Requiem pour Unatée (FICTION) (French Edition)
For particulars call We T. All kinds of whipped cream delights. Westfleld Bakery, Kant Broad at. Single drain sink n-lth faucets, fs. Cnrryintf a full line of Firestone tires, tubes, hatterich, etc. Full car service, nil for and deliver. UTOHK toimkhh for sale, also miscellaneous store fixtures.
Inquire Firestone Hortons, Qltllnby St. Special kiddle enndy novelties, AlRo Sealtest ice crenm.. R, In golil leaf, 12" x IS". Tall Post and Field Beds. Call We , r.. Cr between if and 5. Ijion gas water lieater vitb pllie uruinectionh, jr..! Special ktddto candy nnvnluen. Vrntmt Ave MllteMo, W. KH Ml Mmulala Ave. Costa BO little you caht afford not to have It done. Hrpalrnl and replaced, lloofa repaired. Schubert, WE ; Springfield Ave.. M 4 iwn Ml. Agents for Allied Vans, Inc. The reports above referred to are flow on hie in file office of the Tun n Clerk and open for examination by 11 persons Interested therein.
In the Council Chamber, Municipal nulluluk. Bam van to destination, Let us ebtlmato your next move.
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Ruth Weaton, 6S9 Iloosevelt St. For,a complete joli call H. Goddard, 7G8 Prospect St. Sash cord nnd small repairs Klvt-n iirompt attention. AIRO new work al rpahnnable prices. Cilnzlng and pcroeh wljrk, both old nml new, hy mectianlc with- 2ri years experlonco in woodworlcliik In nil Call evenings nfter 8 P. I v Open 1atll T P. No job too Hirtnil. We can convert any article Into a beautirul hnnil mniln lamp. SaieH, rentals and repairs. Mary Randolph, call WE. Park Street at tvrwectlon with Carlton lto: In all non-fireproof building" hereafter erected, the open floor nrea hetween fire walls nt least 12 Inches in thlckiipss shall not exceed five thousand Ci.
OOO Knuire feet In area provided however, that in office nullaillkx not cxci-edine two "ol-les in helifhl, and whprc tlie first story H of fireproof conslructlon. I" nn amount pnnn. HneoIflcntlonH nnd standard proiioniil form mnv hn obtained tit tho office of Jolin T. In tho ntv of Kllznhnth, foimty of ITntoii. Slpto of ajrent therein nml In rlmriio fherenf, itdon wliom nrorfhh nniy lie wcrved. Grover, Baldwin will lead a discussion on family camping. With Jutlson Pierson as moderator for the evening, uach speaker will discuss hia individual j phase, and a question period will j follow.
William Browcr will be hosts for the evening, and refreshments will be served. Ikuu Club Spemlter Col. Chiang Kai-Shek, will ndriisi. The first step Is to thorougnljr clean the house and fumigate It long with all used crates by burning one pound of sulphur for each 1, cubic feet ol storage space. A porcupines UM grattatt In wtotar. If tm ahlatla ring completely arauod trunk. But tven ipot gnawing wcakem a tree, leaving It vulberawe ta ava. The portunan utei them on huntinl aad llamng trlpt; tamlllei. Infj the marriage betwoen.
For Ivoryonoi Tewfo and for Ev-? Smith iwae have returned from Mexico. They new to ty and then motored to and Acipuleo, Mrs. Fly, and her broth- I Fly. Melerm Highland avenue day to Short Hills. Manley of 24 Tangle. Dunn of mre is vacationing at Fla. Seaman ian place will leave a trip to Washington, Williamiburg, Va. Dowell of ey avenue waa hostess Klay at a tea given for, Mrs. The party wag lebration of Dwight hday.
Alfred Moser of pt avenue had as weektheir son-in-law and and Mrs. Mills of pd avenue arc in St. Later in the r daughter, Mrs. Klai- Giandview avenue anof a son, Peter fedncsday at Muhlen- 1, Plainficld. Westtelders who spentthe weekend at Atlantic City included Mr. Ford Douglas and H. Edward Pollard and Charles E. Plumridge of North Euclid avenue, and Mr.
