My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going with Your Gut

To ask other readers questions about My Drunk Kitchen , please sign up. Hannah Miller Oh okay, because that was confusing especially since I watch a lot of Hannah Hart and Rosanna Panino and I just love their videos like they are so …more Oh okay, because that was confusing especially since I watch a lot of Hannah Hart and Rosanna Panino and I just love their videos like they are so funny sometimes.
See 1 question about My Drunk Kitchen…. Lists with This Book. I didn't know who she was, but I wanted to find out. I found My Drunk Kitchen and watched the archive in one long sitting. I adore her puns, her open sexuality and her zany humor. Not only do we share last names no relation , we're both gay, we enjoy John Green and we make nerdy word jokes.
This book is like an extended YouTube video only you don't think it's gone on too long. I laughed out loud at her goofy ass descriptions and appreciated the totally staged photo shoots. There were so many great lines in this book, I had to highlight and add smileys all over it. But a couple of my faves were "Brunch is where people go to complain about problems that aren't really problems.
It can be your kid sister. She seems pretty responsible for a sixteen-year-old. I mean, she's always reading those YA books, so she must have learned a thing or two about life. But if you want a laugh or you're a Hannah Hart fan, this is a great pick for you. I received this book as an advanced reading copy from Edelweiss. Oct 01, Renee rated it did not like it.
How this book received an average of 4 stars is beyond me. Proof that our attention spans have are decreased with that of a flea and that glossy paged books, filled with artistically taken photographs and a handful of sentences printed on an angle is considered a good read. This book is filled with inspirational quotes that are not all that profound or interesting. I have no problem drinking a glass of wine or a scotch while preparing meals for family or friends, but drunk Hannah's only philosoph How this book received an average of 4 stars is beyond me. I have no problem drinking a glass of wine or a scotch while preparing meals for family or friends, but drunk Hannah's only philosophy of cooking is to not stress about cooking.
Craving nachos but don't have the ingredients? No problemo, simply grab a handful of crackers, toss on some cheese, or canned soup or mayo, or whatever you have, have two shots or three or four of Tequila while doing so and call it a day. Your guests will just LOVE you for it! Sorry Hannah, I'd rather order out. View all 8 comments. Jun 02, Mary rated it did not like it. In all fairness to the author, I would have to preface by saying I didn't GET this book, more than I did not like this book. As I understand she has a show on Youtube which I think would be funny to watch once or twice.
But I thought this would be a cookbook of sorts. Instead it's about drinking while eating potato chips and waiting for your frozen lasagna to cook in the microwave. It's a book about being drunk and trying to manage your life, health, sex life I found it weird, snarky and irrit In all fairness to the author, I would have to preface by saying I didn't GET this book, more than I did not like this book.
I found it weird, snarky and irritating. While I think it might be hilarious to watch a drunk woman staggering around her kitchen trying to make a PBJ, it just wasn't my kind of book. Jan 16, Kim G rated it it was ok Shelves: I am too old for this shit. Oct 04, Alyssa rated it it was ok Shelves: Hannah Hart is endearing in her videos and her drunk ramblings make me giggle--but drunk ramblings in a print book just means I have to read bad writing. Jun 25, Bunny rated it liked it Shelves: I don't spend a lot of time on Youtube, and I didn't really know what her channel was about. But when I saw this available on Edelweiss, I really was excited to check it out.
Plus I do love a good cookbook. Not in the recipes, mind you. While they're intensely unconventional and most aren't, in fact, real recipes , I actually did see a few that made me pause and thin Being a fan of John Green, I had heard of Hannah Hart, but never went to Youtube to find out anything about her. While they're intensely unconventional and most aren't, in fact, real recipes , I actually did see a few that made me pause and think, "Ooh.
I feel about this book what I feel about most Youtube channels. One video may be insanely hilarious and delightful, but sitting and watching the entire channel all the way through is going to make your eyes glaze over. The idea of watching back-to-back Jenna Marbles videos makes me want death by paper cuts, and I frigging love some of her stuff. This is the paper or ebook, as it were version of a Youtube channel. Not to be taken in one sitting. The further I got in, I stopped giggling out loud. I started rolling my eyes. If it wasn't a real recipe, I didn't want to be bothered reading the ingredients list even though there were really awesome jokes still being mixed in.
