Oppressed An Arelia LaRue Novel #4 YA Romance: The Arelia LaRue Series
This book a bit more long and drawn out, but it didn't take away from the story because it had to be.
Kira Saito
Jun 04, Asphodel rated it liked it Shelves: While reading, I am somewhat intrigued and little bored. I never liked books about witches, and other books that looked and are plotted in the 18th century or so. I am writing a review of this whereas it is for this and the previous three books of Kira Saito First and foremost, I never understood the spirits.
They help humans- which of course who knows Voodoo- but the humans don't even appreciate the work of the spirits. There was even one point in the story wherein Bade tells Arelia that While reading, I am somewhat intrigued and little bored. There was even one point in the story wherein Bade tells Arelia that "why do people only call upon the spirits when they need them? I also never understood as to ALSO why do they keep ignoring the spirits' guidance? There was one point in the story where Bade tells Arelia to "Run from this monster, Arelia, Run run run" I gave this book only 3 stars because of the flashbacks, what happened to Cecile at the end of the book?
I never quite liked that kind of thing in books because, why can't they just tell them straight on as to what happened to their childhood? That is also why the Punished and Possessed are 4 stars? And that was because it was intriguing and it captivated me.
Other Books in This Series
It was full of- what the hell. Sometimes the only thing you can do is continue to breathe. It is very true.

I mean, why does she keep being so She's full of riddles and I'm like 'WTF? When they told you to run, why did you not? You should've listened to the spirits- specially Bade and Brise in the first place.
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Love can make even women do extraordinary things. But I really wish that you wouldn't always ignore the spirits. Your beloved fan who cheers for you and Lucus, Thalia Sep 20, Ria rated it liked it. This book takes a bit of a detour into history to tell us the story of Cecile, which lays the groundwork for all the problems the heroes have encountered in modern times. As a story, Cecile's book is interesting, provides a cast of complex characters, and pulls a wonderful moment that is reminiscent of what made "The Empire Strikes Back" the best installment of the Star Wars movies.
There are reveals that you don't see at least, my sleep deprived brain missed but when you go back and reread, yo This book takes a bit of a detour into history to tell us the story of Cecile, which lays the groundwork for all the problems the heroes have encountered in modern times. There are reveals that you don't see at least, my sleep deprived brain missed but when you go back and reread, you can see where the author hinted at them. I read it in a single sitting. This is, however, also where the story lost me. It wasn't because the story of Cecile was poorly written it wasn't or because Cecile's story was not interesting it was.
It was view spoiler [the whole past life thing hide spoiler ] , which is something I really dislike in fiction. I felt that the author could have told a compelling story with this compelling backdrop without adding that one thing - and really the story would not have changed much in the present time.
Had I known the story would come to that point, I would not have read the series. That said, this is a personal preference, and there are many, many people who love that sort of a detail, and they will love this book. Jan 22, Bee rated it liked it. This book should have been the 0. You don't throw a complete book based on the "back story" or history of people that are not mentioned in any of the previous books as book That's how you'll loose a reader like me.. The 3 stars is a very kind rating, in my eyes. I enjoyed the story, but the fact that the ending once again was so abrupt is again, just a repeat of the complaints from the others that have also read the previous books by th This book should have been the 0.
I enjoyed the story, but the fact that the ending once again was so abrupt is again, just a repeat of the complaints from the others that have also read the previous books by this author.. I will not pay to read another book that's full of fluff.. Feb 10, Alexa rated it really liked it. I knew emilie was evil but I didn't suspect the sophie twist. I don't want cecile to become arelia completely I had gotten used to okay this book was amazing but I wanted to be more in arelia world not cecilie a little was okay but I wanted to read more about ivan lucus sabrina and arelia even though I found her annoying I can't seem to completely be okay with the fact that she is cecile even though I liked cecile better than arelia cuz of how powerful she was and how she respected the spirits.
I don't want cecile to become arelia completely I had gotten used to arelia. I like her with lucus I love lucus and ivan and louis even though they are the same person but ivan is angrier. I feel bad because the whole louis trying to kill lucus was a big misunderstanding and the whole loving the same girl thing too Jan 13, Eilese Delarosa rated it liked it. I was so excited to read Oppressed because I absolutely loved the first three books. I enjoyed reading this book It was interesting and full of "Oh now that explains it!
