Nobody Dies
Shinji Ikari, child of two of the smarted people on the face of the Earth, hyperventilates in a men's room stall several miles underground as his brain slowly restarts. It has been years since he saw any relatives outside of his uncle and aunt. Of course, they are busy. They are always busy. As it is, he is an afterthought, or so he tells himself, and he still has no idea what in God's name they do. The bag deflates and inflates. His toes curl inside his short boots, his knuckles white around the bag.
He has to go out there at some point, he tells himself. Maybe sometime next week when he stops telling himself that a lime green monster that takes on armies just tried to make him its prison bitch. Are you dead yet? White sneakers and black socks he can see underneath the teal stall door. They shift from side to side, a small, light knock on the door. Another knock, followed by a sigh and the sound of knuckles cracking. Then the pale fist puts a hole through the door, reaching all the way to her short sleeve.
The hand gropes at the door before finally settling on the lock, turning it to open before retracting. The bag ceases its inflating as Shinji stops breathing, staring in mute horror as Rei places her hands on her knees and bends down, smiling. I can carry you if you'd like. The bag inflates slowly, then slowly sucks back in.
Carefully, he lowers it, finding he is not blinking as much as he should. The purple haired woman glares at Ritsuko as they walk across the catwalk, Akagi rubbing the bridge of her nose as lights come on over the artificial lake. If it were up to me, I would've sent you, Misato. Right now we can hope that Rei hasn't scared him off.
Something is not right with that girl. They both turn to the lit platform at the top of the holding facility, the man silhouetted by the back light. He pushes his amber glasses up his nose as Akagi slides hers back on. Last I checked, Shinji was hyperventilating in a bathroom on floor B At this point, Shinji's color is lighter than Rei's. He walks, half stumbling, onto the catwalk as Misato and Ritsuko turn and stare at the girl, who comes to a stop as Shinji stumbles a few steps more before himself halting.
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, sighing in exasperation, Akagi pushes her glasses back up and gestures to Misato. Shinji, the Fourth Angel will attempt to penetrate the major layers of armor we have surrounding our base in order to initiate an event which will more or less end all sentient life on this planet. We believe you can stop it. Looking from side to side, he taps his foot and waits.
Waits for the laugh track to begin. Walking past them, he turns and stares at the backlit platform. Flat shoes hit the catwalk, wearing a sweat suit and lab coat, glasses on her face and her shoulder length brown hair sporting some traces of gray. The spotlights underneath the lake and against the wall fire up. Slowly, he turns, his eyes first wandering onto the massive yellow optics, then expanding out. Out onto the purple metal, the green highlights.
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His eyes trace along the horn jutting from its nose, the demonic grin covering its face. That is what it looks like, he thinks, like some sort of mythological Oni. Like a demonic mask used to scare children into sleeping. Disengaging from his mother, he wants to the side catwalk, staring at it. With a discharge of steam and rush of air, the visage of the massive cyborg turns to him. A sharp intake of breath and eyes open, darting from side to side as he sits up in the hospital bed.
He coughs, scrambling out of the bed, sprinting on all fours into the white tiled bathroom before jettisoning the contents of the last two days worth of meals into the toilet. Coughing, gagging, he hits the flush control, letting it spin down before he releases the rest. Just to be sure. The voice comes from the room, and he stumbles out, looking down and seeing he's in a hospital gown. Groaning, he looks across the room to find Misato waving, a cheery expression on her face as she leans against the door.
I remember trying to fight the thing…". That's how synchronization works. You have an unusually high synch ratio, so you definitely felt that. The fist goes through the Angel's face, coming out the other side, the Eva grabbing both shoulders and tearing down the middle. It shrieks, screaming as its body is ripped down to the waist, the Core hanging on the thinnest skeletal strings before the jaw opens and comes down on-. You don't have to worry about it, anymore. I blacked out later. I calmed it down and I saw something in the rubble and…". Can this thing see through buildings?
The view of Tokyo-3 shifts.

It becomes wire framed, pulsing, individual shapes appearing in buildings as he nods. Willing it forward, he turns towards a building, the one the Angel slammed his head through. The Eva's arm, the good arm, tears open the building, a convenience store and apartment complex. Growling, he opens the hatch between his legs, pulling the level as the Plug violently jerks back and up. Ignoring the protests, he climbs out, swallowing, hard as he sees he is still at least fifty feet up, despite the Eva being bent down on one knee. Grabbing armor plating, he slowly crawls down the arm, holding on for dear life as he shimmies down the index finger.
Running into the store, he pulls aside rubble, working his way in. Slowly, laboriously, as he hears the shaky breathing as sirens blare in the distance. Before finally coming to the source, the little girl with brown hair, and the half ton slab of concrete and metal on her legs. When we know she'll make it. Give me a couple of hours. Then we'll get out of here. Your father's the Commander, your mother heads the entire research department.
So, they made me a deal. I take care of you while you're here. Your mother wanted me to tell you she's proud of you. Your father…well, you know.
