutsche Einheit , VDE is a programme launched in and meant to upgrade the infrastructure of eastern Germany, and modernise transport links between the old and new federal states. As of , all 17 projects are either under construction or have already been completed. Some main lines are still not finished or upgraded according to the VDE, with the Leipzig-Nuremberg line via Erfurt and part of the Munich-Berlin route scheduled to come on-line in December , almost three decades after reunification.
Some lines, even those connecting large cities, are still in a worse state then they were in the s, with travel time from Berlin to Dresden slower in than in Private ownership rates of cars have markedly increased since The socialist party The Left Die Linke , successor to the Party of Democratic Socialism , the GDR state party 's successor has been successful throughout eastern Germany, perhaps as a result of the continued disparity of living conditions and salaries compared with western Germany, and high unemployment. Due to the loss of votes to the AfD, the Left plans to establish a regional group East.
After , far-right and German nationalist groups gained followers. Some sources [ who? In the midst of controversy over a possibly associated right-wing populist orientation, the FDP ultimately achieved 7. A survey of to year-olds carried out by the Forsa opinion poll institute in found that one out of two youths in eastern Germany now believe that National Socialism had "its good sides".
The Free Voters of Germany emerged in from the Land Brandenburg regional branch of Free Voters , after this had been excluded because of "signs of right infiltration" from the Federal Association of Free Voters Germany. The Pegida has its focus in East Germany. In , the NPD in Saxony cut short on the threshold 4. Non-mainstream parties, especially the AfD and The Left, [73] [74] [75] receive a large number of protest votes in Eastern Germany, which quickly causes voter shifting from left to right and vice versa.
The Pirate Party Germany were chosen slightly more frequently in the East Among the unders in East Berlin, the pirates with 20 percent were even the second strongest party. The election slogans of the DVU in the regional elections in Saxony-Anhalt in were directed primarily against the already represented in parliament politicians: DVU - The protest in the election against dirty things from above ".
In particular, politically dissatisfied people were advertised with the slogan "vote protest - vote German". In , the parliamentary group of the PDS demanded in its draft for a constitution the right of Thuringia to leave the Federal Republic of Germany. The former East German states have experienced significant depopulation and extremely low birth rates since , with a recovery in recent years. After , the fertility rate in the East dropped to 0.
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In , the rates in the new states 1. In some regions the number of women between the ages of 20 and 30 has dropped by more than 30 percent. Around , homes have been demolished in recent years. In parts of eastern Germany, wolves and lynx have reappeared after many decades. Brandenburg had a population of 2,, in , and 2,, in March In , it became the only new state to experience population growth, aided by the vicinity of Berlin.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern had a population of 1,, in , and 1,, in March , [93] with the lowest population density in Germany. The local Landtag held several inquiries over population trends, the opposition has requested an annual report on the topic. Saxony had a population of 5,, in , which fell to 4,, in March The proportion of the population under 20 fell from Saxony-Anhalt had a population of 2,, in , and 2,, in March The emigration already began during the GDR years.
Thuringia had a population of 2,, in , and 2,, in March Former Minister-President Bernhard Vogel called for a stop to the exodus of skilled workers and young people. Total change in population of former East Germany is from There are more migrants in West Germany than in the East. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Eastern Germany disambiguation. For the country that existed from until , see East Germany.
Part of a series on the. Reunification New federal states. State atheism and Christianity in East Germany. Not declared and unknown 0. This section may lend undue weight to certain ideas, incidents, or controversies.
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Please help improve it by rewriting it in a balanced fashion that contextualizes different points of view. October Learn how and when to remove this template message. Map of German Reichstag election Even before the German division, the east was a high-rise of left-wing and Far-left parties.