The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life
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Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The population over age 50 is larger than ever in history. According to the U. This demographic is also healthier, more aware, more youthful, and more vocal than any previous older generation. Price's savvy advice, honesty, helpfulness, and humor garnered awareness in the media, in professional circles of therapists and sex educators, and among the huge population of people over 50 who hunger for real information from an age appropriate author.
Price tackles it all in this definitive guide to sex and aging: Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jan 25, Marcia rated it really liked it. Excellent book, definitely not fiction. Lots of useful information for older adults. Oct 11, Ann Evans rated it it was amazing.
The Ultimate Guide to Sex after 50 is full of information, suggestions, stories, and wisdom. People do a wide variety of things in their bedrooms, and how does it hel The Ultimate Guide to Sex after 50 is full of information, suggestions, stories, and wisdom. People do a wide variety of things in their bedrooms, and how does it help us to be ignorant about those things? If you have read this book, you are prepared for anything: Price never loses sight of the fact that the most precious gift of all is a reliable loving relationship.
In its absence, there are myriad ways to remain a sexual being until your very last day on earth. Jan 24, Richard Wagner rated it really liked it. Here it is still only January and this is my second review of a noteworthy book about human sexuality. A few weeks ago, January 8th to be precise, I introduced you to Cooper S. Talking Out Loud about Senior Sex. She is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader. This woman is a ball of fire, sex fans, and an absolutely charming interview.
The misinformation about sex after 50 is so pervasive that even many of us seniors and elders perpetrate it. We lose interest in sex as we age. Senior sex is boring. Seniors with arousal issues just give up on sex. Sex becomes more frequent as we age. Real sex must involve intercourse and orgasm. The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Fifty is the perfect antidote to the dismissive and degrading way that so much of the popular culture deals with senior and elder sexuality.
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Joan celebrates not only the existence and appropriateness of sexual desire for seniors and elders, but how sex can and does increase the health and wellbeing of older people. Joan states her credo in the Introduction. To that end, Joan includes in her book actual comments from real people that she has encountered in her work.
These anecdotes reflect an array of feelings that underscore the conflicts, successes, and complexities of real life situations. And this being the Ultimate Guide, Joan includes the input from many of our colleagues who weigh in with their expert opinion on the topics she is addressing. I love that Joan often makes the point that having a fulfilling sex life is not dependent on having a partner. Lot of seniors and elders are without a partner, but that ought not be an impediment to sexual enjoyment. Joan also examines a topic near and dear to my life.
I am so grateful that Join addressed this timely topic, suggesting, as she does, that people challenged with cancer, or any other chronic condition for that matter, take their sexual performance questions to their doctors. Joan includes all sexual orientations and lifestyles. If you are a fellow senior or elder, this book is chock full of important and practical information about things we care about.
It also provides much needed support and encouragement as we make our way through this season of life. What do girls do before a night out? Chose a nice dress, do your hair, pluck your eyebrows and put on make up. Did I get it right? Whatever your ritual, it is all with one purpose: If you think about it, the longer we are married, the less our partners see the best of us. So whether you will brush yourself up for him recommended or just for a night out with friends, let him enjoy it fully by initiating sex while looking amazing.
Of course he still loves you because of you, but a little eye candy never hurt anyone. As we grow, kisses somehow fall back on our intimacy priority list. I am here to tell you kisses are back! Or they should be, if you want a great sex life. Play with them as much and as often as you can.
But kissing is also a great way to greet the one you love, to surprise them and even to make them shut up. You hear that, men?
Healthy Sex: The Ultimate Guide | Everyday Health
If we babble, there is a way to stop it and I can guarantee we will not mind. You can tell a lot for a couple by knowing the usual lightning they use during love making. So, whatever your usual lighting is, change that. I know that sooner or later a large portion of marriage sex becomes scheduled: The good news is there are ways around it. Any few minutes you get alone in the house or even only in your bathroom are a potential opportunity.
Speaking of bathrooms, taking showers together is a great thing to do both for your marriage and the environment. Sneaking in quickies will keep you in the mood and make you feel hot as hell. We all have our empowering and dis-empowering habits.
Some of us smoke, some of us check their work e-mails all the time and some of us barely have sex. What kind of habits do you think those are? You are right, dis-empowering ones. The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. If you only focus on not doing something, your focus is still on that something. Because you associate sex with the wrong thing. In your minds, sex is not pleasure any longer. Sex is a task that needs to be done among all other tasks, so all it brings is trouble and a mess in your schedule.
