Children Sunday School Lessons: The Miracles of Jesus
Take a large towel to class. Let each child that wants to participate get a turn. The child will pretend to be lame and lay on the towel.
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- Miracles of Jesus Lesson Plans!
Then either myself or one of the kids will tell the child to take up their bed and walk. Tonight we will be studying about Jesus calming the storm. This is a great story, but I have had nothing but frustration getting it ready. Today our computer decided to be a snail.
Miracles Sunday School Crafts and Activities
It is going so slow. I have so much of my lesson that I do on the computer. On a happier note, I finally got a new digital camera. I hope to post pictures for this month and last month real soon. Tell the story encourage children to participate of the miracles studied so far using the flip chart pictures. The children will be able to move the boat like it is in a storm.
There is a figure of Jesus that they can take out of the boat. They can pretend he is sleeping, and then when they make him wake up , the storm ends. That was a pretty lame description. I have just spent a very uplifting weekend at Silsbee, TX. The congregation there has a singing school every year. My boys start begging to go about 6 months before it actually happens. We sang and sang and sang. It was a good weekend. Our lesson tomorrow is on Jesus healing the blind man.
This is a big deal in our classroom because there are no windows. It should give them an idea of what being blind is like. What is a Miracle? Turn out the lights if the kids are willing.
Sunday School Lessons, Crafts, and Activity Ideas about the Miracles of Jesus
Let them experience total darkness. Talk about what it is like to be blind. A pull tab slides out to change the man from frowning and blind to smiling and seeing. This is an excellent lesson not only on the power of Jesus to heal, but also on the importance of saying thank you.
Miracles Sunday School Crafts and Activities
Sunday AM we turned out the lights to illustrate what it was like to be blind. The kids tolerated it for a couple of seconds, then they began to let us know they were feeling a little scared. We got the lights back on before it got too bad.

Like I said in my last post, when the lights are off in that room, it is dark. Sunday AM I had some extra time, so we sang some songs I have used in the baby class: For younger children you might want to precut the pieces, but allow them to color it. Grade 2 and 3: Hopefully you have some old CD's lying around or go to a used music store they might be able to give you some for cheap or even free if you tell them what you're using it for.
Another option would be to make the Unleavened Bread and Tuna snack which is also in the closing section of this guide. Heart Fish Paper Craft. Grades 2 and 3: It's tough to know when it's the right time to start readings from the Bible, but if the children have been read a children's version of the story in the past, I believe this is a good age to introduce the King James or your preferred bible reading.
Do they think that miracles still happen today? Even though we can't do miracles, how can we help others? How can each of us help others when we think its impossible? Or give them each a stack of Band-Aids and have them unwrap and stick them on each other in a certain amount of time. For primary ages, take a tray of first aid supplies and let them look at it for one minute. Remove several objects and have them try to tell what is missing. This lesson comes from The Resource Room.
In this lesson Children learn that it is important to tell Jesus how thankful they are. He likes be thanked just like we do when we do. Younger children make leper paper dolls to act out the story as a poem is being read.
Lesson: Jesus’ First Miracle and Healing (Servanthood for Kids #5)
All ages will enjoy playing a "Musical Chairs" game in which they have to say something they are thankful for when they sit on a certain chair. Click on the link to get your free sample lesson. The Miracles of Jesus. Little Love Letters from God: Bible Stories Board book. Bible Journaling - Trusting in God. The Art of Bible Journaling: Miracles Of Jesus Pre-cut.
The Miracles of Jesus for Kids. Jesus the Miracle Worker Bible Alive. Miracles and Parables of Jesus: Braving the Storm Gospel Time Trekkers. Miracles of Jesus Little Golden Book.
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Jesus' First Miracle - Arch Books. Believe and You're There, vol. The Illustrated Miracles of Jesus. Free Elijah and the Ravens Bible Lesson. Printable Postcards for Sunday School. Bible Games for Children's Ministry. What you will need: Make some chocolate pudding.
In class have your children color the pictures. Jesus Walks on Water Bible Craft. Keep Your Eyes on Jesus Craft. Coin in Fishes Mouth Activity Sheet. Paper Coin in Fishes Activity Sheet. Fish Puppet With Coin in its Mouth. Paper Bag Fish with Coin in its Mouth. Fish Puppet with Mouth that Opens and Closes. Boy Holding a Basket. Basket to Hold Fish and Loaves Craft. Jesus Feeds the Coloring Sheet. Older children make paper doll puppets to use in a show about the lesson.