Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and U.S. Policy
Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine are some of the locations where violence is being associated with Islam. In this article, I ask: I explore the moral anthropology and guiding principles of three areas of thought: I conclude with Islamic contributions to peace building and nonviolence.

Integrating the Virtue of Nonviolent Peacemaking more. Common contemporary assessments of nonviolence often describe it as primarily a rule against violence or as primarily a strategy. For instance, the rule-based assessment is often found in Catholic social teaching and faces important For instance, the rule-based assessment is often found in Catholic social teaching and faces important limits. In this article, I first describe the trajectory of Catholic social teaching on nonviolence.
Second, I analyze Jesus as a model of nonviolent peacemaking with assistance from scholarship by Glen Stassen and John Donahue.
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Fourth, I develop a set of core practices and explain some initial implications of integrating this virtue into Catholic social teaching and U. Journal of Catholic Social Thought, v. Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping in the U. The habits of direct violence in U. As scholars and activists cultivate alternatives to the use of violence, a key need involves providing direct experience for U. In this paper I ask the following questions: How can the international unarmed civilian peacekeeping models influence the U.
Eli McCarthy | Georgetown University -
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Third, I integrate these insights to recommend key contributions from each program toward developing more domestic peace teams. I briefly provide a recent example and analysis of implementing these recommendations in the DC Peace Team. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, v.
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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Eli McCarthy's major work is a thorough and scholarly contribution to advancing not only the practice of peacemaking, but to the philosophical underpinnings of a Catholic virtue ethic for Gospel Nonviolence.
Through bringing together his expertise in public policy, the history of nonviolent struggle, peace education, and Catholic theology he has crafted a framework that enables us to build upon existing Catholic Social thought to find the integral links between global solidarity and the good news of peacemaking of the Gospel. Well organized and thoughtful, this work should be required reading for anyone interested in living a non violent life of peace. One person found this helpful. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
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Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Such policies, he posits, would not only achieve a more comprehensive agenda of peacemaking but would also approach more closely the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. McCarthy's project is ambitious and multifaceted. He sets out to synthesize critiques of prevailing rule- and strategy-based assessments of nonviolent [End Page ] peacemaking, making proposals for a virtue-based assessment from Christian, Hindu, and Muslim sources as well as with the best contributions of human rights theory in order to supplement a virtue approach.
At the outset he states, "My thesis is that a virtue-based assessment of nonviolent peacemaking enhanced by aspects of human rights discourse largely resolves key limits of rule-based and strategy-based assessments of nonviolent peacemaking for public discourse and policy" 2. To prove this, he grapples with influential scholars on the subject, such as James Childress and Gene Sharp, to show how deontology and consequentialism too narrowly constrain the vision of what nonviolent peacemaking can achieve, both in effect and the formation of agents' character.
Though that is significant enough, McCarthy also presents the life and work of both Mahatma Gandhi and Abdul Ghaffar Khan to demonstrate the consonance of a virtue approach even across cultural and religious lines. He finally plots a way forward using the best of rights theory and virtue theory to show how nonviolent peacemaking fulfills the Catholic social tradition's vision of human dignity and the common good.
McCarthy lends much to the argument that "we ought to consider nonviolent peacemaking a distinct virtue rather than merely subsuming it in the paradigmatic actions of other virtues" With scripture at its foundation and positioned within the traditions of virtue ethics and the Catholic social doctrine, he weaves a tight argument for nonviolence within a Christian context while also aiming to be approachable and sympathetic to non-Christian perspectives.