All About Albumin: Biochemistry, Genetics, and Medical Applications

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- All About Albumin : Theodore Peters : .
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- All About Albumin: Biochemistry, Genetics, and Medical Applications.
- Vivian Grey.
Description The first of its kind, "All About Albumin" summarizes the chemistry, genetics, metabolism, clinical implications, and commercial aspects of albumin. It provides the most up-to-date sequences, structures, and compositions of many species, and includes more than references. Its key features are: The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Product details Format Hardback pages Dimensions Looking for beautiful books?
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Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Review quote "Ted Peters brings these diverse aspects of the proteins fascination together with a relaxed style in this definitive volume on albumin and its homologues The huge ensuing literature has been expertly distilled into an understandable account of its binding properties, which are interpreted in the context of the three-dimensional structure, recently determined by Carter and colleagues.
The heart shape and heart of the molecule is exposed in a number of elegant colour plates, andresidues involved in binding are clearly displayed in a reconfiguration of the familiar disulphide-bonded model. The student of molecular genetics and protein evolution will find a clear interpretation of the relationships There is also an up-to-the minute account of human albumin mutations No aspects of albumin synthesis, secretion, circulatory modification and ultimate degradation have escaped attention, and neither has its clinical relevance in health and disease Ted Peters has spent a lifetime studying this protein and his personal insights into what makes it tick will benefit all who might use or abuse it.
Immunochemistry of albumin and its ability to bind a large variety of endogenous and exogenous ligands are presented in Chapter 3.
Structure of albumin
Chapter 5 focuses on basic aspects of albumin metabolism, including synthesis, distribution, functions, and degradation. The last two chapters will be of particular interest to the laboratorian as they deal with the clinical and practical aspects of albumin, including analysis and the physiological relation and response of this protein to metabolic diseases. Parenteral uses of albumin in circulatory and digestive support, removal of toxins, imaging, drug delivery, and coating of in vivo devices are also presented.
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A critical section for researchers using albumin for in vitro systems describes a list of impurities that are detected in albumin preparations, followed by a section on removal of unwanted components. The author concludes the book by describing albumin products and their in vitro applications, plus procedures for preparation and characterization of albumin solutions, isolation from serum, and modification. As with any comprehensive text dealing with such an important and extensive topic, an updated edition of this book will be warranted in the near future to summarize the exploding literature on such topics as comparative studies of recombinant and human serum albumin, mechanisms of biomolecular interaction of negatively charged albumins with the HIV-1 envelope protein gp, and the use of albumin to prolong circulation of several therapeutic growth factors, including recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor.
Fluorescence Spectroscopy Study on the Interaction between Evodiamine and Bovine Serum Albumin
In summary, this book is a must for those who use albumin to restore failing circulation or to promote nutritional functions, as well as for clinical researchers of plasma protein metabolism and transport of substances in blood. It is highly recommended for physicians, biochemists, clinical investigators, pharmacologists, and protein chemists.
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