
A Life Is A Life, arent you luckeeeeee?

Lindsay, I applaud you for your vulnerability and honesty here. I can only try to visualize how difficult, rewarding, challenging, stretching, exhausting, and amazing that all was. I admire your willingness to write about things that are difficult to share, and to engage in living in the messiness of life with others. On another note, I live in the Minneapolis area and have been thinking for some time how wonderful it would be to get the chance to grab coffee or something sometime. You have a big heart and that is all that matters.

Great job on making these little kiddos feel safe and doing the best your could with what you have. And a big kudos to you and Bjork for taking on this challenge. As a mom of three littles 5,4,1 I can relate to everything you said in this post. God has given extra grace to certain people and I honestly believe you two were granted this gift. Crying real tears over here. Lindsay and Bjork, I am so so so so proud of you guys.

Welcoming three kiddos into your fridge, your home, and your heart is absolutely insane, and is just the kind of love this world needs. Once in a while. When your lives allow it and your emotional batteries are fully charged. After my son was born, I ended up providing hospice care for his Great Grandma Hazel. Grandma Hazel had moved in with my Mother in Law, and so for 50 hours a week, I was with her.

Helping her bathe, getting her dressed, cleaning up and giving her meals. At first it was almost like an extended maternity leave, with both of us cooing over the baby, spending the day at my house, and going for walks. Then it got harder. Eventually, Grandma Hazel had to enter hospice care. And eventually, Grandma Hazel passed away while I cared for her.

After my experience providing care, I have been able to provide meaningful support to others going through their own hard times. With a new baby. I am unable to have kids of my own and I have often spoke of adoption — which is more than I can afford. So, there was the foster to adoption program through the state. But, life never quite went in my direction and now I fear my age is too much of a factor. Years ago, with my ex we did a similar program. It was beautiful, crazy, fun and heart breaking all at the same time.

There are so many children that need a loving parent, and so many programs to help you along on the journey. I used to work for a foster care and adoption agency. Please know that most county foster care agencies are looking for parents who can and will love and support a child. That is so much more important than age. First, thank you for being so brave as to share such a personal experience with all of us. I also want to say that, I think, no, I know , you and Bjork have done an amazingly good thing for these kids!

Opening your home and lives to these children, and taking the good and the bad, is the very definition of hospitality.

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Who knows just how many wonderful ways your kindness to these kids will impact their future for good? However, I also know the truth is that really caring for people in this way, really having an open fridge both literally and emotionally , is incredibly challenging. I speak from personal experience, when I was in my early teens my family adopted. It brought both moments of joy and a lot of heartbreak. Thanks for being open and admitting your challenges too.

On a lighter note, I think both you and Bjork are both honorary members of the parenting club now. So I was wondering if Woolly felt his absence somehow for a few days. You know how twins seem to have a special bonding, etc Remember to take some time for yourself ;-. I'm with you, Cee! I'm all for replacing birthday cake with birthday pie - I'd rather have pie any day! The Kindle edition sounds like a good fit for the Poe - I love using that word definition feature. Hoping that this week is a good one for you.

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I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving already. How did that happen? Hi Claudia, just dropping by to wish you a good week. I love the stories about the snuggling cats. Our dog snuggles up to my husband at night because he's like a giant heating pad. I don't take offense because I can't sleep if I can't easily shift around when I want to. I'd have a hard time choosing between cake and pie--I love them both! Cee, big congratulations on reaching 75 books and for counting down your first week of radiation. I plan on starting the Dr. Siri series fun to say that out loud next year.

It seems to be a favorite on LT. Definitely in favor of birthday pie. In fact, that's exactly what we do for my two great-nephews. So far the idea hasn't spread to the rest of the family. It's a little tougher to decorate a pie! Take care, Friend, and look forward to a reprieve for Thanksgving at the end of the month. It's coming up fast. Something to be thankful for. Congrats on the big 75! More congrats for courageously taking your treatments like the Champ that you are!

Birthday cake, pies or cookies, I'll take them all. Mamie - I knew I'd get a pie vote from you ;- I'll take a good week: That would mean the radiology lab would blow up at night. I've got a better idea. How about the radiologist suddenly realizes I'm good to go! Pat - I think pets figure out real quick which person lies still and which one moves a lot.

That's why Woolly is on my side. You sound so easy to please: Have they dug out the foundation yet???? I do hope you like the Siri series. I think it's a hoot. No need for decorations - just stick in a candle for the wish. I always scrape all the frosting off cakes anyway - they don't look so pretty naked.