Claude Bhdsall of North Cheatnut street. They werl, all guests at the Hotel Dennis, Mr. A pot-lutv supper for Mr. Frank Spencer of Old Raritan road will he given Saturday night by. Scully of Prospect street. The Spencers expect to move soon to Maplewood. Howard Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. James Prcscott and Clement H. Mereness Bobton Young, Mr. Charles The evenings entertainment Wistar, the Scullys, and,the Speni will also include a monologue by eers;.
Muller of 1 Fair Hill road have returned by plane from a vacation in Bermuda. Directed by Weyman O. Steengrafe, this play about a doomed convict, includes in its cast Mrs. Carpenter are in charge of hospitality for the evening, assisted Tiy Mr. The gallery is open to the public daily from 0 a.
George Edward Criswell of Ackerly, Tex. Frank Dent performed the ceremony, which waa followed by a reception at the home of the brides uncle and aulit, Mr. The lace bolero waa short in length, full. Her shoulder-length illusion vril fell from a Juliet cap of lace-covered satin. She carried a white Bible with ah orchid bouquet. Misi Naomi Fiolioh was maid of honor. Harold Criswell was his brothers best man, and the ushers were Ray Russell Jr.
Eckert of Gales court for the marriage of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Chas. Beck, son of Mr. The wedding will take place Sat. A small reception will follow at the Mansard Inn, Plainfleld. Hall of Westfield will be maid of honor, and Miss Anne J. Neilson of Boston, Mass. Kenneedy of East Orange will serve as best man for Mr, Beck.
Beck will be dinner hosts to the wedding party at the Hotel Suburban, Summit, preceding the rehearsal March Enlwistle, hospitality chairman for the concert. Jarolus T, Clark, James E. U Taylor, Bruce Heatley, C. Robinson, Lewis Wilcox, Dr. Haskell MacCowatt, Gilbert A. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mn. Criewell and Harold Criswell of Ackerly, Tex. Meyer of State College, Pa. Lovtrsidge, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lovenidge of Red Bank. Charles Ellis of East Orange ofnciated, and a reception followed at the home of the brides mother. Tire bride wore an afternoon dress of pink paper taffeta, with a navy blue straw hat with white Dowers.
Her corsage was oi white camellias. Dorothy Loversidge, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. The project of raising money for the scholarship fund is under the direction of the finance committee, which is made up of the following women: L- Chandfer, chairman; Mrs. Walter Marvin, vice chairman; and Mesdames II. Demai-est, Arnold Eekhart, J. Souder, Carl Stunner, W.
Ward Ebersole of Lenox avenue and the late Mr. He served with the U. Wade, 18 Shackamaxon drive. The speaker for the afternoon will be. Her topic will be "Good Taste in Fashion. Me- Cutcheon and Anthony Tedesco. Mumford son of Mr. Miles, pastor, ter, Kev. A reception will follow in the Park Hotel, Plainfield.
Miss Shirley Rennie of Scranton, Pa. The junior roommate of the bride. Mumford, brother of the bridegroom, and Robert E. Thomas, brother of the bride. Due to a change in Army orders of the bridegroom, the wedding, which was planned originally for Feb. Frederick Braun of Nelson fvlaee k issued invitations for the starri.
McAllister, 1M Severin court, Cranford. Paramount opera pumps win evsrlatting approval, on all three wonderful duel htlghti During the business meet Monday, March 12, at I p. RobVrt Carpenter presided, Mrs. Annetta Cornell from the 6. North avenue and Walnut street, Garwood. Holy Trinity Gramniar Schoo cafeteria. Holy Trinity Church, Business meeting to follow in errammar school cafe Uria, 8. Crover Baldwin, Chanwmi-tii-Ufri. Frank Huber, R- Mrs. Vtndeibilt are Mesdames IMS" Duncan Morof TerriU road, Fanwood, was d to membership.
Announcewaa made of a shvit course gardening being held at Monday through Friday Se week from 0 a. Carl Humphreys wlllatart a pre-school study group. Anyone wishing to join the group may contact Mrs. Humphreys at We B. The next executive board meeting Will be held April Charles Oriel of Summit avenue were elected to membership. Vance, local florist, spoke on"flowers In Your Home.
