Fall From Pride (A Home Valley Amish Novel, Book 1)
So, " 0 prequel " sorts by 0 under the label "prequel. Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion. A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations , on the part of the author or publisher.
For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere "lists" of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place. Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification eg. Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the "works" in question.
Series: Amish Home Valley
So, the Dummies guides are a series of works. But the Loeb Classical Library is a series of editions, not of works.
- Website of Karen Harper, author of contemporary romantic suspense, historical and mystery novels.
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- Home Valley Series by Karen Harper.
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Sep 12, Alison rated it it was ok. Meh I enjoy books written from the amish perspective, but this is a poor attempt at trying to capture that. I found Nate to be believable, but found Sarah's "oh poor me I want to paint, to be truuuuuue to myself" such a teenage whine. It's a light, relatively entertaining romantic mystery. It's not an Amish romance nor an Amish mystery, but it us an ok way to while away a couple of hours of travel time, but I wouldn't pack it for my "nothing but poolside reading" holiday. Nov 07, Debfiddle rated it it was amazing Shelves: Turns out to be the local Newspaper owner not Amish who is trying to destroy Sarah's art work by burning the barns.
Sarah leaves because she wants to follow her art, moves in with Nate's foster mom and they begin to build a life getting to know each other. Jan 17, Stephanie rated it really liked it. Against the peaceful night sky, a barn burns Sarah Kauffman sought permission from her church elders to paint murals on a few barns in her Amish community. Each were designed like an old-fashioned quilt square - representing a piece of the Amish traditions Sarah loved.
The works of art were intended to draw more tourists to Home Valley in the struggling economy. But instead, they invited the menace And soon, the arson fires spread fe Against the peaceful night sky, a barn burns And soon, the arson fires spread fear through the community. Now Sarah wonders if she's being punished for her pridefulness As an outsider, arson investigator Nate Mackenzie struggles to investigate the crime scenes while adhering to Amish customs. But as the fires rage, beliefs are challenged, a way of life is questioned and family secrets are exposed.
The story in this book was quite captivating. I loved the romance that was tied unto the story because it allows the reader to fall in love while still pondering the mystery. I figured out the who-done-it long before I was halfway through the book but I enjoyed seeing how it panned out. Overall, an enjoyable read. Oct 07, Valerie Bradley rated it really liked it. I liked this book in the series. Good characters and a good story.
Home Valley Series
Sep 06, Mark rated it it was amazing. I had a feeling it was Clawson, but the suspense kept me thinking it was Hannah. I'm glad Sarah went in pursue of her dreams of being an artist. Apr 18, Renata Medanovic rated it liked it. Feb 04, Camille rated it really liked it Shelves: I am under no obligation to write a positive review, just an honest one.
Sarah Kauffman has received permission from the elders to paint quilt squares on the sides of barns in Home Valley in order to help boost the tourist trade. But not all the Amish are on board with her paintings as they are considered by some to be "just f Fall From Pride by Karen Harper I graciously received a review copy of this book from NetGalley. But not all the Amish are on board with her paintings as they are considered by some to be "just for pretty," something which is not allowed in the Amish community.
To Sarah's horror, barns with her paintings begin to get set on fire. Who is the arsonist, or arsonists after? Her because of her paintings? The elders whose barns she painted on, and it's merely a coincidence that the barns have her paintings on them? An arson investigator is sent in by the state, Nate MacKenzie, but he is an auslander, an outsider. He has to try to gain the trust of the Amish in order to investigate what he assumes will be a simple arson case.
But suddenly he has a myriad of suspects, but nothing concrete to go on. And it doesn't help that his "Amish translator," Sarah, is very attractive to him Will Nate be able to solve the mystery? And is it as Sarah fears the most, someone Amish, who has been starting the fires?
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Or is it just someone who hates them? Read Fall From Pride to find out! If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I love Amish fiction and I love mysteries.
Series by cover
So mixing the two is generally a bonus for me! I was definitely not able to guess who was responsible for the fires. It took me by surprise. I love a mystery like that! It was also hard for me to put the book down! I read through it in only a few days! It was very intriguing.
Of course there was the added element of a budding romance. I would have to say that the ending of that romance i. I won't say what Sarah decides to do in regards to Nate, but I thought that it was a very tough decision she had to make: I wanted to see more about how she came to the decision instead of just what the decision was. It also seemed like the decision she made was way easier than, I think, such a decision would actually be. I look forward to the next book in the series!
Oct 29, FicTalk Blog rated it liked it Shelves: With the approval of the elders in her community, she begins to paint Amish quilting squares on the sides of some of the barns in the area.
Fall from Pride (A Home Valley Amish Novel) | eBay
The elders hoped that the paintings would bring in more tourists to the area, but all it really did was cause chaos. Englishman Nate Mackenzie co Reviewed by Heather. Englishman Nate Mackenzie comes to conduct the arson investigation. Nate struggles to learn the Amish ways while he is staying in the area, but he also begins to struggle with his growing feelings toward Sarah. Sarah is fighting her own thoughts and beliefs.
She wonders if someone is burning her work because it is prideful. She begins to wonder if she really does belong in Home Valley. And she begins to wonder if she could really be with a man like Nate Mackenzie. As Nate becomes more and more comfortable in her world, Sarah becomes more and more comfortable with him. Once the arson investigation is over, will Sarah continue to live with her family in Home Valley? Or will she escape with Nate and become the artist that she has always dreamed of truly being?