Oh dear - another who will take any kind of birthday sweet. Now let's get something straight. I complain about this thing night and day. Ron will verify that statement. I VERY reluctantly put one foot in front of the other to get into that horror chamber. They are killing me: Thousands of cells at a time!

Eager to see the lectures on those two. Now I move on to HG Wells. First up, The Island of Dr Moreau. Haven't read that one before. Free hugs to anyone who needs one I wish I had something to offer to make the radiation treatments easier to endure. I also hated them and I think I resorted to my old standby coping mechanism--denial! I tried to compartmentalize them and not think about them too much, with varying degrees of success.

They WILL be over and life will go on although I'm sure it seems like it will take forever to get there. My husband put a counter on my google home page while I was doing radiation to count down the days till I was done.

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In the beginning, it seemed like I wasn't making much progress but eventually I did get to the last week and then the last day. Be good to yourself. Curl up with Woolly, eat your favorite pie s , enjoy the approach of winter, take a valium if it helps, and remember Churchill's advice: Hi Claudia, I was just going to lurk this morning, but have to congratulate you on your You remind me I have to get back to Dr Siri.

I loved him last year and neglected him this year, but like Ellen, next up for me is Curse of the Pogo Stick and based on the title alone should be lotsa fun. I read Poe for the first time a couple of years ago. On audio actually, and I thought The House of Usher was so awesome I listened to it maybe three times in a row.

Definitely a favourite of mine now. My Mimi insists on lying on top of me every night too, and even though I get up to go to the bathroom at least twice a night, she always refuses to budge from her spot so that I have to struggle to get out of bed and she's just 10lbs but she makes herself feel twice her weight at least! The funny thing is she absolutely refuses to sit on me in the daytime.

Since all three sleep with me most every night, being in bed feels like quite a sociable time! Radiation can't be much fun, and who says you need to be a champion about it? I'd probably complain about it too, just as I complain about my migraines all the time. Suffering in silence is overrated. But now you're that much closer to finishing your treatments. And I do like Pat's quote from Churchill. He would have known a thing or two about going through hell! Nov 19, , Congrats on the big 75th book!

I think that's the next one I have to read in the Dr. Siri series, so glad it was fun except for the murders. So sorry about the cold, and that the radiation treatment is so darned unpleasant. Here's to better days ahead eventually. I know it's killing healthy cells, but just think of any possible remaining cancer cells cowering and being vaporized! I am percent in favor of birthday pie, and have taken that route on a number of occasions. My favorite is ice cream pie from Bruster's, which is a better size for our household than an ice cream cake.

Hi Cee, I hope you are having a good day. My vote is definitely for birthday PIE!! Especially if it is made by my Mom. She's 92 and still makes the best pie around. Hi Cee, sorry the radiation is taking so much out of you. Ohhhhh Edna St, Vincent Millay is one of my favorite poets especially her second fig, which how appropriate! Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand: Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand! Hi Claudia- Just checking in.

Hope all is well. Have you read Alice Munro? I just finished a wonderful collection called The View from Castle Rock. Nov 20, , 9: OK - I had a few bad days in a row. Thanks to y'all for cheering me up. Had a better day today ;- I think everyone I encountered today actually believes I was happy. Pat - I'm gonna keep going - yup, right through hell. Am I'm gonna stop whining Thanks for the support, as always. Ilana, Thanks for the congrats and understanding. In your world and mine this is very true. I think Ron has had enough! When Woolly first sits on me she feels heavy all 8 pounds - then after a few minutes she re-arranges her bones or something and feels almost weightless.

Don't know how she does it??? Hi Terri - Thanks ;- Cold was quick - ok now. Just a few leftover sniffles. Another vote for birthday pie! Every year my son-in-law bakes me an apple pie and it is very awesome! NOW we are getting somewhere. And now you have my mouth watering for your Mom's pies: You were pretty lucky to have a pie-baking Mom.

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  2. 2. When the going gets tough, showers become optional.;
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  4. You Don't Know Until You Know - Pinch of Yum.

Millay's Second Fig blows away my whole philosophy of building your house on a rock. It necessarily excludes risk and fun! But then, I'm not much of a risk-taker after all. I'm not sure yet just what I like about her poetry - but it is touching. She writes with such longing and sadness. Mark - I have not read Alice Munro yet. The View from Castle Rock looks like a goodie. I predict I will get to it sometime n I need to put that on my WL. Thanks for checking on me: I missed your 75th! And now you have your 76th, 77th, 78th and 79th under your belt already too.

