Wilhelm von Humboldts Bildungstheorie: Die besondere Bedeutung der Sprache (German Edition)
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Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Get to Know Us. Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? See our Returns Policy. Visit our Help Pages. Mehr als Exoplaneten haben Astronomen seit dem Jahr nachgewiesen. Hinderniserkennung und -verfolgung mit einer PMD-kamera im automobil. Nach einem initialen Filterprozess werden im Tiefenbild mit Hilfe eines Bereichswachstumsverfahrens Hindernisse gesucht. Nukleare und Radiologische Waffen. Selbst der Bau einer primitiven Atombombe erfordert einen hohen technischen Aufwand und Spezialisten.
Wahrscheinlicher ist deshalb der Diebstahl einer kleinen taktischen Kernwaffe. Transplantate und Implantate im Mittelohrbereich - Teil 1 Stand Diese kann angeboren oder im Laufe des Lebens erworben sein. Es fing schon gut an: Damit schlug dieser zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe: Sein Sohn lernte etwas Gescheites, und er war zugleich in sicherer Obhut.
Tokamak und Stellarator - zwei Wege zur Fusionsenergie: Parallel soll die in Greifswald entstehende Forschungsanlage Wendelstein 7-X die Kraftwerkstauglichkeit des alternativen Bauprinzips der Stellaratoren zeigen. Die Vagheit der Sprache " und so". This article presents a description of some pragmatic expressions "oder so," " und so," "oder wie" rarely found in textbooks, but common in everyday conversation. Though often treated as vague or superfluous, these expressions perform important functions in interpersonal communication.
Focusing on these easily identifiable phrases can help…. Von Start-ups lernen - Methoden und Entwicklungsprozesse, die Jungunternehmen erfolgreich machen.

Disruptoren hervor, die jede Branche betreffen und so gut wie keinen Lebensbereich auslassen. Zunehmend adaptieren etablierte Unternehmen innovative Entwicklungsprozesse und Methoden. Digitalisierung und Energie 4. In vitro hergestellte Gewebe werden abgesehen von Einzelanwendungen zur Zeit noch nicht am Patienten eingesetzt. Dabei handelt es sich um Berechnungswerkzeuge und Expertenwissen z.
Die thermischen Wirkungsgrade von Kraftwerken zur Stromerzeugung sind relativ gering. Bildbasierte Navigation eines mobilen Roboters mittels omnidirektionaler und schwenkbarer Kamera. Die Entkopplung der Kamerablickrichtung von der eigentlichen Roboterbewegung wird durch die Projektion der Merkmale auf eine virtuelle Bildebene realisiert. Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte bei beiden Werten eine Verbesserung von klinischer Relevanz. In diesem Beitrag wird das Modul vorgestellt, dass die Prozessabbilder erstellt. Neben der Visualisierung von Anlagen werden auch laufende Prozesse und bearbeitete Produkte dargestellt.
Die Brennstoffzelle hat aus technischer Sicht einen hohen Stand erreicht. Und so wird ersichtlich, dass nichts abstrakter ist als das Unendliche: Zu einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie des Lernens und Lehrens der biologischen Evolution. Die Ergebnisse sind in einer inhaltsorientierten Theorie zusammengefasst, welche aus drei verschiedenen Aspekten besteht: Diese Theorie kann in neuen Experimenten getestet und weiter entwickelt werden.
Vorbereiter und Wegbereiter der NS-Lebensraumpolitik? Albrecht Penck was one of the eminent representatives of Quaternary research in the first half of the twentieth century. But apart from this, there was a political-geographical side to Penck, which, since , has long been ignored or downplayed by geographers. Thus, critics say, he paved the way for Nazi Lebensraum policies and became an accomplice in the resulting crimes. The present contribution examines Penck's political-geographical worldview and reaches an ambivalent conclusion regarding the accusations.
Was leistet ein Sportler? Kraft, Leistung und Energie im Muskel. Der Leistungsbegriff ist im Sport weiter gefasst als in der Physik. Die Energiewirtschaft nutzt seit je her digitale Strukturen zur Umsetzung ihrer Prozesse. Dabei ist die digitale R Evolution keine rein technische Umsetzung, sondern insbesondere auch eine unternehmensinterne, strategische und intern-kulturelle Herausforderung. Von Donuts und Zucker: Was ist das Leben? Die Antwort auf diese Frage finden wir nicht in der Bibliothek und nicht im Labor, zumindest nicht an diesen erkenntnisproduzierenden Stellen allein.
Lange Zeit war er gemeinsam mit Bertrand Russell als Autor der Principia Mathematica unter Mathematikern und mathematischen Logikern deutlich besser bekannt als unter Philosophen. Modernes Energiemanagement setzt auf ein intelligent gesteuertes Energieinformationsnetz, das Smart Grid.
Der Beitrag stellt zentrale datenschutzrechtliche Leitlinien und Probleme vor und behandelt auch offene Fragestellungen. Durch die Evolutionstheorie werde es "zu einer bemerkenswerten Revolution in der Naturwissenschaft kommen […]. Zusammengefasst werden die Beziehungen 5. Der Organismus der Mathematik - mikro-, makro- und mesoskopisch betrachtet. Gedanken und Experimente nach Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen. Physikalische Systeme sind im Prinzip separierbar.
