5 Dimensions of Engaged Teaching, The: A Practical Guide for Educators
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The 5 Dimensions of Engaged Teaching : Laura Weaver :
Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! She also taught three PassageWorks transitions curricula in school advisory programs. Catherine was a student of a PassageWorks transitions program in Colorado in , was a founding board member of the PassageWorks Institute in , and has been a faculty member with the institute since its inception. She helped to revise and edit several PassageWorks curricula and coauthored a chapter on social and emotional learning in The Handbook of Moral and Character Education.
Her creative writing has been published in print and online.
Susan Keister Writing Team Susan Keister is an author, speaker, workshop facilitator, and educational leader with more than thirty years of experience in leading the research, development, and training of international programs and professional development in comprehensive school reform, social and emotional learning, positive prevention of drug use and bullying, character development, conflict management, and service-learning. Before his current position at Arapahoe Ridge, Ari served as an assistant principal at four other elementary schools.
He has also taught third, fourth, and fifth grades, as well as high school Spanish, and worked as an educational consultant, journalist, and oral historian. In addition to completing extensive research on best practices in education within the United States particularly in the area of social and emotional learning , Ari also traveled as a Fulbright recipient to visit schools in Japan and taught briefly in Mexico and Thailand.
The 5 Dimensions of Engaged Teaching - A Practical Guide for Educators (Paperback)
Ari is the author of two books, and his writings on education have been featured in a variety of publications. Carrie has also taught adults in a variety of ways: She co-authored, with Rachael Kessler, the PassageWorks kindergarten transitions curriculum and served as an editor on the fifth-grade transitions curriculum.
Currently Carrie is enjoying being at home as a new mom, while she continues to write and teach for PassageWorks. Rona Wilensky Writing Team Rona Wilensky is an educational consultant and social entrepreneur working in the areas of leadership development, contemplative teaching and learning, and the transformation of Kâ12 education toward an emphasis on relationships, relevance, and rigor.
Prior to that, she worked as an education policy analyst for the governor of Colorado, the Education Commission of the States, and various education reform initiatives in Colorado. During the â academic year, Rona was a resident fellow at the Spencer Foundation in Chicago. Is the information for this product incomplete, wrong or inappropriate? Let us know about it.
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Is this product missing categories? Checkout Your Cart Price. Description Details Customer Reviews The Engaged Teaching Approach focuses on the development of the whole student and the whole teacher; it recognizes that educators need to offer more than lesson plans and assessments if students are to become capable of thriving in the 21st century. The 5 Dimensions of Engaged Teaching: A Practical Guide for Educators supports K 12 educators as they equip their students to be resilient, well-rounded individuals able to communicate effectively and work with diverse people while excelling academically.
The Engaged Teaching Approach is a practical approach to teaching and learning that improves social, emotional, and academic outcomes and fosters a lifelong sense of meaning, purpose, and relevance, along with motivation in the classroom.