To change that, focus on what you want sex to be. On how satisfying it can be. On how happy it can make you feel. On the level of closeness it gives your relationship. Once you start focusing on that, you will naturally want to have it more often. And once you start having it more often, it takes between thirty and ninety days to turn it into a habit.
Imagine what a great habit that is. While sex can be a delicate subject to talk about even—or maybe especially—with your spouse, trying to keep a healthy communication about your life in the bedroom is imperative. There are two ways to approach any discussion: Sex is no exception. Focusing on the solution when talking about as sensitive a topic as sex is especially important.
For me, my husband is so many amazing things. I know I have many faces for him also. But when it comes to the bedroom, I try to forget all those things and focus only on him being extremely sexy. You can fully enjoy having sex with just one of them—your incredibly hot roommate. Chase kids away from your bedroom: Many mothers know the easiest way to calm a crying a baby at night is to take it in your bed.
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Let your adorable children stay there and give your husband the attention he deserves—at least from time-to-time. If your sex life has fallen in a rut, I hope this article made you re-think the element of sex in marriage, some obstacles, and inspired you to improve your sex life.
So it deserves to be higher on your priority list. Do you have any additional advice to improve sex in marriage? Hold the contraction for two or three seconds, then release.
Try to do five sets a day. These exercises can be done anywhere—while driving, sitting at your desk, or standing in a checkout line. At home, women may use vaginal weights to add muscle resistance. Talk to your doctor or a sex therapist about where to get these and how to use them. Do something soothing together before having sex, such as playing a game or going out for a nice dinner.
Or try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or yoga. This device can help a woman learn about her own sexual response and allow her to show her partner what she likes. Your doctor can often determine the cause of your sexual problem and may be able to identify effective treatments. He or she can also put you in touch with a sex therapist who can help you explore issues that may be standing in the way of a fulfilling sex life.
Therefore, the same healthy habits you rely on to keep your body in shape can also shape up your sex life. Physical activity is first and foremost among the healthy behaviors that can improve your sexual functioning. Because physical arousal depends greatly on good blood flow, aerobic exercise which strengthens your heart and blood vessels is crucial.
And exercise offers a wealth of other health benefits, from staving off heart disease, osteoporosis, and some forms of cancer to improving your mood and helping you get a better night's sleep. Also, don't forget to include strength training.

Smoking contributes to peripheral vascular disease, which affects blood flow to the penis, clitoris, and vaginal tissues. In addition, women who smoke tend to go through menopause two years earlier than their nonsmoking counterparts. If you need help quitting, try nicotine gum or patches or ask your doctor about the drugs bupropion Zyban or varenicline Chantix. Use alcohol in moderation.
Some men with erectile dysfunction find that having one drink can help them relax, but heavy use of alcohol can make matters worse. Alcohol can inhibit sexual reflexes by dulling the central nervous system. Drinking large amounts over a long period can damage the liver, leading to an increase in estrogen production in men. In women, alcohol can trigger hot flashes and disrupt sleep, compounding problems already present in menopause.
Overindulgence in fatty foods leads to high blood cholesterol and obesity—both major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In addition, being overweight can promote lethargy and a poor body image. Increased libido is often an added benefit of losing those extra pounds. Use it or lose it. When estrogen drops at menopause, the vaginal walls lose some of their elasticity. You can slow this process or even reverse it through sexual activity.
If intercourse isn't an option, masturbation is just as effective, although for women, this is most effective if you use a vibrator or dildo an object resembling a penis to help stretch the vagina. For men, long periods without an erection can deprive the penis of a portion of the oxygen-rich blood it needs to maintain good sexual functioning.
The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Fifty: How to Maintain – or Regain – a Spicy, Satisfying Sex Life
As a result, something akin to scar tissue develops in muscle cells, which interferes with the ability of the penis to expand when blood flow is increased. Even in the best relationship, sex can become ho-hum after a number of years. With a little bit of imagination, you can rekindle the spark. Maybe you've never had sex on the living room floor or in a secluded spot in the woods; now might be the time to try it. Or try exploring erotic books and films. Even just the feeling of naughtiness you get from renting an X-rated movie might make you feel frisky.
Create an environment for lovemaking that appeals to all five of your senses. Concentrate on the feel of silk against your skin, the beat of a jazz tune, the perfumed scent of flowers around the room, the soft focus of candlelight, and the taste of ripe, juicy fruit. Use this heightened sensual awareness when making love to your partner. Leave love notes in your partner's pocket for him or her to find later.
Take a bubble bath together—the warm cozy feeling you have when you get out of the tub can be a great lead-in to sex.
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Expand your sexual repertoire and vary your scripts. For example, if you're used to making love on Saturday night, choose Sunday morning instead. Experiment with new positions and activities.