Diese erweisen einmal mehr die Quantenmechanik als richtige Theorie. Thoughts and Experiments after Einstein, Podolsky and RosenSince the advent of quantum mechanics there have been attempts of its interpretation in terms of statistical theory concerning individual classical systems.
The very conditions necessary to consider hidden variable theories describing these individual systems as classical had been pointed out by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in Physical systems are in principle separable. If it is possible to. Viele Wurzeln der modernen Umweltwissenschaften liegen jedoch im Kalten Krieg. Missverhlitnis zwischen Versicherungsentnuhrne und. Damit war eine personelle Umstrukturierung in der DStatG verbunden. Einsatz und Wirksamkeit von Systemtherapien bei Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis: Versorgungsregister dienen der Erfassung des Einsatzes und der Wirksamkeit von Therapien unter realen Versorgungsbedingungen und sind als Basis einer evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung unverzichtbar.
Die vorliegende Analyse beschreibt die Charakteristika, Therapiewahl und Wirksamkeit der eingesetzten antiinflammatorischen Systemtherapien der bis Oktober eingeschlossenen Patienten. Die vorliegende Registerauswertung gibt wichtige Hinweise zur derzeitigen Versorgung von Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis in Deutschland, dokumentiert die hohe Erkrankungslast, den Nutzen vorhandener Therapien und den Bedarf an weiteren, effektiven und in der Langzeitanwendung sicheren Therapieoptionen.
Nur die Feinstruktur der Kosmologie und Kosmonogie reflektiert die speziellen Hypothesen. The dynamics and thermodynamics of great cosmical systems are nearly independent of the theory of gravitation and only the fine-structure of cosmogony and cosmology reflects the special hypotheses.
The neutrality against the concret gravodynamics is a consequence of the fundamental properties of gravitation: Das Pyoderma gangraenosum PG ist eine seltene, inflammatorische destruktiv-ulzerierende neutrophile Erkrankung mit weitgehend unklarer Pathophysiologie. In dieser Studie wurden die potenziell relevanten Kofaktoren und Begleiterkrankungen von Patienten mit PG aus drei dermatologischen Wundzentren in Deutschland differenziert ausgewertet. Die Grundlagen der Fernsehtechnik: Thematische Einheiten erweitern den Wissensstoff - u.
Die Frage nach der menschlichen Selbstverortung begegnet uns in dieser Figur, und sie bestimmt viele Zeugnisse menschlichen Nachdenkens, welche uns die Altertumswissenschaften vorlegen. Und wie kann der Mensch beides zugleich sein? Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Persistierende Infektionen mit humanen Papillomviren sind die notwendige Ursache des Zervixkarzinoms. Der Fokus liegt jetzt auf der Integration von neuen Testverfahren im Screening von Populationen mit zunehmenden Impfraten. Einheit von Forschung und Lehre: Implications for State Funding of Universities.
The Humboldtian educational ideal is based on the idea of the unity of teaching and research in universities "Einheit von Forschung und Lehre". The role of the state, according to Humboldt, was to fund universities in such a way that their autonomy was maintained. Much has changed in the funding mechanisms of higher education systems….
Federal Register , , , , Programs,'' describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority. We are issuing this rulemaking Grief in Children und Adolescents as a Result of Acute Traumatization Specifities of grief in children after trauma will be presented as well as potential reactions to acute traumatization and resulting needs of children and adolescents in order to discuss adequate interventions. Ihre Wirksamkeit wurde in zahlreichen validen, gut kontrollierten Studien belegt.
Restrospektive Studie zur Analyse von klinischen Merkmalen, videodermatoskopischen Bildern, histopathologischen Diagnosen und Behandlungsergebnissen. Der Grad der Pigmentierung wurde sowohl klinisch als auch histopathologisch beurteilt. Das Muster der Pigmentierung korrelierte signifikant mit dem Alter der Patienten: Die Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft: Hopes and Fears einfuerhrng eines drg-fallpauschalensystems - hoffnungen und aengste. Anwendung und Pflege des neuen Systems dienen soil, wenn die entscheidenden Vorgaben bereits durch die Deckelung gegeben sind.
Oder denkt man an den Software und die da- mit verbundenen Lizenzgebuhren, sondern auch in der Folge um die Schulung der Mitarbeiter sowie die Pflege und Weiterentwicklung Es mossen jedoch klare. The two Kaiser Wilhelm-Institutes KWI in Berlin , new building and in Munich , new building , specialized on pathologic anatomical as well as psychiatric genetic research, were set up before times of National Socialism.
Commemorating patients' fates and clarifying what happened defines a place of remembrance. Den Schnittstellen zwischen den betroffenen Fachbereichen in einem Unternehmen kommt hier eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu: So viel kann man sagen: Using data from the Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration EIA , a technique is developed to estimate the monthly consumption of solid, liquid and gaseous fossil fuels for each state in the union. This technique employs monthly sales data to estimate the relative monthly proportions of the total annual carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel use for all states in the union.
Recently, annual emissions per U. To determine the success of this technique, the individual state results are compared to the annual state totals calculated by CDIAC. Comparing the results from these two methods permits an improved understanding of the strengths and shortcomings of both estimation techniques. The primary advantages of the UND approach are its ease of implementation, the improved spatial and temporal resolution it can produce, and its universal applicability. Sowohl humane, als auch murine in vitro generierte dendritische Zellen lassen sich mit MVA — im Vergleich zu anderen viralen Vektoren — sehr gut infizieren.
