Autonomous Flying Robots: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Micro Aerial Vehicles
Scale or size of aircraft is not the defining or limiting characteristic of energy supply for a UAV. At present, [ when? Manard Hill in "in when one of his creations flew 1, miles across the Atlantic Ocean on less than a gallon of fuel" holds this record.
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Also, properly designed, the thrust to weight ratio for an electric or gasoline motor driving a propeller can hover or climb vertically. Botmite airplane is an example of an electric UAV which can climb vertically. Battery elimination circuitry BEC is used to centralize power distribution and often harbors a microcontroller unit MCU. Costlier switching BECs diminish heating on the platform.
UAV computing capability followed the advances of computing technology, beginning with analog controls and evolving into microcontrollers, then system-on-a-chip SOC and single-board computers SBC. Position and movement sensors give information about the aircraft state. Exteroceptive sensors deal with external information like distance measurements, while exproprioceptive ones correlate internal and external states. Non-cooperative sensors are able to detect targets autonomously so they are used for separation assurance and collision avoidance.
Degrees of freedom DOF refers to both the amount and quality of sensors on-board: UAV software called the flight stack or autopilot.
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UAVs are real-time systems that require rapid response to changing sensor data. Examples include Raspberry Pis , Beagleboards , etc.
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UAVs can also implement perching on a flat vertical surface. Most UAVs use a radio for remote control and exchange of video and other data. Early UAVs had only narrowband uplink. For very long range flights, military UAVs also use satellite receivers as part of satellite navigation systems. In cases when video transmission was required, the UAVs will implement a separate analog video radio link.
In the most modern UAV applications, video transmission is required. ICAO classifies unmanned aircraft as either remotely piloted aircraft or fully autonomous. Basic autonomy comes from proprioceptive sensors.
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Advanced autonomy calls for situational awareness, knowledge about the environment surrounding the aircraft from exterioceptive sensors: One way to achieve autonomous control employs multiple control-loop layers, as in hierarchical control systems. As of the low-layer loops i. The principle is to decompose the aircraft's behavior into manageable "chunks", or states, with known transitions.
Hierarchical control system types range from simple scripts to finite state machines , behavior trees and hierarchical task planners. The most common control mechanism used in these layers is the PID controller which can be used to achieve hover for a quadcopter by using data from the IMU to calculate precise inputs for the electronic speed controllers and motors. Evolved UAV hierarchical task planners use methods like state tree searches or genetic algorithms.
Full autonomy is available for specific tasks, such as airborne refueling [68] or ground-based battery switching; but higher-level tasks call for greater computing, sensing and actuating capabilities. Ability to compensate for most failures and flight conditions i. Medium levels of autonomy, such as reactive autonomy and high levels using cognitive autonomy, have already been achieved to some extent and are very active research fields.
Unmanned aerial vehicle - Wikipedia
Reactive autonomy, such as collective flight, real-time collision avoidance , wall following and corridor centring, relies on telecommunication and situational awareness provided by range sensors: Most range sensors analyze electromagnetic radiation, reflected off the environment and coming to the sensor. The cameras for visual flow act as simple receivers. Lidars, radars and sonars with sound mechanical waves emit and receive waves, measuring the round-trip transit time.
UAV cameras do not require emitting power, reducing total consumption. Reactive autonomy has in some forms already reached consumer markets: SLAM combines odometry and external data to represent the world and the position of the UAV in it in three dimensions. High-altitude outdoor navigation does not require large vertical fields-of-view and can rely on GPS coordinates which makes it simple mapping rather than SLAM.
Robot swarming refers to networks of agents able to dynamically reconfigure as elements leave or enter the network. They provide greater flexibility than multi-agent cooperation. Swarming may open the path to data fusion. Some bio-inspired flight swarms use steering behaviors and flocking. In the military sector, American Predators and Reapers are made for counterterrorism operations and in war zones in which the enemy lacks sufficient firepower to shoot them down.
They are not designed to withstand antiaircraft defenses or air-to-air combat. In September , the chief of the US Air Combat Command stated that current UAVs were "useless in a contested environment" unless manned aircraft were there to protect them. Cognitive radio [ clarification needed ] technology may have UAV applications. UAVs may exploit distributed neural networks. United States alone operated over 9, military UAVs in The civilian drone market is dominated by Chinese companies. Civilian UAV market is relatively new compared to military.
Companies are emerging in both developed and developing nations at the same time. Many early stage startups have received support and funding from investors like in United States and by government agencies as the case in India. Consumer drones are also widely used by military organizations worldwide because of the cost-effective nature of consumer product. In , Israeli military started to use DJI Mavic and Matrice series of UAV for light reconnaissance mission since the civilian drones are easier to use and have higher reliability.
DJI drones is also the most widely used commercial unmanned aerial system that the US Army has employed. Lighted drones are beginning to be used in nighttime displays for artistic and advertising purposes. The AIA reports large cargo and passengers drones should be certified and introduced over the next 20 years. Sensor-carrying large drones are expected from ; short-haul , low altitude freighters outside cities from ; long-haul cargo flights by the mids and then passenger flights by Flapping-wing ornithopters , imitating birds or insects, are a research field in microUAVs.
Their inherent stealth recommends them for spy missions. The Nano Hummingbird is commercially available, while sub-1g microUAVs inspired by flies, albeit using a power tether, can "land" on vertical surfaces.
