One is not greater than another. Each complements the other. Identify as humans, as humanity. Your father and mother, and theirs. Or the question could not be asked. When writing an essay on women discrimination, writers should look at the history. Their argument should be based on verifiable statistics.
The information should be discussed in the concept of social economic consequences. Discrimination against women is one of the major societal problems over time now. It has brought major impact learning, domestic life, and community institutions as well. This challenge has been an issue globally. There has been a perception that women belong to certain professions for example; in nursing, teaching, and secretarial work. I really do miss having the Good old fashioned women around since Most of them were the Best compared to today.
Is G-d supposed to mean god? Why do you spell it like that? Men and women are equal. Just like black and white are equal. Just like straight and gay are equal.
Women & Men - Different but Equal? - The Meaningful Life Center
Many of the well educated urban population still believes that women are inherently born to serve man. Women can be as ambitious as they desire and climb as high as they want on the corporate ladder, but the moment a woman is married she is reduced to nothing more than a glorified servant for her husband. Even if a woman has a job it somehow falls on her to come back home after working at the office all day and do all the housework.
A huge part of the problem is not even about equal opportunity or differences between men and women. The worst part is that women let them do so. I beleive that men and women are equal now because many goverments have both male and female representative and many important laws have been passed to ensure equality in the working place.
Man and women are equal in front of God and in terms of reasoning but are not designed to perform equally. A woman is designed to be loved and a man is designed to love and protect so the two cannot be equal. It really helped me a lot for my debate. Thank you very much for this valuable article! It is true that women are now important in society, but we are very different in some categories.
Men and women are characteristically different only to a certain extent. The differences make each unique and also indispensable to each other. Nice, its truly important for every woman to become self dependent and make her identity in society. A woman should not be seen just as a home maker instead they should be given equal opportunities to serve society and nation. Only then male dominating society will convert into lovely cooperative society of both energies..
Men and women are both equal irrespective of their physical appearances. My question is that what does this Gd mean???? Whatever women do, cant be laughed at by calling them weak, every work done in a society has some obvious inevitable purpose. But I agree with pat, they cant be so different, huh!
There are more imposed differences than natural. It is the first day that I totally become able to believe that the characters in women are not weak. Are very indispensable to make men life complete. This article is spot on from my opinion, Men and women are naturally different in physical strength and emotional strength, they think differently, even dress differently, speak with differnet voice and pitch and their whole internal system body and mind is different so with this in mind there is a purpose for those differences and their social rights cannot be the same but can benefit eachother and society!!!!!
If they cant do that they should refrain doing these studies. Hi, interesting article topic. It astonishes me that the arguement of men and women being different but equal does not crop up more often in more mainstream blogs. It is an obvious fact. I think, speaking in a metaphysical jargon, that men and women are the same creature, human, but made out of different wavelengths of time, light, etc… Thats probably why we have the same parts, biologically speaking, but they are used to a lesser or greater degree between the sexes.
Yes it is true that men are physically stronger but both men and women are mentally strong yes I also believe that women have equal rights but I see on the Internet and TV that women try out for men baseball this is an example and men are forced to let them tryout but then I saw a man try out for softball but they didnt even let him try out. However the arrangement of a family goes that the man is the head, the wife supports her husband and must be loved and cared for by him. The wife cannot overtake the Husbands role of headship or this is breaking the moral structure of Marriage apart.
On a more general level, Women are stronger in certain areas whether it be involving children, etc. However Men are dominant in strength and can withstand a lot more physical trauma than women. But does that mean that they are better in general than the other? Put simply we are not better in a whole, but we lack in some areas and dominate in others.
I mean no harm but your bring up the topic of certain roles that a man and women should embrace and yet you fail to recognize that these roles are brought on by society and not always the individual. As a boy is told to be a man or a girl to be lady-like you are defining a large number of people into two categorize. Now back when there were cavemen these roles were essential for survival. Now it is not needed, and i believe we should look at the individuals skills and how that can benefit the human race.
You also bring up how a man is aggressive and dominant and how a women is subtle and has inner integrity. Yet you fail to give any accurate facts that support your claim on the entire human populous. Now you may be talking in general but still generally the world has changed and continues to change to were man and women are just humans, in all their glory and faults.
I am not claiming to be a professional on this topic, or that what you are saying is evil or bad. I just wish to show you my view on the topic and how it relates to your article. Putting the man down, keeping him bankrupt and in debt for the rest of his life. In addition to that women are MUCH MORE likely to get away with murder of a man or spouse, they can simply claim mistreatment even without evidence in most cases. They can have the sentance dismissed or moved down to manslaughter.
