Who Will Tie Your Shoes?: An Absence of Charity
This continued until all women were spread across the room. With the dinner properly under way, the hostess brief was simple: A number of men stood with the hostesses while waiting for smoked salmon starters to arrive. Others remained seated and yet insisted on holding the hands of their hostesses.

It was unclear why men, seated at their tables with hostesses standing close by, felt the need to hold the hands of the women, but numerous hostesses discussed instances of it through the night. For some, this was a prelude to pulling the women into their laps. Meanwhile champagne, whisky and vodka were served. On stage, entertainers came and went. It was soon after a troupe of burlesque dancers — dressed like furry-hatted Coldstream Guards, but with star-shaped stickers hiding nipples — that one year-old hostess, recounted a conversation with a guest nearing his seventies: According to the accounts of multiple women working that night, groping and similar abuse was seen across many of the tables in the room.
Another woman, 28, with experience of hostess work, observing the braying men around her said this was significantly different to previous black tie jobs. At other events, men occasionally would try to flirt with her, she said, but she had never felt uncomfortable or, indeed, frightened. She reported being repeatedly fondled on her bottom, hips, stomach and legs. One guest lunged at her to kiss her.
Another invited her upstairs to his room. Meanwhile, Artista had an enforcement team, made up of suited women and men, who would tour the ballroom, prodding less active hostesses to interact with dinner guests. A security guard at the door was on hand, keeping time. At 10pm, the main money-raising portion of the evening got under way: It was a moment of respite for the women, most of whom had been allowed to return to the Orchard Room.
Some were excited to have been offered jobs by men in the room. Others had been offered large tips, which they had been obliged to decline.
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One woman struggled to re-apply her eyeliner. Most hostesses had been told they would be required to stay until 2am. The after-party was held in a smaller room off the main lobby at the Dorchester, packed tight with guests and women. According to the year-old hostess, while men danced and drank with a set of women on one side of the room, a line of younger women were left seated on a banquette at the back of the room, seemingly dazed. Meanwhile, in the centre of the room, Jimmy Lahoud, 67, a Lebanese businessman and restaurateur, danced enthusiastically with three young women wearing bright red dresses.
By midnight, one society figure who the FT has not yet been able to contact was confronting at least one hostess directly. Filling her glass with champagne, he grabbed her by the waist, pulled her in against his stomach and declared: In a statement the Dorchester said it had a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment of guests or employees. The Presidents Club said: The organisers are appalled by the allegations of bad behaviour at the event asserted by the Financial Times reporters. Such behaviour is totally unacceptable. The allegations will be investigated fully and promptly and appropriate action taken.
Ms Dandridge of Artista stated: There is a code of conduct that we follow, I am not aware of any reports of sexual harassment and with the calibre of guest, I would be astonished. Mr Walliams declined to comment. Barry Townsley, a well-known stockbroker and lifetime president of The Presidents Club who helped to set up the charity, said he had not attended the dinner for a decade.
We apologise for the distress caused.
English proverbs - Wikiquote
You can reach us securely using this form or emailing investigations ft. The most secure way to contact us is via post or SecureDrop. Get alerts on Sexual misconduct allegations when a new story is published. Choose your FT trial. The Presidents Club scandal should remove the fig leaf of charity. A dinner that demeaned both women and men. Presidents Club to close after harassment scandal.
Property executives dominate at men-only Presidents Club dinner. Madison Marriage in London January 23, Listen to this article Play audio for this article Pause Have you experienced sexual misconduct in the workplace? Tell us about it. However, this post from quoteinvestigator. Einstein" in Harper's Magazine, from May , in which Barrett wrote "But as Einstein has pointed out, common sense is actually nothing more than a deposit of prejudices laid down in the mind prior to the age of eighteen.
In any case, the interview was republished in a book of the same title, and Einstein wrote a foreword which praised Barrett's work on the book, so it's likely he read the quote about common sense and at least had no objection to it, whether or not he recalled making the specific comment. Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe. Fairy tales and more fairy tales. Volumes , p. The story is given as follows: Motivated partly by her admiration for him, she held hopes that her son might become a scientist. One day she asked Dr.
Einstein's advice about the kind of reading that would best prepare the child for this career. To her surprise, the scientist recommended 'Fairy tales and more fairy tales. Einstein persisted, adding that creative imagination is the essential element in the intellectual equipment of the true scientist, and that fairy tales are the childhood stimulus to this quality.