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Other projects include unmanned "beetles" and other insects. Research is exploring miniature optic-flow sensors, called ocellis , mimicking the compound insect eyes formed from multiple facets, which can transmit data to neuromorphic chips able to treat optic flow as well as light intensity discrepancies.
Because of their small size, low weight, low vibration and high power to weight ratio, Wankel rotary engines are used in many large UAVs. Their engine rotors cannot seize; the engine is not susceptible to shock-cooling during descent and it does not require an enriched fuel mixture for cooling at high power. These attributes reduce fuel usage, increasing range or payload. Proper drone cooling is essential for long-term drone endurance.
Overheating and subsequent engine failure is the most common cause of drone failure. Hydrogen fuel cells , using hydrogen power, may be able to extend the endurance of small UAVs, up to several hours. Micro air vehicles endurance is so far best achieved with flapping-wing UAVs, followed by planes and multirotors standing last, due to lower Reynolds number. Solar-electric UAVs, a concept originally championed by the AstroFlight Sunrise in , have achieved flight times of several weeks.
Likely applications include weather monitoring , disaster recovery , earth imaging and communications. Electric UAVs powered by microwave power transmission or laser power beaming are other potential endurance solutions. Reliability improvements target all aspects of UAV systems, using resilience engineering and fault tolerance techniques. Individual reliability covers robustness of flight controllers, to ensure safety without excessive redundancy to minimize cost and weight.
Swarm resilience involves maintaining operational capabilities and reconfiguring tasks given unit failures. There are numerous civilian, commercial, military, and aerospace applications for UAVs. UAVs are being developed and deployed by many countries around the world. Due to their wide proliferation, no comprehensive list of UAV systems exists.
UAVs can threaten airspace security in numerous ways, including unintentional collisions or other interference with other aircraft, deliberate attacks or by distracting pilots or flight controllers. The first incident of a drone-airplane collision occurred in mid-October in Quebec City, Canada. UAVs could be loaded with dangerous payloads, and crashed into vulnerable targets. Payloads could include explosives, chemical, radiologial or biological hazards. UAVs with generally non-lethal payloads could possibly be hacked and put to malicious purposes.
Anti-UAV systems are being developed by states to counter this threat. This is, however, proving difficult. By , drones were being used to drop contraband into prisons. The interest in UAVs cyber security has been raised greatly after the Predator UAV video stream hijacking incident in , [] where Islamic militants used cheap, off-the-shelf equipment to stream video feeds from a UAV. Another risk is the possibility of hijacking or jamming a UAV in flight. Several security researchers have made public some vulnerabilities in commercial UAVs, in some cases even providing full source code or tools to reproduce their attacks.
Nonetheless, in and , firefighting air support in California was hindered on several occasions, including at the Lake Fire [] and the North Fire.
The use of UAVs is also being investigated to help detect and fight wildfires, whether through observation or launching pyrotechnic devices to start backfires. As of May [update] , the Dutch police are testing trained bald eagles to intercept offending UAVs. In , Transport Canada proposed the implementation of new regulations that would require all UAVs over grams to be registered and insured and that operators would be required to be a minimum age and pass an exam in order to get a license.
No license is required for such vehicles.

This certificate can be obtained online. The ENAC Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile , that is, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority for technical regulation, certification, supervision and control in the field of civil aviation, issued on May 31, a very detailed regulation for all UAV, determining which types of vehicles can be used, where, for which purposes, and who can control them. The regulation deals with the usage of UAV for either commercial and recreational use. The last version was published on December 22, On May 19, , in the case Taylor v.
Huerta , [] the U. Under the court's holding, although commercial drone operators are required to register, recreational operators are not. The rules, which exclude hobbyists, require the presence at all operations of a licensed Remote Pilot in Command. Certification of this position, available to any citizen at least 16 years of age, is obtained solely by passing a written test and then submitting an application. For those holding a sport pilot license or higher, and with a current flight review, a rule-specific exam can be taken at no charge online at the faasafety.
Other applicants must take a more comprehensive examination at an aeronautical testing center. All licensees are required to take a review course every two years. At this time no ratings for heavier UAS are available. Previous to this announcement, any commercial use required a full pilot's license and an FAA waiver, of which hundreds had been granted.
The use of UAVs for law-enforcement purposes is regulated at a state level. In Oregon, law enforcement is allowed to operate non-weaponized drones without a warrant if there is enough reason to believe that the current environment poses imminent danger to which the drone can acquire information or assist individuals.
Otherwise, a warrant, with a maximum period of 30 days of interaction, must be acquired. As of December 20, , UAVs of g or less are not controlled by the CAA guidances [] that include maintaining 50 meters from persons, animals or property. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Aircraft without a human pilot aboard. For other uses, see UAV disambiguation. History of unmanned aerial vehicles.
This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. May Learn how and when to remove this template message. List of unmanned aerial vehicle applications. List of unmanned aerial vehicles. Unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturers. Regulation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Aviation portal Systems science portal Engineering portal Telecommunication portal Artificial intelligence portal Robotics portal.
Retrieved 3 February Archived from the original on 24 July Retrieved 6 June When used, UAVs should generally perform missions characterized by the three Ds: Fixing an Image Problem? International Relations and Security Network. Retrieved 5 March The International Journal of Human Rights.
Autonomous Flying Robots: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Micro Aerial Vehicles
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