This study was aimed at exploring the wishes of rehabilitants, their attitudes towards and experiences with the various aspects of the "Wunsch- und Wahlrecht" as well as their criteria in choosing a rehabilitation centre. A total of 10 open guided focus groups were conducted with 71 male and female participants from 5 different indications and aged between 26 and 80 years.
Transcripts were analyzed by means of a summary content analysis. Persons applying for medical rehabilitation benefits did not as a rule get information about their "Wunsch- und Wahlrecht" during the application process. Applying for post-hospital rehabilitation often meant to be faced with an only allegedly existing choice "pseudo Wunsch- und Wahlrecht".
The participants objected only rarely to this missing share in decision-making.
Publikationen im Volltext in Auswahl
Most of them did not care about their rights to choose a rehab centre if only the application for rehabilitation was allowed. Various arguments were brought forward against the "Wunsch- und Wahlrecht", especially insufficient information about and time for enforcement and implementation of the "Wunsch- und Wahlrecht". Many participants had reflected only little about choosing a specific rehab centre when applying for rehabilitation.
Accordingly, most of the participants had difficulties to mention possible selection criteria. On the whole, applicants have Only little knowledge about the "Wunsch- und Wahlrecht". This complicates its implementation. Der wichtigste Risikofaktor war die Gesamtzahl der verabreichten Medikamente. Die Arzneimittelgruppen, die bei der Mehrzahl der Wechselwirkungen beteiligt waren, waren Analgetika, Herz-Kreislauf-Medikamente und gerinnungshemmende Medikamente sowie Antidepressiva.
Nach der Applikation von HMP bzw. Die Inhibitoren Disulfiram und Ethanol der o. Enzyme wurde daher zur Modulation der Detoxifizierung in vivo eingesetzt. Sie ist als Entscheidungsgrundlage unabdingbar und gibt Antworten auf folgende Fragen: They were never systematically investigated. The authors present here some results of a first evaluation. It was possible to reconstruct the historical events with regard to the maintenance of the Astronomische Nachrichten and the Altona observatory in Hansen was a successful teacher for many young astronomers.
His way of stimulating the evolution of astronomy followed Zach's tradition. Quantitative Fragestellungen Tumorausdehnung, Infiltrationstiefe, etc. Zeitschrift fur erziehungs-- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung Journal for Education and Social Sciences Research , 11 issues. Zeitschrift fur erziehungs--und socialwissenschaftliche Forschung Journal for Education and Social Sciences Research , Recognizing a growing globalization of nations and cultures, "Zeitschrift fur erziehungs-- und sozialwissenchaftliche Forschung" brings together educational and social science research topics that address the interactions between education and society in their pedagogical, social, physical, economic, legal, and administrative dimensions.
Bisher liegen lediglich Daten aus einer kleinen Pilotstudie vor. Es wurden Daten von Patienten ausgewertet. Unter der Kombinationstherapie verbesserten sich alle Wirksamkeitsparameter deutlich. Allgemein wurde die Kombinationstherapie gut vertragen. Das Lektin aus der Erbse Pisum sativum: Das Erbsenlektin ist ein dimeres Leguminosenlektin mit einer Besonderheit in seiner Struktur: Laut einer Befragung im Jahre war der Umgang mit Antithrombotika bei dermatochirurgischen Eingriffen in Deutschland sehr heterogen.
Eine Zunahme des leitlinienkonformen Verhaltens war bei allen Eingriffen zu verzeichnen. Treatment with ofloxacin or synthetic trehalose dicorynemycolate S. From to , ,, human beings were sterilised by force in the German Reich. Patient records were analysed with respect to predefined criteria. Age, sex and diagnosis were found to be criteria relevant for selection of patients for sterilisation. Nichtinterventionelle Studie bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit leichter bis mittelschwerer Akne. Im Gesamtkollektiv wurden vier Melanome diagnostiziert, davon zwei zerebrale Melanome im Kindesalter, ein kutanes Melanom im Erwachsenenalter und eines, das sich als proliferierender Knoten erwies.
Bei vier Kindern wurde eine neurokutane Melanozytose festgestellt, drei davon mit neurologischer Symptomatik. Experimental design, limitations and application boundaries are discussed and methods are compared against each other. The quality of the predictive methods strongly depends on the experimental design and the sample type. Theoretical construction in physics - The role of Leibniz for Weyl's 'Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft'. This paper aims at closing a gap in recent Weyl research by investigating the role played by Leibniz for the development and consolidation of Weyl's notion of theoretical symbolic construction.
For Weyl, just as for Leibniz, mathematics was not simply an accompanying tool when doing physics-for him it meant the ability to engage in well-guided speculations about a general framework of reality and experience. The paper first introduces some of the background of Weyl's notion of theoretical construction and then discusses particular Leibnizian inheritances in Weyl's 'Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft', such as the general appreciation of the principles of sufficient reason and of continuity.
Afterwards the paper focuses on three themes: Bruno Braunerde und die Bodentypen - Learning about soil diversity and soil functions with cartoon characters. The learning material consists of i a large poster dimensions x cm showing an imaginative illustrated landscape that could be situated in Austria, Switzerland or southern Germany and ii a set of 15 magnetic cards that show different soil cartoon characters, e.
