La niñera (Pandora) (Spanish Edition)
We just held him and when he was leaving we were just like,? Go Harold, go, you go!? It was just incredible. The music was very important because that was a way to communicate with him. Take Me Out to the Ballgame? I felt like my role in his last days was just, somehow or other, I was a conduit to him into another space that was peaceful and comfortable. But, my mom is at home and we take turns taking care of my mother. I go back 2 or 3 times a year, and my sisters and I, we set up a joint account for her to help pay for her care, and she?
What happened is, because she? Unfortunately my nephew had programmed my iPod with 5 Kris Kristopherson albums. Now, I have nothing against him, I used to really like the old Kris, but my mother started listening to this, and she sat there for about an hour and a half. She thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world, and she learned how to turn the iPod and that? But my mother learned how to do it.
So, my daughter and I were talking about what we could get my mother for Christmas that would really make a difference and of course, after watching the movie, I thought,? I got her her own iPod and programmed it with the music she likes. My mother has very eclectic taste in music. My mother loves jazz, she loves blues, her brother, my uncle Jimmy, was a jazz trumpeter in New Orleans and Arkansas and all that. They raised 7 kids, she? Even when she was going blind, you never heard my mother feel sorry for herself or anything like that.
This is my grandmother. Her name is Maria Velasquez.
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She is everything to me. I never had a babysitter. She took care of me. I was her first grandchild. At the time when I was born, she was working in a nursing home and my parents said,? Hey, would you rather watch your granddaughter every day?? She taught me to speak Spanish and makes really good food. I also got my sarcastic sense of humor from her as well. I was actually born shortly after a long marriage that she had had and she was having a void in her life.
When I was born, she suddenly had a new thing to focus her attention on.

I was so close to her that at night I would cry and my parents would have to call her and have me talk to her and she would say,? OK, stop crying, go to sleep,? Pio pio pio, dicen los pollitos,? A coyote with a pumpkin head is going to eat you if you don? My dad passed away this past September to Alzheimer's at the age of I learned about this program prior to his passing and made it my goal to bring it to Springhill Senior Living Community.
My dad lived here and I work here. The program is named after my father, Dwayne D. Trautman Music and Memory Program. We have been sharing the film Alive Inside throughout the community. Really helps share the power behind music and how it can help people who suffer from cognitive impairment. Music was so important to my Mom on so many levels. It was how I helped her to remember her new address when she moved in with me. One of the fondest memories I have is when Mom's former recreational therapist Martha, came to visit her while she was on hospice.
Martha brought along her guitar and played for my Mom and some of the other residents of the nursing home. Martha was sharing a story about the two Mary's who would patiently wait for their daughters to pick them up at the end of the day. They would end the day with sing along Sound of Music. Out of nowhere my Mom who had been pretty much out of it began to sing Edelweiss. Talk about the power of music! This is me with my grandma, Marcella. I love her dearly and was so inspired by Alive Inside. I love music and would love to see Grandma smile as she listened to some Lawrence Welk or polka music.
Thank you for this opportunity to get music into more memory care facilities. My mom's dementia advanced greatly and quickly after two brain bleeds last year. Now she resides in a nursing home which has been a blessing for her and our family. We have found that she loves to hear music especially some of her favorites like Marc Antony and Bette Midler.
A good Latin song with a fun beat makes her smile and she even sometimes tries to move and dance. I've been even blessed further being able to combine my clowning skills with music to share with other dementia patients at the facility. What little we can provide has been wonderful for many there and it would be amazing to learn and share this further. My mom was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's when my daughter was born. We are inspired by your movie and always play music with her. AliveInsideStories You can read more of our story at www.
I am very close to my father. He is my papa-bear Neil , he would put me on the top of his feet and dance with me when i was little and a song he liked came on the radio. He has Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Dementia. When I go visit him with my daughters we usually have to wait around until he recognizes us or we just visit him until he gets tired.
My Father and my youngest daughter have to same birthday They are 64 years apart. I can see it in his eyes. Meet Orwyn, my Mother. She has had Alzheimer's for about 8 years and she is at the stage where her verbal communication is very low. When I am in her presence I sing, dance, walk, laugh, hug and hold her hands.
I sing her favorite songs and my favorite songs. After spending a little time together and if asked, who am I? She will say, "My Daughter?. My mom was found two years ago slumped over her computer, having had a very rare stroke. She now has short term memory loss. It's heartbreaking to watch her in her memory care facility. Although a gentle thoughtful man, Grandpa Ernie used to belt out the chorus of the Hymn with eyes his closed, his head shaking and clear voiced, resolved in what he believed, I can still hear his voice, hand curled at his side singing "Our God, He is Alive" Very missed by many grandchildren.
The condition that was so foreign to my parents has been an almost constant circumstance in my life. Thankfully, this documentary reminded me of the extraordinary life that exists in nursing homes all over the world. One of the most incredible memories I have of my Mimi was from a visit with her a few Christmases ago; by chance, we began to sing Christmas carols to her and all of the sudden she opened up in a way that we hadn't seen for years.
Even after she had stopped talking, she was able to sing along to each of the carols and hymns. She clapped, smiled and held our hands, showing us the beautiful life that had been hidden by disease. The music touched her in a way that words could not and it was like magic. My father is a jazz musician and my mom has always been around music. She is typically quiet and it can be hard to find the right words but music literally makes her come to life and laugh with joy. It is a great way for us to connect. Looking forward to seeing this movie! Mom has been in her own world with Alzheimer's for quite a while , mostly nonverbal a few words here and there, what a difference music has made to help us engage.
