Der Vertrag von Maastricht (German Edition)
Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Law: Treaty of Maastricht Entered by: Grading comment 4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer. Automatic update in Peer comments on this answer and responses from the answerer. Return to KudoZ list. dictionary :: Maastrichter Vertrag :: German-English translation
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EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
Article of the Amsterdam Treaty also makes this clear. Der Vertrag von Amsterdam macht dies in Artikel nochmals sehr deutlich.
Yet neither the Treaties nor the budgetary regulations provide for this possibility. I have just hurried from a meeting which, according to the Treaty, does not exist. Ich eile soeben aus einer Sitzung herbei, die es nach dem Vertrag gar nicht gibt.
"Maastrichter Vertrag" English translation
Parliament takes the control function assigned to it in the European Treaties seriously. The Commission must be given the necessary powers here as guardian of the treaties. The substance of the Treaty must be implemented. The Charter must have fully binding legal status by being incorporated in the Treaty.
English-German translation for "Maastricht Treaty"
That is what it says in the Treaties and that is what we keep reminding each other of. We now have an Intergovernmental Conference looking at the Treaties again. This is the only way of respecting Article of the Treaty. Moreover, the concept of'author' is not defined in the Treaties.
- English-German Dictionary.
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- German-English translation for "Vertrag".
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The agreement complements the Berne Convention in regard to literary works. European Union Treaties make it incumbent on us to protect fundamental rights.
The steward was ready to sign the contract. We keep reminding them about Article 6 of the Treaty. What direction do you intend to give to Article 13 of the EC Treaty?

We shall have to employ him, Constantine Dmitrich, ' said the steward. Tell us what you think!