Found in Breaking the Magic Spell: If you want them to be very brilliant, tell them even more fairy tales. This version can be found in Usenet posts from before , like this one from If you want them to be very intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
English proverbs
The Scientist and the Cinema by Christopher Frayling , p. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. Although similar to many of Einstein's comments about the importance of intuition and imagination, no sources for this can be found prior to The Psychology of Consciousness by Robert Evan Ornstein , p.
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A number of early sources from the s and s attribute it to The Intuitive Edge by Philip Goldberg , which also provides no original source. Two things are infinite: As discussed in this entry from The Quote Investigator , the earliest published attribution of a similar quote to Einstein seems to have been in Gestalt therapist Frederick S. Perls ' book Gestalt Theory Verbatim , where he wrote on p. Einstein has proved that the universe is limited. The quote itself may be a variant of a similar quote attributed even earlier to the philosopher Ernest Renan , found for example in The Public: Volume 18 from , which says on p.
Since these variants have not been found in Renan's own writings, they may represent false attributions as well. They may also be variants of an even older saying; for example, the book Des vers by Guy de Maupassant includes on p. The earth has its boundaries, but human stupidity is infinite!
Issues — from , p. Translated to German as: Aber beim Universum bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher. Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. We cannot solve the problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them "Einstein's famous saying in Copenhagen", as quoted in a FBIS Daily Report: East Europe 4 April , p. No original source where Einstein supposedly said this has been located, and it is absent from authoritative sources such as Calaprice, The Ultimate Quotable Einstein.
Misattributed [ edit ] I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots. I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots. I fear the day when technology overlaps our humanity. It will be then that the world will have permanent ensuing generations of idiots. Although it is a popular quote on the internet, there is no substantial evidence that Einstein actually said that. Contempt prior to investigation is what enslaves a mind to Ignorance.
This or similar statements are more often misattributed to Herbert Spencer , but the source of the phrase "contempt prior to investigation" seems to have been William Paley , A View of the Evidences of Christianity Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers whose flaming editorials in days gone by had proclaimed their love of freedom; but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks.
- Albert Einstein - Wikiquote.
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Then I looked to individual writers who, as literary guides of Germany, had written much and often concerning the place of freedom in modern life; but they, too, were mute. After the quote appeared in Time magazine 23 December , p. I made this statement during the first years of the Nazi-Regime — much earlier than — and my expressions were a little more moderate.
Cornelius Greenway of Brooklyn, who asked if Einstein would write out the statement in his own hand, Einstein was more vehement in his repudiation of the statement 14 November [11]: Einstein also made some scathingly negative comments about the behavior of the Church under the Nazi regime and its behavior towards Jews throughout history in a conversation with William Hermanns recorded in Hermanns' book Einstein and the Poet The concentration camps make the actions of Ghengis Khan look like child's play.
But what makes me shudder is that the Church is silent. One doesn't need to be a prophet to say, 'The Catholic Church will pay for this silence. Hermanns, you will live to see that there is moral law in the universe. There are cosmic laws, Dr. They cannot be bribed by prayers or incense. What an insult to the principles of creation. But remember, that for God a thousand years is a day. This power maneuver of the Church, these Concordats through the centuries with worldly powers.
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We live now in a scientific age and in a psychological age. You are a sociologist, aren't you? You know what the Herdenmenschen men of herd mentality can do when they are organized and have a leader, especially if he is a spokesmen for the Church. I do not say that the unspeakable crimes of the Church for years had always the blessings of the Vatican, but it vaccinated its believers with the idea: We have the true God, and the Jews have crucified Him.
The Church sowed hate instead of love, though the Ten Commandments state: Thou shalt not kill. All the wrongs come home, as the proverb says. The Church will pay for its dealings with Hitler, and Germany, too. The fear of punishment makes the people march. Consider the hate the Church manifested against the Jews and then against the Muslims, the Crusades with their crimes, the burning stakes of the Inquisition, the tacit consent of Hitler's actions while the Jews and the Poles dug their own graves and were slaughtered.
And Hitler is said to have been an alter boy! The truly religious man has no fear of life and no fear of death—and certainly no blind faith; his faith must be in his conscience. I am therefore against all organized religion. Too often in history, men have followed the cry of battle rather than the cry of truth.
It is indeed human, as proved by Cardinal Pacelli, who was behind the Concordat with Hitler. Since when can one make a pact with Christ and Satan at the same time? And he is now the Pope! The moment I hear the word 'religion', my hair stands on end. The Church has always sold itself to those in power, and agreed to any bargain in return for immunity.