I met Michael Rossato Bennett at a premiere showing of Alive Inside and he suggested getting a splitter so that we could use two headphones at the same time.
What a great tip that I hope others will try! Mom and I regularly listen to her favorite music together and it is amazing the connection we now have through music. I hope we can spread this wonderful magic at Birchwood nursing home. Some days all I do is Snuggle up my Mommy, and that is enough no matter what mommy forgets or doesn't understand, I know she will always understand and feel Loved! Music is the way I communicate with my mom. If I'm not singing familiar songs to her, I use my smart phone with a blue tooth speaker to play music from her era, trying to find something that gets a response from her.
We put the speaker in her wheelchair cupholder as we tour the halls of the nursing home where she lives. Often, we entertain fellow residents with our music while we gather in a small sitting room, passing the time together. To learn more of our adventures together, go to www. My mom loved music. She sang in the choir at church and loved the old hymns. She looked me square in the eye and said "I love you. That moment will stay with me forever.
This is my granddad, Paul Wood. Although I am the in-law granddaughter he has always treated me like one of his own Since his diagnosis in we have had to go through the painful decline over the years and it has not been easy seeing him disappear in front of our very eyes. He is now in the end stages of the disease. He is non-verbal now and needs assistance with every basic task.
Once you discover your loved one has Alzheimer's disease it becomes very apparent to you the lack of knowledge, research and assistance out there to get families through this heartbreaking transition. I am so very grateful for the movie Alive Inside. It has opened a very small door for us to the man Granddad used to be.
When I go to the house to see him I put on his favorite "Granddad" playlist and the music wakes him up! What was a blank stare before becomes a smile and tapping feet They might not be full sentences or even words, but for just a moment in time he is there with us. Those few minutes mean the world to me.
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I love this man with my whole heart and I share the pain of all those who are posting their stories. This is my dad of 88 years of age in what seems to be the final stages of this disease and on one of my visits with my grandson Brett I was determined to get some sort of response out of him. I asked him which daughter he liked better, me "Joan" or "Carolyn" his other daughter. I was surprised when he half opened his eyes and said " I love them both". I felt bad for playing such a trick but at the same time tears of joy that for a brief moment he remembered who we were.
I miss you dad. Several years ago my mother broke her leg and was diagnosed with Alzheimer? In the early stages of her recovery from surgery she was very despondent and confused. My brother and I worked with her for months to reconnect her to her life again. One day we brought a cd player to the rehab facility along with some of her favorite music. We put on her headphones and she closed her eyes.
Within minutes she started to nod with recognition and tears began to stream down her cheeks. It was a sign of hope. When I was young I suffered from severe and crippling depression. My mother never gave up on me. She supported me through some very rough times and made sure that I got the help that I needed. Today my mother is in foreclosure and is facing the loss of her home of nearly 60 years.
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My brother and I are doing everything in our power to save her home because her mental stability depends upon it. I fight for her because without her unconditional love I probably wouldn? I will never give up on my mom even if she forgets who I am. I believe God performs miracles. My mother was 89 when she had a massive stroke. The doctors gave her 24 hours to live, they said she was paralyzed and had no hope. In my heart I knew they were wrong. I went to the only quiet place I could find, the bathroom and prayed and asked God to give me a sign. As I walked back to the hospital room my Son came running out and said,?
Where have you been? Grandma just tried to crawl out of bed!? It has now been 3 years, my mother Rose Ross is 92, she laughs and jokes. I share her music with her, she bounces her head and waves her hand to the beat. The music is very healing, music is the last memory to go This is a picture of my mom and me taken about 7 years ago now.
My mom taught me that everyone is born equal, to not be afraid to ask questions, that we are all the same underneath. My mom taught me to not be afraid of people in authority. It has helped me to challenge people when I think they are wrong or to question if I don't understand. To not feel intimidated. That it doesn't matter how important they think they are, you still have a voice, you are just as important. And you must always stand up for yourself. My mom had to stand up for me when I was little. She had to convince the doctors that the lump on my neck was not normal.
She never gave up challenging the doctors who said, what do you want me to do mother? Get a knife and chop it out? My mom never gave up. I am alive today because of her determination to be heard. I'm 46, I'm a two times cancer survivor, I have a phd, I am still challenging the medical profession 40 years later.
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And I still hear her voice in my head, everyday, to keep going, shoulders back, you're just as good as the next person. That's how she raised me. My mom is a great singer! Music is everything in our family. So Alive Inside really really resonated with me when I saw it in a little movie theatre in Wellington New Zealand this year. There are so many songs to include on the playlist of our lives! Matt Munro singing walk away, born free, for the good times, all three take us back to my dads passing. All three he would sing and we have recordings on tapes of him singing. Detesto twilight con todas y cada una de las fibras de mi ser.
Creo en la libertad y la tolerancia ante todo. I'm a PDS sufferer, and the things I did in my untreated state are not my fault. Fucking Jingim fucking Marco. BunnyFrost - - - I'm still wondering how I ended up here. CesarexLucrezia because I'm a sinner. And because Francois Arnaud's rendition is a beautiful, glorified, fanfictioned version of the actual Cesare and thus is perfectly ok for me to love him.
And pretty much everything supernatural written by Anne Rice. Anyone who likes to read this kind of things, and also likes an awful lot the worlds such as Narnia, and the vampires and dark creatures, it would be great if you sent me a PM.
Be careful when you walk on your own and the night falls For you might never be alone Mistery and magic always walk alongside us Just In All Stories: Story Story Writer Forum Community. Harry is an auror who works too hard, ensuring his old war wounds never heal. They meet at a masque ball, unaware of each other's identities. In another situation, it would have been love at first sight.
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