Thrice A Virgin
You will notice the frying has formed a layer around the softened potato, drain the potatoes off and put on kitchen towel, then return to the freezer for another minutes. If you wish at this stage you could keep them frozen to save cooking time on the final fry ahead of a party.
Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Vol. 3: I. Excerpts by Stobæus: Excerpt XXV. The Virgin of the World, I.
Finally when ready to cook them, turn the heat to c and fry for a few minutes until the colour you desire has been achieved, remove, dab with kitchen towel and season with salt. Good luck and enjoy! This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Which cookies and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left.
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Thrice Admirable: Why?
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Others with louder outcry hissed like snakes; another one shrieked shrilly, and ere he spake shed many tears, and, turning up and down what things served him as eyes, he said:. What [crime] deserves these punishments? How many sins await us wretched ones?
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How many are the things we have to do in this our hopeless plight, necessities to furnish for this watery frame that is so soon dissolved? Windows they are, not eyes! Set Thou us free from bonds so base as these to which we have sunk down, and end our grief! Still deem us worthy of some words, though they be few, while yet we can see through the whole world-order bright on every side! Thus speaking, Horus, son, the Souls gained their request; for that the Monarch came, and sitting on the Throne of Truth made answer to their prayers. Know, then, it is for what ye have done heretofore, ye do endure this being shut in bodies as a punishment.
Thus speaking God became imperishable Mind.
And though he knew full well the things on which he questioned—the body with which man was clothed according to his type, a body fair and dignified, yet savage overmuch and full of fear—immediately he saw the souls were entering the plasms, he cried out:. Wouldst thou leave him without a grief, who in the days to come will make his thoughts reach unto mysteries beyond the Earth?
Men will observe the nature of the stones.
Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt
Will they not, then, reach out their souls freed from all care unto the [primal] elements themselves? Thou grievest, dost thou, Horus, son, to hear thy mother put these things in words? Art thou not struck with wonder, art thou not terror-struck at how poor man was grievously oppressed?
Hear what is sadder still! The Master of the universe appointed me as steward and as manager. This instrument shall rule all other things on Earth as well [as man]. These words, said Hermes, did I speak to Momos, and forthwith the instrument was set a-going.
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- Thrice Cooked Chips - My Virgin Kitchen.
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When this was done, and when the souls had entered in the bodies, and [Hermes] had himself been praised for what was done, again the Monarch did convoke the Gods in session. The Gods assembled, and once more did He make proclamation, saying:. How long these things, shall they transcend the power of sight of Sun and Moon? Let us by our own energy wipe out this inert state of things; let chaos seem to be a myth incredible to future days. Set hand to mighty work; and I myself will first begin. He spake; straightway in cosmic order there began the differentiation of the up-to-then black unity [of things].

Before concluding, an explanation is worthwhile. How to respond to the question: Why does the Virgin Mary have so many different titles? What does this mean? The answer is simple: There is only one and the same Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mother of mankind which has manifested herself — and continues to manifest — in different places: Upon speaking of the Virgin of Schoenstatt, we want to say the same: We have explained the official title of Our Lady of Schoenstatt.
This does not mean that it must be used formally every day. All are valid possibilities. Our mission is to serve the life of the International Schoenstatt family and the Church by promoting bonds of solidarity - covenant culture - and offering this service as a testimony - culture of encounter. In all our actions, we daily hear the echoes of the words given to us by Pope Francis during the audience on 25 October , " a culture of encounter is a covenant culture that creates solidarity. Legal Notice Disclaimer Privacy Policy. Let us pray together that the language of love and dialogue may always prevail over the language of conflict.
Schoenstatt is an ecclesial Movement, where everyone, each according to his individual vocation and united in covenant, serves the Church and its mission and the world God has entrusted to us.