Bruno Braunerde Cambisol , Stauni Pseudogley Stagnic Luvisol or Heidi Podsol Podzol on the front and a fun profession and address linked to the respective soil functions on the back side. The task is to place the soil cartoon characters to their 'home' in the landscape. The soil cartoon characters are an adaptation of the original concept by the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland www.
Der Studienaufenthalt von Dr. Online irrigation service for fruit und vegetable crops at farmers site. Online irrigation service for fruit und vegetable crops at farmers site by W. Janssen, German Weather Service, Offenbach Agrowetter irrigation advice is a product which calculates the present soil moisture as well as the soil moisture to be expected over the next 5 days for over 30 different crops. It's based on a water balance model and provides targeted recommendations for irrigation.
Irrigation inputs according to the soil in order to avoid infiltration and, as a consequence thereof, the undesired movement of nitrate and plant protectants into the groundwater. This interactive 'online system' takes into account the user's individual circumstances such as crop and soil characteristics and the precipitation and irrigation amounts at the user's site. Each user may calculate up to 16 different enquiries simultaneously different crops or different emergence dates.
The user can calculate the individual soil moistures for his fields with a maximum effort of 5 minutes per week only. The sources of water are precipitation and irrigation whereas water losses occur due to evapotranspiration and infiltration of water into the ground.
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The evapotranspiration is calculated by multiplying a reference evapotranspiration maximum evapotranspiration over grass with the so-called crop coefficients kc values that have been developed by the Geisenheim Research Centre, Vegetable Crops Branch. Kc values depending on the crop and the individual plant development stage. The reference evapotranspiration is calculated from a base weather station user has chosen out of around weather stations using Penman method based on daily values.
After chosen a crop and soil type the user must manually enter the precipitation data measured at the site, the irrigation water inputs and the dates for a few phenological stages.
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Economical aspects can be considered by changing the values of soil moisture from which recommendations for irrigation start from optimal to necessary plant supply. Unter anderem wird ihnen eine antibakterielle Wirkung zugeschrieben. Extrakte auf Basis von Viscum album L. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in der Idealgruppe keine signifikante Blutdrucksenkung beobachtet werden konnte. Attempts to produce catalytic antibodies for hydrolysis of arylcarbamates and arylureas.
Es wurden verschiedene Hapten-Protein-Konjugate unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Kopplungsmethoden hergestellt und charakterisiert. Diese Werte korrelieren mit den Werten der wenigen bekannten Diphenylcarbamat-spaltenden Abzyme. Dies beweist, dass die Hydrolyse in der Antigenbindungsstelle stattfindet. Scientific Contributions and Reports. Contribution to the Theory of Robust Estimation. Research Areas and Publications. Der geo- ddtische Beitrag zu dern interdisziplinlren Forschungsprojekt.
Es sind dabei zwei Entwicklungslinien festzustellen. Die eine ver- sucht, die in der Statistik entwickelte Theorie auf geodaitische Contributions to the theory of robust estimation. The wish for annihilation in 'love-death' as collapse of the need for recognition, in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde.
Wagner's Tristan und Isolde holds a central position in Western music and culture. It is shown to demonstrate consequences of interruption of developmental processes involving the need for recognition of subjectivity, resulting in the collapse of this need into the wish for annihilation of self and other through 'love-death' [Liebestod]. A close reading of the musical language of the opera reveals how this interruption is demonstrated, and the consequent location of identity outside of language, particularly suitable for expression in music.
Isolde's dynamics are presented as distinct from that of Tristan, and in contrast to other interpretations of Tristan and Isolde's love as an attack on the Oedipal order, or as a regressive wish for pre-Oedipal union. Isolde's Act I narrative locates the origin of her desire in the protagonists' mutual gaze at a traumatic moment. In this moment powerful and contrasting emotions converge, evoking thwarted developmental needs, and arousing the fantasy of redemption in love-death. By removing the magical elements, Wagner enables a deeper understanding of the characters' positions in relation to each other, each with his or her own needs for recognition and traumatic experiences.
These positions invite mutual identifications resulting in rising tension between affirmation of identity and annihilation, with actual death as the only possible psychic solution. The dynamics described in the opera demonstrate the function of music and opera in conveying meaning which is not verbally expressible.
Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit werden exemplarisch Chancen und Grenzen der Integration von Umwelt- und Naturschutz in Verfahren der ackerbaulichen Landnutzung aufgezeigt. Dieses Konzept haben Heidt et al. Eine Auswahl der von Heidt et al. The book laid the foundations for cell pathology as a scientific discipline and was the most important publication by Virchow, who as doctor and statesman gathered so much fame that he became almost a mythical figure in his own time. The finding that every cell originates from another cell and does not develop from amorphous interstitium is actually attributable to Robert Remak.
Konzeption, Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Messsystems zur sortenreinen Klassifikation von fluoreszenzcodierten Kunststoffen im Rahmen des Kunststoff-Recyclings Conception, development and evaluation of a measuring system for the classification of fluorescence coded plastics within the framework of plastic recycling. Peter Andreas Hansen and the astronomical community - a first investigation of the Hansen papers. We present here some results of a first evaluation.