This is a joke, absolute joke. Imagine if a man hits a woman, the outcry! Why cant we celebrate our differences? Rather then trying to achieve the impossible. We think differently, were differently psyichally down to our organs, body shape, strength, size and so forth. Man and woman is equal. Man and man alone has created the inequality that leads to these discussions. I think that men and women should be treated equally as members of society.
If someone is able bodied, able minded and willing, they should be able to contribute to society. If theyre a woman, and they want to stay at home and have children, thats OK too; but many people strive to be educated and make a difference. I for one plan to do a job to do with law when Im older Im a 14 year old girl. The only way that society will grow stronger is if every person helps, be it man or woman, black or white, anything.
We shouldnt discriminate, were all human beings after all. The rebbe is definitely right. Usually the man disrespects the wife and he doesnt usually listen to his wifes comments or concerns. I dont think that women are better; Im just stating the facts.
Are women more prone to injury?
On the question of equality of men and women,I feel we are becoming more and more confused by this mantra. Humans have all the basically the same needs,food and sustenance,a need for shelter and its attendant extras,the need to propagate and produce offspring and so increase their own genes.
But most of all all humans need more than equality in that they require respect and care in equity throughout their brief span of life as well as encouragement to achieve their intellectual rights and understanding, So often the latter is stunted by this secular so called democratic societys attitude to a fully human right of action and survival. I study at the university, and today we had a conversation about this topic.
I am from Uzbekistan Central Asia. Perhaps, it can be true in our region… But my belief is that Asian people also should acclaim that it is going to be equal in our country too.. I agree with what the Rabbe said in the story and with the whole comment that followed. I hope we all come to realize that we are good as we are and we should be gentle with the man or woman beside us. May G-d inlighten our minds!
Or how about we need each other. Each with respect to the other sexes roles. I dont know about you but it seems this whole vendetta against men equality is as one sided and ignorant as the actions against woman. This book however seems to be getting at the heart of the issue and I will give it a read. Also, women complain that men make more money than them.. If your man is making more money than you, there is no problem, honey! Remember that youll have to have kids one day, and take a year off to raise them. You wont then be complaining about how your husband makes more than you!
That money will come in handy for diapers and food. I am by NO means a housewife. I am getting my MA right now and plan to go far in life that is, I want to become successful , but women need to stop complaining! We have it so good right now. With education, we have rights, power.. Because, lets face it: Its no surprise when I was younger my parents and grandparents always said: I dont think women have it worse than men, especially in Western society where they can either choose to stay home or to work..
I believe that women and men should be treated equally in society. There arent many things that are different between men and women other than their physical properties. Something that I found interesting is that: But i believe that today men are starting to change their point of view and understand that women should be treated equally with them.
As once said, Behind every great man, theres a great woman. The society should be able to understand that women dont need men to survive and they have the potential to do the same things as men do. Some people may say that women are weaker and have fewer abilities than men. People believe that men are more intellectually successful in the world. But that is not true. Although this has come to realization a little late, women are starting to get more positions job than men are. Within the past few years, women have lost 1.
Women outpaced men in getting jobs in the health care and government sectors. These statistics show how women are starting to gain control. All men and women are created equal. I think men and women should be equal in all rights because theyre both human beings. Thats why the women have to get their rights like the men even if they can only get the half of their rights. This just shows how in society, it used to be thought that women wouldnt be able to survive without a man in her life. But i believe that today men are starting to change their point of view and are understanding that women should be treated equally with them.
I almost got into your little story until i realised that I in no way act like that with my wife and yet we still have problems. And another thing you gave a pretty poor example on The Man being so dominent over the poor woman when really it can go both ways. It just comes down to who we choose to be. So stop pretending every man is some brute and every women is some goddess when really we are just human. You can place one material in one side of a set of scales and and entirely different material on the other side, and still get the scales to show they are equal.
Just because men seem to dominate the world in certain aspects, women dominate the world in other aspects. And gender is not just a simple cut line in the sand, one side or the other, though it may seem it. Hermaphrodites and dual gender chimaeras are living proof of that, but also see that some people fit their gender more than others like girls that like being cutesy or tomboys. Also sexuality seems to be linked with being effeminate or emasculinate Not to be confused with emasculate: Its funny when people say men and women are different they all talk about external things, and if you define who you are by external things then you havent done much work in unlearning the things you learned or in other words addressing all the disfunctional ways we have been conditioned which keeps us that much further from the truth of anything we might want to understand, We are all the same we all want to know what it is to Love and be loved and we are all looking for it in the wrong places, If we actually take the time to understand what Love truly is then we will have greater insight into ourselves and how we are the same.