I really love the mystery factor in this book. This is one of those books that has you guessing the whole time and it turns out that you were completely wrong. You begin to question the actions of almost every character along with Nate and wonder if they could have started the fires and if so, what was their motive. Yes, this book has a little romance in it, but it is the simple kind and I find that it works perfectly for these characters.
You know that Nate wants to express his love for Sarah in his English ways, but he is a gentleman and knows that he must tread slowly. Het verhaal zelf zit goed in elkaar, de personages komen redelijk uit de verf en het is weer eens iets anders om over de Amish te lezen.
We lezen over hun gebruiken, gewoontes, cultuur, geloof en ook de struggles van bepaalde personen met dit alles en hoe zij hiermee omgaan. Dit maakte het verhaal erg interessant. De schrijfstijl was minder interessant. Door de vergelijking met de boeken van Linda Castillo zie cover had ik een super spannend en hier en daar misschien zelfs gruwelijke thriller v Het verhaal zelf zit goed in elkaar, de personages komen redelijk uit de verf en het is weer eens iets anders om over de Amish te lezen.
Door de vergelijking met de boeken van Linda Castillo zie cover had ik een super spannend en hier en daar misschien zelfs gruwelijke thriller verwacht. De enige overeenkomst die ik zie tussen Castillo en Harper is dat ze beide verhalen schrijven die zich afspelen binnen de Amish gemeenschap. Het verhaal is dus niet erg spannend, waardoor ik er voor mijn doen best lang over deed.
De schrijfster heeft haar best gedaan er een thriller van te maken met ook wat niet volledig geslaagde cliffhangers hier en daar, maar het is het net niet. Het plot was ook weinig verrassend en wat oppervlakkig. Het kwam ook wat afgeraffeld over op mij. Het hele boek leefde naar dit moment toe en ik was enorm nieuwsgierig naar hoe het nou allemaal in elkaar stak, maar was teleurgesteld toen ik de laatste bladzijde omsloeg.
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En niet omdat het boek uit was. Ondanks dit alles, vond ik het interessant om over de Amish te lezen en ben ik ergens ook wel lichtjes benieuwd hoe het de hoofdpersonages verder zal vergaan. Ik zal me dan ook toch maar wagen aan deel 2! Veel van de geloofsgenoten van Sarah, die toch al een buitenbeentje is, zien haar kunstenaarschap als hoogmoed - een hoofdzonde die niet ongestraft De Amish-trilogie - Sinds de ene schuur na de andere in vlammen opgaat, heerst angst en terreur in de anders zo vredige Amishgemeenschap in Home Valley.
Aug 24, Gaile rated it really liked it Shelves: Stangely only the barns with her paintings on them are singled out by the arsonist.
As Nate struggles without much success to find the culprit, he and Sarah draw closer and closer. The Amish do not believe in self pride, in making or keeping anything of beauty. Everything must have a use but Sarah has itchy hands that long to draw and paint, not just quilt patterns but people as well. Then there is Nate, the man she is falling for but who will never be Amish.
I enjoy Karen Harper's books and have become a dedicated reader but this one contained the phrase, "deaf and dumb. I beg authers, please do not write "deaf and dumb. Ther are more of us than you think. That is a lot of readers to lose! But their investigation turns wild when other attacks come too close to home. With a hostile predator on the loose, Nick and Claire will have to race to unbury the truth before a killer wipes them from the endangered-species list for good.
Nick gets Claire involved in his latest dangerous case, and soon they are involved in other ways. But someone is out to stop them both at any cost. When the FBI gets involved, they have no choice but to run. At the mercy of the sea and enemies, Claire and her comrades get caught in Castro's Cuba and need to escape. They must get into the Witness Protection Program and assume new identities, but their pursuers are closing in. Surely they'll be hidden and safe on the far distant island of Mackinac in northern Michigan--or will they?
And check back for other free reads over the next months. Also, drop by Karen's Facebook page at www. Idealistic social worker Charlene Lockwood is making home visits to vulnerable children in a remote area of the Appalachians when she sees businessman Matt Rowan nearly get run off the road. She pulls him out of his truck before it plunges off the cliff—and quickly falls for Matt, the general manager of the new luxury community of Lake Azure.
Who would want Matt dead? As Char and Matt search for answers, they fall deeper in love and try to stay alive. While intrigue is the main driver of the story, the able, well-researched plotting and sympathetic characters will keep romance readers along for the ride.
Cold Creek is a place with a dark history, especially for the Lockwoods. Abducted and held captive as a young girl, she is unable to remember anything about the crime that destroyed her childhood and tore her family apart. Gabe McCord has always blamed himself for what happened to Tess. Together, Tess and Gabe work to unlock their painful memories to save a child and heal their damaged souls.
An anthropologist, Kate makes her living studying the dead. She is particularly interested in the prehistoric Adena civilization that once called the area home. A large burial mound sits on Mason family land, and Kate wants permission to excavate. But Grant refuses and tells her to stay away from the mound.

The more she researches, the more Kate believes that Grant is hiding something. When one of his friends is killed, the couple joins forces to assist in the investigation. But someone is desperate to stop them from finding answers. Corporate whistle-blower Alex Caldwell was to be hidden with her Amish family until his high profile trial, but there is an even higher price on his head.
Ella knows the one place he may be safe. But with Alex, everything changes. Their future together is forbidden, but they may not even live to give it a try. A note from the author: This will be out October You can order the book at the above website. Zest lemon and rub zest with the sugar to infuse. Add remaining ingredients except curd and stir just until combined.