Astronomical ephemerides, navigation and war. Scans of the documents. Astronomische Ephemeriden, Navigation und Krieg. In a previous paper Wielen R. We were able to use numerous archivalia which we also describe and comment in that paper. In the present paper, we publish colour scans of these archivalia.
All the documents shown here are held in the archives of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg. Frauen, Bildung und Entwicklung. The author presents first steps towards a development-based concept of women's education in the industrialized countries. Some elements of this concept are: The author's observations are based on the following propositions: This is because women are part of the overall system and contribute to its perpetuation in the measure of their own socialization. Connections are established between the destruction of the environment and the individual, as also between the victims and assailants of racism and sexism with a view to clarifying unidentified parts of the female consciousness.
Beyond this, the role of European women in the context of colonialism and the present contact between European women and their counterparts from other cultures are examined with particular attention being paid to the exercise of power and force in the family and society. Audit of the journal "Strahlentherapie und Onkologie" Radiotherapy and Oncology ]. The statistical quality of the contributions to "Strahlentherapie und Onkologie" is assessed, aiming for improvement of the journal and consequently its impact factor.
All articles published during and in the categories "review", "original contribution", and "short communication" were analyzed concerning actuarial analysis of time-failure data. One hundred and twenty-three publications without time-failure data were excluded from analysis. Forty-five of the remaining 58 publications with time-failure data were evaluated actuarially. Complications were reported in 16 of 58 papers, but in only 3 cases actuarially. The number of patients at risk during the course of follow-up was documented adequately in 22 of the 45 publications with actuarial analysis.
Authors, peer reviewers, and editors could contribute to improve the quality of the journal by setting value on acturial analysis of time-failure data. Can the description of modern alchemy in Jung's Psychologie und Alchemie be really regarded as a historical reconstruction? In his work, Psychologie und Alchemie, published in , Jung wanted to present a reconstruction of alchemy. In order to do this he used a method of psychology, which he modified and enriched with inspirations drawn from neo-romantically-oriented German medical historiographies of the nineteen thirties.
Using historical materials, he intended to demonstrate the empirical character of his Depth Psychology, a widespread concept, ingrained in our supra-personal social unconscious. The present article questions the nature of Jung's reconstruction of alchemy as historical reconstruction. The author presents the methodological bases referred to by Jung derived from his concept of medical practice and compares them with a manner of thinking typical of contemporary historical analysis.
The article also presents Jung's inspirations from the medical historiography of his time, as well as the dissimilarity of his concept with the model of historical narrative construction in force in the historiography of the thirties and forties. At the same time, it presents the elements of the "romantic inheritance" in Jung's thought, drawn from the tradition of German non-materialistic medicine of the first half of the nineteenth century.
Recent historiography on the growth of periodical publishing has emphasized newspapers and journals as constituents of an emergent communications system in early modern Europe. This system comprised the newspapers, journals and other publications that contributed its content, and also the postal systems that were the principal method of distributing that content.
This article describes how the growth of this system in central Europe was supported in large measure by financial incentives that it offered to both constituents. First, in contrast with postal systems in France and the UK, the Thurn und Taxis Reichspost inserted itself as a middleman in the sale of periodicals, which gave the Reichspost an incentive to promote the trade.
Second, the financial conditions for periodical publication made their costs depend more heavily on costs that were scalable to circulation than is true today, which resulted in the viability of publications with a lower circulation. The same cost structure also made it possible for certain prominent periodicals of the era to earn considerable profits for their publishers, as illustrated in this article by Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, which was published in Jena from The profits and perils of publicity: Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, the Thurn und Taxis Post, and the periodical trade at the end of the eighteenth century.
The German DRG system is annually adapted to the changing services provided. For one of the DRG evaluation projects initiated by DGGG, cost and performance data for the year from 16 hospitals were available. After plausibility checks and corrections, analyses for service and cost homogeneity were performed. In cases of inadequate DRG-representation attributes were sought that would make an appropriate reimbursement possible. Conspicuities and potential solutions were checked for clinical plausibility.
For all modification proposals care was taken to minimise misdirected incentives and to reduce the potential for disputes with the cost bearers and their auditors services in settlements. The publication of the G-DRG system shows which modification proposals have been realised. Essentially, an appropriate redistribution of the resources among the gynaecological and obstetrics departments is to be expected.
The financial pressure that is caused by the generally inadequate financing of hospitals will not be reduced by a further development of the G-DRG system. The analysis builds on recent work clarifying the specificity of some of these epimerases. We find three well defined clades responsible for inter-conversion of the gluco- and galacto-configuration at C4 of different N-acetylhexosamines. This work brings clarity to an area that had become quite confusing. A table of the accession numbers for the proteins used in the analysis is provided to enable the major tree to be regenerated with the inclusion of additional proteins of interest.
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This and other suggestions for annotation of 4-epimerase genes will facilitate annotation. Crystallization, biomimetics and semiconducting polymers in confined systems. Such an effect is of great interest for the fabrication of opto-electronic devices such as light emitting diodes with nanometer size emitting points and solar cells comprising of blends of electron donating and electron accepting polymers. Eine solche Emulsion wird Miniemulsion genannt. In der Dissertation wurden nun z. Schutzteilchen, ein Fussel etc. Wenn sich dann einmal ein Kristall gebildet hat, kann das Wasser im gesamten Eimer schnell zu Eis werden.