Whether you can do the same job or not is not what makes us the same or different, thats just shallow thinking and something i would not really call it thinking because there is no depth and very little reflection. If you look in depth you will see that we are all the same and what appears to be diffences is the result of not seeing oneself an other or the situation with greater depth, either you want to understand whats up or you just want to keep perpetuating this mindless aproach to life that most people settle for.
We should want to understand ourselves better then any psychologist , sociologist, philosopher or spiritual teacher. Ones true identity is to be found in unconditional Love where one is selfless and free from the disunity that comes from getting lost in the illusions that duality presents and the ego feeds off of.
Unconditional Love and selflessness is where ones true identity is to be found, You then have an experience of self that has nothing to do with gender and the essence of all things begin to reveal themselves to you and life which you are a manifestation of reveals a depth to itself that is worth opening ones eyes to. I really like the article,, but I think I cant never fall in love women anymore in the future because I dont really like women who could anything on what they want,,, because if women takes over too much power, then women will not look like a lady.
It means that they will ask boys out and wow, everything will be upside down. They are soulishly different,physically different,but spiritually equal. Yet, as snowflakes,each man and each woman,is an original;makes you wonder,how great their Creator must be!
College Sports
This is such a great artical, Ive heard so much about gender equality, that men and women should be equal, that women should try to be like men and try to do whatever man can. However, these things, according to me, are just telling a woman to define herself by what she is not. Trying to be like a man does not mean equality, definitely. Man has an innate desire to have dominion over something. Thats the way we were created to have dominion over Gods created world [both man and woman].
The problem comes when we try to extend that dominion over fellow man using whichever chosen method. This can be in terms of inequality in treatment in the market place or in the home. Though different, our desires are the same; love, significance and acceptance. Man and woman are diffinately equal but different and we must look at ways of harnessing these differences in order to unleash the greater force for good that results from serving one another. As the rabbi said we must seek to use our strength to up lift one another, and to bring about the greater good for all.
Whatever different abilities we have been endored with must be used to support others to reach their highest potential. Our differences must be seen as resources at our disposal that we can use to not only benefit us but fellow man. We are all on this journey called life therefore let us not seek to have dominion over each other no matter which sex we belong rather let us seek to serve God in serving one another. This way our world will be a better place. A wise man once said Great people desire to bring greatness our of others but small people put the same limits on others that they have put on themselves.
Thank you Rabbi for enriching all of us. I think men and women should accept they have different ability ,but at the end they are the same. Well I think that men and women should both be treated the same way. Men may be better physically but women are definitely better mentally! However I saddened to read some of the commenters statements.
Sorry to those who feel so much hatred or a lack of morals that they feel they can speak of women such degrading ways! Men and Women are mentally equal however not physically. Ultimately Men is more capable than Woman. Im not a male chauvinist. Yes, we seem to be the same yet we weer created different. Sweet combination, I belive.
We cant merge and we cant part. Each has its own qualities yet both need each other.
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With out those qualities, life would be useless. I appreciciate you writings. It is interesting how the arguments marxism which is anti G-d are now being used to corrupt religious belief. I will give the analogy of Lucifer wanting to be become G-d and ask you to compare this to women wanting to become like men, this eqaulity debate has become infested with spurious arguments.
I think that if we as people put GOD in the center of our lives that we would learn to appreciate and respect each other. The article was written very well and it is imformative. To commentator C, although in Western countries it seems like women abuse men nowadays, it is still the other way around elsewhere. Where I live, educated women lead a career-life and are forced to be independent, but in the end they still have to be a mother and wife who cooks for the family.
A cooking men shows incapable housewives. We have to remember that physically we are weaker, but we were created with better intelligence has it not been for the boys-only education system in the past, there would be less male CEOs nowadays. Discrimination against female is still everywhere.

When a man has an affair, women has to forgive them. The society sees him as a woman-pleaser. But when a woman has an affair, men cant forgive them. And the society sees her as a cheap woman. Humbly I think behind the screen role may befit us due to our physical and past restrictions, but loyalty from the husband is very demanded from. Ruled out of action for sometimes more than a year, athletes fall behind in their sporting careers, are 25 per cent more likely to suffer the same injury again and, worst of all, face debilitating permanent damage to their knees.
Women in their twenties are being described as 'crippled', even after successful ACL surgery, as osteoarthritis of the knee takes hold. Football is the most common source of the injury, but every sport that involves landing from a jump or changing direction at speed puts women and girls at risk - which includes netball, basketball, volleyball, hockey, rugby, handball, skiing and snowboarding. In Norway, the reigning Olympic champions at women's handball, 12 out of 28 players from an elite club team suffered ACL injuries. When several members of the country's Olympic team tore their ACLs, the King of Norway donated funds to help research into the problem.
