Eneida [com notas] (Portuguese Edition)
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Please verify that you are not a robot. Would you also like to submit a review for this item? You already recently rated this item. Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Eneida Maria de Souza Publisher: Humanitas Belo Horizonte, Brazil , Virgil kicks it with one of his poet friends and joins him to the group, often walking and talking with him and leaving Dante the dude he was divinely ordained to escort kind of lagging behind in the dust.
The theme of Purgatorio is that the shades there are supposed to cast out their seven deadly sins to become pure enough to enter heaven. Which sounds cool and all, except it ends up being a discounted version of Inferno, where people are being punished for the exact same sins less severely. Again, this is where I scratch my head but a working knowledge of the concept of graces and such in Catholicism would really come in useful right here.
Like in one part, the envious have a wire sewing their eyes shut so they can't see things to be jealous of. I get it, but I thought Purgatorio would be more hands-on, with the deceased actively contemplating and thinking about what they did wrong, feeling genuinely sorry and showing a sincere effort and desire to improve.
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But nah, its just waiting in a really long delayed line. With an obtuse punishment limiting you because retribution. Dante and Virgil also couldn't move easily around the mountain, not because it was steep, just because. They also couldn't advance to another circle during nighttime, just because. I had a harder time understanding Purgatorio and Paradiso, the language was much less clear, so there's a chance its explained and I just glossed right over it.
Dante and Virgil get escorted by a giant hawk up the mountain at one point. Its also just kinda He looks back at Virgil, who smiles at him, then blah blah blah, Beatrice starts whining because Dante doesn't love her as much as he says he does bitch, you're dead and a purity sue, literally what does it matter? And I'm honestly pressed, because Virgil was the realest, baddest daddy in the whole book.
So Queen of Goodness, love of his life, sunshine of his eyes he says that about her at one point, srs comes to take him to Heaven and the book gets supremely shitty because a whole lot of nothing happens and there's literally no point to heaven at all other than for Dante to wank super hard to Beatrice. Worst female character ever just smiles a lot and says vague things and Dante marvels at how beautiful and perfect and pure she is for nine spheres. At the end, he even places her besides Rebecca and Sarah from the Bible.
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That's how fucking obsessed with this chick he was. Like, I hate to break it to ya bud but she probably wasn't shit. Anyway, it seems like angels do literally absolutely nothing but make weird interpretive dance type shapes with their bodies all day they form a giant hawk and later a big white rose for Dante's amusement, I guess? The spheres aren't arranged the way Inferno and even Purgatorio were, there's not one section for the humble believer building up to the archangels, there's not a sphere for the selfless and another for the deeply charitable, etc.
I was expecting the nine spheres to contrast with Inferno's nine circles but it was just a whole lot of nothing, with angels of all rank and caliber mindlessly singing their praises onto god and standing in their weird angel hawk rose shapes. Then the book ends. Beatrice smiles at Dante a couple of times, he witnesses "the love that moves the sun and stars" God and co and thats it. He doesn't describe getting back down to earth. He doesn't describe much of what he's learned. He sat through pages and pages of random holy people's "discourses" on topics that were boring and not relevant to anything going on just so Dante could pad the work and have 33 even cantos.
I know at this time period 14th century much artistic work was commissioned by the church. But the tragedy is that Dante had such imagination and voice with Inferno and then had to dilute it to "God is great, here's pages of me repeating that with no reasoning or justification as to why I believe that. He also comments once that he can't look at Beatrice because her smile would smite him to ashes it's so beautiful and she's too ethereal and heavenly or some shit. Inferno is definitely a brilliant work, and its not surprising, although a bit sad, that just that section carried the whole Divine Comedy into classic status.
Eneida by Virgilio on Apple Books
At the time of its publication, I'm sure these types of criticisms weren't as common, given the religious might of the time period. But even Purgatorio and Paradiso had so much potential that just got wasted. It really is a shame, because it's not like Dante couldn't write well or tell an engaging story.