Vance said that, because of the perishable nature of flowers, it is necessary to give them every care possible before actually arranging them. By "hardening" them in deep water in a cool place for eight to 10 hours, seeing that adequate water is in the container, and by putting them in a cool place at night, flowers can be made to last many days longer, he said. Vance brought out the fact that an arrangement is influenced by the season of the year as well as the location or setting where the AWers are to be placed.
The use of a few flowers in an appropriate setting always is important, he stated. He showed the different types of flower holders as welf as other mechanics that are used in turning out an arrangement which is firm, appropriate, and in good proportion. Vance then demonstrated with flowers and foliage the steps in creating; an arrangement.
He showed how even three flowers will help to accent a green arrangement or water garden. One arrangement with done with five gladioli, their foliage, and magnolia leaves. Tickets were distributed by members of the scholarship committee for the benefit violin recital to be given by Leo Panaseich April 12 inecranford High School. The club is assisting two girls in their musical education. Smith of Westfield and Mrs. Ilainfifld are assisting with ar. Milford Kime of Glen Ridge ia general chairman.
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Invitations chairman is Mrs. Thorn- open to the present nisth grade Bell Telephone Co. His Plans will be announced for thetalk will be followed by a question ton MacPonalit of Maplewood, spring tea for prospective stuto be" held Saturday after- ents to meet with ninth grade period and an opportunity for par- Mrs. Albert Fenick of Montclair, dents is reservations chairman, and Mrs.
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Walker of Short Hills house of the Crescent Avenue consultation. Fashion Presbyterian Church, Plainfield. Forsyth of Maplewood, and Mrs. A Reed of Short Hills will provide ackgrouud music for the show. Meeting Schedule similar meeting for parents of Mrs. Rapp, Montclair area; Mrs. Herman Redden and Mrt. Webster, Boonton-Mountain Lakes; Mrs. Elmer King and Mrs. Alfred Newberry, Ridgewood; and Mrs. Doops of East Orange will conduct- the fashion show. Herbert Jorgensen, and Miss Margaret Schmidt assisted the hostess. Sexton, Baker avenue; Mrs.

Davies, Hazel avenue; Mrs. Manny, Lenox nveue; and, Mrs. Chester Kenney, Westfield road, Scotch Plains. The parties will be given to uise funds to maintain the clinic t Alexian Bros. Anyone interested may contact Mrs. Lagergren, Forest avemie. Knigjit, kimball avenue. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. There will be an exchange sandwich luncheon. Tote of Central avenue have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Alice, to Pfc. Steven Nagy, son of Mr. Michael Nagy of Carteret. Taylor, president, presided at the business and the variety of courses available in each.
A general question meeting. The Ys Menettes voted to change their Tegular meetings period followed Mr. They also discussed tentative plans for the annual sion.. After the business meeting, the women worked on Red Cross caner dressings, and Mrs. The next meeting will be held at the home of. New York Friaay for the aftrnoon performance of The Magic lute. For tablet, Chilowi ogert. It is this that we plan to bring r you. He served with Lde of Sparta, Wil. Army Engineer" Corps Hob. Stop in ot our Childrens Department.
Titjtmr4, PattaiatUr Jafca H. Paul Lehman of the Princeton Mrs. Theological School, and Rev. Ha purpose, according to Ray and Miss Fousek, was "to learn what the, Christian prerequisites for peace are; to explore their implications, and, to examine our foreign policy in Europe and the Far East in the liglvtof these"pressp, uisites. We do not wish to establish blame," Ray said, "rather we want to stress responsibility.
We ncod to dibturb people, to get themto pursue the questions, to think, and to act. He is also president of Colbys Student Christian Association. Bernard Bernstein, Tuttle parkway. Members and guests are invited. Frank Brown, Canterbury road, Tuesday evening, March Proceeds will further the National Councils welfare and educational projects in Europe and Israel. Irwin Spellnian, and home of the president, Mrs. William G, Davis of Cooper road, Monday,.