In the US, downhill skiing has one of the highest injury rates for females. And I'm one of the statistics. Back in the s I tore both my ACLs. Their recommendations included building better injury-prevention techniques into training. In the UK, reactions have been muted. While we bask in the glory of this year's Olympic success, government and sports bodies are targeting girls and women, hoping to increase their sporting activity.
But are they also risking women's health, by ignoring the injury issue? Britain has no comprehensive collection of sports-injury data, no researchers in the field, and no public messages about injury risk or prevention. In sports medicine we're aware of the issues but it's not made it hugely into the national arena or even the subculture of sport. One of the biggest factors is the low profile of women's sport in the UK. While in the US, Scandinavia and Germany women's sport attracts decent crowds and TV audiences, in the UK we are still struggling to generate interest and encourage participation.
While those remain the key goals, campaigners for gender equality in sport are unlikely to point out that women and girls may be more prone to injury than men and boys. In the US, where gender politics in sport has been a major force for more than 30 years, the injury debate has been fierce. American sportswriter Michael Sokolove's book, Warrior Girls: His claims were nothing new to sports scientists, but the emotive language terrified the 'soccer moms' and turned ACL tears into a political issue. Ever since the US introduced Title IX in , a federal law that barred gender discrimination in public education, the number of women aged 14 and upwards taking part in sport in high schools has increased tenfold to three million, constituting one in three of the age group.
But with Title IX remaining a source of dispute - some claim that it deprives men of sporting opportunities - those working in sports equality, such as the Women's Sports Foundation, found ACL injuries an issue easier to avoid. Sokolove criticised the foundation for refusing to acknowledge the problem. Dr Tim Hewett at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine has been researching the issue for nearly 20 years and is used to the opposition.
Hewett, who specialises in biophysics, began researching the high numbers of ACL injuries in women and girls after his sister Jenny tore her ACL playing basketball in the s; decades later she still suffers from a swollen, unstable and osteoarthritic knee. It puzzled me at first until I thought about the politics of it. The last thing people want to say is that women are unequal to men, or that we need to make women's bodies behave more like men's.
We are telling girls to "bend it like Beckham" but their bodies are not built like Beckham's. I don't want to turn girls into boys, I just want to make them as prepared to play sport as they can be. The implications may not be politically correct. But they are a reality. Invited to share his research all over the world, Hewett says one of the few countries he has not been asked to visit is Britain.
He puts it down to the position of women's sports in this country and others like it. It's a money and prestige thing, but this is a major health-disparity issue. We have to even up the playing field. There are also differences between US and British sporting cultures to consider. Many agree that in the US over-competitiveness and over-playing contribute to injury. The problem of ACL tears is simple to address. Prevention programmes are easily incorporated into warm-up and cool-down sessions and can reduce injuries by up to 70 per cent, cutting the odds to the same level as those faced by boys and men.
We can do all the research in the world, but if we don't get the word out to coaches, parents and players, the interventions will be of no use.
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It is generally believed that alignment of the knee is a major indicator of an at-risk athlete. If the knee falls inward when bending, running or jumping - as is often the case in female athletes - the ACL is more likely to rupture. Girls can be screened for these neuromuscular habits from a young age.
The problem is educating coaches, who are often more geared to performance than injury prevention, to spot the trend. Former world triple jump record holder Ashia Hansen says her knee-alignment problems went undetected by coaches and physios throughout her career.
There are several factors that put girls and women at more risk of non-contact ACL injuries:
It was only her last coach, Aston Moore, who identified the habit, but by then she had already suffered a ruptured patella, in She never fully recovered and had to retire through injury before Beijing, aged Hewett says that Hansen is the kind of athlete who could have been immediately identified as being at risk.
The muscles around the knee are not designed to absorb high forces when the knee is collapsing inwards. Quite likely if someone had worked on her biomechanics and taught her to control that knee joint, I'm near certain that could have made a difference. Not much research has been done on track-and-field injuries and gender differences, but certainly anterior knee pain is higher in female track athletes than male.
Despite her long career and keen interest, this is information that Hansen had never encountered. She has been told she has long ligaments, she has been told she has had bad luck. That's not good when you're jumping, there's 10 to 15 times your body weight going through your knee, and you want everything in a straight line otherwise the force is going through the weakest part of your knee.
At the elite level of English women's football, there is at least some understanding of the issue.