Anhaltspunkte zur Strukturierung und Gestaltung von Planungsprozessen. The topic of this article ist the question, in which phases oft he political planning process planners apply their methodological set of tools. That for the results of a research-project are presented, which were gained by an examination of planning-cases in learned journals. Firstly it is argued, which model oft he planning-process is most suitable to reflect the regarded cases and how it is positioned to models oft he political process.
Thereafter it is analyzed, which types of planning methods are applied in the several stages oft he planning process. Although complex, many planning processes can be thouroughly pictured by a linear modell with predominantly simple feedback loops. Even in times of he communicative turn, concerning their set of tools, planners should pay attention to apply not only communicative methods but as well the classical analytical-rational methods.
They are helpful especially for the understanding of the political process before and after the actual planning phase. Physik gestern und heute Spurensuche. Archaebakterien und Phylogenie der Organismen. Many biochemical and molecular biological features support this conclusion. Coercive Measures in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Post-war Germany, Using the Example of the "Pflege- und Beobachtungsstation" in the State Psychiatric Hospital Weissenau The patient admissions at the children's ward of the State Psychiatric Hospital Weissenau in the years , , and were analyzed regarding documented coercive measures.
Shortage of staff, mainly inadequately skilled personnel, a mixing of age groups in the patient cohort, neurological and psychiatric disorders and of patients who were in need of nursing and of those who needed treatment constituted the general work environment. Coercive measures against patients, mostly disproportionate isolations, were a constant part of daily life on the ward.
This affected in particular patients who had to stay longer at the hospital and whose stay was financed by public authority. The uselessness of such measures was known, which can be seen e. The situation still escalated in some cases for example by transfer to an adult ward. For a long time, coercive measures against patients were part of everyday life at the children's ward of the Weissenau; the actual figures are suspected to be much higher. Edition of the documents. During the whole period of the Second World War, England and the USA have exchanged astronomical ephemerides with Germany, even though these data were used for the navigation of warships and aircraft and were therefore of war importance.
This astonishing fact is attested by numerous documents which survived in the archives of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut ARI. In Germany, the exchange was even explicitly authorized by the ministry which supervised the ARI i. We present here examples of ephemerides for the Sun, the Moon, planets and stars, and explain the position determination by means of astronomical data.
Ephemerides were published in almanacs which were computed and issued by special ephemeris institutes. We describe the agreements on the international exchange of ephemerides which were reached in peace times, and the continuation of this exchange during the war using intermediaries in neutral countries, first in the USA U. Involved persons were especially H. Lindblad Sweden , and A. All those relevant documents which are hold in the archives of the ARI, are described and annotated in detail. Scans of these documents are presented in a separate supplement. Digitalisierung - Management Zwischen 0 und 1.
Digitization as a process of expressing actions and values by codes 0 and 1 has already has become part of our lives. Digitization enables enterprises to improve production, sales and to increase volume of production. However, no standard digitization strategy has been yet developed. Even in the digitized business process management system, the most important position remains to a human being.
The improvement of software products, their availability and the education system in the area of introduction and use of information technology is thus a striking feature in development of managing but also other current processes. Astronomische Konzepte und Jenseitsvorstellungen in den Pyramidentexten. The Egyptian pyramid texts were first written down around B.
They are based on the religious belief in a stellar hereafter and contain the astronomical knowledge of their authors. For example, the ecliptical belt was understood as a canal, on which moon and planets cruise; of the latter Mercury, Venus and Mars were identified. On the basis of their visibility in the course of a year the fixed stars were divided into two groups; a southern group with a period of invisibility and a northern group with continual visibility.
The ecliptical "canal" was correctly identified as a division line between the two groups of fixed stars. The aim of this book is to bring these texts foreward to a better understanding of their astronomical background. Dental-Implantate und ihre Werkstoffe. Some new trends in materials for dental implants, which also effect in the operative techniques and implant design, are described.
Advantages and shortcomings of the different material types are exemplified and correlated with their bioinert resp. The practical interest in metallic implants focussed in titanium resp. This book comprises the habilitation thesis submitted by F. Due to financial support from various organizations, it was issued in a very attractive form as a special publication of the Society for the history of the city of Kiel.
The nice layout, the graphical sketches of buildings, instruments, and astronomical connexions, often designed by the author, and the scientifically precise text, written with a sense of humor, make a pleasant reading, in spite of sometimes quite extensive descriptions of architectural details or 'operating instructions' for meridan circles etc. I have rarely read such an appealing text on astronomical history. The single chapters deal with the beginnings of astronomy in Kiel , Schrader's giant telescope from the late 18th century, Altona Observatory , the first years of the Astronomische Nachrichten, the last years of Altona Observatory , Bothkamp Observatory , the genesis of Kiel Observatory , the era of Krueger , the Kiel Chronometer Observatory , the era of Harzer , the era of Rosenberg , the decline of Kiel Observatory , and the Astronomische Nachrichten under Kobold The book is concluded with a glossary of technical terms, biographical sketches of known and unknown dramatis personae, as well as a list of references.