There are still tickets available from any board member or member of the cast. Pieter Boonstra, summer round-up d chairman, has set May 8 as the date for the ai. Wright, legislation chairman, announced a meeting to be held at the home of Union County Assemblywoman Florence P. John Johnson, magazine chairman, is taking subscriptions to the PTA magazines, both state and national. Any one interested may contact her at Fa?. Heinz, Channing avenue, Scotch Plains. Among the guests was a detail again in their spring collections. But huge pockets have large group of his friends from the Spires. Spellman left tendency to broaden and shorten Tuesday to enter the Army.
Smaller pockets or his graduation from Yale University last June, he has been a me- same purpose and will help the concealed pockets will serve the chanical engineer with a Newark effect you wish to achieve rather firm. It is quite evident son of Mr. But by cutting the neckline higher than the pattern indicates, and adding an extra inch to the shoulder width, you can attain the same effect but one that is more becoming.
The fitted bolero should fit snugly at the waistline and across the back. By pinning a small pleat straight across the back from the center of the armscye in your pattern you can remove the excess fullness. Just shortening the waistline will not make the jacket fit above the waistline. If the pattern must be shortened, alterations should be made above the line of fullness in most cases. The large full cuffs on threequarter sleeves that ate high style light now may tend to broaden the width of your figure. A smaller cuff or no cuff at all may be more becoming on you.
Since pockets are practical, the fashion designers have used this, Mr. Vail and Tha most important thing to remember in selecting and altering their daughter, Patty, of Shadowlawn drive have returned from patterns is to choose ideas that nine-week European trip. Eckert of Gales court, Scotch Plains, was a of Mr. The personnel department of the Union Carbide and Carbon Corp. Richard Hollstein, son of Dr. William Hollstein of South Euclid avenue, celebrated iis sixth birthday Friday with a party for 14 members of his kindergarten class at Grant School.
Henry Ahrens presented a puppet show depicting Biblical stories. The Boothcs are also formerly of Plymouth. Richard Keach of Rock Springs, Wyo,, announce j thb birth. Keach is the former Marjoric Walther, daughter of Mrs. Walther of Prospect street. Denny of Forest avenue returned Sunday from a day vacation spent with relatives in Virginia and West Virginia. They alao visited their son, George Jr.
Adan 1 Meadowbrook Village, Plainfleld. Von pay RinwmWrl W- In? Choose from checks, stripes or solids in darks or pastels in fleece, suede or wonted. Sizes for Juniors and Misses Dresses in all the new beautiful cottons in lush Easter pastels arid prints University as a freshf ord S. He will receive his! Grsmilie, Ohio, if the JoLyim Brie. Ernest is on til kjct-ulilicb I l d l t l current deans list as the result of his fall semester grades.
Anderson of 10ft Wycfiwood road, a freshman al Centenary Junior College, Hackettstovn, is included in the dean list for the first semester. Char, lotte was elected court representative of the freshman class in the fall. A member of the Lasell choral gtoup, who will participate in the con cert, is Friscilla Freeman, a sen ior, of St. Harvey of East Broad street, and,. A freshman majoring in business administration, she plans to become a buyer upon graduation iom college Tho jresent enrollment, at Upsala toals 1, students. Anderson of Colonial avenue as president of Group Securities, Inc.
Anderson succeeds Kenneth S. Gaston of Canterbury road, Public Library, Eighth street and who was elected chairman of thecollege place, Plainfield. The formation and location of pegmatites board. Both have been leading executives of the company since its and associated gem materials in organization in , and both hold this area will be described in detail.
Talks Will be accompanied similar offices with the companys national sponsor and investment, with colored photos Made espe- manager, Distributors Group, Inc. Local mineralogists and those interested are Group Securities, Inc. Long prominent in industry activities in the mutual fund field, Mr. Anderson is a member of the nvestment company committee of the Investment Bankers Associulon and of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. He s also a member of the executive committee of the National Assoiation of Investment Companies. Other directors of Group Securities, Inc.
Ebersole of Midwood place, obert E. Serving as models were Mes dames Mildred Wachter, F. N Clark, Robert Crank. Lyford, Charles Malang, K H. Mayers, and Miss Debbie Me Kee. A card party followed the fashion show. The picnic will be held at the Cabin in Clark Township. Fast Commander George Keppler,. Also, when uncroata, the pack may lie taken to ley off the upesrd. The "Bin Top" is the creation of J.