Nobody Dies Here
You did great out there, especially for a first timer. So, you'll be fine, alright? She grins, patting him on the head, and walks out. Slowly, hesitantly, he lies back onto the bed. Staring at the unfamiliar ceiling, he sighs. Just In All Stories: Story Story Writer Forum Community. What would happen if we had everything we ever wanted?
What if certain tragedies, in the past, were averted? One would normally think this would make a better world. Some old traumas could be gone. But the new pains could be worse. Preparing third stage activation. Her son is smiling, watching Mommy get ready to pilot the giant robot. Ready to get nice and traumatized from watching Mommy die. Nobody Dies - - " Due to special emergency circumstances, all lines are currently out of service.
The city is empty. He arrived here two hours ago and he hasn't seen a single blessed soul. But still, there are no people. It stands over twenty stories tall. And it's looking at him. It is looking at him. Come with me if you want to live. We're going to need a distraction…" A click of the tongue and a sigh. Akagi," the girl squeals, "One Third Child, as ordered! I am a friend of your father's. Rei stares at Ritsuko, pursing her lips. Let's start him out by introducing him to Rei.
Can you please tell me that this is a joke? Eyes roll up, and Shinji collapses in a heap to the floor. How are you feeling? I remember trying to fight the thing…" "The Angel put your head through a building," Misato says, sitting on the chair next to him, "Whatever the Eva feels, you do. It broke my arm? It shrieks, screaming as its body is ripped down to the waist, the Core hanging on the thinnest skeletal strings before the jaw opens and comes down on- "It…went berserk," Misato says, patting his shoulder, "The Angel's gone, Shinji.
Silently, fitfully, drifts off into sleep. The City of Lost Children 3. Whole New Can of Worms 4. Every Time a Bell Rings 5. Where Angels Fear to Tread 6. Welcome to Tokyo3 7. Focal Shifts and Date Night 8. Bringing the Thunder 9. A Typical School Day The Melancholy of Ayanamei Rei The Situation of Asuka Langely Sohryu Catch the Sky Creating Children through Science That Which has Come Before You Are Not Alone Below the Decks The Courtship of Uriel Sohryu The Situation of Others During their intrusion into the canon NGE universe, T!
Asuka use the ductwork to get into the dummy plug chamber and wreak havoc. Shinji has picked this up as well since being Reeified , but he's still not very good at it. Former Subcommander Fuyutsuki is in New Vegas when a gang attacks the casino he's in. Guess how he rescues the hostages? When they ask about how he got so good at it, he replies that it's an "occupational skill" he picked up.
All Just a Dream: Chapter takes this trope Up to Eleven by retconning the last 30 chapters.
All There in the Manual: The fic's threads at SpaceBattles. They don't have to be read to enjoy the story, but they do help. When Everybody Dies was canonized in Chapter 68, many fans began speculating about what would happen to Kei. It was suggested that she would run away to live with Kaworu in Germany, spawning the idea that their daughter Yomiko would be Locked Out of the Loop about her mother's past. Writing about the lulz that are generated when she finds out at the age of thirteen became so popular that there are three separate continuities working off of the idea.: In the Gregg Landsman future, a fourteen year-old Yomiko is reunited with her family.
The story was the first to be published, but Earth Scorpion didn't come up with the idea himself. The story was formerly in the same canon as K9's, but with the start of this story it became clear that neither was reconcilable with the other. K 9 Thefirst 1 came up with the idea , but as of January there was only one chapter of the main plot actually written by K9. After the events of Chapter 75, Arujei created another alternate future in which Asuka, Rei, and the Ree never recovered from being tanged.
This story, entitled "Those Who Remain", revolves around Mana. And I Must Scream: Iruel eventually corrupts Asuka's VR sim into a nightmare where Kyoko vivisects her for parts and leaves her soul trapped in her teddy bear. Zeruel ends up as a tiny chunk in a jar for Kaworu to play with. When Yui lapses into this, you know she's truly lost her temper: At the end of Chapter The enemy is a Giant Crab! Get off the damn channel! Wanna know my prayer? Angel, You will go no further.
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The forces of Mankind will stand against you. For every step you take, you will pay dearly.
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- Nobody Dies Here () - IMDb.
- Zen Shaolin Karate: The complete Practice, Philosophy and History.
- Reflections In D.
For every life you have taken, you will pay. We will fight to the last breath. We will fight to the last man. And if you wish to enter this city, you will do so only past me. The Ree say he's from Canon or something, but I can't tell what the girls are saying half the time, myself. Standing around the table in the briefing room, used as an impromptu theatre, Yui Ikari takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes, smacking herself to try to tell herself that was all just a very bad dream.
Now she's trying to figure out what it was. So technically, the Ree wrote the anime. Why was Shinji sitting in a metal folding chair? Why was everyone congratulating him? What the Hell was going on there? And I installed hydraulics in his arms so he'd sort of jump anyone who looked in my closet. Hikari's sister hooks Asuka up with a blind date who turns out to be a total scumbag when he spikes her drink. However, not two seconds later as the perp is preparing to leave with his comatose date, Shinji, Hikari, and Gendo sit down at the table with him.