The author outlines lively sketches of people that were astronomically active in Altona, Kiel and its surroundings over a time interval of years. He also has evaluated private documents and has interviewed surviving witnesses of the s and s. He has located remote sources: From her "meagre diary entries" of that time published in Valparaiso in , the author suspects a "convenience marriage''. Nevertheless, unreliable sources can provide a false picture: This is more than incorrect. The family lived for some years in Moscow not St. In , his daughter Helene was born there - who later married the Kiel astronomer Wirtz.
In , the Borchardt family moved to Berlin, where the father became a banker, and where Verena was born. On page too, Wirtz' capricious political views are quoted: Now, Theiss uses a study of Duerbeck and Seitter , where the precise reference in the Kiel Acta is given. Another series of peculiar statements refer to the Astronomische Nachrichten p. Neither did they publish, after , "sometimes only Russian articles'', nor after "only articles in English'': Totally fabricated is the author's statement that the journal is now published by "the Astronomical Computing Centre [sic] in Heidelberg''.
In spite of these slightly critical notes on some irrelevant details, I can wholeheartedly recommend this book: Internationale Schulreformtendenzen und das Problem der Lehrerausbildung. The main theme of this article is that the socio-economic and educational changes which have occurred in industrialized countries in the past 20 to 25 years necessitate a thorough reform of the present system of teacher education.
The first group of such changes includes the information explosion, greater occupational mobility, the growing significance and increasing role of the sciences, the development of the mass media, higher educational aspirations, technical development, the acceleration of the psycho-physical development of children and youth, and the injurious effects of the uncontrolled development of the constantly changing civilisation deterioration of the human environment, diseases caused by the effects of civilisation, etc.
In the face of these changes, teachers must not remain indifferent and teacher education systems have to take them into account. Within the second group of changes influencing the content and methods of teacher education, the most important is the generalisation of education at the pre-school, primary and secondary school levels and also at the university level. As a result, education in many types of school and at ever higher levels has lost the elitist character it still had, not so long ago, and has become a mass activity.
This has considerably affected teachers' work and, necessarily, also the work of the teacher education systems. This must also be reflected in teacher education. In order to adapt the teacher education systems to the requirements of the changing society, a reform of the goals, contents and methods of the system will have to be prepared and implemented as a prerequisite and starting point for a global reform of the entire education system.
The factsheet describes the Uniform National Discharge Standards and explains what vessels are regulated and how the rulemaking will impact states. It details the batch and phase approach to rulemaking and lists the first batch of vessel discharges. The EPA and Department of Defense used a batch rulemaking process for establishing the discharge standards for vessels of the Armed Forces.
They identified and evaluated the discharges and determined which require marine pollution control devices. Synonymie und Interlinguistik Synonymy and Interlinguistics. Discusses the relationship between traditional synonym theory and two perspectives of interlinguistics: The goal and methods of each are described briefly, and a new synonym conceptualization is proposed that better fits synchronic dynamics than the traditional theory.
Verhalten und Neurobiologie von stimmbegabten Insekten. Crickets, tettigoniids bush crickets or long-horned grasshoppers and acridids short-horned grasshoppers are well-suited animals to study acoustically mediated behavior and to search for the underlying sensory, nervous, and effector mechanisms. Several behavioral tactics are described which improve reproductive success, serve to avoid predators such as bats, or have been developed for defence against parasitic insects. Phonotactic orientation of female crickets toward the calling male was chosen, since for this behavior the underlying sensory and nervous mechanisms have been intensively studied.
Song recognition was found to be based on one critical parameter of the song, the syllable period, and the females show a bandpass behavior for which a correlate exists in local brain neurons. Sound orientation is based on a pressure gradient mechanism in each ear, and it needs a binaural intensity comparison within the central nervous system.
The papers from a symposium held at the Fern Universitat included in this collection focus on distance education in theory and practice. Contributions are written in English or in German, with summaries available for each in the language not used for the paper concerned. Semantik und Semantisierung Semantics and Semanticizing.
Argues against the thesis that exact translation is impossible, because languages reflect different world-views or different cognitive structures de Saussure, Humboldt, Whorf, Weisgerber. The possibility of underlying universals Lenneberg, Heger must be considered and discussed in the field of language teacing. Text is in German. Renal denervation is a minimally invasive, catheter-based option for the treatment of refractory hypertension.
Indications and contraindications for renal denervation have been defined in an interdisciplinary manner. The efficacy and safety of the procedure were evaluated. These results were not confirmed in the first randomized controlled trial with a non-significantly superior blood pressure reduction of The efficacy and long-term effects of renal denervation need to be re-evaluated in light of the HTN3 study results.
To date, renal denervation should not be performed outside of clinical trials. Future trials should also assess if renal denervation can be performed with sufficient safety and efficacy in patients with hypertension-associated diseases. The use of renal denervation as an alternative therapy e. The indication for renal denervation should be assessed in an interdisciplinary fashion and according to current guidelines with a special focus on ruling out secondary causes for arterial hypertension. Renal denervation leads to a significant decrease in office blood pressure; however, the impact on hour blood pressure measurements remains unclear.
In the first randomized controlled trial on renal denervation with a control group undergoing a sham procedure, blood pressure reduction failed to reach the anticipated level of superiority over best medical treatment. Periprocedural complications are rare, but long-term safety can currently not be appraised due to the limited data available.