Mackay of Fanwood, t. Briden of Newark and W. The Unlvtrsity One of the most popular styles of all among up. Smooth-fitting, plain toe design is accented by harnessstitched facings. Various; lengths, various colors, various styles. Each pair individually wrapped to insure perfect quality Hugger heel to give better fit Pencil line seaming Newest Spring tones. You know how it u with mink and women. Grave of South y.
WaOaee Seanlon, prcsitaeed that Mrs. William i chairman of a tea to im4 Aprils. Next week registrations will be taken by Clerk Laing in the Boromfh Hall from 7 to 9 p. Naturaliced citizens should bring their papers with them when registering. The hat you choose is you, so this year, above all years, choose something fabulous and let it go to your heidt Millinery, Third Floor Purchase Your F.
Credit Of lice 7th Floor. Mr Gross, a World War II pilot, told police he shut off the engine and swerved to the rig-ht to prevent flying into a row of houses on Eidce road. Had the plane been level the winy probably would have struck the structure on the platform. The plena rolled 60 feet beyoad the alay structure and cane to a stop. To prevent an accident he shut off his engine, he said. Stateslar Twig will be. March 8 In the Btatc House, Trenton.
C, for si weeks basic trainins; with the U. Choice of 3 leg-ten thi. Choice of I smart neutral shades that "go with everything. Kite Rock Black Cherry White Rock Black aspberry. Be aure, in Certificate Order, to cheek correct sixe, i and color. I First quality, perfect nylons, patty- V g i that make tne enjoyment of iftack.
And Safeway meat is prepared for market with special care, so you enjoy finest flavor, juicy tenderness. Our prices are always on the trimmed cute. Buy all your meat at Safeway Add color and flavor to your menus with selections from our big assortment offarm-freshfruits and vegetables.
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The report, which compares of local disposal system fmlk imialution of disposal via pjtm tahway Valley Joint Meeting, UMiMrii the latter method ai ifctwtand. Kil k eonaieeretion of the fact wftji l. Albert Hartuna; reanaeaneed that arraagein at present being con I by Cranford, and the pre- T report has been checked UM plea layout by Mr. Oak street, and 1 will tie aarved between venue and the new school The following Birch Hill area [.
Mkfcory lane and trail; Mohawk lane in its! She will read fuur selections from Byron. More than participate each year. Finalists will read before the panel o- judges, poems which. The contest winner and two runners-up arc awarded an autographed book of poems or a poetry recording.
To the victors school goes a prise cup which may be retained permanently if its candidates are successful three times, not necessarily consecutively. The context, which is open to the public, will begin at 10 a. Brother Kroepcr is a crippled childrens coordinator, physiotherapist, and x-ray technician ut the Alexian Bros. Six years ago he set up a program for handicapped children nt the hospital which has grown to be an active childrens clinic.
John Leeming oi VesUield program chairman, has announced that the talk will be illustrated with moving; pictures, and will be followed by a question and answer period. Albert Eichhorn of Westfleld is a member of the state commiision to investigate the problems and needs of mentally retarded children.
It MSU tntts Ufkt ttv ten. Specially Castings of gray iron are widely aat up by a train rounding a curve. Ibess upward from lac inner circle to finishes form a continuous fflaa the outer rim. The degree of curvature and the authorised train speed which prevents contact of ths metal and corrosive atmospheres, liquids ovem the extent of the elevation of or gatei. In a f,w aioatti.
It,huu If off, tttta luamit. Simply put in the water and coffee, flip the automatic switch and forget it. Cofieemasier shuts off when coffee is done. No glass bowls to break. Bread lowers itself automatically, no levers to push. Tout raises itself silently, without popping or banging. There ia [difference here. To find out whethunniiik to something-, abe to find out what ia lacki life. Could it be because mwanted at home? This state would usually reiult in ooky lather than iunfrom home too. But it ilbility that should be ito further.