I take it you aren't in a book funk like me. I dont really know what it involves, but you dont like them and that is enough for me to also not like them on your behalf. You are such a great friend! I love your spirit: Thanks for the congrats So how did you like Mr Penumbra? I've yet to read it but I do plan to. Glad today was a better day. Frankly, I think when you feel like whining, you should just go ahead and whine. Have a good night, Cee! I'm Glad it was a better day yesterday, and I hope that each one gets better yet!

I'm excited about my trip.. Well, at least you liked it, even if you didn't love it! A lot of what I'm reading now is for my Coursera course. I am trying to catch up from being about a week behind. Mr Penumbra was a good book. I think I will pass it on to my granddaughter - it's suitable for YA. I liked Sloan's treatment of the narrator - really gets inside his head. Side thoughts and expressions are frequently funny. The characters overall are not that well developed though. You only see them as the narrator sees them.

This book is more about the story which is about cracking a code to find the secrets of life. The ending is satisfying ;- The other three books were for my course. They received somewhat higher marks, I think, due to enhanced enjoyment derived from the lectures. Still, there is a lot of value in what he says - so I will continue.

CEE reads 75 in 2013 ~ Thread 9

This course sci-fi and fantasy is very good, but not as totally great as the last one fiction of relationships was, imo. Joanne - I think I will post my rating scale up top from now on. It might give a better idea of how I rate books. Anything over a 3 is good. If you think whining is ok That should shorten the course of my complaining and anxiety. Kath - I'm excited for you too somewhere underneath my concentration on temper tantrums. What are you bringing to read? How does Dunkers feel about the whole thing?

Have the kitties caught on yet? Hopefully you will have good traveling weather. Have lots of fun!

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Waiting to hear your stories and that you are safely back home. I've always found Hawthorne enjoyable - The Scarlet Letter is perhaps one of my least favorites She was quite the character! I'd love to go there again someday. Way too much horror and animal abuse. I could have done without it. There were a few interesting philosophical observations incorporated in this grotesque story - which is the only reason it got 2. Otherwise it would have gotten only 1 star - Quit, Yuck, Ptooey! Wish I had not read this one - hesitant to read any other H G Wells.

Sensitive readers - beware! Sounds like a great get-away ;-. I will lave that book well alone then. I didn't mind The Time Machine though, it had interesting ideas about what might happen a gazillion years in the future. Nov 24, , 9: At least this one was not so offensive as Dr Moreau's Island, but it was just meh for me. It was so slap-stick and silly I lost interest quickly. I've never been a fan of the three stooges which is what this brought to mind.

The quirky twists and turns in the last half didn't impress, ie did not enhance the story or the characters. If the professor found merit in these two books by Wells, I'll be surprised to find what it is. Wish I had listened to the lectures before I read these Wells books.


I missed a lot. Sorry I forgot to come back and say a hearty Hi! Actually, HG Wells has written so much. And The Time Machine was an interesting concept. He was the first to suggest time travel back and forth - purposely - in a machine. I love the idea of time travel and reading books about it! I'm finally all caught up here. You've been rolling along with the reading, that's for sure! I hope you are feeling stronger and stronger, and that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! A hearty hi huh!? Is it Thanksgiving this week in the US?

I thought it was just before Christmas Boy it was good! Dear Sweet Cee, I am ever so sorry you are going through all this. I continue to hold you in the light of healing. We are all rooting for you here. Your specialness shines brightly. Every single day takes you closer to the end of this Thanksgiving is not going to be any fun this year at my house. I am considering sleeping through it. CEE Hi, my dear friend!!! I hope you are basking in the glow of all the love your LT friends are sending your way!

Sorry I have been away for so long, but I have been thinking of you! I hope you are taking it as easy as you can and treating yourself whenever possible! Nov 25, , 8: I'm feeling pretty good now that I have gotten over my mental stress of being zapped. I have a small point of discomfort in my back. I'm thinking it is an exit wound! So, I asked Ron to see if there were any holes in my back. He said no, but I don't trust him. He can never find anything!

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A bit late this year. I love pumpkin pie and could make it anytime of the year Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is an excellent book. There is no "The" in the title of that one. Linda - Thanks for your loving words and sentiments. I'm doing good and hoping you are too. The sooner we are over all this "healing", the better. Kaaaaaaaaaaaaath - I missed you too and hoped you were having a great time.

I like your idea of sleeping through Thanksgiving Tina - Hugs back to you! I probably am glowing after two weeks and a day of radiation - but who's counting? No matter how much they give me though, it will never outshine this great group ;- Hope things are well and calming down a bit for you. Need to go check your thread again. I have a bit of a funk going on. I may well turn to deLint for help. Feeling a wee bit low about not having the kids home. Cory informed me that He is spending xmas with Leah. That did not make my day any brighter, I can tell you that.

