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Seems that unless there is the edge of a crisis, you tend to steer towards a provocative tone to try to get some heat back into a situation you can be a part of. Whether Osborne solicited or not, I still find it difficult to see what all the fuss is about the conservatives. Labour ain't good either. Robert, this is a disgrace!
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Why are you venturing onto Nick Robinson's turf? Are you outing yourself as a NuLabour supporter?? For all those who think this blog is a about business, forget it. The common thread is how well connect Mr. Business stories were just a side issue to the main story. And just to let you know, it will be Sir Peston before too long, I have been reliably informed.
You really have nothing to do this morning. And if they are raising funds rather than stitching the tax payer as the Labour party does. What is the problem? You have really reached the lows. I think its time for you to move on and maybe join News of the world, Sun or maybe Hello. Not sure there is a story here and, if there is, not a business one! It seems that the doubt is about a donation that didn't happen and a spat amongst so called friends. All quite usual in recent years, but the person with power is the one you barely mention, curious that or am I just being cynical?
Banks being strong armed into providing debt at the same disastrous levels as as if high levels of debt had not contributed to the current problems? I had started to enjoy your blog, a pity for you to debase it with this non story. And may in my opinin have received the 50k instead whilst Osbourne was dealing with sea sickness Then gets back into government with a peerage Oh no hold on - they were acting out James Bond and it was in fact a Poker School. More government propoganda from Robert. And isn't his brief business and economics, not politics?
And the loans for Lordships affair. And the Smith Institute affair. And the recent Opinion Leader Research scandal. Before taking this too seriously remember that Robert Psetons dad and source of many of his recent scoops is the economist and Labour peer: Party political bias at the BBC, never! I'm curious as to why so many of the correspondents here feel the need to critisize Robert Peston for his contribution to a current news story?
Surely not Tory supporters? Well I think we can draw our own conclusions can't we. The vehemence is unmistakeable. I for one have absolutely no problem with Robert Peston adding to a current story. Isn't that what informed debate should be about. And as Nick Robinson so rightly says, if you jump in to the gutter referring to the initial 'leaks' from Mr Osborne then be prepared to get dirty.
All of our best selling red bannered dailies would have gone on at great lengths about this!! Some might even provide full colour pictures of aforementioned persons in their Page 3!! Wee George Osbourne may have to pay for own accomodation for his next hols. Skipping around London spilling the beans on the rich and powerful is not a good way to make friends and influence people.
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- BBC - Peston's Picks: Rothschild v Osborne.
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Well we can tell Mandelson and Campbell are back can't we? And Robert Peston Business Editor, who should really look at his job description sometime , has fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Given your actions and "stories" of the last month will Gordon be giving you your own desk in Number 10? He may as well, you don't seem to be getting your information from anywhere else at the moment. Thats about a millionth of the amount of taxpayers money Gordon has just spent. And it deserves a proportionate amount of coverage in this otherwise fascinating and highly relevant blog.
Whats happening with the Lehman CDS's - was it just a storm in a teacup? Please can you get back to business, both literally and figuratively. Tell us something we don't know Robert. No-one who lives in Britain actually thinks any politician is straight except my dear old mother - bless her. Maybe the story should have been about the fact that Nat Rothschild is from a family of Monarchists who have been manipulating European economies since the Napoleonic wars and have plundered gold with the assistance of our fine and corrupt Government for nearly years.
The family which is so powerful it has manipulated every Government we have had since the 's and who made it's fortune out of wars fought by men in the name of freedom - only to be enslaved on their return by locking them into interest payments on the money they now need to borrow from those same people - who by the way did not fight, but merely profitted. I get it, you did see my post regarding you're skill, or lack of it, so you decided to take action and branch out a bit. Sorry Robert, I really am, but it's still rubbish. What a state this country is in, I want to get out but can't sell my house.
We are in big trouble, which famous person said 'a parcel of rouges in a nation'? Dear Robert Tut tut. I thought you were better than this. Taking your blog - a must read overt the past month - down market. Dear Robert, Please tell us how one tells- on meeting someone twice- whether or not they make allegations lightly? How does one judge? What does someone that makes allegations lightly look like? Is it the shape of their skull or something? DO tell us- it may come in useful some day. Please, tory supporters, resist the urge to make the same point over and over in the comments.
It's very boring to read. Even ignoring the fact that this story is outside your brief, Robert, it is a classic case of Westminster navel gazing. This seems to be the first instance of you straying into simply political stories so if you are to avoid potentially justified claims of political bias please explain why you haven't quoted your Rothschilds contacts in relation to the Mandelson side of the story?