How are marks in school? Ia he if school work boring use he is slow and cant because he is bright more quickly than the ing him extra time on! Perhaps the standor at school are so cant meet them. He expected to live up it he really cant. He e is a failure, and he his family. Yet it of growing up, and stem need more excite: But nd girls should have leges und have them the love and affection rents too. Permitting ion, but only at the ;n. Not just their wise proportions, their snooty fabrics. Take a good long look at these ground-low Koos prices.
And, you have a choice of fabrics in colors that fairly "sing"! Like hunter-green, cloud-grey, sage-green, gold, lime-green? We made a gigantic purchase And, remember, our friendly doors are open every eveningtil 9: Koos gives you a Lig modern sofa that looks extravagant Its magnificently upholstered in a rich damask. Youll enjoy true living room elegance by day Choice of todays three most popular colors Smith, who has returned to active Mfiaiw is always an object owred by His heart.
We are here instructed thai. This gospel passage puts before j fiev. The real Dijr Three" are faith, hope and love," says Dr. Such feelings are not bad, but they are g l at-taitiny: Like to the fickle multitude: IwW we shall ttisundfrsund and abandon Him Sunday in the parish house in honor of Bev. Smith, who -will be installed as minister of education at an 8 p. March 11, the Spires will meet at 6 p. Brat not the purpose lor which He came on earth; and to i jrevolt against the constituted authority.
He at once withftjanajtht. William Pontler will speak on "Congos Needy Lepers. Pontier is connected with the African Inland Mission. Monday evening, 8 oclock. She will speak primarly about Mexico. Carl Wintersteen will adiress, the conference Wednesday rvening. He will speak on the bject and show a colored moving: China will be the lecture topic text Thursday. Poling 1 as guest speaker. His subject will be "Gods Concern and My Faith. Joseph Lyle j McCorison Jr. Our life is faith. Our mission is hope. A business meeting- will follow at Devotions at the afternoon meeting will be led by Mrs.
Frii del Graef will be the soloist. Stauffaeher holds a post of leadershipin the church world. Among his important interdenominational posts are leadership in the United Church Canvass Committee and the Religion in American Life crusade; membership on the board of managers of the Missionary Education Movement; vice chairman of the committee on reference and counsel of the Foreign Missions Conference of ""North America and chairman of its committee on public relations; and member of the Home Missions Council committee kina will play "the "Andante" from eating the constituency on matters of forejgn and home missions and raising funds for their support.
If includes the American Board o: Commissioners for Foreign Mis. StaulTacher sees the complete picture from the missionary on the field to the pastor in the home church. In February and March, , Dr. The anthem for this service will be "Unto the Hills," a metrical arrangement of the st Psalm by Purday.
He will tell o trusteeship burdens of the U. Calmers talk will be sup lcmented by a question and an wer period. Reservations are beng solicited by a telephone canass, but anyone not yet contacted may phone his Ieservation to Ray D. Mens Club treasurer, IVe J.. As minister and executive secretary,of the Missions Council, Dr. When He chose a state. If we wish to be truly Hid disciples, let us practice this His precept and imitate this His example.
And whatsoever my eyes desired, I refused them not; and withheld not my heart from enjoying every j pleasure, end delighting itself in the things which I had prepared, if and esteemed this my portion, to make use of my own labor. And jfwheri turned myself to all the works which my hands had wrought, S-and to the labors wherein I had labored in vain, I saw in all thing3 Vanity and vexation of mind, and that nothing was lasting under ;-the sun. For what have I in heaven, and besides thee what.
For thee my flesh and my heart hath fainted away. In truth, while the ambitious desire to possess all that they have not, the humble possess all that they desire. Reason, then, should suffice to disgust us with ambition; religion should entirely free UB from indulgence in that passion; and both unite in teaching us moderation in our desires, by showing that moderation is at once the foundation of our most solid happiness in time, and the condition of pur blessedness in eternity.
Holy Trinily Church Lenten devotions are as follows: Tuesday eveninps at 8 oclock, novena to the Miraculous. Friday evenings, 8 oclock, b y dih fund Stations of the Cross and bene-. Morning Masses are at 6: On first Friday, tomorrow, Masses will be at 0: Devotions in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will follow the 7: Confessions will be heard today at 3: Masses on Sunday are at 7, 8.