The motivational bits were fun, and funny, and occasionally actually motivational and touching. But again, as with every cocktail listed in the book, moderation is needed. I do think I would still like to own this book, and I would store it on my cookbook shelf. But I don't recommend picking it up and just reading it as a regular book. Don't chow, just nibble. Aug 08, Ryan Dejonghe rated it it was amazing. If you are looking for a serious, step-by-step cookbook: If you are looking for light-hearted fun, lots of joking around, and insights on friendship: But not just grilled cheese: Her If you are looking for a serious, step-by-step cookbook: Since then, Hannah has attracted millions of viewers, partnered with drunk celebrities, and raised money for charity.
Now she has a book. The question is, does the same fun cross over into book form?
A thousand times yes. The book has lots of off-shoot narratives written by Hannah about the joys of friendship and having fun, all organized in neat categories around her food creations. There are tons and tons of full-color pictures with it all, plus cute comedic drawings and quotes. Every list of ingredients starts with Words of Wisdom and a suggested opening cocktail.
To learn more about things, read books or use the Internet. Okay, maybe I should start a thing where I review books while drunk. Chesterton said that in Heretics. You may learn some handy kitchen ideas I sure did.. By the way, thanks! This is something to experience with others. Oh, and this will be the last book printed under the name!
This book definitely had Hannah's voice that she has for My Drunk Kitchen, which made it really enjoyable for me. It started out more closely to a cook book, but slowly went to self-help and autobiographical advice. I found it to be a very funny and engaging read. I actually ended up reading it in one sitting. Overall, I think that if you like My Drunk Kitchen you will like this book. The same humor and understanding that Hannah has in her videos can be found in this book.
If you haven't seen an This book definitely had Hannah's voice that she has for My Drunk Kitchen, which made it really enjoyable for me.
My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going with Your Gut
If you haven't seen any of the videos, this book could lead you to wanting to read those next. Either way it is an engaging and fun read that deals with tough issues with many puns and encouragement. I received an e-galley from Edelwiess of this book Aug 07, Maggie Baird rated it liked it. I'm so proud of Hannah for publishing this book, since she is my number one favourite YouTuber and just a generally amazing person.
I really liked the book, but I didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. I wish it was more focused on one idea. Each recipe is supposed to have a life lesson, and I wish she had spent more time connecting the recipes to the lesson, because that's really where I thought the book shone and had a really unique perspective.
The sections where she just wrote without recipes I'm so proud of Hannah for publishing this book, since she is my number one favourite YouTuber and just a generally amazing person. The sections where she just wrote without recipes stood out as much better than the other sections. Some of the lessons were very rushed and didn't make much sense. Still, it was a good read and I'm very happy that this book exists. Dec 04, Pamela rated it it was ok Shelves: I had no idea what or who My Drunk Kitchen was before I picked up the book, but I noticed it on the Goodreads ballot for the best cookbook of the year.
I figured that with a title like My Drunk Kitchen , it wouldn't be an actual cookbook, but something more along the lines of I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence by Amy Sedaris. I don't know if I'm not quite hipster enough, or not quite drunk enough, but I just didn't get this book. I am always amazed at people's ability to k Full disclosure: I am always amazed at people's ability to keep up with what is in and what is out--particularly online. I use YouTube mainly for makeup tutorials, and sometimes I'll watch a few music videos, but I don't understand the appeal of vlogging.
There's nothing wrong with it; I just don't feel compelled to watch people tell stories about their lives or talk about how difficult it is to apply self-tanner or something. I'd been reading his books, but the online persona didn't even register. This is a mild interruption in this review to point out that I am not a giant John Green fangirl. I don't send him poetry long story or messages or even comment on his tweets. I just like the books he writes. However, I've noticed a trend among some bloggers and bookish people to swing the opposite direction and Hate John Green for Everything.
