Routine Abdominal Exercise
Do 8 to 10 reps. Start on floor in forearm plank position, body balancing on forearms and toes, palms flat. Keep hips level and bend right knee out to side toward right triceps. Stand with feet wide and hold a single 8-pound dumbbell with both hands overhead, arms extended. Shift body weight to left leg as you pivot on right foot and rotate torso to left reaching even higher with dumbbell. Then bring dumbbell down beside right hip as you raise bent right knee to hip level. Reverse motion, returning to reaching upward toward left, to complete 1 rep.
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Holding a single 5-pound dumbbell with both hands, sit on floor with knees bent, heels on floor. Lean torso back 45 degrees and extend arms forward at degrees to start. Rotate torso to right as you lower dumbbell with straight arms toward floor by right hip. Return to start position and repeat to left to complete 1 rep. Curl head and shoulders off floor, then raise arms overhead biceps by ears and legs up at a degree angle to start. Keeping upper body lifted throughout, bring knees toward chest and circle arms around, touching palms to outside of knees. Extend legs and raise arms overhead to start position to complete 1 rep.
Do 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps. Start on floor in plank position, body balancing on hands and toes. Keep hips level and bend left knee out to side toward left triceps. Return to plank, switch sides, and repeat to complete 1 rep. Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat and palms together in front of chest prayer position. Note that I haven't included any direct oblique work. In my experience, direct oblique work only leads to a wider waistline. Besides, obliques get enough stimulation from exercises like squats, deadlifts, and other full-body weight training.
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An advanced bodybuilder could do it just about every day. That way, I get to spike up my metabolism twice a day.
The Best Ab Workout For A Six-Pack
Then perform your cardio last. If you can't do an exercise, due to lower-back injuries for instance, feel free to substitute it with an exercise that doesn't bother your back. If, on the other hand, you have a healthy lower back and would like to add extra mass to your abs, do the workout three times a week and use some resistance in the exercises, such as holding a small plate or dumbbell. Keep exploring to find the right ones for you! Focusing on the deep waist muscles, inhale and slowly move your knees to the right, then exhale and return to starting position.
Kneel in front of a stability ball, draping your abs and hips over the ball. Place your hands on the ground in front of you and walk them out until the ball rolls beneath your thighs as shown above. Once your body is straight with a slight arch in your back and you're stable, hold for 30 seconds. Focus on lifting belly button and squeezing thighs.
While seated, hold the ball and jump legs apart, then together, then apart again. Stand and reach left hand to the right use right hand to keep ball in place. Sit back down, jump legs together, and repeat sequence on the other side; that's 1 rep. Do 4 reps, then do Basic Bounce for 1 minute. Repeat sequence 3 more times.

Stand holding ball overhead, elbows bent and out to sides, and feet shoulder-width apart. Lift right knee to side; pull right elbow down to meet it. Return to starting position; repeat on other side. Bounce ball for 1 minute. Stand with one leg forward and the hoop around your waist, holding it against the small of your back. Bend knees slightly, then spin the hoop by giving it a big push around in one direction. Be sure the hoop is level.
The 5 Best Ab Exercises for Women
Shift your weight between your forward and backward legs to move your hips forward and backward as opposed to around , pushing and pulling to keep the hoop spinning. This works your core, inner thighs, outer hips, and butt. Lie on your back with hands behind your head. Contract abs, lifting upper body slightly off the ground. Raise right leg 5 inches or keep it on the ground if that's too challenging and left leg straight up toward the sky. Keeping your core engaged and hips stable, trace 4 softball-size circles clockwise with your entire left leg; reverse, circling 4 times counterclockwise.
Lower both legs, switch sides, and repeat. This works your triceps, biceps, core, and waist. Lie on your right side with forearm directly under shoulder, hand perpendicular to your body, and legs stacked. Engage your abs and the right side of your waist, lifting your hips so your body forms a straight line from head to feet. Extend your left arm toward the sky, staying engaged through your core shown. Now scoop your left arm in front of your body and reach under the space between your chest and the ground, twisting only from the waist up. Come back up; repeat 4 times, then lower body to the ground.
Repeat on the opposite side. Lie on your back with legs stretched out straight. Inhale as you bend your right knee and bring it in toward your chest; hug it tightly with both hands. Exhale as you use your left hand to gently press your right knee over to the left side, allowing your torso to twist.
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Stretch your right arm out to the right at shoulder height. How to Do a Basic Spinal Twist. Lie on your back with your legs together, feet pointed, and arms resting on the ground overhead. Engage your abs as you bring your legs and arms up toward each other in front of you and try to touch your toes.
Try to keep your back as straight as possible.
Essential ab exercises
Hold for a count of one, then return to the starting position. This is a simple yet ultra-effective abs workout. Just lie on your back and lift your legs 45 degrees off of the floor.
Squeeze your abs, lift your head and shoulders off the ground and pump your arms times. Start on your back, bend your knees up with shins parallel to the floor and extend your arms to the ceiling. Straighten your left leg and extend your right arm back to about 6 inches off of the floor, and then come back to the original position.