Confessions are heard each Sat irday at 3: Sermon on "A Peek Into Heaven. Huppbck of Luillo-vv place attended a meeting Wednesday in Boston, Mass. Saturday evening there will be no meeting at the chapel, but a union service will be held at the Hydewood Park Baptist Church. This will be a missionary rajly, Sunday morning, Dr.
Bach, Kenetal director emeritus of the Evangelical Alliance Mission, will speak. Miss Mary Mills of Brazil will close the conference. The public is invited to" all of these conferences. Redeemer Lutheran, The fourth Sunday in Lent will be observed by the celebration of the Holy Communion in the morning service at Keujilng will preach the sermon "The Fruits of Christs Death," based upon a text from the revelation of St.
The Luther choir will sing the Introit andgradual for the day. Sunday at 3 p. Delegations from all chuiches of the circuit will attend. Fred Sehurman will report on the Greater Concordia Campaign. Elfried Pennekamp of St. Lukes Church, Elizabeth, will report on the synodical and district finances of The circuit visitor, Rev. Walter ReuninR, will represent the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod and explain the program for All members of the participating churches are invited.
Monday at 8 p. Tuesday at 8 p. The mid-week Lenten service is held Wednesday at 8 p. The guest speaker will be Rev. Henry Koepchen of St. Lukes Lutheran Church, Elizabeth. The sermon will be on "The Word of the Redeemer: Madison Avenue Chapel 10 a. Bruce Davis of Princeton Theological Seminary will preach. Sanctuary choir rehearsal in 1 the choir loft. Rogers "Grand Chocur" wil be the postlude concluding the service.
Presbyterian Church Today; 0: Her Our Children Through Reading. Devotions will be led b. Elizabeth Norton Bible class for women. Mens Triangle Bible class. Nursery for children up to the age of three years. Lunch at noon in the social hall. Those attending are asked to bring a sandwich. Hot soup and coffee will be furnished. Miles, minister, will speak on "Cm-ban Dedicated to God.
Douglas as tenor soloist. Peoples Communicants class in the lounge. Junior High Young Peoples sinpinj; group with Mr. Vollmer in the choir room. Two films will be shown: The Spires will entertain at a buffet supper in the assembly hall for Kev. Smith will be installed by Presbytery as minister of education. The following groups I are slated for the coming three i Sundays: Guj- Overman; and "Re- Wednesday: Following the I hall. Adult Communimeeting there will be inforl cants cl i th b c Ebersole.
Adult C meeting there will be informal rec- cants class in the library reation and refreshments in the i Musk- department schedi social hall. Ferguson, execuve secretary of audio-visual! Ferguson is a recog ized authority in this field and sr. McCorison Jr, ill meet with the preparatory lass at 3: A meeting of the committee for reap 74, Boy Scouts, has been ailed by Bruce E. Kimball, ehairan, at 9: Men of the church are requeatd to meet at the meeting house aturday for final clenn-up operaions in preparation for thededi-: The events of the week are the crvices of dedication beginning Sunday at 9: McCorison will preach and officiate at the celebration of the Holy Communion; Rev.
Stein of Glen Ridge will assist at this service. Stauffacher of New York will preach; Rev. Pugh of Garwood will offer prayer and Dr. Women of the parish are invited to the group for study and prayer at 9: Tuesday at the parsonage, St. The Westfield Council of Churches will meet at I p. Fred Ebersole will preside. McCorison will bring the message of the evening. At the close of the mid-week service, the Church School workers conference will be convened by Dr. Boyd Woodruff in the parish house. The with a DR. March ]4 In the social ball of the Pint Methodist Church.. Hipp was Held consultant tor the anted "Town Meeting of the Air.
During the season, he was president of the. Andrus, secretary, at We J. First Baptist Church Today: Subject, "The Heart of the. Es existieren derzeit einige Studien, die einzelne Aspekte von Kinderbuch-Apps, wie z. Jedoch behandelt kein gesamtheitliches Werk die wirtschaftlichen, gesellschaftlichen, rechtlichen und technischen Marktbedingungen von Kinderbuch-Apps. Read or Download Digitalisierung des Kinderbuchmarktes: Advances in Video, Audio,. The arrival of more and more huge customer collections of audio e.
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