I believe this is because he is a cisgendered white male who is successful in his field. It's not someone's fault to be born the way they are, nor is it someone's fault to write a really good book about teens with cancer. Even if you hated The Fault in Our Stars , you have to admit that it really galvanized teens into reading realistic young adult fiction. That's a huge positive in my book. But I also don't make my book choices based on what John Green endorses or doesn't endorse. So, back to My Drunk Kitchen.
- Bestselling Series.
- My Drunk Kitchen: A Guide to Eating, Drinking, and Going with Your Gut by Hannah Hart.
- The Mystery of Case D. Luc (Cul-de-sac Kids Book #6): Book 6;
- phnom penh kanko guide (Japanese Edition).
- 101 trucs et astuces pour iPad (French Edition);
- Excerpts from Life Choices (Life Choices Navigating Difficult Paths Book 1).
In , Hannah Hart filmed herself cooking while drunk and uploaded it to YouTube. Because humans are weird, this suddenly became A Thing, In the interest of research, and being unbiased and mildly informed and such, I went and I watched that episode on YouTube. I didn't find it funny. Maybe it gets better as you go? Anyway, I guess Hannah is really funny on YouTube? Sometimes I feel like publishers go all Oprah on YouTubers: As far as I can gather, My Drunk Kitchen isn't really about cooking.
That's also pretty much what the book is about. It should definitely be shelved in either self-help or comedy because it's not really a cookbook. Nor should it have been nominated for the "cookbook" award on Goodreads. I figured it out. I figured out why this book made me simultaneously bored and irritated. This is the part where everyone goes, "GASP! I am tired of the cult of the YouTube celebrity and I am tired of people being called "celebrities" because people want to watch them give out life lessons or something.
I don't get it and I don't care that you might not like that I don't get it. I am going to crankily stomp off now and read another book. This was a difficult space for me to fill at all and I can only hope there's something out there better for someone else to pick up. I'm befuddled by the high ratings. Reading this book is like being the sole sober person at a party of drunks.
The drunks are amusing at first, but within five minutes, they are just annoying and all you want to do is go home. None of the recipes are edible. I'm obviously not the intended audience, but I'm not sure I would have enjoyed this in my early 20s either. Aug 11, Heather rated it it was amazing. Hannah's a big damn deal these days but she has managed to stay so grounded and true to herself despite her astronomical rise to fame.
My Drunk Kitchen : Hannah Hart :
This book made me laugh out loud a lot and think thinky thoughts. I loved every page of it. I think you should pay your dollars for it because Hannah Hart works her ass off. None of what she's accomplished has come easy. And she's one of the good ones and I think we should all be supporting artists who are the good ones. View all 6 comments. Feb 03, Dana Gisser rated it really liked it. I think my only problem with this book is that I really wanted the tiramisu without calling someplace or going down to Presti's, which should be the place anyone in Cleveland goes for desserts.
Hannah offers key drink recommendations, cooking tips like, remember to turn the oven off when you go to bed and shares never-before-seen recipes such as: The Hartwich Knowledge is ingenuity! Learn from the past! Can Bake Inventing things is hard! You don't have to start from scratch! Latke Shotkas Plan ahead to avoid a night of dread! Tiny Sandwiches Size doesn't matter! Saltine Nachos It's not about resources!
It's about being resourceful.
See a Problem?
This is a book for anyone who believes they have what it takes to make a souffle for the holiday party and show up the person who apparently has nothing better to do than bake things from scratch. It also recommends the drink you'll need to accompany any endeavor of this magnitude. In the end, My Drunk Kitchen may not be your go-to guide for your next dinner party. The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Product details Format Hardback pages Dimensions Looking for beautiful books?
Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Back cover copy One day, lonely cubicle dweller and otherwise bored New York City transplant Hannah Hart decided to make a fake cooking show for a friend back home in California. She opened her laptop, pulled out some bread and cheese, and then, as one does, started drinking.
My Drunk Kitchen the book!