Beautiful Black Women Don’t Need Stupid Black Men: They Need Beautiful Black Love
Daily we see black women vying to fulfill their fantasy of having long, thick, healthy hair, and spending millions to acquire it. The truth lies in asking the right question in the first place. The challenge is, retaining the hair you grow. Iron deficiency, is one of the most prevalent of all vitamin deficiencies amongst the human population. And it is extremely prevalent, amongst women of African descent. Study researcher Wilma Fowler Bergfeld has been doing this for years. Iron deficiency can cause hair to be very dry, brittle and prone to breakage; couple that with styling, manipulation, poor hair care, chemical treatments, and poor nutrition, the hair is not going to be in optimal shape to maintain the right ph, moisture, and elasticity, to keep it from breaking and shedding unnecessarily, and it will be less likely new hair will even grow.
You tell us, do you think black women have an issue with hair growth?
What vitamins, if any have you used to combat against breakage? For booking information visit here. You really are a child. You probably fail miserably at life and THIS is all you have. Do you really need attention that badly? Did your mom not give you enough love or something? Do any of yall smell that bullshit? I take care of it! The reason black women wear weave, wigs and extensions is to give our hair a rest, protect it! To all you black girls feeling bad after reading this, ignore this. All of this is crap!
Patrick your a fucking lair.. Because of the texture and light weight, we are not to comb through or or brush our hair. I personally wear the Sister Locks, which I keep moisturized with coconut and olive oils. My hair is the longest it has ever been. Since my hair is light weight and I have very little natural scalp oils, it easy to keep my hair clean and fragrant. I have naturally curly hair that I truly find beauty and goes past my shoulders when curly. Black hair is Naturally curly. Our hair is curly. I am 82 and my hair is soft because of New Orleans mixing from slavery.
However, you can get very soft hair if you take hair vitamins with biotin and use macadamia nut oil on your hair. Also have your estrogen levels checked because my hair grew to my waistline when I was pregnant. Eat omega three fatty acid foods to help your hair continue to grow and remain softer.
Do the research on eating healthy for hair, skin and nails. At this time I am going to do my breakfast, after having my breakfast coming yet again to read other news. Why do they keep putting up this old, non-truth article? Black women can and do grow lengthy hair with proper care…. That is exactly what I said! Its not saying african American woman cant achieve long hair, its saying its harder when the hair and body isnt properly taken care of. The real reason BLACK MEN have so many comments on this article is because black men want to influence and to control your Decisions about your hair by talking about you.
By being very very catty. Like asian man say sum ting wong. In my opinion a lot of people in all races do not like what they look like or who they are. That is why they keep trying to find a new look all the time. You also fail to mention that your skin is dirty and greasy and white people are the ones who never bathed and because of it started a bed bug epidemic. And I know someone who does white people hair, and she said you white people hair smell like a wet dog and dogs really do stink. Sometimes you need to ignore something if you know it to be untrue, or ine sided. Relaxers, color, heat, and etc can be damaging to your hair.
Also, DNA plays a big role. Your hair can grow 1 to 3 inches or more a month. That article is incorrect, blacks hair grow just as fast as whites. Clean hair grows fast. I have members in my family with extremely long hair.
Our hair does grow like everyone else, but because of the curl pattern, dryness, incorrect use of chemicals, or lack of general hair care knowledge, it is more likely to break off before any length can be noticed. Establishing a good hair care routine can be the difference between healthy hair that consistently retains length, or consistent breakage.
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- Science Reveals Why Many Black Women Don’t Have Long Hair.
- Science Reveals Why Many Black Women Don’t Have Long Hair | Black America Web.
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Black women are too lazy to take the time to grow their hair. They are too busy having bastard babies. The average black woman suffers from the have, they gotta have weave they have on average 2 kids by 5 dudes and have an excess of body fat. We need 2get off the hair jazz n get to the program, ppl r dying out there teenage need help un wed mothers need help n somebody needs 2kno abt Dr.
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Away with all this other stuff. Can I get an amen up in here! I stopped perming and straightening my hair. Once I educated myself on how to properly care for my hair, I went from two inches of hair to hair that is now mid back length in three years. I used to be the girl that people told I needed a perm. This article is true but to a very small extent. Honestly as a child I became annoyed with habits forced on me to conform to common European standards of beauty.
Those women had long beautiful nappy , kinky, and curly hair. Nothing can be discussed in a mature, respectable fashion.
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Black women are very beautiful. It has made me wonder why sometimes they have short hair.
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But only in a inquisitive mannor. First mistake is comparing hair, wtf? African hair does not grow to the ground, it grows to the sky. Secondly, No one has the same hair as you, so stop. Our hair breaks and falls out because of the things we put in our hair and our bodies. We get our hair cut like everyone else. God is more concerned with our hearts, not our heads. All of this talk about hair is becoming nauseating. Their are bigger issues and more to life. White women fixate on their weight and our community fixates on how to wear our hair.
None of it will matter when we are gone. My mother and her sisters had long hair, and several aunts still have it.
My mother chose to cut her hair, and keep it short. After military service, I cut mine off, grew locs and wore them for seven years, and now keep my hair short. We have a bad habit of looking for quick fixes, and ignoring the signs of damage to our scalp. This article ignores one glaring fact; most black women are killing their hair and scalps trying to change their natural style and composition. My hair has already grown well-past my shoulders. The key to my success?
I stopped burning it with hot combs and putting toxic chemicals in it to straighten it. I sport professionally done dreads without any sort of extensions , and am regularly complimented on how nice they look. Most black women want straight hair because they dislike their nappy born hair, if they were proud of their nappy hair they would sport it.
Rj, the truth is a non- factor here. If the facts embarrass, shame, or otherwise expose undesirable behavior, you will be called a host of names and labelled a troll. However if you buy into the collective group think mentality that has taken blacks completely backward from the direction that Dr.
They refuse to see their hypocrisy and thus spiral further into mediocrity. So that is that purchase hair that is what he likes. Another reason I straighten my hair is to show the assholes like some not all of the commenters here that black girls CAN grow long hair. Jiggy, women and men have been wearing weaves and wigs for centuries. We are not talking about other races. We are speaking about American black women and the foolishness that they perpetuate with their self hate.
Cornell Martin (Author of Beautiful Black Women Don't Need Stupid Black Men)
Maybe from the women in YOUR family. You know absolutely nothing about how a black woman feels. Had to correct myself otherwise Jiggy might call me uneducated. There is nothing desperate about it, or any self hatred involved. So the next time you want to talk about self-hatred, and acceptance, look no further than your own mirror. So what, a black woman wants to sport blond hair. In this book, the author leaves no stone unturned.
He believes every black woman should read it! Letting Go of Bad Habits.
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Beautiful Black Women Don’T Need Stupid Black Men: They Need Beautiful Black Love
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