Either both are relevant to your brief or, as I believe, neither are. Why is nobody asking what the lovely Peter's relationship is with Deripaska, is it possible they're "just good friends"? Whatever the relationship, it is hardly fitting for a cabinet minister, I seem to remember another cabinet minister who lost his career because he was " friendly " with the same woman as a Russian; he wasn't even" friendly " with the Russian. Mandelson seems to be followed by muck and corruption. Why does today's comment list make me think there's a three-line whip out to get the Tory attack dogs savaging the messenger rather than dealing with the message?
What is especially disgraceful is that the BBC's business editor is pursuing this political tittle tattle the day after the worst public borrowing figures since were announced. Which is the bigger story Robert? A donation which was never made to an opposition party, or the simply dreadful state of the nation's finances? You boys are just upset that Sophie Raworth showed more bottle than both of you put together, and now you are trying to catch up! Keep up, boys, keep up!
Business is not undertaken by companies, and politics is not undertaken by political parties. George Osborne aspires to be in a psoition to control public spending, and to influence the outlook in all aspects of the economy; his personal integrity IS important, and all earlier posts which belittle the significance of this story miss the point. George Osborne got into the gutter, to reveal the contents of private conversation [with Peter Mandelson] at a private party [hosted by Nat Rothschild], and seems surprised that he has become soiled.
I strongly suspect that Osborne will have to go, and - as with almost all political scandals including those of Mandelson and Blunkett - it will be the denials and cack-handed attempt at a coverup that will do for him, rather than the original 'offence'. He probably did nothing wrong, but denying having done anything at all - when there are wtinesses - is likely folly. As to Mr Rothschild's credibility, I feel more inclined to believe someone with hundreds of millions of pounds of personal wealth and who therefore has little to lose, or indeed gain than a money-seeking politician.
How long until someone brings up the subject of state funding of political parties? I suppose we should be grateful he is not talking about nationalisation of the building industry. I still remember what happened to B and B. It is easy to close a company very difficult to replace the lost jobs and services.
And of course competition will fall for deposits. Especially with the high paying internet banks being frozen.
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And the number of bank branches will fall in cost cutting and closures Second, Mr Osbourne has been the most active in asking for an inquiry regarding your source for the bank's bail out story you wrote about a couple of weeks ago. Rightly so, as a number of FSA rules were breached by whoever leaked the details. Surely then it is sensible to conclude that you have a conflict of interest in running this Osbourne story. How would you feel if everyone you had EVER had dinner with or even spoken to at a private party was to be held up as an example of your fitness to hold on to a job, possibly years later?
I know that I would not enjoy that level of scrutiny. Analogising to the Profumo 'Affair' is just plain silly I am an ordinary member of the public albeit a Tory voter blogging from my home in Worcestershire. I am outraged that the BBC Business editor should blog on this political tittle tattle which is fair enough for Nick Robinson instead of concentrating on the big business story, which is the worst public borrowing figures since That just has to be down to pure, personal bias by Robert Peston, yet the BBC is supposed to be impartial.
Bear that in mind.
If it looks like a pig, smells like a pig and oinks like a pig then the chances are it's a pig. This has got the Prince of Darkness written all over it and the thing that you need to understand is that to achieve mastery of the dark arts you need two things: If 2 had a little more integrity and acumen then the dark arts would not have the atmosphere to breed.
Unfortunately Pesto is out of his brief on this one and has fallen, blindly we hope , for the bait. Robert, As you are citing your personal experience of Nathan Rothschild to support your blog, would you be so kind as to expand on when and where you have met him, and how you come to know him well enough to make such chacter judgments?
I have heard mention else where of some link to a shady organisation called 'common purpose'. Never mind the fact that Gordon Brown is making up statistics on the hoof to support his false claims about reducing national debt national debt rises, but hey don't worry, we'll just take out the banking liabilities and pretend they don't exist.
And all this after he has the cheek to criticise banks for off balance-sheet liabilities; ignoring the fact he's excluded the PFI and public sector pension liabilities from the government debt for years. But hey, don't worry, a non-donation bit of counter-spin from the Mandleson camp that can be used to try and paint the Tories as sleazy is clearly far more significant than our economy going to the dogs under Labour. Hi, my name is Robert Peston and I've met one of the Rothschilds you know! Big deal - get over it. Are you angling for a society gossip column now that interbank rates are coming back into line and the financial feeding frenzy has ground down?