Zur Biosynthese von Phenylalanin und Tyrosin. With the discovery of arogenic acid two new pathways for the biosynthesis of phenylalanine and tyrosine have been revealed. The occurrence of two, three, or four pathways for the biosynthesis of phenylalanine and tyrosine in microorganisms and plants may be a useful tool for taxonomic classifications.
Investigations on enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonads, flavobacteria, streptomycetes, archaebacteria, and on Sphaerotilus, Trichococcus and Leptothrix species from bulking sludge are described. The possible role of arogenate in the evolution of the pathways for tyrosine and phenylalanine biosynthesis is discussed.
Coulometrische titration von hypochloriten und chloraten. Hypochlorite was determined by direct coulometric titration with iron II in an acetate buffered solution. Chlorate was titrated with titanium III in 2M hydrochloric acid. Amperometric indication with one and two electrodes, respectively, was used. Mixtures of hypochlorites and chlorates, e. Sexuality and reproductive behaviour of Cereus pedunculatus Pennant and several forms subspecies of Actinia equina L. At the stage of 96 septae C. The latter appeared simultaneously in the gastrocoele. Following a sterile period, oocytes and young individuals of different age groups were present almost throughout the whole year in adult anemones.
Samples of the larviparous A. Spontaneous longitudinal fission was occasionally observed in adult A. Das Dilemma des afrikanischen Kindes zwischen Familie und Schule. This article expounds the theory that the failure of school is due to the incompatibility of the educational goals of school and traditional upbringing in Africa.
The thesis is put forward by adherents of the psychoanalytical model of child development and seeks to emphasize the discrepancies between the childhood where children are not frustrated and where their needs are cared for and the school education which represses the drives and its socialization of children. Finding a number of anthropological studies are discussed and reinterpretations of the ethno-psychoanalytical materials attempted. Neither the evaluation of childhood in Africa nor the theory that with school come wholly new expectations of behaviour e. In conclusion, other explanations for the difficulties encountered by school in Africa are offered.
Wer kann, darf und soll bleiben?. Lokale Re-Konfigurationen im Fluchtmigrations- und Integrationsdiskurs. The current discourse on a limitation of immigration is characterized by social and symbolic boundaries, that allow some statements about the un desirability of certain immigrants and asylum seekers. The article uses the example of the city of Altena to show how, based on strategic approaches to urban development, refugee migration and its impacts are re interpreted at the local level.
This book collects about 15 papers most of them by one single author on Einstein and the history of general relativity GR and the foundations of relativistic cosmology. The matter not only deals with Einstein and his times, but also with pre-GR ideas, and with the interplay of Einstein and his colleagues opposing as well as supporting personalities.
As the title indicates, all papers are written in German, but they include comprehensive Abstracts both in German and English. The book is illustrated with quite a number classical - but also some far more original though not less beautiful - photographs and facsimiles of documents. The book is edited very well, though the style of references is not quite homogeneous. There is no Index. Hentschel covers Einstein's argumentation for the existence of graviational redshift, and the initial search for empirical support.
The error analysis of observational evidence supporting relativistic light deflection is discussed in a paper by P. Flin - in their description of the life and work of Silberstein, who was quite sceptic on the significance of the observational verifications a la Eddington - include the transcription of two most revealing letters by Silberstein to Sommerfeld and to Einstein In the first letter, Silberstein clearly shows his scientific maturity and integrity by scrutinising the observational evidence supporting light deflection, presented at a joint meeting of the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society.
The second letter, which is more a personal letter, includes lots of political references and connotations. Some of Einstein's political views are also revealed by D. Herrmann on the basis of his own correspondence with E.
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Straus, a collaborator of Einstein's. In a consequent paper, S. Grundmann gives remarks on Herrmann's contribution and illustrates Einstein's attitude towards Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. Schemmel discusses Schwarzschild's cosmological speculations, and wonders why some people do immediately grasp the meaning and consequence of newly proposed doctrines, whereas the bulk of the contemporaneous scientists respond in a rather low profile.
Jung reviews Einstein's contribution to cosmology, leading to the Friedmann-Einstein and Einstein-de Sitter universes with a detailed Appendix on the Friedmann-Lemaitre cosmology , and also presents the cosmological work of Selety, and his correspondence with Einstein. In a subsequent paper, H. Schmidt comments on Einstein's criticism on de Sitter's solution of the Einstein field equations. Controversies with Einstein are elaborated by G. Singer on Friedmann and by K.
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Sauer discuss Mandl's role in the publication history of Einstein's papers, notably Einstein's short paper on gravitational lensing. Finally, the book concludes with a contribution by D. Herrmann about the relationship between Einstein and Archenhold Observatory where Einstein gave his first Berlin popular lecture in , the transcription of H. Treder's public address at the Einstein memorial plaque, and an inventory list of about 50 Einstein memorabilia - monuments, busts, plaques - compiled by W.
This book is based on ideas approached in a historical context from the individual perspective of the authors. It is a real treasure trove of information and basic references on the history of GR, and it also covers quite some grounds with mathematical equations. The hydrogeochemistry of the Cretaceous Emscher Fm. Beneath a weathered zone, unweathered rocks containing pyrite were found.
Groundwater data from the Emscher Fm. The spatial distribution depends on the presence of Quaternary cover sediments.