It just felt like it was a whole different story of it's own and not really part of the series. Which is disappointing because I was really looking forward to knowing what was going to happen between lucus and arelia. It also seemed to drag the first couple of chapters and I fo I was so excited to read Oppressed because I absolutely loved the first three books. It also seemed to drag the first couple of chapters and I found myself just skimming the pages after a while.
But it was a very entertaining read once I got into it towards the middle Jun 28, Juliana Veale rated it liked it. Reincarnation should be the name of the book. The main heroine reconnects with her past life and the tragic events of the past that led to the current predicament are explained.
Whilst the amount of spirits is somewhat overwhelming, the author does well in recreating the life of the Creole a few years before the American Civil War. The book is a lot slower than its predecessors, but it's necessary for the heroine to understand the full picture before she can hopefully succeed.
Oct 01, Kelly Molloy rated it it was ok. This is the most interesting book I feel the whole back story although the start is a little long! I felt it dragged until lit got into the story. I think this is the only book in the series where I have not skim reading most of the book so I can get to the plot and not all the self doubt and ramblings. Although that said it still has some of that as well. Mar 13, Porche rated it liked it. Insanely well developed plot and besides the slow pace it has an otherwise flawlessly executed storyline.
Although it took me awhile to get through it, I was never confused and completely understood he workings of the story. Unfortunately, I will likely not read the next book. I frankly don't care what happens to the characters now that I finally understand the big picture. Feb 21, Erica Lawrence rated it liked it. The first 3 books were good but this one I'm not sure about. It was confusing and just Anyways I started reading this book over maybe 2 months ago but keep putting it off. It is a good book but for me When I can put a book down and not really care less if I finish it or whatever Now there's a 5th book!!!??!?!?!?
The Arelia LaRue Series Novels 1-4
Jan 01, Heather Ann Lynn rated it liked it. The book finally picked up speed for me around the last few chapters. I understand that there is story building in this book, but I was not captivated by it as much as I was by the first books. Overall, I'm still in love with the series and will continue to read them, but this one wasn't my favorite.
Jan 23, Brittany's Readin rated it really liked it. A story within a story within a story. Book 4 of the La Rue stories does not let you down if you love voodoo, love, betrayal, and a smashing ending. I cannot wait for book 5j. Jan 08, Aura rated it liked it. I felt a little disappointed with this one. I originally got this books as a free eBook on amazon and I was captured quickly but this one just didn't do anything for me.
I feel that Kira could have rehashed the past without making it into a whole book. I still like the series and will waiting for the next installment. May 29, Dani rated it liked it Shelves: I loved the first 2 books. And the 3rd one was good too. But this one had me looking forward to the end of it.
So many things have now been drug out that could easily have been wrapped up much quicker. I will have to read book 5 just to see how everything wraps up.
I hope I enjoy it as much as the first 2. Sep 06, Terri rated it really liked it Shelves: I am so upset. I invested my time in this series thinking that this was the last instalment only to reach the end to find out there is another book that has yet to be released. Of course this one also ends in a cliff-hanger. Chelsea's Challenges 6 28 Nov 01, Chelsea's Challenges 37 51 Jan 03, This group is for the discussion and recommendation of paranormal romances and paranormal erotic romance, along with ur Welcome to Paranormal Romance!
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We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or being critical of a particular book. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Bound Arelia LaRue, 1 3. Rate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Punished Arelia LaRue, 2 4. Want to Read saving… Error rating book. Possessed Arelia LaRue, 3 4.
Oppressed Arelia LaRue, 4 4. Suppressed Arelia LaRue, 5 4. Repressed Arelia LaRue, 6 4. The Girl on Prytania Street 4. Rebelled Arelia LaRue, 7 4. Kira Saito wrote a new blog post The Spirits of St. Good and Bad News " Thanks Tara! Kira rated a book it was amazing Eve Eden vs. A Gift " Thanks Michelle, I really appreciate your comment. Cover to Cover Ch