This article has indeed plumbed new depths. I had a comment deleted in an earlier RP thread for being offensive to RP. It is quite apparent that I was nowhere near offensive enough. Keep up-to-date with the latest business analysis Here's an actual business story Robert: Factory gloom 'worst since ' Declining demand for UK-manufactured goods and falling output cause the sharpest single quarter fall in manufacturing confidence in 28 years. How about a story from the dirty world of 'making things' rather than the dirty world of 'making things up'. Did you write this story here because: So a Tory has a go about some of your reports affecting the market There was a time when BBC journalism stood for something.
Stick to economics - in case you hadn't noticed its a big news item at the moment. Umm arn't you the business editor?? What does this have to do with business.. Or are you angling for Robinson's job? You seem to have the 'inside-line' so to speak already after all Its is not your position to pass comment on what Nat Rothschilds personality is llike you should just report the news as it is.
I thought your area was business not this nonsense. The public know this is just Mandelson dripping poison to pay G. Osborne back who caught him out on a much more serious issue. I feel if you and the BBC do not start reporting fairly the public will stop listening.
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I dont know anyone who thinks that even if G. Osborne went for a donation its as serious as a PM who constantly tells untruths and is never pulled up by you or your colleagues for it. Which is a lot of money for anyone to find right now? How shallow of you to judge people by how many millions they have made. I don't suppose the surname had anything to do with it the millions or your deference. Leave the Politicians at it! Yachts, billionaires, hedge funds, political donations, I'll stick to camping in the rain.
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Expalining this article to us would be most welcome. George Osborne aks for Robert Peston for it is he to be investigated over his reporting of the banking crisis.

Peston not happy about this. So Mandy gives Robert an off the record briefing about Corfu allowing Robert to get his own back on that interfering Osborne.
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So commenting on the fact our output has fallen to their worst levels since the s wasn't worthy of our business attention today. There is an implication of wrongdoing and that is all at this time. I think they all need to calm the hell down before they get themselves into more trouble - and the BBC needs to reflect on it's reporting and it's impartiality. Why has the story broken today? I wonder what bad news the government wants to be deflected! I gather from the blogs that Osborne has asked the serious fraud office to investigate broadcasting of certain issues relating to the financial crisis.
Shouldn't you be clear the there is a conflict of interest here Mr Peston? Although interestingly, if one is being investigated by the FSA over one's wild and uncontrolled journalism which adversely affected the markets , and a certain shadow chancellor is encouraging that investigation, would it not be a fine idea to begin smearing that shadow chancellor?
And I always thought the dark arts were the preserve of the politicians. Not any more they aint. New Labour spin doctors please note: When you wish to plant political gossip stories you 'Press 2' to get through to Nick Robinson. If you want to plant a business related story such as a leak about unstable banks you 'Press 4' for Robert Peston. Please plant your story with the correct person next time.
The whole text is apposite: Now Sark rins over Solway sands, An' Tweed rins to the ocean, To mark where England's province stands- Such a parcel of rogues in a nation! The infamous industry that has attracted and spoiled the virtue of millions twists fantasy with reality. Porn encourages violence and sexual objectification of women. Pornography is, after all, defined as material depicting sex in the context of domination and degradation.
Pornography, for example, has bred repulsive and racist stereotypes against women that portray their races as indications of their levels of sexuality. Even the disabilities of a woman are sexualized in certain pornographic mediums. In mass media, women become sex symbols in commercials, television shows, music videos and movies just as well. Half-naked women seductively eating hamburgers and men surrounded by lustful ladies enticed by some manly fragrance are not uncommon.
Pornography is not just on porn sites. The reason why pornography has such a domineering effect on society is simple: Since the realm of pornography has virtually no limits, there is no question that what is being watched can go even further than just degradation. Once a person becomes addicted to pornography, the viewer gradually becomes more and more desensitized to the subversive content within the medium. For example, men who watch porn regularly have a higher tolerance for abnormal sexual behaviors, such as rape and aggression.
Women become mere sexual objects instead of people in their eyes—just as they appear in these pornographic fantasies. Sex offenders and individuals with violent tendencies are encouraged by the availability of these fantasies to commit the very sex crimes which put them behind bars and ruin the lives of innocent civilians. Although a majority of us do not fall under the category of a sex offender, everyone must remain cognizant of the media we choose to explore and indulge in. Even if individuals are advocates for pornography, I would still strongly advise not being in the same audience as Ted Bundy.
It effectively provides a training manual for abusers. Even abusers have to learn how to harm and manipulate their victims, and what better way to learn than through the limitless and immoral world of pornography? Behind closed doors, we can build the mindset of a sexual offender. While we may not act upon it, how we view the people around us—especially women—can inflict harm on both society and ourselves.