The last two sections of the book feel stifled by what I assume was religious expectation that just got watered down to generic "Praise God! About 10 years ago, my husband and I planned to read Dante's Inferno together as a "bookclub" read while he was deployed. It is one of my husband's all time favorites. I never finished it, thus my selection of it for this task. I initially intended to only read the Inferno, but given that the Inferno is obviously such a one-sided view of Dante's vision, I decided to finish the work. I have to be h Read Harder I definitely feel this would be best read in a Medieval Literature and Poetry course with a professor and a group of classmates to discuss.
So my 2 star review is heavily influenced by this limitation. That being said, my husband has always read this book on his own without any professor or class. I think the best thing that came out of reading this book for me was discussing with my husband why he enjoyed it so much and hearing how his perspective has changed over the years. And that may very well be the intention of this task in the challenge. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. View all 3 comments. This has left me so confused, half way through i realised I was reading the illustrated version so perhaps without the photos I was reading the kindle version the text didn't make much sense.
At some point I will have to read the full version to get the full meaning from this book.

Peklo - supr, Ocistec - uz to zacinalo skripat, Raj - hruza: Al final no fue tan torturador pero tampoco es mi tipo de libro. Well, I listed to it, but I'm not sure how much I got out of it. It was full of references to Italians, politics and people that were beyond me to relate to. Culture changes a lot in years. I got a few tidbits out of the trips through hell, purgatory and heaven, but disagree with a lot of the basic principles.
I like the quote "that which deceives also reveals". When satan tries to tempt us and we recognize and resist the temptation it can reveal that we're on the right path and what our wea Well, I listed to it, but I'm not sure how much I got out of it. When satan tries to tempt us and we recognize and resist the temptation it can reveal that we're on the right path and what our weaknesses are that might get us off that path.
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I'm sure there's greatness here, but it would take a lot of history and research to properly appreciate it. Overall I gave this 2. Inferno, Purgatory and Heaven. I liked Inferno better. By the time I got to Purgatory and Heaven my mind started wondering. I really lost interest in the story and I think that's why I didn't like them.
I would like to try this book again, but it won't be any time soon. Dec 29, S. I'd go see the movie if Guillermo del Toro was directing. Hay obras que marcan hitos pero no necesariamente son agradables a quien lee por gusto. I was enticed to read this because of a friend's exciting synopsis. I had no idea that this is incredibly difficult to read! But somehow, out of idleness probably, I managed to finish this! The initial edition I read was [insert forgotten edition] and it was impossible to comprehend!! Luckily I was able to find another version, Rinehart , in the library.
It had introductory paragraphs per scene which helps one get an overview of the story. I had not done any further readin I was enticed to read this because of a friend's exciting synopsis. I had not done any further readings other than from the book itself, so I probably did not understand the supposed meaning of most of the material.
This is of course fiction and probably not theologically correct for those who take those things seriously. And I will not bother to write this in a very organized manner There are four general regions of the afterlife: Limbo, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. People who are good, done good, promote goodness and have not done anything really wrong but are not baptized or do not believe in God are placed here. The severity of their punishment is attuned to the sin they have committed.
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It was not explicitly stated how the guardians per circle choose which circle a soul exactly belongs to. Another peculiar thing is that when they reach the core of the hell and start to rise to purgatory, Dante is so amazed that as he crossed the 'exact' center of the earth that everything flipped upside down. They rise from one level to the next when they have suffered enough. Most souls stay in a level for many generations. In the end of purgatorio, there was this strange procession from the heavens that deliver Beatrice to Dante.
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There is this golden gryphon that moves without flapping its wings some how that is terrifying if you imagine it and somehow that gryphon is or symbolizes Jesus Christ Anyway, after Beatrice was delivered, the gryphon was attacked by all sorts of things that symbolize the initial struggles of christianity. It is weird because at the beginning of purgatory, the guardian said that there is no violence in purgatory and I am not entirely sure on what was the point of that.
Also there was this weird jetski scene where a boat delivers souls to purgatory I imagined jetski somehow Oddly hell and purgatory is similar in the sense that they punish sins or weaknesses. The only difference between being admitted to hell vs purgatory is that if you believe in God or the like. Most souls in hell curse the heavens during their punishments. Also I think there is no way out of hell unlike in purgatory where you get promoted to a higher level.