Nothing going on here. I will work today and then? Much activity around here. They currently have an SUV into a tree.. This is causing great consternation. I hope he doesn't get called out Sorry about the funk. Why didn't I devote my life to discovering a safe, quick de-funking pill? Cars around here are more apt to be filled with beer cans. Take care of you Love your comment following your completion of The Merry Misogynist. I'd love to have a lie in Thanksgiving for a change It'd be great if everyone would just disappear after the meal and leave me to snuggle under the covers with a book.

I know I was here this morning.. I wish you had developed a defunking pill, too. I am about to dig into a de Lint to try to beat it. I will be thinking of you as you spend a childless thanksgiving with me. Hope that will help. If you want to see "everyone just disappear after the meal", go into the kitchen. You'll find peace and solace there ;- I'm just betting you are bringing something really good to perk up the meal at your SIL's.

Kath - Me too! I bought a pie too! I already dug into the pumpkin pie. I think it is real - real fresh farm grown pumpkin. Way better than anything I could make. Thanksgiving is looking up: Hope you get lots of calls tomorrow: Nov 28, , 1: I also bought 2 pies. One is frozen though and its a Mrs someone or Auntie Em's or something. So it's in the freezer. I have to bake it someday.

If you are smart, why aren't you happy? - Raj Raghunathan - TEDxDelhi

Cee, I'm just dropping by to wish you a great Thanksgiving. It looks like the feasting has already begun with the pumpkin pie. Good for you Kath ;- Yah, Judy. No one will ever know, i. Wishing all a day of thankfulness and blessings! Happy Thanksgiving Dear One! May be happier and healthier for us. I will definitely be thankful to move on to next year - heh. I hope you have a great day with the family! I think I gave Mr Penumbra about 4 stars, so we were in the same ballpark.

Many people dislike this book and I didn't get that. May it be full of fabulous! Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, Claudia! So sorry to hear about your brother and sending major good wishes for an uneventful recovery. We have two pies also. Well, actually a pie and a half. We recently got a Whole Foods store in Boise and did our Thanksgiving shopping there. For some of their pies, they were selling half pies. So we have a whole pumpkin and a half pecan which will save me many calories. Enjoy every bite of your meal!

Cee, I have lots to be thankful myself and I am happy to celebrate your holidays vicariously. You have had a pretty hard year which has only served to show what a strong and joyful and warm person you are. Happy Thanksgiving to you my dear and I will give my own thanksgiving for all my friends on LT.

Me too Paul, I can get into the Thanksgiving spirit with all my new found American friends. I even considered making a pumpkin pie yesterday considered Have a fun day Cee! Hi Claudia, thanks for the good wishes and I wish a Happy Thanksgiving to you too my dear. Best we can all do is hang in there and My cat Mimi just went on a mini rampage. She rarely makes noises, but she has this special yowling fit once in a while that I've learned to identify as the Cashmere Yeowl. I keep cashmere socks in my bed to wear at night when my feet get cold. Truth is, there is always a huge pile of clothes on my bed, but somehow Mimi is obsessed with those particular cashmere socks of which I have a few pairs , and she'll grab them in her mouth and drag them out of the bedroom with that hunting yowl going on.

It's pretty funny and always makes me smile. Hope you had a great day Cee. I have a feeling I missed your thread yesterday So glad your brother came through ok. Don't worry that you hate Wells - he was basically a hack writer - no style, no decent characters, barely even a plot, what fuels his work is that at the time his ideas were so completely fresh and wayyyyyy out there Skim when it gets awful and try to pick up what had to have been startling and new at the time. Now Jules Verne and Lord Dunsany are two that wrote quite decently!

I liked your story about Ron and your back. Happy day after to you! Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 37 today. How does this happen? I shopped online and drank coffee. We might go to the hardware store.. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I so thankful you're doing well. Sad news about your brother, but very glad to hear he's alive and recovering well! Be well and have a restful weekend! Hi Cee, How is your brother? Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?

Day off from LT? Well, hopefully it was a good day and a relaxing one. Did you put up a tree? I did one of those things Have a very good one! Look at all these lovely messages ;- Yesterday was the jammie day I should have taken back in but couldn't squeeze it in. I'm feeling outraged for the USPS delivery people and what they are now having to deal with. Long hours, overworked, crazy people, no respect, dangerous routes, crazy weather, etc I'm sure you could add much more. When do you get to retire?

Please be safe and warm: Mamie - We had a fabulous feast for Thanksgiving Why don't they do that more often? We took my Mom and had a nice time. Then, back to her place for apple pie and ice cream which we ate even though we were already too full. I didn't even know they still did real half gallons anymore! Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers.

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