Biofuel Crops: Production, Physiology and Genetics
Description Details Customer Reviews Providing comprehensive coverage on biofuel crop production and the technological, environmental and resource issues associated with a sustainable biofuel industry, this book is ideal for researchers and industry personnel.
Beginning with an introduction to biofuels and the challenges they face, the book then includes detailed coverage on crops of current importance or with high future prospects, including sections on algae, sugar crops and grass, oil and forestry species. The chapters focus on the genetics, breeding, cultivation, harvesting and handling of each crop.
Singh B.P. (ed.) Biofuel Crops: Production, Physiology, and Genetics
Bharat P Singh Format: Electronic book text Pages: Review This Product No reviews yet - be the first to create one! This book will cover algae in detail and also contain a comprehensive genetic discussion on the crops covered. In addition, it will review in detail the issues associated with the long-term sustainability of biofuel crops.
It is suitable for students and researchers in agromy and industry personnel.
Biofuel Crops: Production, Physiology and Genetics by CABI Publishing (Hardback, 2013)
Publication Data Place of Publication. Harry Potter Years by J.
- Biofuel crops; production, physiology and genetics..
- 9 637,73 RUB.
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Rowling , Hardcover Journal of Japanese Grassland Science 37, — Dry matter productivity and overwintering ability of dwarf and normal napier grass as affected by planting density and cutting frequency. Plant Production Science 6, 65— Production, characterization and nutritional quality of napier grass [Pennisetum purpureum Schum.
African Journal of Plant Science, 4: Elephant grass ensiled with coffee hulls, cocoa meal and cassava meal. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia Proposed hay grading standards based on laboratory analyses for evaluating quality, J. Effects of nitrogen fertilization management on irrigated Elephant grass cv.

Elephant grass clones for silage production, Sci. Growth, chemical components and ensiling characteristics of king grass at different cuttings, African Journal of Biotechnology, 11 Production, Physiology and Genetics; 13th section: Singh , CAB International, p: Principles and Procedures of Statistics.
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Biometrical Approach 3rd Edi.