And they brought friends with them. The lady you have drugged is the daughter of one of my scientists. Allow me to introduce you to her security detail. This platform requires adult supervision! I think if [Shinji] ever does get angry, that's the point we run for the hills. After the reveal of Asuka's scars , Kyoko drunkenly comments to her ex-husband that she Kyoko has turned out just like her mother , which is added to by how Pieter mentions that Shinji and Asuka remind him of a younger him and Kyoko.
- Black Smokers;
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This also shows up in how Kei and Kaworu's not - relationship is like Yui and Gendo's. This fic's version of Shamshel. Gosh Darn It to Heck! JA-tan uses this at one point. Zyuu uses this heavily, to the point where it may be helpful to read the fic with Google Translator open in another tab. As of Chapter Rei and Zyuu tame a Shamshelim like a wild horse, which includes gelding. Averted by some heavy weapons, but largely played straight for conventional weapons such as EVA rifles or Unit 05 and Jet Alone Prime's weapon batteries, which are usually about as effective as Five Rounds Rapid.
Shinji has one when he gets introduced to "Dollie" the hard way. Ichi has her own when she's forced into Berserker mode against Raziel. Deliberately invoked by Kei just before she smothers Kihl, just so his death hurts as much as possible. Lilith and the Ree. Especially since the mere proximity of Lilith causes everyone to go into heat. It seems to be a stipulation for being a higher-up in NERV Ichi is acidentally doing this in chapter And to top it off, their "kids" have escaped to the real world The Evas have access to the Dirac Armory built into them for this purpose.
I Choose to Stay: Mondschein in chapter Kei contemplates on Rei's comments of how they complement each other. What she sees them becoming down the line disturbs her. And he fist-bumps with a human. Also, Iruel's reaction upon seeing Rei's personal hallucination involving Unit A relationship of sorts between Rei and Unit 05 was hinted at and speculated about for a long time, but was Jossed in ch. We will find another way. He's pissed at these upstart Lilim. He managed to spawn new Angels before the pilots turned him into Sealed Evil in a Can.
He fought Cthulhu in the Aeon Natum Engel verse. According to Gregg , this is Lilith's thought process: Babies babies babies babies babiesbabiesbabiesbabies. Kyoko invokes this trope by name on the way to Vegas. Uri starts as one of these, but softens up over time, especially when he realizes how messed up Asuka is. Kyoko damn near all the time, although after her Heel Realization she tones it down. Shiro Tokita, even more so than in canon. Claire Makinami, full goddamned stop. Telling your daughter, to her face, that she's a monster automatically qualifies you.
Not so, as she apparently thinks that Mari is dead and that Ramiel is inhabiting her corpse. Thank you, Lorenz Kihl. Due to the revelation that Yui lies extremely easily , almost all the plot revelations have been thrown into question. It remains to be seen just what is fact and what is fiction in this story, not to mention how it all fits together into the ultimate and final plot. Although a lot of Blue and Orange Morality has to be considered, Rei is closely one of this in some parts, having her way with anyone just because she can and not being called for it.
Kill It with Fire: Lilith , according to Gregg.
NGE: Nobody Dies Chapter 1, an evangelion fanfic | FanFiction
When Gendo discusses rescuing the characters sent to another dimension by Leliel, Kyoko is differentiated from the others in the list. Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Chapter 96 reveals that this is because Zyuu memorized the exact code to Google Translate rather than just learning French normally. Gendo's reaction to Rei blackmailing her principal. Maya, and possibly Ritsuko. All eight of the Ree. See also Cute Bruiser. Loads and Loads of Characters: Yeah, there's a lot of players in this madcap game.
In chapter 21 Shinji tells he could have died in the Sea of Dirac but her voice brought him back. He heard her telling: She smiles and cries as he tells he is falling in love with her, too. Shinji and Asuka are each other's. Yui, as already mentioned. You do not mess with any of her kids even those she didn't bear without dire consequences. It takes all three Bridge Bunnies to keep Misato from pummeling Kyoko when Asuka's problems first become known to NERV's command staff and that was way before she found out about "Dollie". Rei also gets her own moments of this when she's being protective of Asuka.
After Kyoko reconciles with Asuka, she shows traits of this. Gendo, of course, but also Yui. Yes, married Manipulative Bastards. Gendo is, of course. In Chapter 78, Gendo mentions that Ikaris seem to be universally aroused by mind games and manipulations. Annette's parents apparently met while playing chess in a park which quickly turned into sex on the chess table. Rei and Kensuke have plenty of these moments, usually involving blackmail, explosives, or both.
The fic features even more cool kind of mechas and sci-fi devices than the original show. In-universe example, as NERV owns full property rights to anything Eva-related and produces merch to help fund it in fighting the Angels. This is also so NERV can have a public face, using Yui and later Rei as its mascot , headed by Maya to provide everything from action figures and plushie Angels to miniature Unit going berserk for the first time has this effect on both the pilot and the Eva's AI.
Chapter 66, full stop. The border between the real world and the dream world is blurred to the point that a first-time reader would be massively befuddled. Shinji meets Rei while she's not wearing anything. Except this time, neither is he.